Los Angeles Community College District

JOINT: Technology Policy and Planning Committee (TPPC) and District Technology Meeting (DTC)

Meeting Minutes

Location: District

Thursday, May 19, 2011


|Wendy Bass, co-chairperson |Pierce College |

|Adriana Barrera, co-chairperson |District Office |

|Mark Henderson – co-chairperson |DTC |

|Jorge Mata |District Office |

|Alan Khu |East L.A. College |

|Paul McKenna |ITV |

|Linda Delzeit |Trade |

|David Beaulieu |District AS |

|Subodh Kumar |CFM Group |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Notes |Action-Item |

|Convene regular meeting |Wendy Bass , Mark Henderson, and Adriana Barrera, Chairpersons, started the | |

| |meeting at | |

| |2:00 p.m. | |

|Adobe Presentation |Adobe Presentation – each College paying several hundred thousand dollars for|Jorge will continue to meet with Adobe|

| |Adobe products. They are here to discuss and enterprise licensing agreement.|and work on a district contract |

| |Similar to MS, would also include upgrades. Adobe creative suite. Adobe | |

| |connect not part of offer, but we can negotiate (can get a free trial of | |

| |Adobe connect on website – good for two weeks) | |

| | | |

| |Creative Suite 5.5 | |

| |Content authoring across devices | |

| |Cutting edge video production and workflows | |

| |Robust support for latest web technology standards likes Flash, CSS5 and HTML| |

| |5 | |

| |Acrobat X for presenting work in rich PDF | |

| |portfolios | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Pricing would be set by total FTE’s of institution. Would include all | |

| |computers including all labs and professors would be able to use at home. | |

| |Adobe committing to upgrades every year | |

| | | |

| |Will be a similar contract to MS, $55 for baseline program and captivate | |

| | | |

| |This is a subscription - will be a fixed rate – lock price for three years | |

| |and then smaller increase | |

| | | |

| |Adobe would use same numbers we report to MS so don’t have to | |

| | | |

| |Indiana University – used Master Collection | |

| |Typically start with Design Premium and then can allow certain departments to| |

| |upgrade to Master Collection | |

| | | |

| |Adobe Connect – hosted in cloud or at District (not part of suite) | |

| | | |

| |$20,000-$60,000 per year……….. (Enterprise license agreement – cheaper because| |

| |we do not own) | |

| | | |

| |Right now……one lab $400 per 40 machines and then need a maintenance contract | |

| |to keep it current. | |

| |


|Tech Master Plan update: |Still having some difficulty recruiting members for an implementation task |Wendy, Dr. Barrera and Subodh will |

| |force. |meet to create a timeline for |

| | |meetings. |

| |Decided to have members commit to one in-person meeting a month and then | |

| |weekly ccc confer meetings. | |

|Measure J Update |Measure J has allowed us to talk collectively about standards | |

| |Have created a Technology Dashboard – | |

| | | |

| |Student email RFP posted on Monday, 5/16/11 | |

| | | |

| |RFP for identity Management Solution – Single ID and password for everyone | |

| | | |

| |Student Authentication – four-digit password - need to create complex | |

| |passwords. ID solution to give students a web page where they put in info and| |

| |can authenticate | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Questions that need to be addressed: archiving email from home – should be | |

| |able to archive and access from home | |

|SIS |SIS project in final stages in selection – first visitation tomorrow to | |

| |Orange Coast College. Physical access security – first round of reference | |

| |checks done and now on second round. | |

|DTC Update |Mark Henderson shared DTC | |

| |Recommendations for Future Software Compliance | |

| | | |

| |Establish strict software purchasing policies: | |

| |IT department responsible for holding onto all software licenses and media. | |

| |Software registered to IT department (software@.edu). | |

| |Restrict the ability for end users to install software: | |

| |Remove all local administrator rights. | |

| |All software must be installed by IT department after review to ensure | |

| |compliance with terms of service. | |

| |Show a history / paper trail of taking license compliance seriously: | |

| |Randomly inspect a percentage of computers each year at every college. | |

| |Submit those results to district to store. | |

| |Each campus must run a software asset management system (Altiris, SMS, etc). | |

| | | |

| |Perform an internal audit for other key software manufactures (Microsoft, | |

| |Apple, etc) and remediate. | |

| |Educate users (faculty) to the issues with software piracy / non software | |

| |license compliance. | |

| |Educate IT and Administration on Software Licensee Compliance | |

| |Host an information session at each campus mediated by IT & Legal describing | |

| |what constitutes software piracy and the consequences. | |

| |Describe terms of service for popular products (Adobe, Microsoft, apple, | |

| |etc). (Commercial vs. Freeware vs. Shareware vs. Open Source vs. Public | |

| |Domain) | |

| |

| |

| |


| |Online Adds for DE Courses |DE Coordinators will find out how |

| |Programming not difficult but having difficulty capturing what is an online |their courses are coded at their |

| |course. Sometime this month they will have a demo and Jorge will call in |individual colleges |

| |volunteers to check it out | |

| |Need to have disclaimer because district may not know if an online class | |

| |exists if coded differently | |

|Searchable Database |This is for DE courses so students can search for an open DE course without |Jorge will continue to monitor and |

| |going to each individual college. Jorge Mata has assigned this project to |share progress |

| |Quiang Dang who is spearheading the creation of the searchable database. | |

| | | |

| |Are looking at have the students home school DE courses appear first and then| |

| |if any of those courses are full, would search for another school within the | |

| |district with openings. | |

| | | |

| |Jorge has the same team working on this solution because it is linked to | |

| |online add programming | |

| |


| |Both DTC and TPPC members felt that the meeting was helpful and we will | |

| |schedule them two times a year. One Fall semester and one Spring Semester | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |June Meeting will be 16 | |


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