Board of Education

I. Call to Order

Open Public Meeting Announcement

“In accordance with requirements of the Open Public Meeting Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., adequate notices have been given of tonight’s meeting in area newspapers, which include the Hunterdon County Democrat and the Express-Times and posted on the bulletin board by the main office of the Franklin Township School, sent to the Township Clerk, and to all Board of Education members on April 28, 2009. Mr. Piparo opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

II. Roll Call - Barbara Tudek, Interim SBA/BS

K. Weiss, V. Pres. P A. Burdick P J. Campbell Absent

P. DiGiambattista P N. Reed Absent T. Schultz P L. Vail P T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. P

Others Present: Barbara A. Tudek, Dr. James J. Dwyer

III. Flag Salute

IV. Dr. Dwyer presented Commemorative Plaques to Former Board Members, Ms.Donna Cook and Mrs. Dolores Wright. Mrs. Wright accepted Ms. Cook’s plaque.

V. Motion to accept the resignation of James Campbell as Board member effective July 11, 2009.

Motion by Mr. Schultz Second Mr. Weiss

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y

VI. Motion to approve the minutes of the following meetings:

• June 22, 2009 - Regular Meeting

• June 22, 2009 - Executive Session

• July 7, 2009 - Special Meeting

• July 7, 2009 - Executive Session

Moved Ms. Vail Second Mrs. Burdick Motion Carried

Mr. DiGiambattista and Mr. Weiss abstained on the July 7, 2009 minutes.

VII. Executive Session

Adopt the Following Resolution

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Franklin Township Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:4 -13 and 10:4 -12 that said public body hold a closed session on Monday, July 20, 2009 for the purpose of interviewing candidates for School Business Administrator . It is expected that the discussion undertaken in closed session will be made public at the time official action is taken.

Moved Mr. DiGiambattista Second Mr. Weiss at 7:10 p.m. Motion Carried

VIII. Motion to return to Open Public Session at 8:13 p.m.

Moved Mrs. Burdick Second Mr. Weiss Motion Carried

IX. Correspondence

X. Construction Update

XI. Public Comments

XII. Consent Agenda

The matters listed below have been referred to the Board for reading and studying and are to be considered routine. They will be enacted with one motion. If separate discussion is desired, an item may be removed by Board assent.


No consent items


No consent items


No consent items


1. Approve the June 2009 bill list in the amount of $228,593.89 which includes $0 in the Capital Projects account.

2. Approve the July 2009 bill list in the amount of $293,300.92 which includes $12,195.44 in the Capital Projects account.

3. Approve the placement of a special education student, at Somerset Hills Academy in Warren, NJ, for the 2009-2010 School Year beginning July 6, 2009 at the annual cost of $74,239.00.

4. Approve the placement of one special education student at the Midland School for the 2009-2010 school year at a total cost of $47,271.

5. Approve the placement of one extended year and ten month school year disabled student at the Allegro School for the 2009-2010 school year at a total cost of $82,320.

6. Approve the placement of two special education students at the East Amwell Township School Educationally Handicapped program for the 2009-2010 School Year at an annual total cost of $18,885 each.

7. Approve the placement of one special education student at the East Amwell Township School Educationally Handicapped program for the 2009-2010 School Year at an annual total cost of $64,697.

8. Motion to accept funds for the FY 2009 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Consolidated Grant application in the following amounts:

Title II Part A $10,491.00

Title IV $ 521.00

G. Motion to approve the above stated consent agenda items.

Motion Mr. DiGiambattista Second Ms. Vail

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y

XIII. Discussion & Action Agenda

A. EDUCATION: Interim Superintendent’s Report - Dr. James Dwyer

1. Informational/Discussion Items:

a. Anticipated Enrollment 342

b. QSAC scheduled for January 19, 2010

2. Action Item:

a. Motion to adopt a revised Physical Education/Health Curriculum for grades K-8.

Moved Mrs. Burdick Second Mr. DiGiambattista Motion Carried


No action items


1. Financial Reports:

a. Treasurer's Report and Board Secretary's Reports, (Funds 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50) for May 2009.

b. Motion to approve the line item transfers through June 30, 2009.

Moved Mrs. Burdick Second Ms. Vail Motion Carried

c. Motion to adopt the following resolutions:

1. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)3 the board secretary certifies that no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(a) for May 2009.

2. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)4 the board of education certifies, after review of the board secretary’s and treasurer’s May 2009 financial reports, that no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Motion Mr. DiGiambattista Second Mr. Schultz

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y

2. Action Items:

a. Motion to authorize the technology department to contract with a new service provider (G2 Computers) of Washington Crossing, PA, to provide Apple certified technology support at a cost not to exceed $10,000 from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010, which represents no increase from the previous year.

Motion Mr. Weiss Seconded Mr. DiGiambattista to table the motion

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y


No action items


No action items


Mr. Piparo announced that the board will having a Meet and Greet reception on Thursday evening for the newly appointed Superintendent/Principal Dr. Chrys Harttraft.

Mr. Weiss asked if the curriculum team could give the board a brief explanation of changes that were made the the new curriculum documents.

Dr. Dwyer said that most of the changes were made to bring the curriculum into compliance with State requirements. Dr. Dwyer said that he will ask the team to prepare a report for the board.

XIV. Executive Session

Adopt the Following Resolution

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Franklin Township Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:4 -13 and 10:4 -12 that said public body hold a closed session on Monday, July 20, 2009 for the purpose of discussing personnel . It is expected that the discussion undertaken in closed session will be made public at the time official action is taken.

Moved Mrs. Burdick Second Mr. Weiss at 9:09 p.m. Motion Carried

XV. Motion to return to Open Public Session at 10:12 p.m.

Moved Ms. Vail Second Mr. Weiss Motion Carried


A. Discussion Item:

1. Attendance at NJSBA Workshop - October 2009


A. Action Items:

1. Motion to increase the time from .6 to .8 for Laurie Gregory as part time instructional aide at a salary of $21,530.00 for the 2009-2010 school year.

Motion Mrs. Vail Second Mrs. Burdick

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y

2. Motion to approve the salaries for aides for the 2009-2010 school year as follows:

Full Time:

William Bruton $26,912 Leslie McCusker $26,912

Kathleen Duke $26,912 Martha Shoudt $26,912

Anita Holland $26,912 Jamie Szatkowski $26,912

Susan Marcantuono $26,912 Penni Trionfo $26,912

Part time:

Richelle Russillo $18.56 per hour Maureen Smith (.6) $16,147.00

Motion Mr. Schulta Second Mr. Weiss

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y

3. Motion to approve Melissa Fay to be a cafeteria supervisory aide as needed at an hourly rate of $18.56 for the 2009-2010 school year.

Motion Mr. DiGiambattista Second Mr. Schultz

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y

4. Motion to approve the salaries for teachers/support staff for the 2009-2010 school year as follows:

Full Time:

Sunday Bradlee $74,483 Patricia Quick $74,233

Donna Browning $75,483 Susan Rainaldi $46,824

Minga Cullen $76,083 Denise Schoch $73,233

Jaclyn Fedyna $45,425 Marjorie Sharp $77,883

Marylou Findley $49,810 Alison Shelofsky $48,074

Carolyn Johnson $75,483 Bromley Steele $77,883

Joan Kot $73,233 Tracy Strysky $75,483

Barry Kramer $77,883 Barbara Suozzo $76,233

Jason Lembo $48,516 Alice Thompson $73,233

Steven Lindner $45,425 Lenore Tigue $73,233

Mina Nace $66,464 Pamela Watkinson $76,283

Vickie Nosker $74,483 Jeanne Yancey $77,033

Anita Petersen $79,136 Darlene Yanoff $77,083

Janet Prassl $74,483 Bernice Marie Yates $79,886

Part Time:

Marydenise Appio $31,184 Diane Meyer $44,690

Karen Brokaw $27,795 Rebecca Richards $67,306

Barbara Egge $44,690 Jane Ries $44,690

Jason Farnsworth $41,124 Stacey Viscel $40,453

Trina Lahman $44,690 Marilyn Wechsler $60,506

Motion Mr. Schultz Second Ms. Vail

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y

5. Motion to approve the following individuals for the following stipend positions

for the 2009-2010 school year:

Paul Otis - Soccer Coach $1,717

Jaclyn Fedyna - Volleyball Coach $1,717

Mina Nace - Cheerleading Coach $1,717

Kathy Magaleski - Boys Basketball Coach $2,206

Jeff Weinhold - Girls Basketball Coach $2,206

Jason Lembo - Baseball Coach $1,717

Jaclyn Fedyna - Softball Coach $1,717

Jeff Weinhold - Athletic Director $2,206

Barbara Suozzo - Student Council Advisor $2,206

Alice Thompson - Safety Patrol Advisor $ 308

Denise Schoch - Yearbook Advisor $2,090

Motion Mrs. Burdick Second Ms. Vail

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y

6. Motion to approve Patty Cohen to provide in-home parent training for parents of a special education student at a rate of $55 an hour as follows:

30 hours between 6/29/09 and 8/30/09

50 hours between 9/4/09 and 6/30/10

Motion Mr. Weiss Second Mr. DiGiambattista

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y


7. Motion to appoint Mrs. Angela McVerry of Branchburg to be a part-time (0.8) Guidance Counselor at Franklin Township School for the period September 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 at Step 7, MA+15, $51,366 (prorated to $41,093 for the 0.8 position) with benefits. Mrs. McVerry fills an existing vacancy.

Motion Mr. Schultz Second Mrs. Burdick

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y

8. Motion to extend the employment of James J. Dwyer as Interim Superintendent/ Principal for the period July 1, 2009 through September 11, 2009 at no change in compensation.

Motion Ms. Vail Second Mr. Schultz

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y

9. Motion to accept, with regret, the resignation of Mrs. Nicole K. Lanka as School Counselor for Franklin Township effective at the end of the day, June 30, 2009.

Motion Mr. Schultz Second Mr. Weiss

K. Weiss, V. Pres. Y A. Burdick Y P. DiGiambattista Y

N. Reed Absent T. Schultz Y L. Vail Y T. Wolak Absent C. Piparo, Pres. Y

XVIII. Public Comments

Mrs. Wright asked if the board made any decision regarding the hiring of a School Business Administrator.

Mr. Piparo said that interview process for School Business Administrator is not complete at this time.

Mrs. Cullen asked if the new Superintendent/Principal will be on board at the start of the new school year.

Mr. Piparo said that the new Superintendent/Principal plans to start September 4, 2009.

XIX. Motion to Adjourn from the Public Meeting at 10:25 p.m.

Moved Mr. Weiss Second Mrs. Burdick Motion Carried

Certified by: Respectfully submitted,

Barbara A. Tudek Interim Business Administrator/Board Secretary


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