The New Hartford Public Schools’ Teacher Handbook contains ...






The New Hartford Public Schools’ Teacher Handbook contains brief outlines of procedures, rights, and responsibilities that may be helpful to you as a New Hartford teacher. Where appropriate a cross reference is provided to New Hartford Public School policies. The complete Regulations and Bylaws of New Hartford Public Schools is available on our district website . An online link in the Board of Education section will take you to policy information, or you can utilize the following link: policy.newhartford. Documents and forms referred to in this handbook, as well as the handbook itself, can also be accessed on the New Hartford district network NHPS1 in the folder entitled “Teacher Handbook”.

July 2013.


Table of Contents

Mission and Vision……………………………………………………………page 6

New Hartford Board of Education………………………………………page 7

Accidents and Injuries………………………………………………………page 8

Activity Funds/Field Trips………………………………………………….page 8

Asbestos Inspection………………………………………………………….page 8

Assemblies and Programs………………………………………………….page 9

Audio Visual Equipment…………………………………………………….page 9

Child Abuse and Neglect……………………………………………………page 9

Community Relations……………………………………………………… 10

Computer Lab………………………………………………………………….page 11

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)…………………………………….page 11

Course Reimbursement…………………………………………………….page 11

Crisis Plan……………………………………………………………………….page 12

Displaying Religious Symbols/Holiday Recognition…………… 12

District Website……………………………………………………………….page 13

Duties……………………………… 13

Evaluation……………………………………… 13

Faculty Meetings………………………………………………………..……page 15

Fire Drill and Procedures………………………………………………… 16

Health Information………………………………………………………… 16

Help Desk (computer issues)…………………………………………… 16

Housekeeping Responsibilities……………………………………………page 17

Keys/Security Alarm Procedures……………………………………… 17

Laptop Use and Care……………………………………………………… 18

Leave Time/Absences……………………………………………………….page 18

Library Media Center……………………………………………………… 19

Mailboxes/District Mail………………………………………………………page 19

Media Use in the Classroom………………………………………………page 19

Mobile Lab (Antolini Only)…………………………………………………page 20

Parent Chaperones………………………………………………………… 20

Planning and Preparation Time………………………………………….page 20

Posting of Student Work and Photographs………………………….page 20

PowerAnnouncement..………………………………………………………page 21

PowerSchool……………………………………………………………………page 21

Professional Conduct……………………………………………………… 22

Professional Development…………………………………………………page 22

Professional Learning Community (PLC)…………………………… 23

Response to Intervention (RTI)…………………………………………page 23

Safe Schools Plan…..…………………………………………………………page 24

SRBI..………………………………………………………………………………page 24

Section 504………………………………………………………………………page 25

Sexual Harassment………………………………………………………… 25

Special Education…………………………………………………………… 26

Staff Directory………………………………… 26

Student Attendance and Tardiness Records……………………… 26

Student Conduct Expectations………………………………………… 27

Student Confidentiality…………………………………………………… 27

Student Cumulative Records…………………………………………… 27

Student Pick-Up Notes…………………………………………………… 28

Student Records, Work and Assessments (discarding of)…….page 28

Substitute Teacher Plans………………………………………………….page 28

Substitute Teacher Request…………………………………………… 29

Supplies…………………………………………………………………………page 29

Taking Students Outside (on school grounds)……………………page 30

Teacher Work Day…………………………………………………… 30

Technology Leaders……………………………………………………… 30

Telephone and Fax Use………………………………………………… 30

Travel……………………………………………………………………………page 31

Appendix A………………………………………………………… 32

Forms (Accident Report, Expense Report, etc…)


Mission Statement

The New Hartford Public Schools, in partnership with families and the community-at-large, will provide an exemplary educational program for all children in pre-kindergarten through grade six that will inspire and prepare them to become independent and enthusiastic learners.


New Hartford Public Schools Vision Statements

The New Hartford Public Schools will:

1. Create and sustain an educational community responsive to the intellectual, social, and emotional needs of children.

2. Encourage and assist all students to develop to their fullest potential and to be initiators of their own learning.

3. Ensure the physical safety and security of all its children.

4. Include parents as partners in the educational process, recognizing them as the primary educators of their children.

5. Communicate regularly and effectively with town residents, and respond appropriately to the community’s needs.

6. Promote fiscal responsibility and consistent financial support for our children’s education.

7. Provide exemplary curriculum that holds the highest expectations for student achievement.

8. Conduct regular comprehensive evaluations of the educational benefits and cost effectiveness of our curriculum and instructional programs.

9. Develop and implement a long-range plan for school facilities renovation and maintenance.

10. Provide the human and financial resources for instructional improvement initiatives and intervention programs that advance student achievement.

11. Integrate administrative and educational technology to increase productivity and efficiency and to improve teaching and learning.

12. Provide for professional development for our teachers through specific workshops, professional study groups, action research teams, and the supervision and evaluation process.


New Hartford Board of Education

Mr. Bryan Keilty (Chairman)

Mr. Stephen Tuxbury (Vice-Chairman)

Dr. Katie Fisk Natale (Secretary)

Mr. Josh Adams

Ms. Elaine Carmelich

Ms. Susan Lundin

Ms. Melissa Giaconia

Ms. Marie Watkins

Ms. Jen Zenuh


Accidents and Injuries

All accidents or injuries of students or staff must be reported to the school nurse immediately. In the event the school nurse is not available, report the injury to the school principal or administrator. In case of an accident a report must be completed with copies sent to the school nurse, principal, and superintendent’s office. Forms are housed in the Health Office.


Activity Funds and Field Trips 3450 - 6153

All money collected for field trips or special programs should be stored in the school’s locked safe. No money should be left in a classroom overnight. Money should be hand delivered to Central Office with an accompanying form. Notification of all field trips should be provided to all teachers, the nurse and the principal. Forms may be printed from the New Hartford district network NHPS1.


Asbestos Inspection

As a result of Federal Law and State of Connecticut Regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), school districts throughout the State of Connecticut are required to inspect all buildings in order to:

✓ Identify friable and non-friable asbestos present

✓ Develop asbestos management plans

✓ Implement any necessary actions

A Management Plan, including the inspection report, is now available in the superintendent’s office for your review and inspection during normal office hours.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the superintendent of schools.


Assemblies and Programs

There will be assemblies and programs periodically. Children should be instructed in proper conduct. The classroom teachers or interdisciplinary teachers should remain with their classes during assemblies.


Audio & Visual Equipment

There is a variety of audio and visual equipment available for instructional use. Be sure to check with your Library Media Specialist to see what is available.


Child Abuse & Neglect 5141.4

All employees of the Board of Education are statutory mandated reporters. If at any time you believe a child has been abused, neglected, or has been placed in imminent risk of serious harm, the following steps shall be taken:

1. The employee shall immediately, upon having reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a child has been abused, neglected, or placed in imminent danger of serious harm, and in no case later than twelve (12) hours after having such a suspicion or belief, make an oral report by telephone or in person to the Commissioner of Children and Families or the local law enforcement agency.

2. The employee shall also immediately make an oral report to the building administrator or the Director of Student Services.

3. Within twenty-four (24) hours of making an oral report, the employee shall submit a written report to the Commissioner of Children and Families or his/her representative containing all of the required information. (Form 136 is available in the Health Office)

4. In cases involving suspected abuse or neglect by a school employee, and upon receiving notice from the Commissioner of Children and Families or commissioner’s designee, the Superintendent or his/her designee, shall immediately notify the child’s parent or guardian that such a report has been made.

5. If the report concerns suspected abuse or neglect by a school employee holding a certificate, authorization, or permit issued by the State Department of Education, the Superintendent shall submit a copy of the written report to the Commissioner of Education or his/her representative.

All Information is Confidential


Community Relations

New Hartford Public School teachers recognize the importance of home/school and community/school connections.

Connecticut Common Core of Teaching

As noted in Connecticut’s Common Core of Teaching (CCT) under Domain 6: Professional Responsibilities and Teacher Leadership”, “Teachers communicate and collaborate with colleagues, students and families to develop and sustain a positive school climate and support student learning.”

Parent Teacher Organization

Teachers are encouraged to join and take an active role in the New Hartford PTO as it is a vital link between parents and the school. The PTO generally meets the second Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room at Ann Antolini School.


The Board of Education (BOE) encourages the use of volunteers within our schools. Make sure that interested adults contact the school office and complete the Volunteer Information Form required by the BOE.


Computer Lab

Teachers may reserve the computer lab by the sign-up sheets located on the network. Students must be supervised at all times when using the lab. Students should ask for permission prior to printing to ensure that the correct printer has been designated and the correct number of copies is made. Extra printer paper is located in the cabinet under the printers.


Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Effective July 1, 2012, continuing education units (CEUs) were no longer required for continuation of the professional education certificate. However, Section 36 of P.A. 12-116 requires anyone applying for a profession educator certificate on and after July 1, 2016 to have completed a master’s degree in an appropriate subject matter area related to such person’s certification endorsement area, as determined by the State Board of Education, in order to be issued a professional educator certificate. . For more information on certification requirements for your endorsement area/s go to sde..


Course Reimbursement

Teachers shall be reimbursed for courses taken at an accredited college or university, approved by the Superintendent, at the rate of fifty percent (50%) of the cost per credit pursuant to the requirements below. The Board is expected to provide said reimbursement up to $10,000 per year.

• Teachers shall complete the form entitled "Request for Course Approval" prior to registering for a course for which they wish to be reimbursed.

• Forms should be obtained from the building administrative assistant. The Superintendent's approval must be given prior to registration.

• Approval is granted only in cases where the Superintendent determines that taking a course will benefit the New Hartford School System. The decision of the Superintendent is final.

• Teachers shall be eligible for up to two (2) course reimbursements each school year. If, by January 15, funds are still available, teachers may apply for additional reimbursement.

• Request for payment from the Superintendent's office shall be made by June 1, with proof of successful course completion and upon receipt of documentation of payment by the teacher for the approved course.


Crisis Plan

A district Crisis Handbook is available in each school main office and on the New Hartford district network NHPS1. This handbook provides guidelines for staff in coping with student/family crises.


Displaying Religious Symbols and Decorations & Holiday Recognition 4118.121, 4218.121, 6115

It is the policy of the Board that it shall neither promote nor discourage any religious belief or non-belief. Instead, the Board encourages all students and employees to have an appreciation for and tolerance of the many points of view which they may encounter among the District's many students and employees. All religions must be treated with equal dignity, and the time and resources devoted to the recognition of the holidays shall be a very small part of the total education program. All programs and materials must support the curriculum objectives, be developmentally and age appropriate and objective in presentation.

The use of religious symbols such as a Cross, Menorah, Crescent, Star of David, crèche, symbols of Native American religions or other symbols that are a part of a religious holiday is permitted as a teaching aid or resource provided such symbols are displayed as an example of the cultural and religious heritage of the holiday and are temporary in nature.


District Website

New Hartford Public Schools has a district website you can access at . Links to each of the schools’ websites are available from the district website. Each teacher has requirements for maintaining their own web page. Please see a tech leader for more information, or see one of the library media specialists for more information.



From time to time duties (lunch, recess, buses) may be assigned by your building principal and must be performed for a safe and smooth running school. Check with your school administrative assistant to the principal for duty schedules at the beginning of each school year.


Evaluation 4115(a)

New Hartford Public School’s Educator Evaluation Process and Guidelines shall be based on Connecticut’s System for Educator Evaluation and Development (SEED) as piloted during the 2012-2013 school year and as modified via future revisions. The following outline follows the SEED process with modifications in bold that personalize the process to New Hartford.

Purpose and Rationale

• The purpose of the evaluation model is to fairly and accurately evaluate teacher performance and to help each teacher strengthen his or her practice to improve student learning.

Design Principles

• Consider multiple, standard-based measures of performance.

• Promote professional judgment and consistency.

• Foster dialogue about student learning.

• Encourage aligned professional, coaching and feedback to support teacher growth.

• Ensure feasibility of implementation.

Evaluation Framework – Four Components

• Teacher Practice Related Indicators

o Observation of teacher performance and practice (40%) as defined in the Connecticut Framework for Teaching or other state certified framework.

o Parent feedback (10%) on teacher practice surveys.

• Student Related Indicators

o Student growth and development (45%) as determined by the teacher’s student learning objectives (SLO’s).

o Whole-school measure of student learning as determined by the school’s Student Performance Index (SPI).

Performance Levels Will Be Defined as Follows:

• Exemplary – Substantially exceeding indicators of performance.

• Proficient – Meeting indicators of performance.

• Developing – Meeting some indicators of performance.

• Below Standard – Not meeting indicators of performance.

Teacher Evaluation Process

• Goal Setting and Planning – Target October 15th; Completed November 15th

o Orientation

o Teacher Reflection and Goal Setting

o Goal Setting Conference

• Mid-Year Check-In – January and February

o Reflection and Preparation

o Mid-Year Conference

• End-of-Year Summative Review – Completed June 30th

o Teacher Self-Assessment

o Scoring

o End-of-Year Conference


• The evaluators of all New Hartford teachers shall be the principals. (Complementary evaluators may be necessary.)

• The evaluator shall complete training and demonstrate proficiency.

Evaluation-Based Professional Learning Plans

• All New Hartford teachers will have a Professional Growth Plan that is co-created with mutual agreement between the teacher and his or her evaluator.

Improvement and Remediation Plans

• Teachers whose performance is rated Developing or Below Standard shall have an individual teacher improvement and remediation plan.

For more information regarding the components of New Hartford’s Teacher Evaluation Plan go to the SEED website at .


Faculty Meetings

Faculty meetings for the entire district are held on the first Tuesday of the month. In the event that the first Tuesday of the month is a holiday or if there is no school, the faculty meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of the month. Meetings generally start at 3:30 P.M. and rarely last beyond 4:45 P.M. Please do not schedule appointments after school on these days. In addition to faculty meetings, teachers shall be available for one meting per month, which will be used for professional learning purposes and team-based collaboration. Such meetings shall commence no later than 3:30 p.m. and end no later than 5:30 p.m. Such meetings will be prescheduled during the fall to provide for calendar planning.


Fire Drill and Other Emergency Procedures

In October 2001, administrators in the New Hartford Public Schools began planning specific safety procedures and protocols coordinated with town personnel to cover a host of local, weather-related, and even national emergencies. While some of these plans require a single building response (fire drill) other plans require a district response (school evacuation). Each school has a safety team who assist the principal in developing and evaluating these protocols and procedures. Additionally, the district has established a team of people who regularly assist the Superintendent of Schools and building principals in developing, implementing, and evaluating district procedures. In the spring of 2013, administrators met with New Hartford’s local officials to review these procedures. These plans are not posted publicly as much of the information is pertinent to school personnel and town safety officials. However, these plans are available to each teacher and will be provided to you by your building principal.

In an effort to strengthen school safety information while not divulging specific security information, a summary for parents and community members is available on the district website at .


Health Information

Accidents & Injuries (see page 8 of this Handbook)

Student Health Information

A confidential list of all students with allergies or health concerns is maintained in the Health Office. This confidential list is shared with staff members who have contact with the students.


Help Desk (reporting a computer or laptop issue)

If you experience a problem with your classroom computer and/or laptop you can submit your request for help via e-mail to the Technology Department, the fastest and easiest way to submit such a request. Follow the steps below to report an issue:

• Start a new e-mail to helpdesk@

• Enter a concise description of the problem in the subject area.

• Put more detailed information in the body of the message and send!

• All submissions are placed in to a centralized database, and will be addressed in a timely fashion. You will receive an automated response to your Help Request within a few minutes. If you wish to add information to your request simply reply to the automated response and include the updated information.


Housekeeping Responsibilities

• Have the children pick up pieces of paper, crayons, pencils, clay, etc. before leaving each night.

• Appoint children to care for minor housekeeping duties in the room. This includes the sink. Please use extra caution in the care of the counters, especially with the splashing and dripping of water.

• All heating vents should be kept clear (no furniture blocking units).

• Please do not use tape on painted surfaces. Do not use staples on plaster or woodwork.

• Have children clean desks frequently.

• The room should be neat when the children leave each night; desks in place, tops of desks cleaned, etc.

• If anything is spilled on hallway/classroom rugs, or if they are soiled, please clean immediately and notify custodian.

• Do not allow pupils to take staples or pins out of bulletin boards as they get caught in the rugs.

• Please lock classroom doors and windows each night.

• The Teachers’ Room is your responsibility – please keep it neat and clean.


Keys/Security Alarm Systems

See your building administrator for procedures on how to activate or deactivate the security alarm system during off hours. Each certified staff member should receive a building and classroom key.


Laptop Care and Use 4118.7

It is your personal responsibility to ensure that your laptop is kept in good condition. If you encounter any problems with your laptop contact the Technology Department. Following these easy steps will help to ensure that it lasts longer and will need less maintenance.

• Keep liquids and food away from your laptop.

• LCD Screen Care. Do not clean the laptop screen with anything that is not approved by the IT Support Specialist.

• Protect the LCD display monitor. When you shut your laptop, make sure there are no small items, such as a pencil or small ear-phones, on the keyboard.

• Hold and lift the computer by its base, not by its LCD display (the screen).

• Don't expose your laptop to rapid temperature fluctuations. When bringing your laptop indoors during winter, don't turn it on immediately. Instead, let it warm to room temperature first.

• Proper Storage. Take care when storing your laptop. Do not leave it in your car in hot or cold weather.

District provided laptops should be used for employment and school business purposes.


Leave Time/Absences 4150-4152.6

Personal Leaves 4152.6

The Board will provide leave to eligible employees consistent with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA). Please refer to your contract for details and see policy 4152.6. The current New Hartford Teachers’ Contract outlines accepted absences. Copies can be obtained from your NHEA representatives or online through the Connecticut Education Association (CEA).


Library Media Center

Staff may check out any library materials including professional magazines, books, videos, and DVDs. Use the sign-out clipboard on the counter if no one is available to check out your materials using the computer. Please let library staff know if you have specific needs for your classroom. In addition to their fixed weekly time slot, teachers may sign up to use the LMC using the sign-up sheets on the network. The LMC catalog may be accessed from any computer in the building or via the web from computers outside the building. See the library staff if you have questions.


Mailboxes/District Mail


Teachers have mailboxes in each school’s main office. Please check your mailbox at the beginning of the day, during lunch and again at 2:55 PM.

District Mail

Mail can be sent between schools and to Central Office by placing it in the appropriately labeled mailbox in the main office of each school.


Media Use in the Classroom

Video streaming may be used in the computer lab and classrooms. At Antolini, ceiling mounted projectors are located in the science room and the computer lab. Grade level projectors may be used in classrooms for video viewing. Other projectors may be available; ask your library staff for more information. If you would like a particular program recorded for later use, please see the library staff or your grade level tech leader. The Smartboard is available for use in classrooms. The sign-out sheet is located on the network. It may also be used in either the computer lab or the LMC if those areas are available (check the network sign-out sheets).


Mobile Lab

Various mobile labs are available for classroom use. Students are not to transport these devices at any time. Each school has its own sign-up process. Please check with the school’s administrative assistant.


Parent Chaperones

Teachers are encouraged to include parents in field trips. Parents who volunteer to chaperone classroom activities and field trips must be able to dedicate their undivided attention to the students. Therefore, siblings may not accompany parents who are chaperoning a fieldtrip or classroom activity. Chaperones will be selected by lottery by the classroom teacher.


Planning and Preparation Time

The current New Hartford Teachers’ Contract clarifies planning and preparation time. Copies can be obtained from your NHEA representatives or online through the Connecticut Education Association (CEA) .


Posting of Student Work & Photographs 6141.324

The New Hartford Public Schools publishes photographs of students and their work on the school or district websites in order to acknowledge student achievements and to generate interest within the community for the work of our students. The Board has established the following guidelines when student work is considered for posting student work/photographs.

• Only first names will be used for identification of published student work.

• Art work and photographs that are part of student publishing should not include identifying information beyond a first name of the student artist.

• If replies to published student work are appropriate, the sponsoring teacher should use only the school e-mail address and never the student’s home e-mail address.

• Photographs of students may be used only with their parents’ permission.

• Parents must have completed the Parent/Guardian Permission Form prior to publication of any student work or picture.


PowerAnnouncement Rapid Notification Service

The New Hartford Public Schools use the PowerAnnouncement service to enhance communication with faculty as well as parents. The service will be utilized for emergency occurrences at school such as the unexpected need for an early dismissal, as well as inclement weather cancellations, delays or early dismissals, and early-release reminders. Please notify the Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent immediately of any changes to your contact information.



Student information is accessed through and maintained in PowerSchool. See the district administrative assistant/data management person for more information. Training and access instructions are provided to all teachers.


Professional Conduct

Code of Ethics 4118.22

Certified staff should observe professional ethics and cooperate with and support the administration. Certified staff is also bound to the Code of Ethics in their respective areas of discipline. The Board of Education accepts as a guide for certified staff the Connecticut Code of Professional Responsibilities. Refer to the Connecticut Code of Professional Responsibilities for more details. This document is available on the New Hartford district network NHPS1.

Conduct and Dress 4118.23 - 4218.23

The Board of Education believes that teachers are role models for the students. Teachers are expected to present a professional impression in their dress and appearance and to project an acceptable role-model image for their students.

Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco 4118.231(a) - 4218.231

In compliance with federal and state requirements, employees are prohibited from the unlawfully manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use on or in the workplace any alcohol, narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana or any other controlled substance.

There shall be no smoking or other use of tobacco products on school property, on transportation provided by the Board of Education, or during the course of any trip sponsored by the Board or under the supervision of the Board or its authorized agent.


Professional Development

New Hartford offers a myriad of PD choices. Your professional growth needs, and your quest for specific CEUs are best met by this open and flexible professional development structure.

Professional development should be specific to improvement of instruction, including how to better meet all students’ needs and adding to our content knowledge. In addition to district initiatives, which will be a focus of our on-going PD, PLC teams are encouraged to identify and seek needed new learning. To this end we will be offering in-house PD opportunities during the school year to support our current initiatives, and we will support the construction of individualized plans for needed PD.

Under the new legislation, professional developments needs and activities should be based upon findings of teacher and administrator performance evaluations and based on student outcomes. It is your responsibility to develop your professional development plan with your building administrator each year. Please see the SEED document for more specific information on professional learning opportunities.


Professional Learning Community (PLC)

The New Hartford Public School System is a professional learning community. Professional learning communities are defined by the knowledge base and on-going learning required of its members. A PLC is a school in which the professionals continuously seek and share learning to increase effectiveness for students, and act on what they learn. Reading materials on professional learning communities are available in each of the school’s professional libraries and the website, offers excellent background information on PLCs. All new teachers will be trained in the methodology of Professional Learning Communities.


Response to Intervention (RTI)

The New Hartford Public Schools have embraced the Response to Intervention model as a means of providing early intervention to students who encounter academic and/or social difficulties. Each school has an RTI team which is comprised of both regular and special educators. Prior to referral to RTI, teachers should provide differentiated instruction in the classroom, and consult with their PLC teams. Specific information on how to refer a child to RTI will be provided by each school. Referral forms are available in the main offices as well as on the New Hartford district network NHPS1.


Safe School Plan

The New Hartford Public Schools have a Safe Schools Plan outlining emergency safety protocols and plans for a variety of scenarios. Fire Drills, the Total Security Situation Drill, the Security Situation Drill and the Evacuation Drill plans are included in this document. Plans are unique to specific buildings. Each classroom should have a copy of the Safe Schools Plan, and each teacher should be well versed with the various protocols. Each school has a safety team who assist the principal in developing and evaluating these protocols and procedures. Additionally, the district has established a team of people who regularly assist the Superintendent of Schools and building principals in developing, implementing, and evaluating district procedures.

In an effort to strengthen school safety information while not divulging specific security information, a summary of these plans is available for parents and community members on the district website at .


Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI)

The New Hartford Public Schools utilizes a Scientific Research-Based Intervention model as a means of providing early intervention to students who encounter academic and/or social/emotional/behavioral difficulties. Each school has an SRBI team which is comprised of both regular and special educators. Prior to referral to the SRBI process, teachers should provide differentiated instruction in the classroom and consult with their PLC teams. Specific information on how to refer a child to the SRBI process will be provided by each school. Referral forms are available in the main offices as well as on the New Hartford district network NHPS1.


Section 504 3511

Each child who is eligible for accommodations and/or related services under Section 504 based on a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity has a written accommodations plan, which is a legally binding document. Case Managers will notify teachers at the beginning of the school year as to which children in their classes require accommodations and/or related services under Section 504 along with specific information about the child’s needs. Copies of accommodations plan, eligibility documentation and/or testing reports are kept in a confidential file located in each of the main offices. While these files may be accessed by teachers, they do contain confidential information and are not to be shared.

Referrals to Section 504 for eligibility consideration can be made by families as well as by school staff. Referral paperwork can be obtained from the School Psychologist or by contacting the Special Education office. If you have any questions, please call Angela Ehrenwerth, Director of Student Services, at 860-379-1653.


Sexual Harassment 4118.112(a) - 4218.112

Sexual harassment is prohibited based on Federal Law – Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 – Sec. 10-15c. Harassment based on sexual orientation is also protected under State Law – Sec. 10-15c. Verbal or physical conduct by a supervisor or co-worker relating to an employee's gender which has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment, unreasonably interfering with the employee's work performance, or adversely affecting the employee's employment opportunities is prohibited. If you have any questions regarding this policy, you may call Angela Ehrenwerth, Director of Student Services and Title IX Coordinator for the New Hartford Public Schools at 860-379-1653.


Special Education 6159(a)

Each child who is placed in special education has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), which is a legally binding document that outlines accommodations, modifications, and services that the child will receive. Case Managers will notify teachers at the beginning of the school year as to which children in their classes receive special education along with specific information about the child’s needs. Copies of IEP’s and testing reports are kept in a special education file located in each of the main offices. These files contain confidential information, which may be accessed by teachers, but is not to be shared. Teachers may also access a child’s most recent IEP through PowerSchool.

The State of Connecticut requires all districts to use the SRBI model as part of the consideration for special education eligibility. Parents may still request a formal evaluation for special education, with which the team must comply. The Special Education Policies and Procedures manual is housed in the Special Education office. If you have any questions, please call Angela Ehrenwerth, Director of Student Services, at 860-379-1653.


Staff Directory

A copy of the current New Hartford Public Schools Staff Directory is available from the Central Office and will be updated quarterly. Please be aware that not all new hires or resignations may be reflected in the directory. Teachers may access their building staff directory via PowerSchool.


Student Attendance and Tardiness Records


Student attendance for each school day should be sent to the office by 8:45 A.M. via PowerSchool unless otherwise specified. By law, students are in attendance if they are present for at least half of the school day.


Students arriving tardy will be marked as such by the administrative assistant to the principal when the student arrives in the main office to check in for the school day. The classroom teacher does not change the day’s attendance record.


Student Conduct Expectations

A description of student conduct expectations can be found in the Student/Parent Handbook. Copies of these handbooks can be located in each school office and on our website.


Student Confidentiality

When working with students, faculty and staff become aware of sensitive information. All student information including, but not limited to, medical conditions, family situations and academic performance is to be kept strictly confidential. Please see Guidelines for Protecting Students’ Privacy available on the New Hartford district network NHPS1 for more details.


Student Cumulative Records

Permanent records are housed in the main office in each school. Teachers may sign out student folders as needed; however, they must be returned by the end of the school day. Cumulative files can not be taken out of the building and must be kept secure. Please see your administrator for specific guidelines regarding contents of the cumulative folders.


Student Pick-Up Notes

“Pick-up” notes should be sent to the office in the morning so that passes may be printed. Passes will be put in the teacher’s mailbox. Mailboxes should be checked before school, during lunch and at 2:55.


Student Records, Work and Assessments (discarding of)

All student information is confidential. Student names MUST be removed from all papers or workbooks before being discarded. Shredding containers are available at each school. All special education documents should be sent to the office of the Director of Student Services for storing and/or discarding.


Substitute Teacher Plans

Teachers need to make sure that lesson plans and procedures are available prior to the substitute teacher’s arrival. See your building supervisor for more specific requirements.


Substitute Teacher Requests

When you know you are going to be absent ahead of the time, it will be your responsibility to fill out a sub form, have it approved by the building administrator, fax or send it to Debbie Kelly at Central Office, and give the original to the building administrative assistant to the principal. Teachers who travel between schools should fill out the appropriate form. There is a shared calendar of sub coverage that is available to the administrative assistants at each building. Teachers are notified when a substitute is confirmed.

When coverage is needed in an emergency situation during the day, the building administrator will try to first get coverage within the building before contacting Mrs. Kelly.

When PPTs are grouped together, Mrs. Kelly will arrange sub coverage. If there are instances when PPT coverage is needed for only a brief time, tutor coverage will be arranged in advance by Janine Cimmino. She will notify administrative assistants and consult with building administrators when necessary.

For other absences such as illness, please call Mrs. Kelly at home between 6:00 – 6:15 AM. If you should know that you will be out the evening before please do not call after 8 PM.

Mrs. Kelly’s cell phone number is 860-605-0980 (If the answering machine picks up please leave a message). The fax number at the Superintendent’s office is 860-738-1766.



Teachers have access to specified supplies in the supplies storage area. See the school’s administrative assistant to the principal for procedures and information on what is available. Some supplies are communal. Other specific supplies should be ordered by teachers at the end of each school year.


Taking Students Outside (on school grounds)

Teachers are permitted to take students outside when weather is favorable. Please notify the office of where you will be going and always take a radio and medication bag with you in case of an emergency.


Teacher Work Day

The current New Hartford Teachers’ Contract outlines the teacher work day. Copies can be obtained from your NHEA representatives or online through the Connecticut Education Association (CEA) .


Technology Leaders

Most grade levels within a building have an appointed tech leader. Tech leaders can assist you with ideas for using technology in your classroom, website development, PowerSchool software and other technology related questions. Grade level LCD projectors are located in tech leaders’ classrooms, and are available for instructional use. If you have a computer or laptop problem, however, you need to contact the Technology Department.


Telephone & Fax Use 4118

Please refer personal calls to your home telephone. Children may not receive personal calls during school hours, and messages will be given to pupils only in emergency situations.

Classroom Phones

Classroom phones are to be used for communicating with parents and district staff members. Private use of classroom phones is permitted, but use is limited to lunch, break and other times when not on duty. Long distance charges should not be incurred for private use of classroom phones. Students are allowed supervised use of the phones, but only when granted permission.

Personal Cellular Phones

Personal cellular phones may be carried by staff, but use is limited to lunch, break and other times when not on duty.


Faxes can be made from each school office and should be used to send school related content only.


Travel 4133

Reimbursement shall be for actual and necessary expenses incurred while using private vehicles for official school business, or while attending authorized meetings or conferences. The rate will be in accordance with the federal standard mileage rate. Reimbursement forms can be found in school offices.


Appendix A


The following forms are available in each school’s main office and/or on the New Hartford district network NHPS1. See the school’s administrative assistant to the principal if you have difficulty locating a form:

• Absence/Substitute Form (yellow). To be completed anytime you are not at your assigned work area.

• Accident Report Form (CIRMA)

• Activity Fund Deposit – must be hand delivered to Central Office

• CEU Request Form

• Expense Report

• Field Trip Request Form

• Fire Drill Forms

• Laptop Agreement Forms

• Mileage Reimbursement Form (in-district and out-district)

• Permission to Publish Student Work on District Web Page (pending approval)

• Professional Day Request/Reimbursement Forms

• Request for Course Approval

• Request for Professional Development

• Room Use Request Form

• RTI Referral Forms

• School Property Use Form

Appendix A continued

• Student Referral and Problem Solving Form (Behavior) - Primary School

• Teacher Evaluation document contains all forms

• Volunteer Information Form and Waiver of Liability (must be signed by all volunteers)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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