Service Systems via Ceiling - C7 Global - Sustainable Lab ...

Service Systems via CeilingBy Hansjürg LüdiGeneral DiscussionIn today’s building construction (and renovation) environment, most structures designed, that include requirements for laboratory space (or any general space for that matter) are done so without a precise understanding of the actual usage that will occur at the time of final construction, not to mention the decades of reconfiguration after construction. Service systems via the ceiling, provide a mechanism that maximizes flexibility, both with respect to the physical fluctuation in lab space required and the precise delivery of services to anywhere within any open space concept, with minimal effort and no disruption in operations. That is to say, delivery of utilities and services to any point within the open space design, can be easily designed even when the final specific location for usage is unknown. Many owners and designers of laboratories are facing these significant obstacles when they try to design a laboratory with unknown, specific utilization. A lack of known, detailed requirements, provides insufficient information with respect to usage, necessary for proper final designs, thereby forestalling proper planning of laboratory buildings. Additionally, open architecture concepts allowing highly flexible, quick modifications, require a new approach for the engineering of all building services.Pressures to accelerate construction and the pace of real estate resale of laboratory buildings, as well as change of users or tenants and reconfiguration of work flow, create significant consequences for engineering laboratory media services, in addition to constant modification of the requirements for laboratory equipment and furniture. The resultant costs are both substantial and unacceptable, while being completely avoidable through the utilization of a service system via the ceiling. Media services distributed from the ceiling, containing all laboratory utility and service requirements, have been engineered and designed since 2004 throughout western Europe. During this same period, the concept of open architecture has penetrated lab design and open space designed laboratories has been achieved. The redesign of small-room lab units into spacey rooms with areas of hundreds of square meters, produced a large number of problems with respect to the seamless integration of all technical building services.In addition, increasing requirements of flexibility in laboratories, in terms of variable; lab sizes, work tools and utilities, thermal loads, and emission controls didn’t allow for the continuation of orthodox planning. Hence, with respect to contemporary needs, the historical design process of single utility components developed by separate lab planners, as well as the coordination of individual 2D CAD plans were counterproductive. The efficient planning of an open architecture concept can only be achieved utilizing an integrated complete design of all required technical services on a 3D CAD platform. The 3D files may not be the initial step, but of course is the resultant chosen methodology. This design process has to be accomplished constructively, visualized, verified, and approved. A major implication is the complete elimination of all time wasted on cost intensive coordination meetings during the construction phase.In addition, everyone talks about; sustainability, energy consumption reduction, safety, health, and reconfiguration cost reduction. All this is achievable through the general application of a service ceiling concept and the specific utilization of HL-X-LAB patented technology. Its unique air exchange and lighting components, combined with completely integrated services, makes it the most energy efficient sustainable open space design solution available in the market today. Flexible Laboratory Room Sizes/ConfigurationPlanningA detailed review of local fire protection ordinances always is conducted prior to the design of open architecture labs. Furthermore, specifications of national insurance organizations and their safety departments, as well as other responsible bodies are to be incorporated into the design of comprehensive utility/services distribution for all open architecture laboratory space. Usually, the ideal recommended individual lab space is between 300- 800m2. It is required that open architecture space is equivalent with any specific restrictions within local fire protection codes. Below is a summary review of the basic special requirements for a typical HL-X-LAB design.HeightThe ideal room height is 3.5 – 3.7m and thus a resultant floor height of about 4m. The media ceiling clearance from the floor should not be less than 2.8m because of the normal height of the fume hoods. Therefore, the building engineering services will be provided the required construction space of approximately a 0.7m. That could become a design issue for the horizontal main fresh air and extract ducts depending on the layout of the building. The floor height should not be extended because the optimal levels of sustainability and efficiency have been scientifically determined.Width The width (center lines) has to be chosen according to the application and usage of the occupants. All EN 12128 specifications and requirements have to be met, as a minimum under all circumstances. The most efficient width is 3.45 or 3.6m between the center lines.6921582994500The dimension between the center lines should be fixed within the architectural concept of the building. It has to be identical with the grid of the facade and the grid of the structure (columns). In this respect, partition walls set up at a later stage, will allow an easy room separation with connection to the inside of the fa?ade.DepthThe depth depends primarily on the architectural concept and may vary widely. Coincidently, it is important to properly consider all traffic patterns and escape routes. Generally, from every position in the laboratory, two escape routes must be available. In order to reduce traffic routes, it is recommended to include a second transverse joint in the grid, if depth exceeds approximately 7m.Analytic/Composition AreasMost current advanced designs of lab buildings provide analytical and writing space, utilizing office style furniture, in proximity to windowed areas. These locations should be separated with partially glazed partition walls. Hence, it will be possible for the occupants to work in these areas without normally specified safety equipment such as eye glasses and laboratory coats. Also, it could be allowed to eat and drink in these areas, especially if there is another access route besides the laboratory itself. One of the most redeeming features of this type of space, is there easy reconfiguration and assimilation into additional lab space.Room within Room SolutionsOpen area designed lab spaces, quite often generate an underlying demand for special rooms, possessing unique requirements. These specific uses such as; clean rooms, rooms incorporating bio-safety features, localizing increased emissions, dark rooms, robotics, cubicles for specialized large fume hoods, and independent temperature control, require complete separation from the balance of the open space lab. This requires a longitudinal and cross separation from the floor to the concrete ceiling or up to the false closed ceiling. The separation of these rooms follows the building grid along the longitudinal (X) direction and the furniture grid along the depth (Y) direction.Flexible Separation WallsA grid in the depth or Y direction, should allow for the utilization of standard furniture sizes of; 90, 120, 150, and 180cm plus the thickness of the separation wall and the usage of standard separation wall units in both the X and Y directions. Door modules with specialized power devices and connection elements such as cross, angle, or T pieces should be incorporated. Separation walls inside a fire protection area, normally have an aluminum light weight construction without additional fire protection attributes. These separation walls may be screened with a variety of materials, but in wider areas, they should only be glazed allowing visibility into adjoining rooms. Reconfiguration due to Change in Work Content or ProcessRestructuring and reconfiguration of lab space is occurring at a faster and faster pace. Some of the major reasons for these necessary changes are:Laboratory type modification (wet chemistry, life science, pharmacological, etc.).New scientific team amending internal processes.Lab expansion to accommodate more scientists.Major equipment utilization (size, number, energy load, services).Alteration of component services required (emission control, bio-safety).The potential for any of the aforementioned restructuring requirements, has a significant impact on engineering all building services and will pose varying difficulties based upon the initial design. Through the utilization of Service Systems via the Ceiling, engineering all building services optimizes flexibility through the incorporation of modular concepts, while incurring little to no interruption in laboratory or building operations. Utilization of completely flexible, highly integrated, service ceiling systems require an increased focus in the initial planning of all building services to maximize the benefits these systems can deliver and minimize cost of construction. The designs can be completed independent of specific user requirements, which can be incorporated later with no further modification of the services distribution scheme required. Once the precise internal processes are known, the final placement of major components (service columns, fume hoods) can be made anywhere within the lab, given the unique, equal distribution of airflow and light throughout the open space.Given the complete flexibility of the service columns, all services can be easily directed to their final destination at the time of initial construction and in fact reconfigured at a later stage without disruption to the operating laboratory. Specific requirements such as: modified air supply and extract air for a unique subspace, utilizing chilled beams for special thermal loads, directing all services to specific workstations through service columns, and placement of fume hoods can be decided at the time of the final building drawings with no impact on infrastructure of either building or service ceiling designs.All service columns have completely modular component parts and can easily be relocated anywhere throughout the lab. They are so flexible that you can replace a gas module in 15 minutes or upgrade the column with an additional gas module in 30 minutes. All of this can be accomplished without any interruption to operations at any other workstation. The columns never touch any of the underlying furniture thereby allowing an open, easily reconfigured space solution.Major Differentiating ComponentsVentilationAir ventilation is the most important component for a sustainable laboratory and is the largest differentiating factor between the HL-X-LAB solution and historical standard designed laboratories. It should be driven by a BMS system allowing at any time for the adjustment of air exchange rates according to end user specifications and necessary safety requirements. The most important issues for the design are:Variable air volume calculated from the fundamental air exchange rate and air volume needed by the fume hoods.Night time and weekend adjustment to air exchange rate.Necessity of specific air exchange levels for special usage.Minimization of draft exposure.Controlling exposition of toxic emissions.Creating internal airflow environment allowing fume hoods to operate properly.694055152844500The DIN EN 1946 recommends an air exchange rate of approximately 8 times per hour as a standard for the design of airflow demand and represents a reasonable level. A detailed risk assessment is required for precise fixing of the final designed level. For example, if a specific risk can be eliminated, 4 times exchange rate per hour may be reasonable. On the other hand, flexibility needs to be designed into some systems to allow for up to 16 times exchange rates for provision to specific lab areas requiring special treatment.In HL-X-LAB, the HL-X-VENT component delivers intake air evenly throughout the light, utilizing a patent pending process, and it is diffused into the lab space through a proprietary outlet pattern in the light foil. This consistent and even distribution of airflow throughout the lab achieves the positive result of sustainable air ventilation. Two counter rotating air circulation patterns with high ascending force on the sides are generated. These ascending forces, produced from the induced airflow pattern and the hot air emitted from electrical equipment on the benches, transport potentially harmful, leaking gases towards the ceiling to be exhausted with all other hot air through the extract air system. In every instance, we recommend using computational fluid dynamics to simulate and calculate properly the room climate because even small changes with respect to equipment positioning or process parameters may cause a significant alteration of the lab climate. The combination of our unique air intake and distribution system, combined with our air extract process above the grid, allows for an even airflow throughout the space, with very low draft risk and much lower exposition to toxic emissions. Additionally, a common problem of improper operation of fume hood exhaust is completely eliminated. Fume hoods can operate efficiently and safely at any location throughout the lab without risk of reverse drafts caused by typical diffusing designs. This allows for an easy; reduction, addition, or relocation of fume hoods within the lab space. The complete air ventilation component incorporated within HL-X-LAB allows for the reduction of harmful particles in the air while saving significant energy consumption.LightingOur new LED lighting system comes in two different designs, ECO and Diamond, and represents the most advanced energy saving, multifaceted, lighting source available for laboratory utilization today. It produces characteristics of almost a daylight environment in a practically shadow less work place. It is easily adjustable with respect to intensity and color and remarkably simple to maintain and clean. The light foil quickly unclicks from the grid and provides easy access to lighting sources and hangs vertically for steaming if necessary.Other ServicesAll other services such as: water, electric, data, communication, and gases are completely designed and integrated into the system so there is absolutely no interference or complications during construction. All these services are delivered through connecting blocks, down through the columns to the work stations. Each connecting block and column work independently and therefore when modified in any way, require no disruption to any other lab operation.Prefabrication and Installation of Service CeilingThe highly engineered HL-X-LAB solution is rigorously designed in 3D CAD software, developed throughout the past 15 years to deliver the highest of precision and integration of the complete lab infrastructure system. Heavy duty anchors are fastened into the ceiling structure of the core building construction to which the service ceiling is later attached. It is constructed at chest height in the open and clean lab space by first assembling the aluminum grid structure and then positioning all service components. Once assembled, special lifting jacks hoist the system into place utilizing laser leveling techniques to secure in the previously installed anchors.One of the most important features is the lack of any conflicts between services competing for the same space. All components are completely integrated and any adjustment to the design and layout, automatically insures the error free routing of all services. The open grid system and the coordinated layout of all services not only provides easy access for maintenance and reconfiguration, but also significantly reduces ongoing laboratory operating costs. The high precision design allows, due to complete parallel installation of all trades a team of six specialists, to install 500 square meters of lab space, in one week. That is to say, given a clean empty room of 500 hundred square meters, the HL-X-LAB system can be installed and the lab infrastructure could be completely operable in one week. The installation process alone is a considerable savings in the construction process because it is not only efficient and quick, but it also allows for late changes in the design without significant redesign work. Further, it is the nature of this design that lends itself to significant reduction in reconfiguration costs and operating lab downtime during any repositioning initiative.3D CAD Design vs 2D PlanningOur proprietary design of prefabricated service ceiling systems utilizes a modular concept. All component subsystems and services (fresh and extract air, power, data, communication, water, etc.) are incorporated and integrated within the 3D CAD design as parameterized modules. The highly advanced 3D CAD software package, developed over the past decade, simultaneously; integrates all component subsystems without conflict, generates bills of material, and communicates with vendor ERP systems. Designing within a 3D framework allows for the easy review of even the most intricate detailed parts as well as assuring the unobstructed flow of all elements throughout the complete design.The 3D CAD files are produced as a 3D PDF and presented to the customer for review and approval. The releases can be viewed with the help of a free Adobe viewer. This allows entire laboratories or complicated buildings to be visualized in detail without using CAD Workstations. The system simultaneously generates all required 2D views and perspectives. All displays and data can be printed out or provided to involved entities as 2D AUTOCAD files without requiring 3D software. Once a master grid has been designed, the adjacent grids are easily linked with replicable applications of specialized techniques within the 3D CAD internal software package. Any previously generated 2D views, when modifications occur, are automatically updated. This seamless reproducible process allows for easy change and adjustment at any stage of the project.This simulated engineering/design construction system is successful if and only if, the following conditions are met:All component parts are accurately measured and uploaded as 3D elements.Special parts are measured as precise interference contours.Collision analysis is completed resulting in no interference.All component parts must be designed to be mountable.Assembled subsystems are easily accessible for maintenance.The technical performance of all component parts is known in advance.When the complete 3D CAD files are finished and available, this process eliminates the standard highly iterative coordination that is usually required on the job site for constant modifications. HL-X-LAB can be designed at the initial time of the building design and given its complete flexibility, can be easily adjusted at the time of the final building design as long as basic building infrastructure remains the same.The first truly sustainable lab, providing owners a significantly lower cost of ownership due to its unique design and technical superiority, additionally provides a residual value producing the best economic solution available. ................

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