The - Nettelhorst School


[pic] [pic] [pic]’s

of Pre-K For All

A Handbook for

Ms. Burke’s Class



|Absence |If your child is ill, please call our classroom phone (773-534-5923) and |

|[pic] |inform us of your child’s absence and the reason for it. This is for your|

| |child’s safety. An absence note is required upon returning to school. The|

| |note must include the date(s) of absence, the reason, and a parent |

| |signature. |

|After School |After school care is offered for our PFA children who turn 5 during the |

|[pic] |school year. Please contact Jane Cornett at 773-534-5817. |

|Attendance |A successful school experience is the responsibility of the child, the |

|[pic] |parent, and the school.  Your child's progress, both academically and |

| |socially, is influenced to a great extent by daily participation.  |

| |Regular attendance is important. |

|Arrival and Dismissal | |

|[pic] | |

| |Our starting time is 8:15 and our ending time is 3:15. If your child is |

| |going home with someone other than yourself, please tell me at drop-off |

| |or call the room if an emergency comes up. |

| | |


|Birthdays |Birthdays are special occasions for young children. I celebrate everyone’s |

|[pic] |birthday on their birthday or close to it. Each child will make a crown |

| |and we will sing Happy Birthday!! If your child has a summer birthday we |

| |will celebrate all summer birthdays in June. |

|Book Orders |Every month I will send home a Scholastic Book Club Catalog for you and |

|[pic] |your child to look over. These clubs offer wonderful books at reduced |

| |prices---what a great way to build your home library! If you choose to |

| |order, please make the check payable to Scholastic Books. You also have the|

| |option to browse books and pay online safely at |

| | |

| |All you need is this information: |

| |Web address: bookclubs |

| |Class Activation Code: H9FQX |

|Breakfast |Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so please make sure to eat |

|[pic] |a healthy breakfast every morning! |


|Calendar |There is a calendar of school events on our school website! |

|[pic] |() I will also tell you of important events in our weekly|

| |newsletters. |

| | |

|Computer |We are fortunate enough to have 2 computers and 3 I-pads in our classroom. |

|[pic] |We use a variety of age-appropriate programs that reinforce math readiness |

| |and reading skills.  Children will be able to select to play on the |

| |computers or i-pads during center time. |

|Conferences |Pre-K Conferences are held twice a year- November and April. I like to have |

|[pic] |30 minutes per child so that we can go over the Developmental Reports (the |

| |pre-k version of a report card) that are compiled from the data from the |

| |tests that are given. A sign-up sheet will be posted for you to sign up. To|

| |get through all the children, it will probably take 2 weeks. |


|Discipline |Our classroom is a small community where teamwork and good relationships |

|[pic] |are expected. We will spend time learning class procedures and practicing |

| |them. Each student is expected to act within our standards of behavior to |

| |ensure a safe learning environment. To establish good order and help the |

| |children learn self-control, they will be guided to respect themselves and |

| |their companions through specific directions, positive reinforcement, |

| |suggested new activities and responsible actions. |

| |  |

| | |

| |Classroom Rules: |

| |1. I will raise my hand to speak. |

| |2. I will listen and follow directions. |

| |3. I will keep my hands and feet to myself and my own property. |

| |4. I will be kind to others. |

| | |

| |I will email you if there are any problems. |

| | |


|E-mail |You can contact me via my e-mail address: |

|[pic] | or Maura10300@ |

| |I will check my email on a daily basis. |

|Emergency Forms |Please complete and return the emergency form promptly (if you did not |

| |complete it during registration). If your home or work phone number changes,|

| |inform me so you can be located quickly if an emergency occurs. Remember |

| |that your child can be picked up by anyone listed on the form, and you can |

| |update that list at anytime through the office. |


|Field Trips |We plan many field trips that are both fun and educational for the |

|[pic] |children. Buses are used for transportation. We always need parent |

| |volunteers on the trips. I want every parent to have the opportunity |

| |to attend a field trip and will inform those interested two weeks in |

| |advance. Chaperones may not bring student siblings.  Please return |

| |permission slips as soon as possible after they are sent home. In |

| |order to be a chaperone, you must register with CPS. Go to |

| | to register to be a volunteer. |

|Fire Drills |Fire drills are held on a monthly basis throughout the year.  All |

|[pic] |students will participate and are expected to walk quickly and quietly|

| |to the designated exit.  We will practice and become familiar with |

| |procedures before our first scheduled drill. |

|Folders |Each child will get a folder on the first day of school. This folder |

|[pic] |will be used for home-school communication. Upcoming events, notes |

| |homes, and permission slips will be sent home in the folder. All |

| |parent notes (including anything you want me to know about) and |

| |homework should be sent to school in the folder. I check folders every|

| |day. The folder also tells you what day your child has Show and Tell. |

| |Please only send Show and Tell in their “ME BAGS” on that day. |


|Gym Shoes and extra clothes |Please supply a change of clothes and gym shoes to be kept in the |

|[pic] |classroom in case of any accidents, spills, etc. This change of |

| |clothes will be kept in a labeled zip-lock bag, which is then placed |

| |inside the nook of your child’s cubbie. |


|Hands-on Learning |I feel that the best way to help children learn is to make learning |

|[pic] |fun. Important concepts can be learned by doing meaningful hands-on |

| |activities. Our classroom will be an active learning environment. |

|Health |Please let me know of special circumstances which may affect your |

|[pic] |child. These could include medication that may make them sleepy, a |

| |death in the family, etc. Also, please let me know of any allergies |

| |your child may have, especially food allergies. |

| | |

| | |

|  | |

| | |


|Illness |The question of when to keep your child home from school is often a |

|[pic] |difficult one, especially when decisions must be made first thing in |

| |the morning.  It is important, however, to keep your child home if |

| |he/she is ill. This helps to make them more comfortable and prevents |

| |others from becoming ill.  Children function more effectively in the |

| |classroom when they are healthy. |

|Independent Reading |Because children learn to read by reading, they need plenty of |

|[pic] |opportunities to read independently.  Sufficient time and appropriate |

| |materials are necessary to develop and strengthen reading abilities.  |

| |By giving the children time to read both at school and at home, we can|

| |work together to provide a literature-rich environment and a life-long|

| |love of reading. You can build your home library through scholastic |

|Inclement Weather |book club orders! |

| | |

| | |

| |Drop-off and pick-up for PFA during inclement weather is in the |

| |Community Kitchen. |


|Journals |One strategy that will be used to help convey the vital concept that |

|[pic] |“print conveys meaning” is the frequent use of journaling. Children will |

| |draw and eventually write in their journals every day.  They will go home|

| |every Friday and the children will get a new journal at the start of the |

| |next week. |


|Kindness |Students in our classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members |

|[pic] |of our class as well as others with kindness and respect. Bothering others,|

| |bullying and interrupting learning will not be permitted. |


|Lunch |Our classroom has gone full day, so this means your child gets to eat lunch |

|[pic] |and snack at school. You have the option of bringing a lunch from home or |

| |getting a school lunch. Check the menu on the Nettelhorst Website. You must |

| |send a snack each day with you r child and a water bottle. Put names on |

| |everything! |

| | |

| | |


|Math | Math in the Pre-K Creative Curriculum program provides the children |

|[pic] |with mathematical experiences that help them develop number sense and |

| |a positive attitude towards mathematics that will continue through |

| |their school career and their lives.  We employ a hands-on, problem |

| |solving approach in our classroom through daily calendar activities, |

| |keeping track of how many days we have been in school, lining up by |

| |number and much more! |

|Mystery | |

|Reader |Starting in October, I will have a sign-up for family members to be a |

|[pic] |“Mystery Reader.” This will take place on Fridays at the end of each |

| |classtime. Look for this sign-up sheet! |


|Newsletter |My weekly newsletter will keep you informed about what is happening |

|[pic] |in our class, the skills we are learning, special activities, upcoming|

| |events, and show and tell! Please check your child’s folder every |

| |Monday for this! I will also post one on our bulletin board. |


|Open House | |

|[pic] | |

| |Open House/Curriculum Night, is being held this year on Tuesday, |

| |September 25th from 5-7pm. Parents meet in the auditorium and then |

| |come to the classroom. |


|Parent Involvement |Your support of school activities makes your child feel important and |

|[pic] |sends the message that you value school! I am always happy to have |

| |your help in the classroom. Requests for help will be published in our|

| |weekly newsletter, on the class website, along with a sign up sheet |

| |located on the volunteer board outside the classroom. I will also post|

| |a volunteer sign up monthly for parents to come in and be a guest |

| |reader and chaperone our fieldtrips! |

|Parties & Celebrations |There are three main parties each year---Halloween, Winter Holiday’s, |

|[pic] |and Valentine’s Day.  There will be a sign up for volunteers for these|

| |activities as well as party supplies.  We will have some other small |

| |celebrations that I will organize such as 100th day of School and our |

| |End of the Year Celebration. Please see “birthdays” for information |

| |about birthday parties. |

|Playground Procedures |Please review these playground safety procedures with your child: |

|[pic] |1. No rough play. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. |

| |2. Do not leave the playground. |

| |3. Slides: Go down the slide on your bottom, do not climb up. |

| |4. No tag allowed. |


|Questions |Since so many of you are new to Nettelhorst School this year, I’m sure|

|[pic] |that you may still have some unanswered questions.  Please feel free |

| |to write me a note or email me at: Maura10300@ or |

| | |


|Recess | |

|[pic] | |

| |The children will play outdoors for 25 minutes, twice each day (unless|

| |it is raining or the wind chill is below 16 degrees). Please keep this|

| |in mind when helping your child to select clothing for the day. |

| | |

| | |

|Reading | |

|Buddies |This year our Pre-K class will partner with Mr. Nieciak’s 8th grade |

|[pic] |classroom twice a month to do fun reading and art activities together.|

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Restrooms | |

|[pic] | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |We are lucky to have a bathroom in our classroom.We are not, however, |

| |allowed to wipe your child or change them. You will be called to come |

| |help your child, should this happen. Please make me aware of any |

| |medical problem that might require more frequent restroom trips. |

|Room Parents |The room parents' job is to be available for any number of things: to |

|[pic] |help coordinate parties and activities; to seek volunteers for field |

| |trips and events; and to help with fundraisers. Being a room parent is|

| |a great way to be involved in your child’s school life.  Please |

| |contact Jessica Schwartz at roomparentsnpto@ . She is the |

| |room parent coordinator. |


|Science |The focus of the Pre-K science curriculum is on developing awareness |

|[pic] |of the world in which we live. Through scientific inquiry, concepts |

| |will be presented in the life and earth sciences, including the study |

| |of animals, trees and plants, the five senses, general health, and the|

| |four seasons. These areas will be explored utilizing a literacy based,|

| |hands-on approach. |

| | |

|Sharing | |

|[pic] |Students will be able to participate in Sharing once a week. The color|

| |of your child’s group will coordinate their assigned day (Mon – red |

| |group, Tues – orange group…) This is the only day your child should |

| |bring a special toy in their “ME BAG.” |

| | |

| | |

|Social Studies | |

|[pic] |The Pre-K social studies curriculum focuses on the students and how |

| |they relate to others in their families, classroom, school, and |

| |community. Holiday celebrations will also be highlighted throughout |

| |the year. Activities will help the children engage their natural |

| |curiosity for the world around them. |

|Substitute Teachers | |

|[pic] |I will be out of the building a few times this year due to |

| |professional development or sickness. In the event that I am not in |

| |school a highly qualified substitute teacher will take my place. |

| |Please know that lesson plans will be left for the teacher and |

| |explicit instructions regarding arrival and dismissal procedures. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Student Teachers | |

|[pic] |In our classroom, we are fortunate enough to have student teachers. |

| |These are university students whom are studying to be a teacher and |

| |need experience in a classroom. The student teacher helps out in class|

| |and gradually takes over the classroom for a two-week period. |

| | |

| | |

|Supplies |In Preschool, from time to time, I ask that each family donate what |

|[pic] |they can from our supply list that is being sent home or from other |

|  |specific requests throughout the year or from the “Wish List” section |

| |on the class website. Periodically through the year when we are |

| |running low on supplies I will include in our newsletter and/or on the|

| |website what we need, or will need in the future. |


|Toys |Bringing toys to school is discouraged because they distract the |

|[pic] |children from learning. If a toy is accidentally lost or broken, |

| |feelings will be hurt. Children may only bring in a toy if it is |

| |their show and tell day, however it must stay in their “Me Bag” |

| |until show and tell time. |


|Unique | Pre-schoolers learn that they are special and unique. They have |

|[pic] |opportunities to describe how they are alike as well as different |

| |from others. They share their culture and learn about different |

| |cultures within the class. |


|Visitors |Nettelhorst has a policy that ALL GUESTS (including familiar faces)|

|[pic] |are required to check in at the security desk and sign in. |

| |Nettelhorst welcomes and encourages family involvement. It is |

| |important to remember that while this may seem inconvenient to |

| |frequent visitors, it is the goal and responsibility of the school |

| |to create a safe learning environment. |


|Website |Our school has a website and can be accessed at: |

|[pic] | |

| |Our class has a website as well and can be accessed at : |

| | by clicking on my name in the Classroom section|

| |at the top of the page.Check in regularly to find out about |

| |special events, and school news. |

| | |

|Wish List |Throughout the year we sometimes need supplies above and beyond our|

|[pic] |classroom materials (such as glue sticks, metal coffee cans, food |

| |coloring, and paper towel rolls.)  These needs will be posted on |

| |our class website as well as on the volunteer board as a sign up.  |

| |Extra items that you think we might be able to use are always |

| |welcome! |

| | |

| |Our writing program builds on what each child already knows. |

|Writing |Writing begins with scribbles and proceeds to lines and circles, |

|[pic] |random strings of letters, words and spaces and eventually |

| |sentences. Your children will be encouraged and praised for all |

| |attempts and accomplishments in writing. Providing a risk-free |

| |environment is paramount to your child's progress in writing.  If |

| |possible, please provide your child with writing tools, such as |

| |pencils, crayons, markers and paper at home. |


|XX |We can have up to 20 children in our class.  Please keep this in |

| |mind when sending in things to be distributed to the whole class. |

|[pic][pic] |(Okay, okay, so this “x” word is a little lame and a bit of a |

| |stretch, but I couldn’t come up with anything else…) |


|Younger Siblings |It is in your child’s and the program’s best interest to have our |

|[pic] |parent volunteers available WITHOUT younger children. This not only|

| |allows your full attention to be focused on the class, but also |

| |allows for some special time between you and your kindergartner.  |

| |Thank you for making childcare arrangements for younger siblings. |


|Zzzzs |Rest time is now a part of Prek since we are a full day class now. |

|[pic] |Please send a pillow, blanket and resting buddy!! |


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