Calculator soup mixed numbers to decimals


Calculator soup mixed numbers to decimals

This calculator converts a decimal number to a fraction or decimal number into a mixed number. To repeat decimal places enter how many decimal places are repeated in your decimal number. Entering repeated decimal places for a repeated decimal, such as 0.66666... where the 6 repeats forever, enter 0.6 and since the 6 is the only decimal place that

repeats, enter 1 for the decimal places to repeat. The answer is 2/3 For a repeated decimal as 0.363636... where the 36 is repeated forever, enter 0.36 and because the 36 are the only two final decimal places to repeat, enter 2 for the decimal places to repeat. The answer is 4/11 For a decimal repeated as 18333... where the 3 repeats forever, enter 1.83 and

because the 3 is the only final decimal place to repeat, enter 1 for the decimal places to repeat. The answer is 1 5/6 For repeated decimal 0.857142857142857142..... where 857142 is repeated forever, enter 0.857142 and since 857142 are the 6 repeating final decimal places, enter 6 for decimal places to repeat. The answer is 6/7 How to convert a negative

decimal to a fraction Remove negative sign from decimal number Perform conversion on positive value Apply negative sign to fraction response If a = b then it is true that -a = -b. How to convert decimal to a fraction step 1: Make a fraction with decimal number (top number) and 1 as denominator (bottom number). Step 2: Remove decimals by multiplication.

First, count how many places are to the right of the decimal. Then, since you have x decimal places, multiply the numerator and denominator by 10x. Step 3: Reduce the fraction. Look for the largest common factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator and divide both the numerator and the denominator by the GCF. Step 4: Simplify the remaining fraction

to a mixed number fraction if possible. Example: Convert 2,625 to a fraction 1. Rewrite decimal number as a fraction (more than 1) \(2,625 = \dfrac{2,625}{1} \) 2. Multiply the numerator and denominator by 103 = 1000 to remove 3 decimal places \( \dfrac{2.625}{1}\times \dfrac{1000}{1000}= \dfrac{2625}{1000} \) 3. Find the largest common factor (GCF) of

2625 and 1000 and reduce the fraction, dividing both the numerator and denominator by GCF = 125 \( \dfrac{2625 \div 125}{1000 \div 125}= \dfrac{21}{8} \) 4. Simplify the inappropriate fraction Therefore, \(2,625 = 2 \dfrac{5}{8} \) Decimal to Fraction For another example, convert 0.625 to a fraction. Multiply 0.625/1 by 1000/1000 to get 625/1000. Reducing we

get 5/8. Converts a repetitive decimal to a fraction Create equation so that x equals the decimal number. Count the number of decimal places, y. Create a second equation by multiplying both sides of the first equation by 10y. Subtracts the second equation from the first equation. Solve by x Reduce fraction. Example: Convert Recurrence 2,666 to a fraction 1.

Create equation so that x equals decimal number 1: \( x = 2.\overline{666}\tag{1} \) 2. Count the number of decimal places, y. There are 3 digits in the decimal group repeating, so y = 3. Yields a second equation by multiplying both sides of the first equation by 103 = 1000 Equation 2:\(1000 x =2666.\overline{666}\tag{2} \) 3. Subtract equation (1) from

equation (2) \( \eqalign{1000 x && = &\hfill2666.666...\cr x && &\hfill2.666...\cr \hline 999x && = & 2664\cr} \) We get 4. Fix for x \( x = \dfrac{2664}{999} \) 5. Reduce the fraction. Find the largest common factor (GCF) of 2664 and 999 and reduce the fraction, dividing both the numerator and denominator by

GCF = 333 \( \dfrac{2664 \div 333}{999 \div 333}= \dfrac{8}{3} \) Simplify the inappropriate fraction Therefore, \(2.\overline{666} = 2 \dfrac{2}{3} \) Repeat decimal fraction For another example, convert decimal repetition 0.333 to a fraction. Create the first equation with x equal to repeated decimal number: x = 0333 There are 3 repeated decimal places. Create

the second equation by multiplying both sides of (1) by 103 = 1000:1000X =333,333(2) Subtract equation (1) from (2) to get 999x = 9 99x = 333 and solve by x = 333/999 Fraction reduction we get x = 1/3 Response: x = 0.333 = 1/3 Related calculators To convert a fraction to a decimal see fraction to decimal calculator. References Contributors to Wikipedia.

Repeated Decimal, Wikipedia. Last visited on July 18, 2016. Converts a fraction to a decimal place. Converts suitable and inappropriate fractions to decimals. Converts a relationship to a decimal place. This calculator displays the steps and work to convert a fraction to a decimal number. How to convert a fraction to a decimal in a fraction, the fraction bar

means divided by. So to find the decimal equivalent of a fraction like 1/4 you need to solve the mathematical problem: 1 divided by 4. 1 ¡Â 4 = 0.25 How to convert a fraction to a split problem Split numbers is easy with a calculator. If you need to do long splitting by hand, place the top number of the fraction (numerator) inside the division bracket and the lower

number (denominator) on the outside, to the left of the division bracket. The 1/4 fraction becomes 1 ¡Â 4. Complete the division to convert the fraction to a decimal. You can reduce the fraction to lower terms first to make long split math a little easier. For example, 9/12 = 9 ¡Â 12 = 0.75. Using long splitting to solve this problem by hand or head, reducing 9/12 =

3/4, could make the problem easier. You may even recognize that 3/4 = 0.75 because 3 quarters equals 75 cents. Related Calculators you can also view our Long Split Calculator with decimals to convert a fraction to a decimal and see the job involving long splitting. If you want to help reduce fractions to the lowest terms, see the simplifying fractions. To

convert a decimal to a fraction see the decimal calculator to fraction. Get a widget for this calculator to compare and sort fractions, integers, mixed numbers and decimals in ascending or descending Sort fractions from less to greater or from major to less. How to sort fractions, integers and mixed numbers to compare and sort fractions first we need to convert

all integers, mixed numbers (mixed fractions) and fractions into values that we can compare. We do this by first converting all terms into fractions, finding the least common denominator (LCD), then rewriting each term as an equivalent fraction with the LCD. Next, we compare the numerators of each fraction and put them in correct order from less to greater

or greater to less. Steps to compare and sort fractions, integers and mixed numbers Convert integers and mixed numbers to inappropriate fractions Find the least common denominator LCD of all fractions Rewrite fractions as equivalent fractions using the LCD command new fractions by the numerator Match the original entries in the ordered fractions to see

the final order Example using this default input calculator 3/4, 9/12, 3 5/8, -12/16 and order of less to major Convert integers and mixed numbers to inappropriate fractions ? 3/4, 9/12 and -12/16 are suitable fractions so we can use those written ? 2 in fraction form is 2/1 ? Convert 3 5/8 to an inappropriate fraction. Multiply all number 3 by denominator 8 to get

24. Add 24 to numerator 5 to get 29/8. So 3 5/8 = 29/8. ? All entries as fractions: 2/1, 3/4, 9/12, 29/8, -12/16 Find the least common denominator: LCD of 1, 4, 8, 12, 16 is 48 Rewrite input fractions as equivalent fractions using the LCD ? 2, 3/4, 9/12, 3 5/8, -12/16 become: ? 96/48, 36/48, 36/48, 174/48, -36/48 Sort these fractions from less to higher numerator

? -36/48 < 36/48 = 36/48 < 96/4848 < 174/48 Place the original fractions in the same order as its equivalents ? -12/16 < 3/4 = 9/12 < 2 < 3 5/8 Related Calculators To find which fraction is larger and which is smaller to see the Comparison Fractions Calculator. To add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions see the Fraction Calculator. For more,

subtraction, multiplication and division into mixed numbers and fractions see the Mixed Number Calculator. To simplify a fraction to lower terms, see the Fraction Simplifying Calculator. Add, subtract, multiply, and split decimal numbers with this calculator. You can use: positive or negative decimals For negative numbers insert a negative sign or less before

your number, such as: -45 or -356.5 Integers, decimals, or scientific notation For scientific notation use notation e like this: -3.5e8 or 4.7E-9 Rounding. Specify whether to round the response and how many digits or decimals you want to round. This calculator uses addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division for calculations in positive or negative decimal

numbers, integers, actual numbers, and integers. Visit these calculators to calculations in decimal numbers and see work: Convert mixed numbers or mixed fractions to decimal numbers. Mixed number in decimal calculator find decimal by converting a mixed number, fraction, integer or whole number to a decimal and displaying the work. How to convert a

mixed number to a decimal Follow these steps 2 to convert a mixed number to decimal: Convert fraction to decimal: Split numerator by denominator Add this decimal number to the whole part of mixed number A mixed number is an integer plus a fraction. To find the decimal shape of a fraction you just need to split the numerator by denominator using a

calculator or long division. Then add the decimal number to the whole number. Example: Convert mixed number 7 1/4 to decimal Convert fraction to decimal: Split 1 by 4 1 ¡Â 4 = 0.25 Add 0.25 to integer number 7:7 + 0.25 = 7.25 Note that this solution works even if the fraction part of the mixed number is an inappropriate fraction. Example: Convert mixed

number 3 9/5 to decimal Convert Fraction to Decimal: Split 9 by 5 9 ¡Â 5 = 1.8 Add 1.8 to all number 3:3 + 1.8 =4.8 Secondary Method: Convert a mixed number to decimal by alternately addition fraction you can convert a mixed number to one decimal by fraction Alternatively you can convert a mixed number to a decimal in a decimal by converting the mixed

number to two fractions first, adding and simplifying them to a decimal. Example: Convert mixed number 5 2/3 to decimal 5 2/3 = 5/1 + 2/3 5 2/3 = (5/1 * 3/3) + 2/3 5 52/3 = 15/3 + 2/3 5 2/3 = 17/3 5 2/3 = 5,667 A mixed number such as 7 1/4 can be converted to a decimal. It implies that 7 1/4 is really 7 + 1/4 and that 7 = 7/1, therefore we are adding first the

fraction 7/1 + 1/4. Since 4 is the denominator of the original fraction part we will use it as our common denominator. 7/1 * 4/4 = 28/4. Then, 28/4 + 1/4 = 29/4. 29/4 = 29 ? 4 = 7.25. Related Calculators you can also view our Long Split Calculator with decimals to convert a fraction to a decimal and see the job involving long splitting. To convert a decimal to a

fraction see the decimal calculator to fraction. Calculator.

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