Sample Test Questions

Objective’s 1.01-4.02


1. What do “to develop large-motor skills” and “to develop small-muscle skills” have in common?

A. Both goals contribute to the development of healthy attitudes in children.

B. Both goals contribute to the physical development of children.

C. Both goals help children learn how to get along with adults.

D. Both goals help children learn how to make good choices.

2. How are privately sponsored centers and public school pre-kindergartens different?

A. Privately sponsored centers are in the homes of caregivers; public pre-kindergartens are only found in elementary schools.

B. Privately sponsored centers only care for children who belong to the sponsor group; public pre-kindergartens are open to a bigger audience of children.

C. Public pre-kindergartens are open all day; privately sponsored centers are only open in the mornings.

D. Public pre-kindergartens are open only to children who belong to the sponsor group; privately sponsored centers are open to a bigger audience of children.


3. Which is an example of sharing with parents examples of their child’s preferences?

A. “Addison is learning how to tie his own shoes.”

B. “All of the children will be taking part in the commencement program.”

C. “Belinda likes working with puzzles, but is not interested in coloring books.”

D. “Carl keeps forgetting to put away his work before moving to the next center.”


4. Child Care Rule .0403 states: “A Temporary License may be issued to child care operators who open a new center or to the operator of a previously licensed center when a change of ownership or location occurs. This type of license can be issued for up to 6 months.” Which means the same as this?

A. A new child care center must operate with a temporary license for at least six months.

B. A person who has kept children in her home will automatically receive a temporary license when he/she opens a center.

C. A person who inherits ownership of a previously licensed center does not have to get a new license.

D. A person who opens a new center needs to obtain a temporary license until their Star Rated license is issued.

5. NC Child Care Handbook


|Centers operating under the provisions of G.S. 110-106 for religious-sponsored centers must |Topic |

|be in compliance with all of the child care licensing requirements except: Rule Numbers | |

|.0505 through .0511(a) and Rule .2508 |Written schedules, lesson plans, and activity |

| |areas |

|.0704 |Preservice requirements for Administrators |

|.0707 through .0711 |Preservice requirements for Lead teachers, |

| |Teachers |

According to the above chart for religious-sponsored centers, with which licensing rule would a church preschool have to comply?

A. Child Care Rule .0506

B. Child Care Rule .0708

C. Child Care Rule .0712

D. Child Care Rule .2508


6. Which illustrates an early childhood worker who is committed to children and families? The early childhood worker:

A. cancelled a parent conference for the third time in order to take time from work and go shopping.

B. complained when her pay check did not arrive on time.

C. saved one fourth of each pay check toward a down payment on a house.

D. used most of her lunch break to help a parent of one of her children with a pressing problem.

7. Which is an example of a substitute in a child care center?

Miss Barton works in a center one hour each day as part of her Early Childhood course.

a. Mr. Cash assists the lead teacher each day with activities for the children.

b. Mrs. Darnell plans the daily activities for the children when the regular teacher is out.

c. Ms. Evans hires the workers in the child care center.


8. An early childhood program selects a curriculum appropriate for both visual and auditory learners. Which characteristic of developmentally appropriate curriculum is this?

A. Pays attention to individual rates of growth

B. Reflects age-appropriateness

C. Reflects unique learning styles of children in the program

D. Shows infusion of multicultural content

9. One of the NAEYC guidelines for developmental appropriateness of curriculum is: Is it sensitive to and respectful of the cultural and linguistic diversity? Which means the same as this question?

A. Does it include words and situations that relate to a variety of ethnic and family backgrounds?

B. Does it make children feel positive about learning?

C. Does it provide children with opportunities to learn to flex and adapt?

D. Does it seem interesting to children and their teachers?

10. Which of these children is most likely a field-sensitive learner? When asked to do an assignment on his own:

A. Calvin asks if he can help the teacher with another task.

B. Lee gets to work quickly and seems to enjoy working.

C. Mann really concentrates on his work and tries to finish first.

D. Noland tries to find new ways of doing things.


11. Which is an example of a developmentally appropriate activity for an eleven-year-old?

A. Do a science project about wind, rain, sunshine, and rainbows

B. Join hands and sway to the music of the alphabet song

C. Recognize shapes in a 15-piece puzzle

D. Roll a ball back and forth

12. Which is an example of a naturalist activity?

a. The three-year-olds strung beads to make necklaces for Mother’s Day.

b. The four-year-olds played grocery store in the housekeeping center.

c. The seven-year-olds assembled rock, butterfly, and seashell collections.

d. The eight-year-olds played baseball on the playground.


13. The teacher planned to develop a “Four Seasons” theme; a block schedule for October; a concept web; and activity plans using scarecrows, snowmen, spring flowers, and picnic baskets. In what order should the intern organize his/her work?

A. Activity plans using scarecrows, snowmen, spring flowers, and picnic baskets; block schedule for October; concept web; and “Four Seasons” theme

B. Block schedule for October; concept web; activity plans using scarecrows, snowmen, spring flowers, and picnic baskets; and “Four Seasons” theme

C. Concept web; block schedule for October; “Four Seasons” theme; and activity plans using scarecrows, snowmen, spring flowers, and picnic baskets.

D. “Four Seasons” theme; concept web; block schedule for October; and activity plans using scarecrows, snowmen, spring flowers, and picnic baskets.

14. Organize these related themes from a spiral curriculum in expanding order from themes for two-year-olds, to themes for three-year-olds, to themes for four- to five-year-olds.

A. Me and My Toys, Our Neighborhood, World Leaders

B. Me and My Toys, World Leaders, Our Neighborhood

C. Our Neighborhood, World Leaders, Me and My Toys

D. World Leaders, Our Neighborhood, Me and My Toys

15. Four procedures for a group activity using a winter theme are randomly listed below:

• Make a snowman’s hat from card stock and ribbon

• Wear the snowman’s hat to the music center for a movement activity

• Look at a snowball and tell if you’ve ever made a snowball or snowman

• Listen to a story about Frosty the Snowman

Using the first word from each procedure, in what order should these procedures be done?

A. Look, listen, make, and wear

B. Listen, make, wear, and listen

C. Make, wear, look, and listen

D. Wear, listen, look, and make

16. The teacher added 4 things to the activity plan:

• The playing store activity will be in the housekeeping center

• Children will buy and sell play food with play money

• Mrs. Jane Jordan

• Were the children able to count correct change?

In order, in what parts of the activity plan should the given parts be listed?

A. Evaluation, name of teacher, setting, procedure

B. Name of teacher, setting, procedure, evaluation

C. Procedure, evaluation, setting, name of teacher

D. Setting, name of teacher, procedure, evaluation

Resource Box and Theme Idea List

17. Selecting a theme from the Theme Idea List and using materials from the Resource Box, which is the BEST way to organize elements into a developmentally appropriate activity plan for five-year-olds?

A. Theme: “Animals in the Zoo”

Activities: Teacher tells story about zoo animals, children use foam felt animals to make up stories

B. Theme: “Best Friends”

Activities: Teacher reads picture book about friends; children make gifts for their best friends

C. Theme: “Eyes and Ears”

Activities: Teacher paints a picture of eyes and ears; children paint a picture of eyes and ears

D. Theme: “Rainy Days”

Activities: Teacher explains what causes rain to fall; children use water to mix paints


18. Which is an example of family-friendly space in an early childhood environment?

A. A dramatic play area with hats and clothes for playing dress-up

B. A resource library to help parents with child-rearing issues

C. Locked drawers for staff to store personal valuables

D. Work space for preparing meals and snacks

19. Which is an example of meeting a developmental space need of a program for children with special needs?

A. Installing hand washing sinks in the kitchen area

B. Ordering tables at an appropriate height for children in wheelchairs

C. Rearranging furnishings so children can do movement activities with recorded music

D. Rearranging to provide a secure place to store computer equipment when not in use

20. Which is an example of early childhood environments that support the developmental goal of large-muscle development?

A. Having a place to display children’s best work

B. Providing a variety of closed-ended learning materials

C. Providing books appropriate for the different age groups in the center

D. Purchasing mats for jumping and tumbling

21. Which is an example of selecting toys, materials, and equipment with versatility in mind?

A. Be sure there is enough room to use the item without putting anyone at risk

B. Be sure to consider the basic cost plus shipping, sales tax, and other additional charges

C. Be sure to select items that can be used in more than one way

D. Be sure you order a few extras of each item that is expected to be in high demand


NOTE: No sample test items are provided for this objective because multiple-choice items are not an appropriate form of assessment for objectives written at the create level.


Group Material for Sample Item

Floor Plan of Center A

22. Center A has a sink in the center of the countertop on the North wall and three windows on the West wall? Which center would work best in this space?

A. Art

B. Computer

C. Reading

D. Writing


Theme Idea List:

o Animals in the Zoo

o Apples and Oranges

o Best Friends

o Colors and Shapes

o Dinosaurs

o Eyes and Ears

o Favorite Snacks

o Feelings

o Paper Dolls

o Rainy Days

o Summertime

Resource Box

• paper bags

• paper plates

• brass fasteners

• felt squares

• water-base paints

• paint brushes

• foam felt animals

• colored markers

• paper scissors

• stickers

• colored pencils

• cellophane tape

• fabric swatches

• rug swatches

• striped ribbon

• book of poems

• paper circles

• white glue

• cording

• storybooks

• picture books


Countertop with Open Lower Shelving

Center A

Shelving Unit 1---Hgt. 24”


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