First Christian Church (DOC) Zanesville

First Christian Church3000 Dresden Road, Zanesville, OH 43701-6477 (740) 453-3437Rev. Dawn Remster, Sr. Minister Kim Paul, Director of Christian EducationRev. Philip Hunt, Pastoral AssociateChurch Email: zvillefcc@ Website: Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, sun, moon and stars in their courses above,join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Chisholm, 1923 Chalice Hymnal #86August is typically that month when we fit in that last family get-away of the summer, when kids spend as much time as possible at the pool and parents are busy checking off school supply lists and buying new shoes they hope will get the kids through the first semester. Gardeners are enjoying the fruits of their labors with an abundance of zucchini and tomatoes to share. It’s a month to slow our pace in the heat of the day and enjoy the beauty and calm of a summer evening with the sound of crickets and locust providing accompaniment for the dance of fireflies. At least, that’s where my mind goes when I think of August. August this year feels different. An overwhelming sense of uncertainty seems to lay over us like a heavy weight. Since mid-March, we have set aside our plans, washed our hands, kept our distance, put on face masks, and worshiped from home. But almost 5 months later, we wonder if our efforts have made much of a difference. The pandemic continues. We are lonely, the kids are restless, their parents are confused about what work, school and childcare might look like in the weeks ahead and pretty much at a loss for even how to plan. We have celebrated graduations, birthdays, new life in our midst as well as grieve the death of loved ones-- but not in the ways we would like to mark those passages. We are weary, and life this August feels anything but carefree. And yet this month, as in all months, we put our trust in the certainty of God’s love for creation—including us! Perhaps our challenge as a congregation is to creatively find ways to share the good news of the Gospel with those who do not yet know of God’s faithfulness. Perhaps we can find ways to minister to families living in uncertain times or reach out in love to those who struggle with daily tasks we take for granted. Our faithful response to the love and faithfulness of our God is to share it with others. Our Outreach Committee has made a list of ideas to get us started --included in this newsletter. Why not give some of them a try. It might just be our most memorable August yet. Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see:all I have needed thy hand hath provided—Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!Blessings, DawnJoys and ConcernsOur SympathyOur prayers are with Trish Church and family on the death of Richard on July 21st.Congratulations!Vivienne Laine Robison was born July 19th. She is the daughter of Arielle and Jared Robison and her big sisters are Lucy and Charlotte.Thank You from Mickey SpraggMickey has returned to work from his back surgery and thanks everyone for their prayers and cards. They really meant a lot.From Dennie and Joyce HaddoxWe love the prayer shawls you blessed and sent to us. We also appreciate the cards and prayers.Pam Tate writesTerry always enjoyed the times he spent with your congregation. Thank you for your caring and prayers at the time of his death.Bible Study Current and UpcomingWe will be finishing up our book study using Anxious to Talk About it: Helping White Christians Talk Faithfully About Race on August 4th. We had over 20 participate in this study and had some good conversations. We will continue to offer studies and conversations about race in the future. Book of Revelation. It has been suggested to me that social media posts seem to be viewing the current situation we find ourselves in as the “end of time” and that it might be time for another study on the Book of Revelation. I am planning such a study for September/October via Zoom but I need your input on when to schedule it. If you are interested in a Bible Study on the Book of Revelation, please let me know (email or text or phone is fine). I also need suggestions on the best time/day to hold this study. If there is interest, we will plan for it. Worship with UsOur worship service continues to be offered on-line each Sunday beginning at 8:30 a.m.? You can access the link to the service through our?website at .? Those who are unable to access the online service or find it difficult, are invited to the sanctuary at 8:30 a.m. while we stream our online service (limit 50). Masks are required. Call if you have questions.Join us for our 10:30 a.m. Drive-In service each Sunday. Depending on the weather and your comfort level, you can also bring a lawn chair and a radio to sit on the grass, keeping a distance between people. You can bring your own communion elements to make it a touch free service, or we will provide printed bulletins and portable communion elements,?assembled in a sanitary way. We plan to continue our 10:30 Drive-In service each Sunday until we can all safely gather in our sanctuary for worship.? The Drive-In service, however. is subject to the weather.? If rainy weather makes it unsafe to be outside with microphones, we will not hold the service that?day and invite you to tune in to the worship service online. The youth and their families participated in a Service Weekend at the end of July.? They served at Christ’s Table, did yard work for church family members, and delivered Anniversary meals to our homebound members.? The Hawk family even got to help Blanche Lemert celebrate her 90th Birthday! It was a wonderful weekend serving our neighbors and church family!48863258191500-5715013970000-5219701841500180213012954000436626028956000-8699517462500Our Virtual VBS experience was a success! Thirty-six children participated in our VBS at home experience, and we received LOTS of photos of them enjoying the videos, crafts, games, and devotionals!? Our weekly Zoom meetings were a fun time to sing and dance together and share our enthusiasm for all we were learning.? The theme was FOCUS and the children learned ways to FOCUS on God so that they could grow in their relationship with Him. We appreciate all the families that participated and the gifts of our church family that made this experience possible!??327660025336500147955-12255500Who is My Neighbor? FCC 150 Minutes of Outreach Ideas To celebrate our 150th Anniversary - Let’s be the hands and feet of Christ by doing 150 minutes (at least!) of Outreach! Even during this time of COVID-19, there are many ways we can help our neighbor. Below are just a few ideas. As you think of other ideas or as you complete any of these ideas below or others, feel free to share your ideas and/or photos on our FCC-Z Fellowship Private Facebook page! Christ’s Table – Keely Warden reports as of July 6, 2020, their numbers are up, and they served 11,088 meals in June. With COVID-19, the things they need have changed. See below:Volunteer to Serve: CT is in constant need of volunteers during the week. Homebound shift is 8:30-10:00 a.m. and they need help boxing meals to put out the back door. So, if you desire less contact, you would only be in contact with other volunteers and staff during this shift. (740) 452-9766 Needed:To-go containers (They need 400+ daily!) (Keely says they are using the 3-compartment type from Sam’s Club)Plastic forks & spoonsSandwich-size zip-lock bagsPlastic grocery bags – bring your used grocery bags to them; they reuse them for serving.Green beans, corn, peas, mixed vegetablesBottled water Cloth face masksEastside Community Ministry – Eastside is working with the Health Department to make Lace Up for Kids and Tools for School programs safe and successful. Here are some ways you can help: Purchase shoes and/or school supplies to donate. (Please drop off your donations to Eastside Community Ministry in a sealed bag Monday – Thursday from 9AM-4PM.) Call Eastside at 740-452-7519. Behavioral Health – MBH accepts in-kind donations of gently used items for shelter residents and clients preparing to leave the program. They specially need the following: Diapers, Baby Wipes, Personal Hygiene Products, Toilet Paper, Paper Towels. In addition, you can donate “Welcome Baskets” for new residents that might include items listed above. – Grab some gloves and bags and pick up trash either in your neighborhood or in a part of our community that desperately needs some love. If you live in the City, click here for more information. Yard Work/Home Repair – Learn about local church members or neighbors who need help with yard work or minor home repairs.Self-Isolating Neighbors – Know of a church member or neighbor who is self-isolating during COVID-19? Can you pick up their grocery items; do they need a friendly phone call? Be a Lifeline – Think of people in your life who may need encouragement. Send them a card or call them. A list of our homebound members is included here if you need suggestions.Brighten a Life at an Assisted Living Center or Nursing Facility -Write letters/Make cards/Enlist Children & Grandchildren. Your sweet words of encouragement and encouraging scripture will make a difference to those who are isolated. Adams Lane Care Center, 1856 Adams Lane, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 *Altercare 4200 Harrington Dr, Zanesville, Ohio 43701*Brookdale, 1575 Bowers Lane, Zanesville, Ohio 43701Cedar Hill, 1136 Adair Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio 43701Clay Gardens, 3784 Frazeysburg Road, Zanesville, Ohio 43701*Helen Purcell, 1854 Norwood Blvd., Zanesville, Ohio 43701*Primrose Retirement Community, 4212 Northpoint Drive, Zanesville, Ohio 43701Sterling Suites, 1126 Adair Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio 43701The Oaks at Bethesda, 2971 Maple Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio 43701*The Oaks at Northpointe, 3291 Northpointe Drive, Zanesville, Ohio 43701*Willow Haven, 1020 Taylor Street, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 *Our church members are residents here. A list of our shut-ins is included in this newsletter.Extra Garden Veggies – Contact Christ’s Table at (740) 452-9766 to see if they can use your excess harvest. Foster a Dog or Cat- Contact the Animal Shelter Society at (740) 452-1077 or click here . Pen Pals - If you fondly recall the youthful joy of having a pen pal:Soldier’s Angels – correspond with a member of the military deployed overseas. Immigration and Refugee Service – write to an immigrant awaiting processing in a detention facility. Robinson Foundation – send a card to a pediatric cancer patient. Shut-Ins:NameAddressKaren Barnett 845 Brown St. Frank Blaney2170 Galena Ave.Jean Denton1114 Wilson Ave.Joyce DittmarHelen Purcell Home, 1854 Norwood Blvd.Tom FleggePrimrose Assisted Living #114, 4212 Northpointe Dr.Donna GravesWillow Haven #408, 1020 Taylor St.Hanna HaganPrimrose Assisted Living #223, 4212 Northpointe Dr.Marla Hewitt517 Richmond Ave.Barbara KingOaks at Northpointe #410 Legacy Unit, 3291 3291 Northpointe Dr. Lila Kinney334 McConnell Ave.Blanche Lemert1434 Central Ave.Phyllis MadingerWillow Haven #204, 1020 Taylor St.Elsie McPhersonAltercare, 4200 Harrington Dr.Carolyn Scott5690 Dresden Rd.Thelma (Nan) Stahl3105 Winding WayMarilyn Thorn645 Military Rd.Betty WagnerAltercare, 4200 Harrington Dr.Ellen WisemanOaks at Northpointe #510, 3291 Northpointe Dr.Ways to keep in touch with the churchThe Welcome Back Team is currently looking at ways to safely provide a sanctuary worship service. Watch for details.Where do I find worship services?Our worship services are accessed through our website at . You will see a black box at the top left of the screen with instructions to click for the service information.How do I access First Christian’s Facebook Page? is our public information page that shares our general church information.Our members group is located at . This page is where we can share information of a personal nature and where Dawn’s daily message is shared.594360016319500Three options to continue your gifts to the church*Mailing your offering to the church*Setting up an auto deduction service which will electronically transfer funds from your bank account directly to your offering here at church. If you would like more information about this service, or to sign-up, please contact Janice at zvillefcc@.*Scan the QR code at the right of this page.Thank you for your continued gifts!07112000Join us on Sunday, September 6th at 6:30 p.m. for a socially distanced Ice Cream Social.Happy Belated Birthday to:Brian DelbertJuly 15Molly KrauseJuly 16Happy Birthday to:Janet BurnsAugust 2Betsy DevollAugust 2Trafford DickAugust 5Charlotte RobisonAugust 6Leila HawkAugust 7Danielle MathersAugust 7Betty WagnerAugust 7Molly RobertsAugust 9Jane WorstallAugust 9Barbara RussellAugust 10Bill HayesAugust 11Erin RemsterAugust 11Denise BakerAugust 12Todd HawkAugust 13Gene DavisonAugust 14David HigginsAugust 14Marna HyettAugust 15Elouise LichtnerAugust 15David DevollAugust 17Norma JardineAugust 17Lee McPhersonAugust 17Marla HewittAugust 18Matthew SprankleAugust 18Hannah TonnemanAugust 18Cassandra MathersAugust 19Daphnie BakerAugust 20Jerry SutherlandAugust 20David DesenderAugust 22Henry GorskyAugust 22Amy WilsonAugust 22Vonda MooreAugust 24Rebecca GaylordAugust 25Nicole WegnerAugust 25Brooke BeightAugust 26Paul KrauseAugust 26Sarah MelickAugust 26Bridget BeightAugust 27Cato ColemanAugust 27Tom FleggeAugust 27Margaret HayesAugust 27Brenda King August 28Darren WrightAugust 28Katrina GrayAugust 30Susan GrubbsAugust 30Linda SuppleeAugust 30Bruce IdenAugust 31Barbara KingAugust 31Brady NealAugust 31Patricia SpraggAugust 31Kari WardAugust 31Happy Anniversary to:Cato & Marcia ColemanAugust 1Melissa & JP LichtnerAugust 1Jason & Ana KehrbergAugust 2Brianna & Brad BakerAugust 7Bob & Kaye BednarczukAugust 9Ron & Terri CarpenterAugust 10Bud & Juanita KrauseAugust 10Charlie & Alana HuizengaAugust 11Rod & Jane RichardsonAugust 17Kevin & Kim GaskillAugust 29Special Events this month: Janet Burns celebrates her 80th birthday. Her address is 841 Clay St., Zanesville, OH 43701 Betty Wagner celebrates her 90th birthday. Her address is 4200 Harrington Dr., Zanesville, OH 43701. Barb Russell celebrates her 85th birthday. Her address is 24949 Sandhill Blvd., Punta Gorda, FL 33983. ................

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