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17145009525Ellen Finkelstein | ellen@The Ultimate Webinar Planning Worksheet293370011557000Webinars are the essential tool of successful marketers—for list building and profits! Using The Ultimate Webinar Planning Worksheet will ensure that you don’t forget anything and vastly improve your results.This worksheet will guide you through the process of planning and delivering your own successful webinars. There are a number of webinar scenarios, but here I assume that you’ll offer a free webinar and make an offer at the end. I also assume that you’ll work with affiliate partners, because doing so will multiply your results many fold! This worksheet starts 8 weeks before your webinar. If you’re more experienced, have existing active affiliates, and have given this webinar before, you can compress the planning, but 8 weeks is a good starting point. Does this mean you can only give one webinar every 2 months? No! But you need to fully plan each webinar in order to get the results you’re looking for.For a comprehensive course on how to use webinars to increase your reach, impact, and income, check out Profit with Webinars!DateActionNotes/Results-8 weeksGoal for this week: Focus on the product and possible affiliate partnersDecide on the product you’ll sellDecide on the free webinar date (see info below about multiple webinars)Outline the product’s content, including price & bonusesWrite the sales pageCreate the product in your shopping cart softwareList possible affiliate partners-7 weeks Goal for this week: Focus on promotional materials; start creating the productPlan and write email promotions (at least 3)Write emails for affiliates (at least 3)Write social media posts (for you & affiliates)Plan out which social media platforms you’ll use and howIf you’ll give a gift, create it (for before the webinar or for attendees)If the product will be an immediate download, start creating it; if it will be a live course, or delivered over time, you can work on this later-6 weeksGoal for this week: Create webinar & email structure, contact affiliatesSchedule webinar in your webinar service (you can do some individual ones for top affiliates; or one in the evening, one during the day)Set up the email list for your webinar attendeesWrite a script explaining why affiliates should support you, including statistics, past affiliate results, etc.Contact affiliatesIf the product will be an immediate download, continue to work on it-5 weeksGoal for this week: Finalize affiliates, script, slides, opt-in page, and productFirm up affiliates, give them email & social media post copy and scheduleWrite webinar script and create slidesCreate opt-in page for webinar and test the entire process to make sure that people get the log-in and are registered on a list you can accessIf the product will be an immediate download, complete it-4 weeksGoal for this week: Start promotion, complete sales pageDo a first promotion to your list of the webinar and tell affiliates the conversion rate; if necessary, try some A/B testing to improve itComplete the Buy Now button on the product sales page and test it.-3 weeksGoal for this week: Start affiliate promotionsStart promotions by affiliates; continue to keep them up to date on opt-insYou can now re-contact people who didn't promote and tell them the results current affiliates are getting-2 weeksGoal for this week: More promotionContinue to promote to your list, via both email and social media-1 weekGoal for this week: Practice until you’re comfortablePractice your webinar. If you’re new at webinars, record a practice and watch it to help you improveWebinar Day!Goal for this day: Rock it! Give the webinar(s). At end, ask for comments about the webinar. Make your offerTake care of questions from new customers and potential customers+1 dayGoal for this day: Post the recording and notify registrantsReview recording and make minor edits, then post itIf the registrants are in the webinar service’s list, export the list and import it into your email programSend out an email to registrants, telling them the recording link. Include positive comments from attendees to inspire them to watch.+2 daysGoal for this day: Continue to promote the recordingResend email to people who didn’t attend and didn’t open the previous email, giving a deadline to watch the recording +3-5 daysGoal for this day: Promote your product & analyze resultsSend an email on the day that the offer goes away. You can send more emails if you wantAnalyze sales results. What went right and what could you do better next time?+5 daysGoal for this day: Follow up with affiliatesTell the affiliates the results and when you’ll pay them. Thank them!Follow up with affiliates and encourage them to promote the recording for as long as your offer stands+2 weeksGoal for this week: Turn your webinar into an automated money-making machine! Then start planning your next webinar!Turn your recording into an automated webinarEmail affiliates and explain that they can promote the product at any time by sending people to the automated webinarStart thinking about your next webinar!Congratulations on completing your webinar! If you didn’t get the results you wanted, think about what you could do differently, but don’t stop doing webinars! They are a proven technique for growing your list and selling lots of products.For a comprehensive course on how to use webinars to increase your reach, impact, and income, check out HYPERLINK "" Profit with Webinars!Learn-Act-Succeed!lefttopEllen FinkelsteinPowerPoint MVP (Most Valuable Professional, a Microsoft award), one of 13 in the United StatesEllen started doing webinars in 2007 and has done several hundred by now. She's the host of the weekly webinar series Star Power Half Hour and PowerPointers Quarter Hour. She has done dozens of JV webinars and has taught a group coaching course on doing effective webinars. ................

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