SD Head Start

Developing an Elevator Speech

An “elevator speech” is a short 30 second speech you can use to briefly explain your program to others. It should be clear, concise, and free from jargon. It should include the following:

• Who you are

• What program you are from

• Important highlights of your program’s services

1. Take the next few minutes to develop your “elevator speech.” Write down key points you want to include.

2. Partner with someone close to you. Pretend this person knows nothing about early childhood and practice your elevator speech with them.

3. Get feedback from your partner on your speech. What would you keep? What would you change?

Example of an Elevator Speech

Our Early Head Start Home based program serves pregnant mothers and children ages birth to 3. We utilize the family home as a learning environment.


During pregnancy expectant moms can learn more about how to be healthy and plan for the arrival of the baby. After birth, the child is enrolled in Early Head Start.  When a child is enrolled, a home visitor will come to the home once a week for 90 minutes. Together the parents and the home visitor will plan activities to help the child grow and learn and work on goals parents have for themselves and their family.  Twice a month families have an opportunity to meet with other children and parents to get to know one another and share interesting experiences and ideas.


As a child approaches age 3, the home visitor will help the family and child transition to other services that may be available. If a family still qualifies, the child may go to our center based Head Start program for 3-5 year olds.



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