Trustee Board

?right-423100MinutesMeetingUnion CouncilDateThursday 9 May 2019Time7pm – 10pmLocationLecture Theatre 2AuthorKey points: Approved societies: Cancer Research UK?, Commuters?, Ghanaian?, Ghost Hunting?, Mahjong?, OSCE Aid?, Social Work?, Wine and Cheese, WISE (Women in Science and Engineering)?The following motions were approved: Amendment to the Bye-Laws - An Officer for Black StudentsGive Us Peer Support Groups!Making labs a better learning environmentDon’t want to attend Council? Don’t sit on Council!Amendment to the Bye-Laws – Course rep and convenorAllow Associate Tutors to Supervise Dissertations at Undergraduate LevelUEA SU-assistance in end of year on-campus/off campus accommodation collectionLGBT+ PolicyUEA SU to demand that the university declares a climate emergencyNo to rent hikesProper Silent SpacesThe real cost of being a studentVoting Members Present in the room: Georgina Burchell (Student officer committee); Jenna Chapman (Student officer committee); Jim Read (Student officer committee); Chloe Crowther (Student officer committee); Liam Deary (Student officer committee); Martin Marko (Student officer committee); Oli Gray (Student officer committee); Rob Klim (Student officer committee); Sophie Atherton (Student officer committee); Thai Braddick (Student officer committee); Emma Moxon (Student officer committee); Sanna Mantyyniemi (Student officer committee); James Willcock (Assassins); Jack Jones (BIO); Eddi Kernoghan (Education); Jack Annand (Entrepreneur); Alice Cepelowicz Lessa (Feminist); Hannah Luedke (German); Samantha Farzad (Language & Communication Studies); Maddie Bransfield (Nursing); Aliyah Rawat (Womanist); Elizabeth Payne (Gymnastics); Eliza Gurner (Tap); Hazrat Hussain (TaekWondo); Eleanor Armstrong-Mortlock (Trampulining); Kavan Fallows (School Convenor ENG); Roo Pitt (School Convenor PPL); Zinnia Bugg (School Convenor CHE); Emilia Bugg (Disbaled Students Liberation Society (Open place)); Lewis Martin (Mature Students Assembly (Council Rep)); Syed Saad (International Student Officer Non-EU); Tyler Bell (Non-Portfolio); Callum Perry (Faculty Convenor SSF UG); Rebecca Rowson; Ella Brown (Commuters); Ashley Wise (Commuters); Ben Smith (Boxing); Michelle Anane (Ghanaian); Tansy Jones (Ballet); Manning Bradie (School Convenor); Emily Newbrook (Wise society); Ellen Bowler (Fell and mountaineering); Katie Colyer (Rounders); Amelia Trew (Pride); Benjamin Joseph-Ebare (ACS); Rachel Higgins (Pole fitness); Tobi John Ajisafe (ACS); Nathaniel Ihenachor (ACS); Badushi Jeganathan (OSCEAid); Norman Ng Yeechye; Hilkiah Adebanjo (African Law society); Ng Kang Thye; Zhi Xuan Ng; Natasha Dayananda (Cancer Research society); Temi Ogunniyi-a; Louise Mayo (Cheer dance).Voting Members Present onlineChairElliot FolanDeputy ChairDan BoxIn Attendance Josh Clare (Head of Campaigns and Policy)The chair opened the meeting and conducted a quorum count.?Quorum Count: 442395 Estimates Guest speaker: uea executive team Question: Because the budget can affect every student, should we take the budget in mind and vote according to what our society agrees as a group or keep in mind our students just happen to be members of a society?Answer: Try to vote what societies believe.Question: How can we help in upping the block grant?Answer: having meetings with lots of people in uni. Full time officer approach is working in partnership with uni. Dependent on how conversations go. Uni starting to see benefit of charitable work union does. Hard question to answer because it’s a complex process. Broadly, engage as much as you can in union council.Question from uea polo: Do you have breakdown of what block grant per student is compared to other universities?Answer: Tried to breakdown over how much of the nine grand you pay as student goes to union. About 84 pounds, hard to compare with other universities. Tend to compare just total sum against other unions. Helps contextualise how little we get. Lewis martin, mature student assembly: sussex get 80 percent income from block grant whereas ours is nowhere near that. Uea systematically ensure we don’t get cash. Oli grey: Working with university to send survey to other uni finance departments and if they feel that’s right and what the process is and how it’s done. Will get results back and bring it back to council.Challenges to estimates Martin marko, postgraduate office – councillor defers speech in favourJenna chapman –would we have speech against?Chair – yes it will be treated like conventional debate.Tyler bell, non-portfolio elect – asked proposer whether they address student officer committee, trustee board regarding concerns around inability to undertaken existing or potential projects in relation to postgraduates.Martin Marko – has not consulted any of those Jenna chapman speech against – changes proposed will impact delivery of impactful work we do for undergraduates and postgraduates. Money proposed to take away is for representation for ugs and pgs. Money from teaching awards has many categories for pgs. Removal of conference expenses specifically for postgraduate conference. Money proposed to take away important for representation and opportunities for all students.Summary speech from proposer – clarifies it wouldn’t be taken areas away e.g. research and conferences chair – this is not what motion says Vote on challenges to estimates from postgraduate su:Options?% Vote?Total?For?1048Against??62Abstentions??27Motion is not passed. Challenges to estimates Proposing speech -Sophie atherton, speech against - did not consult with pg assembly management committee or trustee board. Disappointing approach. Problematic when challenges are made without discussing it with individuals affected. Estimates not finished budgets for year and question is whether challenge should be approved. Summary speech – fair points but question of where money goes and priorities The vote was as following:Options?% Vote?Total?For?647Against??77Abstentions??17Concludes challenges to estimates. The vote for the budget estimates is as following:Options?% Vote?Total?For?7948Against??4Abstentions??17Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 28 February 20192396The Chair introduced the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 07 February 2019. The chair asked Union Council for comments. The Chair accepted minor textual amendments. Womanist society says in the last meeting it says they were contacted by urban female movement, although this was said in the meeting it did not happen.The vote for approving the minutes is as follows: Options?% Vote?Total?For?7646Against??2Abstentions??22The minutes were approved.2397Matters ArisingThe Chair asked if there were any matters arising from previous minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda.2398Club, Society and Peer Support Group ConstitutionsThe Deputy Chair introduced the constitutions of student groups requested for approval by Union Council. The?standard?Constitutions have been?received?from:?Cancer Research UKTo fundraise and raise awareness of the Cancer Research Charity on muters To provide a welcoming community for students who live at home while at university or travel for distances, creating a broader social network and more opportunities for elements such as ease of travel and accessible events.? C) GhanianEmpowering Ghanaian enthusiasts at UEA and those interested in learning about the culture within the Gold Coast. We aim to provide support, hospitality and a platform to begin a family for everyone at UEA.D) Ghost HuntingTo have fun exploring the supernatural (legally) ?Play spooky games/watch horror movies? ?Visit/tour famously haunted sites?e) Mahjong Promoting the mahjong culture to everyone and let everyone have a clear idea of it. Also, mahjong society will organise social events and tutorials, so we aim to let members socialize with students from different backgroundsf) OSCE AidWe aim to help medical students of all year groups get through our practical medical examinations, called OSCEs. From year 2 till year 5 medical students go through 5 OSCEs per year. One at the end of every module (so at the end of every term) covering topics from that specific module and then a 2-day OSCE at the end of the year covering any modules covered in our time in medical school so far. Various difficult skills and tasks are tested in these practical examinations and there?are?no student led?organizations?which?solely focuses on helping medical students getting through these OSCEs, particularly with helping in end of year OSCEs. We aim to run multiple teaching sessions on the skills and tasks that are commonly tested in these examinations, such as prescribing medications and plan on running multiple mock OSCEs with students all years, giving them focused feedback.?G) Social WorkTo allow people to learn more about all things social work, to help out with community projects, fundraising, to arrange events and guest speakers for all Social Work students and society members and much moreH) Wine and Cheese SocietyThe aim of the club is to educate people culturally on the different wine and cheese that exist, but also to introduce a new?sophisticated?and relaxed?hobby?to the?university?in which people can come together to?socialize and?enjoy?similar interests. “Drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life’s most civilized pleasures” – Michael BroadbenI) ?WISE (Women in Science and Engineering)To provide and safe and nurturing environment for women in STEM subjects to support each other in their future endeavors. Whilst we understand that there are becoming less and less boundaries for women within STEM subjects in the wider world, it is still heavily male dominated, and the aim is to support those who wish to enter these career paths.?Before new Societies, Clubs and Peer Support Groups are sent to Union Council for approval the Societies Executive will consider them and make recommendations.The Deputy Chair noted that before new Societies, Clubs and Peer Support Groups are submitted to Union Council for approval, the Societies Executive considers them and makes recommendations.The following recommendations were made by the Societies Executive Tuesday 19 February 2019:Proposed SocietyExecutive RecommendationContextCancer Research UKApproveSimilar to Big C however is national charity, we are new accepting Charity societies, and this is a worthwhile cause so recommend approving. CommutersApproveNeed to clarify what counts as a commuter but great idea for bringing together a group who do not usually have the chance to socialise on campus. GhanaianApprovePotentially overpriced as membership fee no clear and more info needed on plans for fundraising but great new cultural society. Ghost HuntingApproveSounds a fun society with great collaboration ideas but suggestion of lowering the fee and risk assessments would be vital. MahjongApproveHave been invited to attend this council and explain reasons for questions we had. High price of membership was to cover cost of Mahjong board, soc exec have happily approved with their explanations. OSCE AidApproveSuggestions for also having some fun socials but seems very important and effective idea to support medical students where they haven’t before. Would support all medical students, so very good. Social WorkApproveNo questions over this society, good application and good ideas for events and collaborations. Good new academic society.Wine and Cheese ApproveNeed to consider vegan/dairy free and non-alcoholic options, however could be popular idea with good range of events planned. WISE (Women in Science and Engineering)ApproveWould have liked to see more ideas for events and more creativity but good idea for society and representation and awareness.OSCE aidThe vote was as following:Options?% Vote?Total?For?7646Against??2Abstentions??22The society was approved.Question – similarity of cancer research uk to other cancer related societies Move to vote on rest as block and vote on cancer research uk and uea love support group seperately. Vote is as following:Options?% Vote?Total?For?8547Against??4Abstentions??11The societies are all approved. Vote on cancer research UK:Options?% Vote?Total?For?8643Against??7Abstentions??7The society is approved. Vote on uea love peer support group:Not voted on by society exec because it is not a society. Question from Emilia Bugg – cant find it on agenda, what is it Chair – it’s on page 124. Proposer not present to answer questions. Uea love peer support group is delayed until the next meeting. Guest talk Uea's approach to widening access and participation across student journey24002401Election of Student Trustees As required by Article 37 of the Constitution, four Student Trustees to serve for 2019-20.The ballot will be held online. Voting opens noon on Friday 10 May and closes at noon on Friday 17 May.The candidates are: Samuel Chan, Daniel Cockburn-Evans, Charles Flanagan, Sebastian Lajos, Karolina Roszkowska with the option of Re-Open NominationsAffiliations to External OrganisationsThe continued affiliation of the Union, on behalf of the generality of students, to the following organisations, costs in brackets: Advice UK (?1,000) The National Union of Students (?17,766) The Citizens Advice Bureau (?1,000)Students for Cooperation (?75)Vote on continuing affiliations. Voting on each one separately.No questions on organisations.Advice Uk Thai braddick – wants explanation of what advice uk is Georgina burchell – a charity that helps our advisors do the work they do, give them support and connects them to other advice services The vote was as following:Options?% Vote?Total?For?8444Against??9Abstentions??7The affiliation is maintained. The national union of students Sophie atherton – nus is bigger than us, all student unions pay affiliation with nus. Includes outlets, training, conferences. Online question – do we have an idea of how much money the nus is being allocated, different in this section to earlier. Do we have info on what money goes too by continuing affiliation.Chair of finance committee – around 12,000 pounds – just an error on nus’s part Sophie atherton – cant directly see where money specifically goes but does a lot for representation, good for liberation groups making it inclusive and a lot of full time officers at nus – fundamentally believe in student interests at heart of it. cant say directly where money goes because it’s such a big organisation.Vote was as following:Options?% Vote?Total?For?7145Against??9Abstentions??20The affiliation is maintained.Citizens advice bureauGeorgina burchell – access to their online info systems and books, is about advice service meaning we can access specialist advice if needed. The vote was as following:Options?% Vote?Total?For?9144Against??2Abstentions??7The affiliation is maintained.Students for cooperationChair of dpc – students for cooperation is overarching national body for cooperatives on campuses. Gives legal advice.The vote was as following:Options?% Vote?Total?For?9345Against??2Abstentions??4The affiliation is maintained.Section 2: Reports The elected Student Officers meet as the Student Officer Committee (SOC) where they decide on how to run campaigns and on how to implement the policies passed by Union Council. This section is your chance to scrutinise the work of SOC and to hold the Student Officers to account for the work they have been doing on your behalf.2402Reports from SU and University MeetingsUnion council rep trampolining – working on ways to adapt and transfer ideas to support first years in sports clubs. 24032405 Student Officer Committee ReportGeorgina - Welfare, Community and Diversity: Held a very successful alcohol impact strategy meeting this morning. Attended the Universities action planning meeting for closing the BAME attainment gap. Working with Jenna to produce some exam stressbusting kits. Introduced the Rate Your Landlord scheme to landlords and are preparing to launch it this month – if you would like to rate early please head to )Jenna – Undergraduate Education: Working with the Widening Participation team on the implementation plan for inclusive education policies. Attended an action morning on the BAME attainment gap. Wrote a paper on the additional costs students face including printing, reassessment fees and DBS checks. Attended the Quality Assurance Agency conference to gather best practice, and learnt about other Uni’s advisory systems and what works. Shortlisting and planning for the TEAs and STARs. Attended weekly lecture capture project group. Attended a variety of University Committees.Martin – Postgraduate Education: Transforming Education Awards (nominations, rehearsals). Attended meetings: PGT SSLCs – Postgraduate Taught Student-Staff Liaison Committees, GSSFs – Graduate Student-Staff Forums, NBI – Norwich Bioscience Institutes, DTSWG – Developing Teaching Skills Working Group, LTC – Learning & Teaching Committee, Attended NUS National Conference. Working on PGR induction. Attended the Trustee Board strategy weekend with the other FTOs and student trustees. Sophie – Campaigns and Democracy: Attended NUS' National Conference in early April, which saw reform go through! Next week the newly elected officers are doing some planning together to look at their aims for next year. Recently visited 7 different SUs to learn what they're doing in terms of democracy, to feed into the review that is taking place. The Aurora biannual is coming up at the end of May. The TEAs and the STARs taking place next week (Monday and Thursday) – definitely come along!Oli – Activities and Opportunities: New club/society committees were released today – training and handover period to follow. Won Derby Day for the 7th year in a row, well done everyone, huge thanks to all staff & volunteers who helped on the day! Met with university finance managers to discuss block grant allocation process. Loads of awards - Sports Awards, Career Central, Ziggurat, and TEAs & STARs still to come! Well done to everyone for a great year of activities. Thai: Released a solidarity statement with and attended the Goldsmiths Anti-Racism Occupation. Attended NUS Black Students' Conference. Attended NUS National Conference and worked on the #SaveNUSTrans campaign (and NUS Trans was saved!). Completed the BAME discrimination survey and the results will be compiled and released soon. Have had meetings and consulted on Decolonise UEA. Preparing a workshop on QTPOC in HE and what a truly decolonise curriculum looks like. Consulting with experts to find what best practice for peer support mental health groups will look likeLiam and Jim: Finished updating the SU’s LGBT+ policy, which is coming up later in the agenda. Planning for the last Colours of the year, which will take place on 23rd May – more information coming soon! Emma: Talking with ASD students about implementing changes to campus, specifically lighting, quiet spaces, and accommodation – motion for quiet spaces coming up in the agenda. Communicating with Nightline to create more information/advertisement of services around campus.Trustee BoardGeorgina burchell – examined effectiveness as a board, how to priortise things, looked over budgets, appointed another new external trustee Reports from Representatives No reports given,Section 3Open DiscussionThe Open Discussion section of the agenda is an opportunity for informal discussion about a topic proposed by the Student Officer Committee.UEA Access & Participation Plan consultation. Section4240624072408 24092410 Policy MakingAmendment to the Bye-Laws - An Officer for Black StudentsProposer: Thai Braddick (Non-Portfolio Officer)Seconder: Temi Ogunniyi-Adeleke (African-Caribbean Society)Proposing speech from seconder – council should positively take step forward against racism and unwelcomeness on campus.No questions or speech against.Summary speech – black students systematically not represented, creating this role will bring real change. The vote was as following:Options% VoteTotalFor8945Against4Abstentions 7The motion is approved. Give Us Peer Support Groups!Proposer: Thai Braddick (Non-Portfolio Officer)Seconder: ?liyah Rawat (Womanist Society)Thai braddick gave proposing speech – severe mental health crisis. We need to come together as a community. Peer support groups not a cure all and will not fix problem but will give one more place to talk about insecurities and worries and meet people who care. Already have a proven successful support group for BAME people. Wants su to work with expert charities to support peer support groups. The vote was as following:Options% VoteTotalFor8341Against0Abstentions 17Making labs a better learning environmentProposer: Zinnia Bugg (CHE School Convenor)Seconder: Jenna Chapman (UG Education Officer)Proposing speech: labs often mandatory part of science degree but often challenging and inaccessible. Lab organisers resistant to making reasonable adjustments to disabled students taking science degrees. Question about are three hours labs without breaks not representative of labs after uni and more examples of what is accessible Answer: it is not representative of all labs and disabled students are forced to stand for long periods of time Another question – what is the right time for labs if three hours is too longAnswer- not necessarily they are too long but there is no option to opt of that uea polo society – you can take rest breaks in exams so why not in labs Chair – speech in favour and this is just questionsQuestion – accredeted degrees, how is this going to work outAnswer- should be middle ground, in industry they would make adjustments Speech against motion – rounders society – if you are doing a chemistry degree you have to be able to do labs, chemistry is an accredited degree. Not outrageous for students to do hours in labs when it’s representative of what you’d do in workplace. Speech for motion – rest breaks don’t impact accredited time in lab. One of leading things health and safety officers and first aiders discuss is people fainting in labs. In industry you can leave and get a cup of tea, that’s how jobs work. a rest break is a reasonable adjustment to make for any type of assessment. The vote was as following:Options% VoteTotalFor8541Against5Abstentions 10The motion is passed. Don’t want to attend Council? Don’t sit on Council!Proposer: Jack Annand (Entrepreneurship)Seconder: Eliza Gurner (Tap)Proposing speech from Jack Annand – over 200 elected members of uc representing 15000 students yet attendance is low. Motion ensures we do something about this. Simply ask councillors turn up and represent constituents. Bye-law already exists, suggesting we start using it. 14.6 written for reason, need elected council engaged to represent constituents. If councillor fails to attend reguarly they lose role and privileges. More councillors means more representation and voices in room. Duty to uphold bye-laws. Supports faciliation of bye law through greater awareness and understanding. Online question – what happens when we cant find council members in committee and how to boost people to attend Answer – if we have councillors who sign up with zero intention to attend meeting they are not councillors. Emilia trew- life gets in way and people can’t attend meetings. Less about getting rid of them if they don’t turn up and more about getting them to come and making them aware of when it is, working on promotion. Answer – other resolves in motion in place such as if they cant attend they have option to send nominated representive, and apologies process. More promotion always good and this is for councillors who disregard any interest in council business. Question, Maddie Bransfield, nursing society – does it have to be someone on committee or member of society who isn’t on committee. in nursing society most members are on placement, possible people from nursing committee wouldn’t be able to attendChair – you can elect different person from society in their place. Sophie Atherton – would have to be someone on committee and if they cant attend, sending apologiesUea polo - if a council member is dismissed and they cant be replaced is the committee invalid and is the society at risk? Union council a big commitment, may struggle to find replacement. Secondly, way of warning committee and constituents if someone is not turning up. Answer – union council is required position on committee, if no one can be found this puts society at risk. Doesnt have to be separate position. Every meeting has list of people who attended and who sent apologies. Answer – if you dont have a union council rep it’s not the end of society, you can run an election for any position if someone steps down Answer from proposer – list of attendees and apologies is already published in minutes. Resolves 2 would change to explicitly include list of absentees. Ben Smith, boxing – any work done recently on why people aren’t comingSophie Atherton – hasn’t been done immediately but a lot of work is going to be done in second year as campaigns and democracy officer. The vote was as following:Options% VoteTotalFor7541Against5Abstentions 20The motionAmendment to the Bye-Laws – Course rep and convenor Proposer: Jenna Chapman (Undergraduate Education Officer)Seconder: Martin Marko (Postgraduate Education Officer)Jenna chapman gave proposing speech – need to recognise as union we have other volunteers putting in equivalent amount of time, is about levelling playing field.wants to make sure money can be used to support course reps and convenors through better communication and advertisements. Roo pitt – in regards to notes 2, convenors paid for by university. wants to seek absolute clarification as to why su now pay that bill not university. Answer – course rep system is partnership by union runs most of it e.g. training for course reps and convenors, union pays because of course reps being elected not picked by academics, university refused to pay it, case of consistency at time. asked university if they would consider paying it, university not keen to give a lot of money and better ways to spend money if university were to give more money. Question – notes 3 – bursary must be paid at end of year regardless of commitment but in bye laws it says they may be paid bursary. Understanding we only receive busary if we fulfill requirements of role. Wants clarification on this.Answer – not the best written bye-law,doesnt specifically relate to performance in bye-law and couldn’t force volunteer to do thatChair – interpretation in bye law is use of word may is unusual grammatical use but is a matter of debate as to how it may be changed. Question – why wasnt a consultation taken place prior to meetingAnswer – wrote motion on day of submission but made sure to send email to all convenors saying motion was there and open to amendments or discussion Roo Pitt raised procedural motion to take motion in parts, removing resolves 1Chair declines procedural motion due to time restraints Speech against by Roo Pitt – should be holding convenors who do not fulfill role to account. People do not do this for the money and there are easier ways to earn money. Must meet requirements for bursary. Jenna Chapman – this is about making sure this money can be spent on improving the awareness of course reps and convenors as a whole but also recognising how important convenors are and also recognises amount of time other convenors put in The vote was as following:Options% VoteTotalFor5841Against17Abstentions 24The motion is passed. 2411 Allow Associate Tutors to Supervise Dissertations at Undergraduate LevelProposer:?Eddi?Kernoghan?(Education Society)Seconder:?Thai Braddick (Non-Portfolio Officer)Proposing speech – in education department at the moment associate supervisors can’t supervise at undergraduate level. Seems strange to not want to draw on associate tutor experience. Jump in numbers of students will stretch capacity of permanent staff. Not forcing them to do it but giving option that if they want to supervise dissertation they should be allowed to do it. Summation speeches waived due to time constraints. The vote was as following:Options% VoteTotalFor8240Against0Abstentions 18The motion was approved. 2412 UEA SU-assistance in end of year on-campus/off campus accommodation collectionProposer: Rob Klim (Ethical Issues officer)??Seconder: Jim Read (LGBT+, Trans Place?officer)??Proposing speech – motion attempting to fulfill promise made before where uea became a university of sanctuary. Refugee week is a national thing that lies outside of term time. This motion is designed to ensure uea can provide asylum seekers and refugees locally through big collection. Collecting items whilst term is ended which coincides with refugee week. Question from uea polo – named specific charities this is going too, does this mean these are the only charities this is going tooAnswer – care4calais would for example take medium sized clothing, non perishable food items can go to grassroot charities to support homeless people and economically deprived people. Question – how to prevent it being used as a dumping ground by students for leftover stuffAnswer- use space in lcr to sort stuff out No speech against motion. The vote was as following:Options% VoteTotalFor9540Against0Abstentions 5The motion was passed. 2413LGBT+ PolicyProposer?Liam Deary?(LGBT+ Officer, Open Place)?Seconder?Jim Read?(LGBT+ Officer, Trans and Non-Binary Place)??Based on feedback from students, updates policy from 2012. The vote was as following:Options% VoteTotalFor9041Against0Abstentions 10The motion was passed. 2414UEA SU to demand that the university declares a climate emergencyProposer:?Alice Wheatley (UEA Food Co-Op Union Officer)?Seconder:?Rob Klim?(Ethical Issues?Officer)??Rob Kim gives proposing speech - Four other universities declared climate emergency. Lots of students supportive of this, roughly 900 signatures on open letter. Wants to make uea carbon neutral, shared with other universities. Question – is this affiliated to any env justice groups in practiceAnswer - no, the point is a push for the university to do it. Sophie Atherton – was discussed with university sustaibility boardThe vote was as following: Options% VoteTotalFor9541Against0Abstentions 5The motion was passed. 2415No to rent hikesProposer:?Thai Braddick (Non-Portfolio Officer)?Seconders:?Sophie Atherton (Campaigns and Democracy Officer)?Thai braddick gives proposing speech - 2416 The vote was as following:Options% VoteTotalFor9537Against0Abstentions 5The motion was passed. Proper Silent Spaces Proposer: Emma MoxonSeconder: Abbey DoormannThe vote was as following:Options% VoteTotalFor9039Against0Abstentions 10The motion was passed. 2417 The real cost of being a studentProposer:?jenna chapmanProposing speech – costs like dbs check, printing costs, re-assessment costs. Motion mandates full time officers to work to reduce financial pressure on students put on by the university. University can afford it and dont need to keep ripping off students. The vote was as following: Options% VoteTotalFor9040Against2Abstentions 7The motion was passed. 2418Time, Date and Place of Next MeetingLast Meeting for the academic year 2018/19 ................

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