Foundations of Physical Science - Weebly

[Pages:35]Foundations of Physical Science

Unit One: Forces and Motion

Chapter 1: Science and Measurement

? 1.1 Time and Distance ? 1.2 Investigations and Experiments ? 1.3 Speed

Learning Goals

? Accurately measure time using electronic timers and photogates.

? Use decimals to represent fractions of a second. ? Develop a research question or hypothesis that can

be tested. ? Identify the variables that affect motion. ? Develop an experimental technique that achieves

consistent results.

Learning Goals (continued)

? Draw conclusions from experimental results. ? Accurately measure distance. ? Identify metric and English units of distance. ? Convert between units of distance. ? Calculate speed in units of inches per second,

feet per second, and centimeters per second.


? cause and effect ? controlled experiment ? controlled variables ? distance ? English system ? experiment ? experimental technique ? experimental variable ? hypothesis ? investigation ? length

? measurement ? metric system ? procedure ? research question ? scientific evidence ? scientific method ? second ? time ? trial ? variables

1.1 Time and Distance

Two Ways to Think about Time

? What time is it? ? How much time?

How is Time Measured?

? Time comes in mixed units.

? Seconds are very short. ? Hours and minutes are more convenient for

everyday time measurement.


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