Central City Elementary

Central City Elementary

Principal-Janet Higgs

Central City Elementary

Principal-Janet Higgs

Central City Elementary

Principal-Janet Higgs

Central City Elementary

Principal-Janet Higgs

Central City Elementary

Principal-Janet Higgs

Central City Elementary

Principal-Janet Higgs

Central City Elementary

Principal-Janet Higgs


Randy McCarty


Cindy Stone

Guidance Counselor

Michelle Sparks

Curriculum Specialist

Judy Campbell


Stephanie Noffsinger


Marilyn Woodruff

Family Resource Director

1501 N 2nd St

Central City, KY


Phone (270) 754-4474

Fax (270) 754-9570



Central City

Home of the

Golden Tide


The Central City Elementary SBDM met on February 18, 2014 in the conference room with the following members present: Janet Higgs, Michelle Arnold, Julie Gordon, Amanda Davis and Michael Sparks. Absent from the meeting was Rajiv Johar. Chairman, Janet Higgs called the meeting to order.


Motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda. Discussion followed and

consensus was reached.


Motion was made and seconded to approve the December minutes. Discussion

followed and consensus was reached.

1163. Marilyn Woodruff, Family Service Center coordinator gave a report on the budget and services.


a. The 5th Grade gave an outstanding performance of the play North Pole Star at the Felix Martin Hall on December 17, 2013.

b. Mrs. Pepper’s 4th Grade Class won the Traveling Attendance Trophy for the month of December.

c. Mrs. A. Gray’s 3rd Grade Class had the best attendance for the 1st Semester with 98.55%.

d. James Soderling is the 2013-14 Central City Elementary 5th Grade School Essay Winner in the AARP Kentucky Grandparent of the Year essay contest which is sponsored by the AARP Kentucky and the Kentucky Retired Teachers Association (KRTA). James wrote about his grandfather, Jack Day.

e. Central City Elementary was recently notified that we will be hosting the VSA Kentucky 2014 Student Traveling Exhibition “A Matter of Perspective” the week of September 15-19. We have two students that will have artwork displayed in the exhibit: Third Grader Madison Banda, and fifth Grader Addison Johnson.

f. The 4th and 5th Grades went to see the M.C.T.I. play Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus on Friday, January 10th, 2014.

g. The Muhlenberg County Board of Education and the Central City Police Department entered into a mutual agreement to hire a new School Resource Officer Ricki Allen to assist with the elementary and middle schools. This position is being funded by a grant through the end of this school year.

h. Central City Elementary hosted the Academic Meet on Thursday, January 16, 2014.

i. Central City Elementary won 1st Place in the Sumdog’s West Kentucky Math Contest followed by Central Academy in 2nd Place and Paducah Middle School in 3rd Place. 228 students from Central City Elementary answered 42,811 questions correctly. is an Internet site where students play free educational games against other students worldwide while teachers can control what they learn. The math contest was held for all 1st - 5th graders from Friday, January 17th, through Thursday, January 23rd.

CCES Grade Level Winners

Place in Contest Student Grade

1st Place James Soderling 5th

2nd Place Devika Johar 3rd

3rd Place Aidan Miller 4th

5th Place Jameson Adams 1st

10th Place Madison Pate 2nd

The Central City 5th & 6th Grade Boys Junior Pro Team took 1st place in the Bremen

Equal Education and Employment Institution

Central City Elementary…where success begins and learning never ends!

Randy McCarty


Cindy Stone

Guidance Counselor

Michelle Sparks

Curriculum Specialist

Judy Campbell


Stephanie Noffsinger


Marilyn Woodruff

Family Resource Director

1501 N 2nd St

Central City, KY


Phone (270) 754-4474

Fax (270) 754-9570



Central City

Home of the

Golden Tide


i Proficient and Distinguished Block Painting is underway – 51 Students

j. Central City Elementary won 1st Place in the Sumdog’s West Kentucky Math Contest followed by Central Academy in 2nd Place and Paducah Middle School in 3rd Place. 228 students from Central City Elementary answered 42,811 questions correctly. is an Internet site where students play free educational games against other students worldwide while teachers can control what they learn. The math contest was held for all 1st - 5th graders from Friday, January 17th, through Thursday, January 23rd.

CCES Grade Level Winners

Place in Contest Student Grade

1st Place James Soderling 5th

2nd Place Devika Johar 3rd

3rd Place Aidan Miller 4th

5th Place Jameson Adams 1st

10th Place Madison Pate 2nd

k. The Central City 5th & 6th Grade Boys Junior Pro Team took 1st place in the Bremen Tournament. Students include: Kamden Bunch, Gavin Huff, Nolan Nofsinger, James Soderling, and Cole Vincent.

l. The Central City 5th & 6th Grade Girls Junior Pro Team won 2nd place in the Greenville Junior Pro Tournament. Players include: Lily Davis, Savannah Grubbs, Courtney Hale, Sarah Noffsinger, Addie Sparks, Maddie Vinson, and Bailey Willoughby.

m. The Central City 3rd Grade Junior Pro Basketball team won 2nd place in the Bremen Tournament. Players include: Jackson Bowen, Travis Everett, Alex Johnson, Jayden McNary, Chandler Moore, Darius Saulsberry, Kaleb Snyder, and Emmanual Summers.

n. The Central City 5th Grade All-Stars won 2nd place in the Greenville tournament. Students include: Kamden Bunch, Gavin Huff, Nolan Nofsinger, James Soderling, and Cole Vincent.

Equal Education and Employment Institution

Central City Elementary…where success begins and learning never ends!

Randy McCarty


Cindy Stone

Guidance Counselor

Michelle Sparks

Curriculum Specialist

Judy Campbell


Stephanie Noffsinger


Marilyn Woodruff

Family Resource Director

1501 N 2nd St

Central City, KY


Phone (270) 754-4474

Fax (270) 754-9570



Central City

Home of the

Golden Tide


Equal Education and Employment Institution

Central City Elementary…where success begins and learning never ends!


Motion was made and seconded to approve the budget report. Discussion

followed and consensus was reached.


A. Student Achievement Report

a. New Annual Measurable Objective – KDE has released the new AMO goal for 2014. We have our new Overall Score, based on the combination of Next Generation Learners (77%) and Program Review (23%) scores. Our new Overall score is 68.4 and our new 2014 AMO Goal is 69.4

B. Assessing Student Achievement

a. The winter MAP Testing window is complete.

b. AIMSweb Winter Benchmark testing for those students scoring in the bottom 20% on the MAP test in Reading and Math is complete.

c. K-PREP & MAP Goal Sheets have been distributed to all the teachers to use with their students. Teachers in grades 3 - 5 are helping students set their K-PREP goals.

d. MAP Fall to Winter score analysis.


A. Monthly Review

1. The 2nd Nine Weeks Grade Cards were sent home on Friday, January 10th, 2014.

2. We have three teachers: Mary Jean Rowley, Jennette Cornette, and Nanellyn Tarrants attending a 5 day Orton-Gillingham Reading and Writing Training.

3. We completed 5 of the 5 required safety drills for January.

4. Bus Evacuation drills were held Wednesday, January 8th, 2014.

5. Family Resource Advisory Council Meeting was held Tuesday, January 14th, 2014.

6. School Smiles was here Tuesday, January 21st, 2014, and Thursday, January 23th, 2014.

7. Cookie Dough Sales Kick-Off was held Wednesday, January 22, 2014.

8. Mrs. Vincent’s 5th grade sponsored Thursday Throwback Day to raise money for the American Heart Association on Thursday, January 30th, 2014.

9. The first session of Is Your child Ready For Kindergarten was held Thursday, January 23rd, 2014, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

10. Happy Feet Shoe Delivery was Friday, January 24, 2014.

11. Understanding Poverty training and Gradebook Beta training was held for our staff on Monday, January 27th, 2014.

Randy McCarty


Cindy Stone

Guidance Counselor

Michelle Sparks

Curriculum Specialist

Judy Campbell


Stephanie Noffsinger


Marilyn Woodruff

Family Resource Director

1501 N 2nd St

Central City, KY


Phone (270) 754-4474

Fax (270) 754-9570



Central City

Home of the

Golden Tide


Equal Education and Employment Institution

Central City Elementary…where success begins and learning never ends!

12. Greenville agreed to allow our teachers to come and observe

Ohio State Literacy Collaborative lessons.

13. District Understanding Poverty Training was held Wednesday,

January 29th, 2014 – Janet Higgs, Michelle Arnold and Amanda



1. Kindergarten and 1st Grade Family Night will have to be rescheduled.

2. The Academic Meet at Bremen Elementary has been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 19th, 2014.

3. PGES Pilot teachers will be attending PGES Cadre training on Thursday, February 20th, 2014, at the Board of Education.

4. District Strategic Advisory Groups are underway.

5. Snow Days make-up options.

6. Michelle Sparks will be attending the KCTE/LA conference in Lexington, KY, on February 21 - 22nd, 2014.

7. A Faculty Meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 24th, 2014.

8. Student Voice Survey window is March 19th – April 2nd, 2014.

9. Understanding Poverty training is scheduled for our staff on Monday, March 3rd, 2014.

10. Junior Deputy and Bully Free Forever program is scheduled for our 3rd Grade on Tuesday, March 4, 2014.

11. Author Marc Brown’s sister will be here on Wednesday, March 5, 2014, to present to students.

12. Cindy Stone will be attending the Kentucky School Counselor Association Conference in Lexington on March 5-7, 2014.

13. A Bike Rodeo will be here Friday, March 7th, for ½ of the 4th grade and 3rd grade.

14. Spring Book Fair is scheduled for March 10th – 14th, 2014.

15. A Faculty Meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 17th, 2014, to work on Program Reviews.

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) – Update on goals

and activities.


Source: Fast Five on Friday, Week of Nov. 18, 2013, Commissioner Terry Holliday

Randy McCarty


Cindy Stone

Guidance Counselor

Michelle Sparks

Curriculum Specialist

Judy Campbell


Stephanie Noffsinger


Marilyn Woodruff

Family Resource Director

1501 N 2nd St

Central City, KY


Phone (270) 754-4474

Fax (270) 754-9570



Central City

Home of the

Golden Tide


I need to remind you of KDE’s guidance found below.

Senate Bill 1 (2009) required annual review of programs. Schools and districts may complete this requirement by using ASSIST on an annual basis to input the Program Review scores for the rubrics. Schools and districts may choose to work on only one Program Review annually. We recommend that schools and districts choose the Program Review where the most improvement is needed; however, the final decision rests with the school and district. The school and district should have a plan to improve the Program Review ratings and should upload evidence of improvement in ASSIST. For the remaining Program Review areas, schools and districts only need to transfer scores on the rubric from the previous year into ASSIST for the current year. However, if a school/district changes a rating in the ASSIST rubric, there must be evidence uploaded to document why a change was made.


A. Attendance – Students with Perfect Attendance for the 1st Semester participated in a Paper Wad Snowball Fight in the gym on Friday, January 10th, 2014. The reward for January was bouncy balls in the gym – “Bounce into the New Year with Good Attendance.”

B. Program Review -

C. School Culture & Discipline –

D. Professional Development –

E. Literacy Committee –

F. Effective Planning/Calendar –


A. Budget & Spending Policy – Clarification on Section 7 money (instructional material monies, transportation allocation, and classroom fee allocation)



Motion was made and seconded to approve the 1st reading of School Day and

Week Schedule Policy. Discussion followed and consensus was reached.

Equal Education and Employment Institution

Central City Elementary…where success begins and learning never ends!

Randy McCarty


Cindy Stone

Guidance Counselor

Michelle Sparks

Curriculum Specialist

Judy Campbell


Stephanie Noffsinger


Marilyn Woodruff

Family Resource Director

1501 N 2nd St

Central City, KY


Phone (270) 754-4474

Fax (270) 754-9570



Central City

Home of the

Golden Tide


Equal Education and Employment Institution

Central City Elementary…where success begins and learning never ends!



Motion was made and seconded to approve the 1st reading of Textbook/

Instructional Materials Policy. Discussion followed and consensus was reached.


A. Read to Achieve Grant

B. Policy Work Session


During this legislative session there will be discussion of doing away with the Common Core Standards. Make sure the council members understand the council role in deciding curriculum and the Common Core issues that will be brought up. The SBDM law says: (KRS 160.345(2)i) “The school council shall adopt a policy to be implemented by the principal in the following additional areas:

1. Determination of curriculum, including needs assessment, curriculum development and responsibilities under KRS 158.6453(7)…

Review these Frequently Asked Questions about the Common Core:

Q: What’s the difference in the Common Core Standards and the Kentucky Core Academic Standards?

A. Common Core is the general name for the math, English/language arts, science, social studies standards that have been created through a coalition of states and education organizations. (Social studies is still in draft form.) Kentucky Core Academic Standards is the name Kentucky gives to the Common Core, plus the blanket term for the Core Content 4.1 that we are using until all subjects have been completed and adopted.

Q: Did the federal government sponsor development of the Common Core in any subjects?

A: No, The federal government was not involved in the development. It was state-led, and states decide whether or not to adopt the standards.

Q: The Next Generation Science Standards seem to bring up the most discussion, what’s the status on those standards?

A: For 2013-14 and 2014-15 students will still be assessed on Kentucky’s core content 4.1 science standards. The Next Generation Science Standards will be tested for accountability in spring 2015-16 testing.


• June 5, 2013 — Approved unanimously by Kentucky Board of Education (standards are approved as a regulation)

• July 23, 2013 — Public hearing on the standards regulation

• July 31, 2013 — Public comment phase ended

Randy McCarty


Cindy Stone

Guidance Counselor

Michelle Sparks

Curriculum Specialist

Judy Campbell


Stephanie Noffsinger


Marilyn Woodruff

Family Resource Director

1501 N 2nd St

Central City, KY


Phone (270) 754-4474

Fax (270) 754-9570



Central City

Home of the

Golden Tide


• August 8, 2013 — After considering feedback, Kentucky Board of Education voted to move the standards through the adoption process without change

• Sept 11, 2013 — Administrative Review Legislative Committee voted 5-1 against the standards regulation

• Sept 11, 2013 — Governor overrides the committee vote and approves the standards regulation KDE is conducting Leadership Networks for science for this school year with the same process used for English/language arts and math.


Motion was made and seconded to adjourn.

Equal Education and Employment Institution

Central City Elementary…where success begins and learning never ends!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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