Excerpted from ONIONS, ONIONS, ONIONS by Linda & Fred ...

Excerpted from ONIONS, ONIONS, ONIONS by Linda & Fred Griffith. Copyright @ 1994 by

Linda & Fred Griffith. Reprinted with permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing

Company. All rights reserved.

Confit of Red Onions & Cherries

This simple and delicious dish is a perfect accompaniment to grilled poultry or veal. It keeps

nicely in the refrigerator, but be sure to let it come to room temperature before serving.

Makes about 2 cups

2 large red onions

3 Tablespoons olive oil

1 Tablespoon minced, fresh sage leaves

1 dried red chile pepper, crumbled

2/3 cup dried cherries

1/4 cup dry red wine

2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar

1 Tablespoon butter

Thinly slice 1 onion; coarsely chop remaining onion. Combine sliced and chopped onions in a

medium bowl and mix. Heat olive oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Stir in 1/2 of

the onions, sage and chile. Cover and cook over low heat, stirring several times, for 6 minutes.

Stir in remaining onions, cherries, wine, pepper and salt. Cover and cook until the onions are just

tender, about 6 minutes more.

Uncover the skillet, sprinkle on the sugar and cook over medium heat until syrupy, just a few

minutes. Sprinkle on balsamic vinegar and add butter. Increase the heat and saut¨¦ until onions

are nicely coated, 4 to 5 minutes.

Spoon confit into a clean glass jar and set aside to cool. Cover tightly and refrigerate. Confit will

keep for at least 1 month.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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