O.D. NEWS THE FUEL LINE ISSUE #65 December, 2012 …

O.D. NEWS THE FUEL LINE ISSUE #65 December, 2012


President's Message September Meeting Minutes Events Reports ? Rick Skipper Classified Ads Events Schedule

Inside this issue:

Next Club Meeting Trail Ride Report Events Reports - Tim Ketchum Photographs

President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Editor: Events Coordinator:

Scott Johnson Col. Bob Shawn Anja Taylor Denis Mengele Bob Taylor Tim Ketchum

703-730-2562, 703-435-3142, 301-821-3398, 410-893-9818, 301-345-5350, 703-590-4960,

president@ vice president@ secretary@ treasurer@ newsletter editor@ TimK.43mb@

President's Message:

Greetings, fellow WACBGMVT members! First, I want to tell you all how honored I am to be elected president of the club.

Please don't think my absence at the last meeting was a sign of lack of interest. I was attending my 40th high school reunion in Cincinnati, which was a very interesting experience. Some of my classmates and I were on a float representing our class in the homecoming parade, but, you know, it just wasn't the same as riding in my WWII jeep!

First, I would offer my congratulations to our good friend and outgoing president, Anja Taylor. She graciously served about four years and did a great job. I am so glad she is staying on in other capacities. Second, thanks to other extremely dedicated club members, such as Tom Buonaugurio, Bob Taylor, Denis Mengele, Bob Amos, Bob Shawn, and Tim Ketchum, to name just a few, I know this club will continue to thrive and the East Coast Rally will continue to be the best MV event in the country.

Please try to attend our next meeting, which will be on January 13, at 1100 hours at the National Firearms Museum in Fairfax, VA. We will discuss upcoming events, parades and the 2013 Rally. We have the room reserved until 1400. After a short meeting, Lanny Moore will present a slideshow and discuss his participation in the ALCAN convoy this past summer.

Have a safe and happy holiday season, and I look forward to working with each and every one of you in the coming year!

Sincerely, Scott

P. S. I know from my own personal experience that it is easy to neglect your military vehicle during the winter. I recommend you take steps to winterize your vehicle, keep the battery charged and start it up every week or two. You'll thank yourself come springtime! SDJ


Our next meeting will be on Sunday, January 13 at the National Firearms Museum (NRA) in Fairfax, VA. The meeting will begin at 1100. We will have access to the room until 1400. For those interested, Lanny Moore plans to do a presentation on the Alcan Highway Convoy at the conclusion of the meeting.

Meeting Minutes:

WAC B&G MVT MEETING Fred Lute's Residence

SEPTEMBER 29, 2012

Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1115 hours.

Members in attendance ? Bob Amos, Tom Buonaugurio, Rose Buonaugurio, Ernie Brant, George Buss, Tim Clark, Neil Conner, John DePasquale, Tom Devore, Paul Elgin, Karen Emmons, Randy Fischbach, Barry Hagen, Dean Hansen, Larry Heaton, George Hopkins, Tim Ketchum, Kay Ketchum, Doug Lutes, Fred Lutes, Vince Lutes, Richard McCommack, John McCleaf, Don Rollette Sr., John Sadilek, Terry Smith, Anja Taylor, Bob Taylor, Mike Tiderman, Warren Watt, Andrew White, Bill White.

Pledge of Allegiance We take time to honor our great country by reciting the pledge of allegiance to the United States of America.

Welcome by President Taylor President Taylor expressed our gratitude to Fred, Sandy and family for allowing us to hold the meeting at their home.

Vice President's Report VP Johnson was unable to attend.

Treasurer's Report Treasurer Buonaugurio reviewed the latest financial status of the club's checking account, petty cash and CD. He also recommended a limit of $1500.00 towards donations. The club has already donated $500.00 to the T.A.P.S. group this year.

Secretary's Report Secretary Watt reviewed the latest membership numbers. All members are in good standing.

Event Coordinator's Report Tim Ketchum reviewed the latest club events calendar. He encouraged the members to submit any related events to him as they come up. If you are not getting the events calendar via email and would like to, send your email address to TimK.43mb@.

Newsletter Editor's Report Editor Taylor thanked Tim Ketchum for the great contributions to the newsletter. Bob will continue as our editor. He is always looking for stories, photos, ads and other related submissions. They can be sent to abtaylor2@.

Old Business None.

New Business Moment of Silence for Bill Wilson. President Taylor presented the Bill Carey / Most Outstanding Volunteer award to Tim Ketchum for his hard work on the events calendar which benefits all members consistently. 2013 RALLY ? This is the 40th annual Rally. A milestone year. May 8, 9 &10 2013 is the scheduled date. It will be held at the Cal Ripken baseball stadium. Tom B. talked about several things. The 2012 Rally did NOT sell out. This event is our fundraiser for the year. We need to promote this event aggressively. The new advertising has been sent to several National publications. Flyers are printed and ready to distribute. They can be downloaded and printed from the website (). ALL members need to help with this effort. Early postings at Gun Shows, Car shows, flea markets, Veteran's events etc. will go a long way towards drawing people in. Tom has negotiated a $2000.00 savings off the reservation price at Ripken. We have a signed lease now. There are 600 vendor spaces. Each space costs $60.00. Rally income is usually adequate to

cover expenses. Rally sales are subject to Maryland's 6% tax. Temp permits are available by calling 410 767-1543. A Rally planning meeting is scheduled for November 17 at the Taylor's home. A letter to all vendors will be drafted at that time. All members are encouraged to participate. FUTURE RALLY SITE discussion. Several alternative sites were discussed, some at length. The Army Heritage site in Carlisle PA is being investigated at length by Tim Clark and several other members. This appears to be a favorable alternative location. More information to follow. Other possible sites mentioned were the Stepping Stone Museum, Frederick Co. Fairgrounds, Shenandoah Co. Fairgrounds. Members discussed the efforts needed for a new site that is on grass.

Donations Committee Report Chairman Bob Shawn presented a report on the three local groups that have sent written requests for donations. The committee reviewed the letters and found them to be consistent with our club's mission. It was moved, seconded and approved by the members present to donate $500.00 each of these groups. They are the U.S.O., the Capital Wing of the Airman's Preservation Society and the Project Liberty Ship (SS John Brown). Election of Club Officers Officers will serve for a two year term per the by-laws. The following members were nominated and elected by the members present President ? Scott Johnson Vice President ? Bob Shawn Treasurer ? Denis Mengele Secretary ? Anja Taylor Newsletter Editor ? Bob Taylor

Door Prize Giveaway ? The following people won the prizes furnished by the club. All prizes were made in the U.S.A. Sherry White ? Allen wrench set, Vince Lutes ? Allen wrench set, Don Rollette Sr. ? Work gloves, John DePasquale ? Ladder Hook, John McCleaf ? Large crescent wrench, Randy Fischbach ? Utility hooks, Ernie Brant ? Large Channel lock pliers, Doug Lutes ? Leatherman tool.

Next Meeting Location and Date January 2013 at the NRA in Fairfax Va. Adjourn There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by President Taylor at 1205 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Warren Watt, Secretary

From Bob Buker: (Sincere apologies from your Newsletter Editor for not getting this article in last issue!)

The trail ride was a success! The weather was very nice as it didn't rain and it wasn't hot. 10 military vehicles participated as well as the follow-up van and trailer and there were no breakdowns. In the morning, 7 new or returning members filled out applications and paid their dues. During lunch, stipends were distributed. There were only 3 current members participating. 3 of the new members are from PA, 2 from MD, 1 from VA, and 1 from WV. Just thought I'd explain about what happened to the overnighter that was discussed. I could not find reasonably priced cabins for just 1 night. Anyway, here is the participant list:


Bob Amos

WC 52 and Louis Amos (son) and his family

Bob Buker

1942 GPW and Kiyomi Buker (wife), Misaki and Sakura Buker

(daughters) They actually rode (and slept) in the van

Mike Tiderman M37

and Patty (wife)


Jeff Hain-Matson 1942 Indian motorcycle

Jae Hain-Matson 1941 Matchless motorcycle

Bill Jeffers

1943 Indian motorcycle

Paul Rea

1944 Willys MB w/1944 MBT trailer and Sharon and Allan Rea


Brian Cessna 1941 Slat-grill Willys and Kate Cessna (wife)

Andrew Mitchell 1942 GPW and Esther Rea (fiancee)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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