curricular project area:

foreign languages

E.S.O (1st cycle)

Oxford Spotlight 1 and 2



Teaching institution


District Province Postal code

composition of foreign language seminar

|1 | |

|2 | |

|3 | |

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student distribution

|Course |nº of students |nº of groups |

|ESO 1 | | |

|ESO 2 | | |

Student characteristics

(The seminar will describe them attending to the three criteria outlined below:

– General

– Different groups

– One group

and will describe the basic objectives when addressing them. Their needs, the most appropriate strategies to employ and timetabling will also be prioritised)


(delete those that are not applicable)

Social background high/middle/low/mixed

Area city centre/suburb/town/country

Nº of ethnic minority students:


learning-related characteristics

(delete those that are not applicable)

They like to learn through play or recreational activities.

They have a lot of / not much imagination.

It is easy / difficult to arouse their curiosity.

They like / don’t like to express what they feel.

They are capable / incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.

They are aware / are not aware of the advantages of working co-operatively in the classroom.

They express themselves coherently / incoherently and correctly / incorrectly in their own language.

They don’t need / need to understand all the words in a text to comprehend it.

They like / don’t like reading at home.


Prioritisation of needs

- General needs

- Specific needs of the different groups in the class

- Individual needs

Strategies to employ

- With students

- With teachers

- With parents and guardians


Criteria for student grouping

(delete those that are not applicable)

Human resources

Support teacher

Foreign reading assistant



In alphabetical order

Flexible grouping (specify which types and why)

Small remedial groups inside / outside the classroom

Students with different sensorial-based needs in various groups in the classroom

organisation of space and time

Material resources available in the institution

(delete those that are not applicable)



Radio-cassette recorder

Video camera


(Note here any comments on when, how and why these resources are used)

Spatial resources available in the institution

(delete those that are not applicable)

language classroom

language laboratory

computer room





Criteria for use of common areas

(Note here any comments on when, how and why these areas are used for English classes)

Spatial distribution in the classroom

Desks ordered in rows

Desks in “U” formation

Specific areas: classroom library, cross-curriculum themes, games, crafts, etc.


Outings and activities for the whole institution or for various groups

(Note here any programmed school trips or excursions.)

Class timetable

Name and position of teacher:

|time |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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The publishing project Oxford Spotlight is targeted at ESO (1st Cycle) in Spain in the area of Foreign Languages (English). Its objective is to develop students’ communicative competence, guaranteeing they assimilate English grammar rules and acquire the basic vocabulary they need to communicate in English. This general principle is broken down into the following specific objectives:

▪ Provide Secondary students with useful and necessary vocabulary to communicate in English. In order to achieve this, each unit presents, practises and recycles vocabulary related to a specific theme.

▪ Explain typical English expressions through dialogues in the photo stories and the Everyday English section.

▪ Help students understand English grammar and use the language correctly based on clear explanations and practice that moves progressively from simple to more complex concepts.

▪ Convey aspects of British culture to students and invite comparison with their own culture through the Culture focus section included in each episode of the photo story.

▪ Enable students to focus on the daily life and customs of British teenagers, observing how they behave in different contexts illustrated in the Student’s Book as well as in the videos and DVDs included in the course.

▪ Bring in real life from outside the classroom with the help of the cultural section, Spotlight on the world, at the end of each unit.

▪ Provide students with the tools to express their views, both in oral and written form, on themes they will find interesting and motivating. They are offered the practice as well as the help they need to prepare both oral and written texts.

▪ Give students the opportunity to recycle and review vocabulary and structures as they learn in the Build up section at the end of each review unit.

▪ Enable students to evaluate their own progress using the Progress Check included in all the units of the Workbook.

▪ Provide the conditions for students to become better and more autonomous language learners. Students are encouraged to use the reference sections (grammar section, maps, vocabulary lists) in the Student’s Book, as well as the MultiROM for to practise at home.

▪ Contribute to Secondary students’ enjoyment of their English classes thanks to the most motivating type of material: authentic songs, a photocopiable Fun Pack which includes games, word searches, crosswords etc., and a MultiROM in which they will find various games.

All students will have the opportunity to develop their capabilities to the full, thanks to the balance of the level of effort demanded and the level of support provided.


1. The curricular project and the general objectives at this stage

In accordance with the terms laid out by Royal Decree 831/2003, 27th June, students should attain the following abilities while studying in E.S.O.

a) Assume their duties in a responsible way and exercise their rights with respect for others, practise tolerance and solidarity with people and make use of dialogue to reinforce the common values of a participatory and democratic society.

b) Develop and consolidate study and discipline habits as a necessary condition for effectively carrying out the learning process and as a means for personal development.

c) Develop the basic skills required to use informative sources in order to acquire, with a critical sense, new knowledge.

d) Reinforce the sense of teamwork and appreciate the perspectives, experiences and ways of thinking of other people.

e) Understand and correctly express oral and written complex texts and messages in Spanish, and as appropriate, in the co-official language of the corresponding Autonomous Community, and become initiated in reading, learning about and studying literature.

f) Understand scientific knowledge as an integrated one, which is made up from different disciplines, both mathematical and scientific. Know about and implement the methods necessary to identify problems in different fields of knowledge and experience in order to solve them and make decisions.

g) Develop communicative competence to understand and express oneself in one or more foreign language in an appropriate manner, in order to facilitate access to other cultures.

h) Acquire a basic grounding in the field of ICT, principally through acquiring skills related to information and communication technologies, with the aim of applying this in the learning process in order to find out, analyse, exchange and present the information and knowledge gained.

i) Consolidate an enterprising spirit developing self-confident behaviour, a critical sense, personal initiative and the ability to plan, make decisions and assume responsibility.

j) Know about essential aspects of culture and history and respect artistic and cultural patrimony; to be familiar with the diversity of cultures and societies in order to be able to assess them critically; and to foster respect for one’s own culture and that of others.

k) Appreciate, enjoy and respect artistic creation; identify and analyse with a critical eye messages that are explicitly or implicitly contained in the language of different artistic displays.

l) Know about one’s bodily functions to reinforce habits of health care and hygiene and include sports practice, in order to favour both personal and social development.

m) Know about the social and cultural environment from a wide perspective; appreciate and enjoy the natural world, contributing to its conservation and improvement.

In the following section we outline the way in which Oxford Spotlight 1 y 2 fulfils the general objectives for this stage as established in the above-mentioned Royal Decree.

The teaching material in the publishing project Oxford Spotlight responds to the general objectives of Secondary Education through the contribution that learning a foreign language, as envisaged in the project, makes to the following general educational objectives.

Firstly, the practical focus on learning to use the language rather than learning things about it, contributes to students developing the capacity to comprehend and produce oral and written messages in English that are personalised in an autonomous and creative way, employing them for the following reasons:

a) To communicate with other speakers of the same language: communicative ability.

b) To reflect on the processes involved in the use of language, an objective which will be consolidated through the study of Spanish and the language of Autonomous Community if relevant: LANGUAGE AWARENESS.

c) To organise their thoughts on current and interesting issues through the content of the messages in the foreign language: socio-cultural aspects.

The active methodology applied in the project, which entails student interaction with their classmates in pairs or small groups, foments their relationship with other people and their participation in group activities with supportive, free and tolerant behaviour, exempt from inhibition or prejudice. Through group activities, the student will be able to appreciate the value of exchanging ideas and learn in collaboration with others.

The games and optional activities proposed in the Teacher’s Guide of Oxford Spotlight provide numerous opportunities to foment cooperative learning, as they can be carried out in teams where students will have to collaborate and unite forces in order to achieve a common objective.

Learning a foreign language will in itself contribute to raising the student’s self-esteem, his/her characteristics and possibilities in relation to learning.

The emphasis on the development of study skills and learning of a foreign language will contribute to the development and application of student’s cognitive resources. When describing, comparing, contrasting, deducing and inferring in order to carrying out learning tasks, the student develops identification and problem-solving strategies in the area of foreign languages, strategies which will be of use to him or her in other areas of E.S.O (Compulsory Secondary Education).

Turning to broach a more explicit analysis of the objectives set down in the official syllabus for the stage of E.S.O, the way in which Oxford Spotlight contributes to development of each one becomes apparent in the following section:

1. Comprehend and produce personalised oral and written message autonomously and creatively in Spanish and, if relevant, in the language of the corresponding Autonomous Community; reflect on the processes involved in the use of language and its contribution to the organisation of one’s own thoughts.

The sections dedicated to the development of linguistic skills and sub-skills enable students to communicate in both oral and written form in the language they are learning, based on strategies they have acquired in their own language and, on occasions, resorting to it in order to carry out more satisfactory communicative exchanges with their classmates. In Oxford Spotlight, the skills mentioned are explicitly worked on in the Everyday English section (sub-section Listening) and Reading and Writing.

2. Understand and express oneself in the foreign language (s) being studied.

A Secondary English course like Oxford Spotlight sets this second statement of objectives at this stage as an explicit objective. The advanced methodology offered in this English course, with a clearly-structured treatment of contents, allows the student to progress in his/her command of the foreign language at all levels, amongst them fluency and accuracy. This last point is worked on specifically in the Grammar sections, which broach reflection on the formal features of the language in study.

3. Interpret and produce personalised messages, autonomously and creatively using artistic, scientific and technical codes, in order to enrich the possibilities of communication and reflect on the processes involved in their use.

The aspect of linguistic and extra-linguistic codes is worked on in an integrated fashion in the selection of course materials, within the sections dedicated to both oral and written comprehension and production. On the other hand, the Spotlight on the world and Topsongs sections, which facilitate explicit contact with the Anglo Saxon world, contribute in creating contexts where these codes can be worked on, through elements such as the music from artists from different parts of the world singing in English.

4.Obtain and select information using suitable and available resources in an autonomous way and with critical awareness. Transmit this information in an organised and intelligible way for a previously established purpose.

Sections such as Take note!, Check out! or Try this! study in depth the tools and techniques a Secondary student has access to, in order to carry out their school work. In this way, information is offered to him/her on materials in different formats (dictionaries, reference sections, etc.) and the student is asked to reflect on the strategies he/she employs, comparing them with those shown in the course material.

5. Elaborate identification and problem-solving strategies in different fields of knowledge and experience, through methods that are intuitive and employ logical rationalisation, contrasting them and reflecting on the process followed.

The English classroom, as something that foreign languages specialise in, aims to encourage autonomous student work in the learning context, and such autonomy is increasingly the case as one goes further into the E.S.O stage. One of the strategies that Oxford Spotlight proposes in order to attain the afore-mentioned autonomy is to apply a two-fold inductive-deductive methodology in the different activities which make up the course material, above all in those sections dedicated to grammatical content (Grammar), but also in the Pronunciation sections.

6. Raise student’s self-esteem, taking into account his or her capabilities, needs and interests in order to take decisions, assessing the effort needed to overcome difficulties.

Contrasting one’s own reality with other people’s doubtlessly helps study one’s own personality in depth; and on this basis Oxford Spotlight emphasises the comparison of individuals and collectives by selecting characters which display personality traits and behaviour that is sometimes similar and at other times opposite from, that of students.

7. Acquire and develop the customs of respect and discipline as necessary conditions for effectively carrying out educational tasks and developing supportive and tolerant behaviour in the face of social, religious and racial differences, overcoming prejudice with a critical, open and democratic spirit.

The contents of Oxford Spotlight strengthen education in values, so fundamental in today’s educational sphere. Class dynamics proposed in the course, based on pair and group work, often allow such items to be indirectly introduced in a non-explicit way which is frequently more effective than the transmission of ethics by the teacher alone.

8. Know about and have a critical appreciation of the beliefs, attitudes and basic values inherent in our tradition.

Oxford Spotlight offers the Secondary student an excellent base for comparing his or her own reality with that of the Anglo Saxon world. By gradually getting to know British, and to a lesser extent American, society, the course facilitates an extra awareness of one’s own reality, which strengthens interest in this itself, and, from this, an analysis of the past and possible projection towards the future.

9. Analyse the mechanisms and values that govern the way societies function, especially those relative to citizen rights and duties, and adopt views and personal attitudes with respect to them.

Young people in Secondary are at a stage in their development where it is essential to rely on tenets of wisdom as a basis from which to develop one’s personality, always grounded in observation and comparison of surrounding reality. Consciousness of one’s own rights and obligations constitutes one of the basic pillars of all critical observation and this is an aspect that the task material in Oxford Spotlight tries, directly and indirectly, to take on board.

10. Analyse the basic mechanisms that govern the way nature works, assess the positive and negative effects that man’s actions has on it and contribute to its conservation and improvement.

Given its importance, the topic of environmental education is systematically dealt with in the different levels of Oxford Spotlight. With the aim that students become aware of a controversial issue in order for it to become even more pertinent and relevant to them; issues such as the diverse habitats in which animal species live are covered (unit 4, Oxford Spotlight 1) or people’s natural environment, including the flora and the fauna (unit 7, Oxford Spotlight 2).

11. Know about scientific and technological development assessing its influence on physical and social surroundings, and use of new ICT in the teaching-learning process.

The material in Oxford Spotlight provides the student with a close-up view of technological advances in different fields, including that of language learning. The titles of the sections of the book itself give an idea of how important this issue is to the course: Penpals on the Web, Replying to an email (unit 4, Oxford Spotlight 1), Computers, Computer studies (unit 9, Oxford Spotlight 2).

With reference to course material itself, apart from the references in texts and activities in the book units, Oxford Spotlight offers video material, CD, CD-ROM y DVD that will extend students’ possibilities of autonomous learning.

12. Know about and appreciate cultural and linguistic heritage and contribute towards its conservation and improvement, developing an attitude of interest and respect towards the pluricultural and plurilinguistic dimension understood as an individual and collective right.

Learning a foreign language is one of the activities that most clearly promote an interest in plurilingualism and pluriculturalism, given that the effort to understand formal structures and their underlying concepts is ongoing on behalf of both the student and the teacher during the English class, and it is the material that engages us. In this way, the course dynamic across the four levels frequently stresses the importance of languages as tools for communication and, in essence, as agents of understanding between nations.

13. Know about the different basic elements of the human body and understand how they function, as well as the consequences of physical exercise, personal hygiene, food and a healthy lifestyle for health.

Healthcare is another top priority theme in Oxford Spotlight, and for that reason the contents of different levels include issues such as sport (unit 3, Oxford Spotlight 1), food and health (unit 6, Oxford Spotlight 1), travel and active tourism (unit 5, Oxford Spotlight 2) or free-time activities (unit 8, Oxford Spotlight 2).

2.2. the curricular project and the general area objectives

In the following section, details are given of the way in which Oxford Spotlight 1 y 2 fulfils the general objectives of the area as established in the Royal Decree 831/2003.

1. Acquire the ability to communicate effectively, in oral and written form, in typical communicative acts through specific tasks.

The ability to understand and to make oneself understood in oral and written form is developed through activities in which students must de-codify oral and written messages in relation to typical communicative situations with diverse communicative intentions, as issued by their classmates, the teacher or by other means: tell the time, introduce oneself and others, join in an activity, buy different items in a shop, give instructions on how to get to a place, make invitations, talk about the past, gain access to a public place e.g. a museum, make suggestions (Oxford Spotlight 1), relate to one another in the classroom, express likes and preferences, describe people, express opinions, recount exploits and events from one’s life, access information about public services e.g., a train station, give and ask for permission, offer advice, interact in social contexts such as a café or a cinema (Oxford Spotlight 2).

2. Develop communicative skills, both receptive and productive, with the purpose of carrying out information exchanges inside and outside of the classroom.

Speaking is developed simultaneously alongside listening, just as it occurs in any communicative interaction in everyday life. Students practise linguistic functions such as talking about their hobbies and routines, buying things, giving instructions to get to a place or making plans for the future. In all these exchanges, the student does not just produce oral messages appropriate to the situation and the communicative intention, he/she also needs to understand what is being said. Practice is not limited, therefore, to mere linguistic elements, but incorporates important features of communication. The oral messages are examples of accents that students will have to recognise and understand in real life, mainly British or American.

With regard to writing, students write different types of texts, email messages, dialogues, descriptions of people, letters, compositions, etc. Special attention is paid to the communicative uses of the writing skill and texts are proposed that are of real use to students.

3. Read different types of text comprehensively and autonomously, with the purpose of accessing different sources of information and as a way of getting to know other cultures and ways of life that are different from one’s own.

The texts proposed in Oxford Spotlight 1 y 2 are accessible and interesting for young people in this age group, either because they refer to typical topics for young readers (sport, friendship, nature, free time, computers), or because of their informational and educational value (historic personalities, school activities, art, geography, advertising).

Reading is understood to be both a receptive and active skill, so the texts are accompanied by in-reading tasks for students to carry out. These tasks have a multiple objective: keeping the student mentally active while reading, fomenting autonomy making the student deal with the text on his/her own, checking the text has been understood and apply appropriate reading strategies to each text and task.

The diverse nature of the texts included in the curricular material enables the student to develop reading strategies that are appropriate for the type of text and specific reading objective. In this way, texts such as emails and publicity brochures convey the functional aspect of this skill and students develop reading styles that are appropriate according to the purpose of each text, for example speed reading to find specific information.

Texts which describe people, festivities, celebrations and places, on the other hand, underscore the importance of reading as a source of information and way to access a whole world of knowledge that would be impossible to bring to students through direct experience. In this case, a more thorough reading style is required and greater understanding of all the elements of the message.

Finally, the photo stories show students the fun, enjoyment and relaxation reading holds, values that are accentuated when combined with the musical aspect, as in the case of the songs, presented in the Topsongs section.

4. Transfer communication strategies acquired in one’s own language or through learning other languages to the understanding of a foreign language, in order to carry out interactive tasks in real or simulated situations.

In many activities in Oxford Spotlight students are asked to translate the expressions or examples of structures into their own language, before carrying out specific tasks. This strategy allows the student to start out from what he/she already knows and transfer knowledge as well as expressions from his/her own language while taking part in communicative tasks such as re-enacting the dialogues featured in the units.

5. Reflect on how language works as a facilitating factor of learning in carrying out a task and as an instrument in order to develop autonomy.

Reflection on language and learning is highlighted in the materials that make up the units of

Oxford Spotlight, because of the way it contributes to students becoming better language learners, as well as more autonomous students in all fields of learning. As a result, attention is constantly drawn to key questions in the area of grammar, whether to do with form, use or spelling of different structures. We refer, especially, to the Watch out! and Take note! inset boxes and the Grammar sections.

6. Use learning strategies and didactic resources (dictionaries, reference books, multimedia materials etc.) to find information and resolve learning situations autonomously.

The material in Oxford Spotlight contributes to the student learning and using the foreign language in an increasingly autonomous fashion. Throughout the course, students learn to apply the most useful study techniques to achieve their objectives: grouping words in lexical sets to memorize them, revising written work to detect grammar and spelling mistakes, using the dictionary and lexical and grammatical reference sections, identifying the grammatical category of words, etc. Moreover, students can resort to audio and video material (including DVDs and MultiROMs) in order to practise content and materials on their own.

7. Reflect on learning processes themselves and develop an interest in incorporating improvements that bring success in the realization of set tasks.

Directed activities that make the student analyse oral and written production in different tasks are included in this material; models are provided and the student is asked to observe words and expressions in context; as well as to analyse the steps to follow in order to compose written texts, etc. The Progress Check section in the Workbook is an element that makes an important contribution to students’ evaluation of their own work and progress.

8. Access the cultural knowledge transmitted by the foreign language, developing respect for this and for its speakers, in order to achieve better international understanding.

The Oxford Spotlight project highlights the importance of English as an international language that allows us to communicate not only with native English speakers but also with those who speak English as a second language or as a foreign language.

This is most evident in the Culture focus and Spotlight on the world sections, which focus on aspects of Anglo Saxon culture that students come close to through language being studied, and also on cultural elements they can access using English, which has become an international language.

A way in which students of this age group understand the status English holds and become interested in it, is to include characters for whom English is not their mother tongue. In this way, we see that the characters in the book communicate, thanks to English, with young people from other countries, either by letter or dealing the most up-to-date technology, represented by email.

9. Appreciate the value of the foreign language as a means of communication with people who belong to a different culture and as a favourable element in social and interpersonal relationships.

The proximity of students to the communication areas selected allows them to appreciate the utility of the language they are studying, which makes it not only a school subject but also a useful tool for real-life communication.

The relation between language and culture is obvious in the Oxford Spotlight material. The units in the Student’s Book present typical situations, featuring British teenagers, for example, in their school environment or leisure time, all of which are aspects that are real and familiar to the teenagers who are going to use the book.

The photo story, for example, offers some of the key socio-cultural points in each unit, and functions as a motivational axis and basis for comparison on topics that are interesting from the point of view of the student studying a culture different from his/her own, in this case an Anglo Saxon one: family relationships, friendships, free time activities, technology, etc.


The contents programmed has been drawn up taking into account specific features in the subject of foreign languages, in aspects of knowledge as well as development of abilities, and also the developmental stage of students in this age group.

With reference to sequencing, the following parameters have been taken into account:

Text type: texts increase in length and complexity, with a relatively greater number of unknown elements for students to work on in the second level of the project.

Channel: with regards to face-to-face communication, interaction in pairs progresses to interaction in small groups.

Comprehension type: global comprehension or of specific information requested prior to reading, in such a way that the student needs only to recognise and select the relevant points and does not need to memorize information.

Previous knowledge: in general, students move forward from specific and familiar topics, to other newer topics, although some point of contact with their experience and previous knowledge is always sought for the sake of better understanding.

Contextual dependence: situations and clear and predictable roles, with nothing implicit that could overload the task of codifying and de-codifying messages in the foreign language.

The work units are organized around topics of interest and communicative situations that are similar to the experiences and interests of students of this age group, in order to move on to address specific features of the English language, grounding learning on significant elements.

The topics of interest and communicative situations constitute the backbone of contents for each unit.


The content programme included here, for each didactic unit of Oxford Spotlight 1 y 2, describes in great detail the activity types proposed in the procedures column, and the overall purpose of these in the section on teaching objectives.


Equal Opportunity Education

The Oxford Spotlight project has taken great care in its treatment of this subject. Neither the main characters nor the people featured in texts are treated differently just because they are boys or girls, men or women: all practise sport, are concerned with the diet and their health, are successful in their respective professions, take part in housework, etc.

On the other hand, the English language, as a reflection of a socio-cultural reality, inspires students to reflect on this theme, through terminology which makes reference to people without specifying their sex: friend, parents, children, cousin, student, teenager.

Moral and Civil Education

The course material shows the student aspects of everyday life where it is necessary to respect basic norms and positive and supportive attitudes in order to live together in society. Material such as town- planning and cities from around the world is included, respect for people with whom we co-exist and the natural environment in which we live, behavioural norms in frequently visited places, etc.

Education for Peace

In the struggle to achieve a world free of national and international conflicts, it is essential to instil respect for societies and cultures different from one’s own in the up and coming generations. The curricular material in Oxford Spotlight shows the plural reality of the United Kingdom and it is displayed as a model of harmonious co-existence, where different nationalities coincide and there are large Asiatic and Afro-Caribbean populations, races and different creeds are found.

The contribution of men and women from different parts of the world to the cultural heritage and peaceful progress of humanity, serves to reinforce the idea of a world that can develop without resorting to violence to solve its conflicts.

With reference to specific contents, issues such as relationships with family and friends are dealt with, as well as communication in languages and communication codes different from one’s own, respect for cultures, races and different beliefs, music as a medium of understanding between young people, different countries’ contribution to culture and human progress etc.

Health Education

Using the foreign language as a vehicle, students reflect on aspects that influence keeping in good health, both physical and mental. In addition, the material contributes to the development of this theme by its very absence, neglecting to mention or reflect behaviour that is negative for health, for example tobacco and alcohol abuse.

The course material includes contents such as the anatomical characteristics of the human body, sport, adequate eating habits or the way each person chooses to occupy his/her free time.

Environmental Education

Throughout the course the need to respect the environment is underlined, with reflections on the role the environment plays in the planet’s ecological equilibrium and actions that may harm it. This reflection is a cry for attention to situations caused by man and harmful to him, which must be rectified, with the aim of awakening greater ecological consciousness in students.

To name but some of the contents which focus on this point, we shall highlight references to the habitat of different animal species, environment-friendly means of transport and the physical characteristics of different areas in the world.

Sex Education

Sex education is treated in a way that is appropriate for students at this educational stage. Masculine and feminine characters with whom students can easily identify, interrelate in an easy and uninhibited manner, participating together in free time activities and helping each other. Sex education contents, along with those of equal opportunity for both sexes, will help students to attain a psychological stability that is appropriate in relationships with members of the opposite sex, enabling them to develop a healthy and open sexuality.

Relationships and correspondence between teenagers of opposite sexes, as well as equality between them in all areas are considered contents in this area.

Consumer Education

Reflection on this issue is developed from situations familiar to students at this age: eating or drinking in a café, buying clothes or going on holiday. The proposed situations lead to reflection on consumer habits and the importance of consuming in a sensible way, buying what is necessary without squandering in a disproportionate desire to consume.

Road Safety Education

This cross-curricular theme is also treated as an integral part of the course material, through images that reflect the characters’ civil behaviour when circulating around towns and cities, and the habit of relying on public transport and bicycle to get about whenever possible.

We offer, as follows, a list of ideal dates to inspire reflection and work on cross-curricular themes either through ordinary classroom activities or special activities.

16 th October: World Food Day

17 th October: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

20th November: Universal Children’s Day

1st December: World AIDS Day

3rd December: World Disability Day

6th December: Spanish Constitution Day

10th December: Human Rights Day

30th January: School Day of Non-violence and Peace

8 th March: International Women’s Day

15 th March: International Consumer Rights Day

21st March: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

22nd March: World Water Day

7th April: World Health Day

9th May: Europe Day

31st May: World No-Tobacco Day

5th June: World Environment Day


Extension and consolidation activities

This project is based on the assumption that in every Secondary classroom there are students with different learning speeds and degrees of motivation. Oxford Spotlight sets as an objective that all students participate satisfactorily in the learning process and are successful in accordance with their ability and interest.

The diversity of exercises and activities employed in the course material makes it possible for all students to find something that adapts to their learning style, due to the variety of opportunities to access the same content.

With reference to learning speeds, a generous quantity of activities provides extension and consolidation activities for those who need them. In this way, the review units in the Student’s Book provide a variety of consolidation activities, also to be found in the Workbook. In the same way, it is worth mentioning the importance of the 4-in-1 Resource Book, which contains review activities at a very basic level, as well as extension activities of contents already covered.

Moreover, the Teacher’s Guide helps the teacher to respond to classroom diversity, providing extension activities for fast finishers and enabling each student to work at their own pace and language level.

There are deliberately simple activities to guarantee that all students successfully carry out some activities. This contributes to confidence building among less able students.

7. evaluation criteria and instruments

Oxford Spotlight contemplates the different aspects under the umbrella term of evaluation as an integral part of the teaching and learning process, with an essentially educational function that allows teachers and students to take the measures deemed necessary to overcome deficiencies as detected by diverse evaluation instruments at different moments in the process.

With regards to the development of abilities as set out in the objectives of this area, the degree to which set tasks are carried out may indicate the extent to which a specific evaluation criterion has been fulfilled, which goes to reinforce the educational role of evaluation.

The evaluation criteria in 1st Cycle of ESO are distributed in the following way*:

First course

I. Communicative abilities

1. Identify global and specific information in oral texts (conversations, short presentations and dialogues) on themes that are familiar to the student and in simple, authentic written texts of limited length (descriptions and narratives), and be capable of predicting the significance of certain elements through their context.

2. Participate in brief spoken interaction, related to familiar situations. Employ simple language and incorporate everyday expressions in social relations.

3. Read texts with visual aids and graded readers aimed at young people, on one’s own and using a dictionary effectively. Demonstrate comprehension through a specific task and identify the relevant information.

4. Act out roles in simulated situations with clearly-defined characters, situations and communicative purpose, taking into account the following parameters: word acts, morpho-syntax, phonetics, rhythm, intonation, body language.

5. Write short and simple messages on everyday themes, using connectors and appropriate lexis, so that the reader can understand them. Attention will be paid to the steps followed to improve written production.


1. Display in practice knowledge of the different formal features of the foreign language code (morphology, syntax, phonology) through contextualised activities on specific points as well as through correct use in tasks of oral and written expression.

2. Infer rules on how the foreign language works by observing patterns and alternating the application of inductive and deductive processes.

3. Use basic linguistic terminology to refer to grammatical items, when processing their use as well as reflecting on them.

4. Infer the significance of unfamiliar lexis from iconic elements, context, and similarity to the words in one's own language and to other known foreign languages.

5. Personalise vocabulary, formulas and expressions from the themes covered.

6. Respect pronunciation rules, intonation and rhythm.

III. sociocultural aspects

1. Recognise sociocultural elements that are present in an explicit or implicit form in the texts worked on, and identify cultural information related to geography, history, literature etc.

2. Use register, varieties, formulas and styles appropriate to the communication act, interlocutor and communicative intention, and clearly differentiate formal and informal use of the foreign language.

3. Show appreciation for cultural views that differ from one’s own and a respectful attitude towards the values and conduct of other nations, overcoming prejudice and parochialism.

4. Use knowledge of sociocultural features that a foreign language transmits to contrast with features in one’s own language.

Second course

I. communicative abilities

1. Identify global and specific information in oral texts (conversations, short presentations and dialogues) on themes that are familiar to the student and in simple, authentic written texts of limited length (descriptions and narratives), and be capable of predicting the significance of certain elements through their context.

2. Participate in brief spoken interaction, related to familiar situations. Employ simple language and incorporate everyday expressions in social relations.

3. Act out roles in simulated situations with clearly-defined characters, situations and communicative purpose, taking into account the following parameters: word acts, syntax, phonetics, rhythm, intonation, body language.

4. Write short and simple messages on everyday themes, using connectors and appropriate lexis, so that the reader can understand them. Attention will be paid to the steps followed to improve written production.

5. Re-use and personalise oral and written models.

6. Write short and simple messages on everyday themes, using connectors and appropriate lexis, so that they can be understood by the reader. Attention will be paid to the steps followed to improve written production.

7. Relate oral and written stories in accordance with set guidelines.

II. Reflection on language

1. Display in practice knowledge of the different formal features of the foreign language code (morphology, syntax, phonology) through contextualised activities on specific points as well as through correct use in tasks of oral and written expression.

2. Infer rules on how the foreign language works by observing patterns and alternating the application of inductive and deductive processes.

3. Establish relationships between language functions, grammatical concepts and linguistic exponents.

4. Use basic linguistic terminology to refer to grammatical items, when processing their use as well as reflecting on them.

5. Infer the significance of unfamiliar lexis based on iconic elements, context, and similarity to words in one's own language and to other known foreign languages.

6. Personalise vocabulary, formulas and expressions from the themes covered.

7. Respect pronunciation rules, intonation and rhythm.


1. Recognise sociocultural elements that are present in an explicit or implicit form in the texts employed, and identify cultural information related to geography, history, literature etc.

2. Use register, varieties, formulas and styles appropriate to the communication act, interlocutor and communicative intention, and clearly differentiate formal and informal use of the foreign language.

3. Show appreciation for cultural views that differ from one’s own and a respectful attitude towards the values and conduct of other nations, overcoming prejudice and parochialism.

4. Make use of the knowledge of socio-cultural features transmitted by the foreign language to contrast with one’s own.

5. Identify sociocultural features employed by native speakers and contrast them with those used by speakers from other parts.

6. Develop intercultural abilities when using the foreign language.

As well as indicating criteria that can be used to evaluate appropriate development of abilities, we indicate here the evaluation instruments also included in Oxford Spotlight.

Tests: the 4-in-1 Resource Book offers a wide range of photocopiable evaluation material. In addition, there is a CD with 14 tests in Microsoft Word version that the teacher can adapt to suit specific needs. A diagnostic test, nine core tests, end-of-term tests and a final test which covers all the content of Oxford Spotlight at the end of the course, and another final test for the September resit are included.

Each test includes six sections: Vocabulary, Grammar, Dialogue (to evaluate mastery of the functional language from the Everyday English pages), Reading, Listening y Writing. The mark is calculated over a 100 points.

Speaking tests are not provided, however we recommend using the dialogues from the Everyday English sections in order to evaluate students individually; listening to students as they act them out either in pairs or with the teacher playing one of the characters. The pair-work completion activities in the Fun Pack can also be used to evaluate oral expression.

Progress check: at the end of each unit in the Workbook there is a Progress Check in which the students are able to review the most important contents of the unit, as well as evaluate their progress in mastering them.

Build up: this section features at the end of the review units and contains a series of sentences that students have to correct. These sentences cover grammatical features seen in the previous units, and they constitute a practical diagnostic tool for the teacher. They allow the teacher to find out which aspects students find more difficult and, as a consequence, where to dedicate more time and effort.

Student evaluation form: Oxford Spotlight recommends continuous evaluation as a way to observe progress in learning of individual students. This form, which is photocopiable, offers the teacher the opportunity to note down aspects of such progress, and to detect and help those students who show difficulties in assimilating specific structures or contents.


Minimum requirements

(The seminar will go into detail here on the contents regarded as essential for students to have assimilated at the end of the period – course, two-year cycle, stage, etc.)

Qualification criteria

(The seminar will describe here the process employed to arrive at qualifying each student, e.g. the percentage that is assigned to tests and exams, class work, how and when continuous evaluation of students is reflected, etc.)

9. ORGANIsation of material and human resources for students with special educational needs

(The seminar will describe and go into detail here on specific points if it is the case that a institution is carrying out social guarantee programmes. Seminars that do not have this type of student will delete this section)


(The seminar will describe and go into detail on specific points relating to this heading, which will differ according to the characteristics of each institution and be reworked on a continual basis even within each teaching centre)

In those institutions that carry out social guarantee programmes, the tutorial action plan will give special consideration to integration and fostering participation of special needs students. In the same way, the development of actions aimed at favouring co-existence and knowledge, respect and appreciation of social and cultural diversity will be contemplated)

11. CRITERIa and procedures provided in order to effect adequate curriculum adaptation for students with special educational needs

(The seminar will describe and detail here the specific criteria and procedure if necessary. Those seminars that do not have this type of student will delete this section)

Students with minor learning difficulties and/or behaviour

The adaptations will focus on the following aspects:

1. Learning pace and speed

2. More individualised methodology

3. Consolidation of learning techniques

4. Improvement of procedures, habits and attitudes

5. Additional counselling

Students with serious learning difficulties

a) For those who are more capable, extension material and contents will be provided

b) For the less able, procedural and behavioural contents will be prioritised; aiming for social integration when achieving sufficient progress in conceptual content is impossible.

It is necessary to place emphasis on the instrumental or material content considered in this light. These adaptations will be significant (they will involve eliminating content, objectives and corresponding evaluation criteria referring to learning that is considered basic or core).

When the adaptations prove to be insufficient, curricular diversity will be resorted to, by means of which the students could stop studying part of the core curriculum at this the stage and employ this time in other types of educational activities, either in what is offered as optional activities, or specially designed activities for them which could be studied inside or outside the institution. These students would continue to have, on an ongoing basis, the general objectives of this stage as a frame of reference, but they would access them through other types of content and activities.

12. CRITERIa to evaluate and, if necessary, revise the teaching process and the teaching practice of staff

(The seminar will describe and detail the agreed criteria specific to the characteristics of each institution and seminar)





13. programming of supplementary and extracurricular activities

(The seminar will describe and detail the supplementary and extracurricular activities organised by the seminar itself or in collaboration with the rest of the institution, as well as their educational goal. Those seminars that neither organise nor collaborate in this type of activities will explain why not or delete this section.)


Oxford Spotlight 1 – Oxford University Press

1º ESO Student’s Book, Workbook, Teacher’s Guide, 4-in-1 Resource Book, Fun Pack, DVD, video, MultiROM, CD and cassette

Oxford Spotlight 2 – Oxford University Press

2ºESO Student’s Book, Workbook, Teacher’s Guide, 4-in-1 Resource Book, Fun Pack, DVD, video, MultiROM, CD and cassette


Reading material

Other supplementary material

15. course components

The Student’s Book is 136 pages long and is made up of the following sections:

▪ a contents table which clearly shows the aspects featured in each unit.

▪ an introductory unit which presents the characters in the photo story and covers the basic grammar and vocabulary contents that students should have learnt in Primary.

▪ 9 didactic units which represent the main course material. They are divided into three blocks ( units 1–3, 4–6 and 7–9), one per term.

▪ 3 review units in which the grammar and vocabulary worked on up to this point is reviewed.

▪ 9 pages of songs, one for each main unit.

▪ a grammar bank which includes grammar explanations and practice exercises.

▪ maps of The British Isles and Europe, as well as a map of the world.

▪ a list of irregular verbs.

▪ a word bank.

▪ an expression bank.

The CDs y the class cassettes contain:

▪ all the dialogues and the listening activities from theStudent’s Book.

▪ the recordings of the songs .

▪ ten short dictations to supplement the Workbook.

▪ the listening tests from the resource pack or 4-in-1 Resource Book.

The Workbook, 64 pages long, contains:

▪ 6 pages of additional practice activities for each main unit of the Student’s Book.

▪ translation and dictation sections, as well as a Progress Check section for each unit.

▪ Words to learn sections which contain lists of active vocabulary with sufficient space for students to note down the corresponding translations.

The Teacher’s Guide, which is 256 pages long (including Student’s Book pages), contains:

▪ an introduction.

▪ ideas y suggestions for teaching.

▪ all the pages from the Student’s Book.

▪ detailed teaching notes accompanied by suggestions on how to carry out additional optional activities.

▪ answer keys for the exercises in the Topsongs and Grammar Bank sections, as well as the Workbook.

The photocopiable 4-in-1 Resource Book contains:

▪ a large quantity of evaluation material.

▪ very basic review activities based on lexical and grammatical features.

▪ extension activities which cover vocabulary and grammar contents.

▪ optional video activities to use with the Oxford Spotlight video or DVD.

The photocopiable Fun Pack contains:

▪ wordsearches, crosswords and table games.

▪ material to celebrate festivities (three festivities per level).

▪ pair-work activities

▪ three festival posters to display in the classroom.

Thel DVD and the video contain:

▪ stories coordinated with the contents of Oxford Spotlight.

▪ a fun and entertaining video diary revolving around the life of a typical British teenager.

▪ on-screen comprehension questions which will be easy to use in class.

▪ interviews with British youth in which the basic grammar of the course is utilised.

▪ optional subtitles in English (only on the DVD).

The student MultiROM, compatible with PCs, Mac and LinEx, contains:

▪ interactive grammar and vocabulary exercises related with the Student’s Book.

▪ a facility to listen and record in the dialogue sections.

▪ a illustrated dictionary, complete with audio and listen and record facilities

▪ motivating games.

▪ recordings of the short dictations from the Workbook.

contents programme

E.S.O (1st Cycle)

Oxford Spotlight 1

Oxford Spotlight 2

ESO 1 - 1st COURSE


I COMMUNICATIVE ABILITIES (developed in all the didactic units)

1. Activation of previous knowledge and use of context to interpret global and specific information in oral and written texts.

2. Identification of descriptive, narratives and conversational texts, amongst others.

3. Active listening to texts to understand general information and evaluate the required information.

4. Identification of irrelevant information in order not to focus on this and concentrate on carrying out the task.

5. Interaction with interlocutors –teacher and classmates– in a quite controlled way.

6. Act out roles in simulated situations.

7. Development of communicative abilities which help overcome interruptions in communicative; acceptance of errors as something natural.

8. Development of written expression extending sentences or paragraphs in the activities provided.

III SOCIOCULTURAL ASPECTS (developed in all the didactic units)

1. Identification and interpretation of sociocultural features related to the texts and communicative situations being worked on.

2. Comparison of social and cultural elements transmitted by the foreign language and one’s own.

3. Adaptation of sociocultural uses of the foreign language when this is the means of communication between speakers of different own languages.

4. Differentiation between the formal and informal uses of the foreign language.

5. Respect for customs and traditions different to one’s own.

6. Use of suitable formulas in social relations.

7. Opening up towards other ways of thinking, seeing and organising reality.

8. Appreciation of our own culture in contrast to that transmitted by the foreign language.


E.S.O (1st course)

Oxford Spotlight 1

Unit 1: My family


• Use vocabulary related to family and friends as well as parts of the body

• Apply grammatical features such as the verb have got: affirmative, negative and interrogative.

• Produce oral and written texts such as descriptions of relatives or friends

• Practise pronunciation of the sound /h/.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences in relation to the theme of the family.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |have got: affirmative, negative |• Complete various sentences and an interview| |

| |and interrogative forms |(page 12 ex. 2; page 13 ex. 5) |• Desire to know more about the |

| | |• Construct negative sentences, questions and|formal structure of the English |

| | |short answers (page 12 exs. 3, 4) |language |

|Introduce and describe people | |• Construct sentences using possessives (page| |

| |The possessive ‘s |13 ex. 8) | |

| | |Reading |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| |A family from the films (the |• Identify the celebrities in the photo (page|when learning a foreign language |

| |Addams family) |15 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Respond to comprehension questions (page 15| |

| |Capital letters |ex. 2) |• Interest in reading as a source of |

| | |Writing |access to new content |

|Ask for and give information | |• Learn and apply various rules of use (page | |

|about family and friends | |15 ex. 4) |• Desire to improve one’s own written|

| | |• Write a text about a family with the help |production in the foreign language. |

| | |of a writing guide (page 15 ex. 6) | |

| | |Listening | |

| |Family and friends |• Identify the characters from two |• Interest in working on the |

| | |conversations; complete information about |comprehension of the English language|

| | |them (page 14 exs. 7, 8) | |

| | |• Locate places mentioned in the listening | |

| | |(page 14 ex. 9) | |


|Vocabulary |Relationship terminology |• Match illustrations and words; construct | |

| | |sentences on a topic (page 9 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Listen and repeat vocabulary; identify | |

| | |feminine and masculine terms; translate them | |

| | |into the own language (page 9 exs. 2, 3) | |

| | |• Make and respond to questions about one’s |• Desire to extend high-frequency |

| | |own family; write sentences about the topic |vocabulary in the language under |

| | |(page 9 exs. 4, 5) |study |

| | |• Identify and translate various words from | |

| | |the photo story (page 11 exs. 4, 5) | |

| | |• Draw a person and name different parts of | |

| | |the body (page 11 ex. 6) | |

| |Parts of the body |• Identify and translate various expressions | |

|Word check | |from the photo story (page 11 ex. 3) | |

| | |• Listen and translate frequently-used |• Interest in getting to know lexis |

| | |expressions |and expressions of everyday use in |

| | |(page 14 ex. 2) |the English language |

| | |• Practise a dialogue, identifying the places| |

| |Colloquial expressions |mentioned in it (page 14 ex. 2) | |

|Real English | |• Construct and practise a dialogue in pairs | |

| | |(page 14 exs. 5, 6) | |

| |Commonplace expressions | | |

|Everyday English | | | |


|Pronunciation |The sound /h/ |• Identify the phonetic item under study in |• Interest in knowing about features |

| | |different contexts (page 13 exs. 6, 7) |of English phonology |


|Spotlight on the world |The United Kingdom |• Respond to questions in an interview; | |

| | |understand the answers (page 16 exs. 1, 2) |• Interest in comparing the models |

| | |• Locate the places mentioned in the text |shown with those from one’s own |

| | |(page 16 ex. 3) |environment |

Cross-curricular themes

|Education for Peace |• Knowledge of realities from other parts of the world |

|Moral and Civil Education |• Reflection on the family and family relationships |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• Introduction unit, |• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 1 Test, evaluation RB y CD |• Progress Check 1, Workbook page 12 |

|SB pages 4–8 | | | |

|• Diagnostic test, evaluation | | | |

|RB y CD | | | |

|• What’s in this unit? section,| | | |

| | | | |

|SB page 9 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities TG pages T9, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15 |

| |• Grammar section, SB pages 106–107 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–134 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 135 |

| |• Workbook pages 7–11 |

| |• RB activities |

| |• MultiROM activities |

|Extension activities |• Optional activities, TG pages T10, T16 |

| |• RB activities |

| |• MultiROM activities |

Abbreviation Key: SB Student’s Book TG Teacher’s Guide RB Resource Book

Unit 2: My day


• Employ vocabulary related to daily routines, days of the week and months of the year.

• Apply grammatical features such as the present simple affirmative, adverbs of frequency or pronouns and possessive adjectives.

• Produce oral and written texts such as descriptions of customs and plans.

• Practise the pronunciation of verb endings in the third person singular.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences in relation to celebrations in different countries.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |Present simple affirmative |• Complete phrases and texts from information| |

| | |in a table (page 20 exs. 1–4) | |

| |Adverbs of frequency |• Translate various adverbs and use them to |• Interest in knowing more about the |

| | |make sentences (page 21 exs. 7–9) |formal structure of the language |

| |Pronouns and possessive |• Complete a list of pronouns and adjectives |being studied |

| |adjectives |(page 21 ex. 10) | |

|Hold telephone conversations | |• Choose the correct term to complete various| |

| | |sentences (page 21 exs. 11, 12) | |

| | |Reading |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| |An ordinary Friday? |• Identify the celebrity in the photo (page |in language learning |

| | |23 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Complete sentences from information in the | |

|Ask for and give information on| |text (page 23 ex. 2) | |

|daily routines | |• Locate cities on the map that are mentioned|• Desire to approach reading in order|

| | |in the text (page 23 ex. 3) |to access contents of interest |

| | |Writing | |

| |Punctuation marks |• Match punctuation marks with their English | |

| | |names (page 23 ex. 4) | |

| | |• Add punctuation marks to various sentences |• Interest in improving one’s own |

| | |(page 23 ex. 5) |texts in English |

| | |• Write a text with with help on vocabulary | |

| | |and a writing guide (page 23 ex. 6) | |

| | |Listening | |

| |Suggestions for free time |• Understand global and specific information | |

| | |in order to respond to comprehension | |

| | |questions (page 22 exs. 5, 6) |• Attention during the use of |

| | | |recorded material in English |


|Vocabulary |Daily activities |• Match activities and timetables after | |

| | |listening and repeating various lexical items| |

| | |(page 17 exs. 1, 2) | |

| | |• Complete sentences about one’s own habits |• Interest in practising English |

| | |and compare the results in pairs (page 17 |vocabulary |

| | |exs. 3, 4) | |

| | |• Identify lexical items in the photo story; | |

|Word check |Days of the week and months of |complete words in relation to the topic, such| |

| |the year |as a calendar (page 19 exs. 4–6) |• Desire to go further into the use |

| | |• Carry out a communicative exchange in pairs|of everyday expressions used by young|

| | |Carry out an information-gap activity in |Anglo Saxons |

| | |pairs (page 19 ex. 7) | |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions | |

| | |from the story (page 18 ex. 3) | |

| | |• Listen to a conversation in order to | |

|Real English |Colloquial expressions |complete it in written form; practise it |• Desire to take part in |

| | |reading out loud (page 22 exs. 1, 2) |communicative exchanges with |

| | |• Construct a dialogue from visual cues; act |classmates |

|Everyday English |Commonplace expressions |out in pairs (page 22 exs. 3, 4) | |


|Pronunciation |Third person singular |• Practise the different ways to pronounce |• Interest in knowing about aspects |

| |(he/she /it) |this grammatical item (page 20 exs. 5, 6) |of English phonology |


|Spotlight on the world |Celebrations related to fire |• Locate the places mentioned in the text |• Interest in comparing the way |

| | |(page 24 exs. 1, 2) |culture is displayed in different |

| | |• Distinguish between sentences that are true|parts of the world |

| | |or false; correct the latter (page 24 ex. 3) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Health education |• Reflection on healthy habits in one’s free time |

|Education for Peace |• Knowledge of different realities from one’s own in order to foment understanding between nations |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 2 test, evaluation RB and on CD |• Progress Check 2, Workbook page 18 |

| | | | |

|SB page 17 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities, TG pages T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22 |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 108 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–134 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 135 |

| |• Workbook pages 13–17 |

| |• Activities in RB |

| |• Activities on MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Optional activities, TG pages T20, T24 |

| |• Activities in RB |

| |• Activities on MultiROM |

Unit 3: Sport


• Use sports vocabulary, as well as prepositions in time expressions.

• Work on the present simple negative and interrogative and question words.

• Produce oral and written texts such as interviews with sportsmen and women.

• Practise intonation in questions.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences on a universal theme: the Olympics.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |Present simple negative and |• Complete sentences from information in a | |

| |interrogative |verb table (page 28 exs. 1, 2) |• Desire to know more about the |

| | |• Construct negative sentences and questions;|formal structure of the foreign |

| | |employ them in communicative pair-work |language |

|Become a member of a sports | |activities (page 28 exs. 3–5) | |

|club | |• Complete a dialogue with present tense | |

| | |forms (page 29 ex. 6) | |

| | |• Match questions with answers in the inset |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |box; translate the questions |in language learning |

| |Question words |(page 29 exs. 9, 10) | |

| | |• Fill out a questionnaire; practise it in | |

|Ask for and give information | |pairs using question words (page 29 | |

|about one’s sports routine as | |exs. 11, 12) |• Interest in reading as a way to |

|well as other people’s routines| |Reading |extend knowledge on familiar themes |

| | |• Understand global and specific information | |

| | |from a written text (page 31 exs. 1, 2) | |

| | |• Locate the city mentioned in a text on a | |

| |A football star |map (page 31 ex. 3) |• Desire to improve our written |

| | |Writing |production in English |

| | |• Complete sentences using the correct | |

|Prepare an interview | |pronouns (page 31 ex. 4) | |

| | |• Write an interview with a sports person | |

| |The subject of a sentence |based on notes (page 31 ex. 5) |• Interest in participating in |

| | |Listening |cooperative learning through spoken |

| | |• Complete a form from the information given |interaction with classmates |

| | |in a listening (page 30 ex. 6) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Enrolment forms | | |


|Vocabulary |Sports lexis |• Match illustrations and words; complete a | |

| | |table using this lexis; construct sentences | |

| | |on a theme (page 25 exs. 1–3) | |

| | |• Identify specific information to fill in a |• Desire to extend English vocabulary|

| | |form (page 25 ex. 4) | |

| | |• Identify various words in the photo story; | |

| | |complete a table with this lexis (page 27 | |

|Word check |Prepositions in time expressions|exs. 4, 5) |• Interest in getting to know |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions |high-frequency lexis and expressions |

| | |from the photo story (page 26 ex. 3) |in the foreign language |

| |Colloquial expressions |• Respond to comprehension questions about a | |

|Real English | |dialogue (page 30 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Listen, repeat and translate expressions | |

| |Everyday expressions |from a dialogue; practise reading this | |

|Everyday English | |dialogue (page 30 exs. 2, 3) | |

| | |• Construct and practise a dialogue (page 30 | |

| | |exs. 4, 5) | |


|Pronunciation |Intonation in questions |• Listen and practice the intonation in |• Interest in knowing about the |

| | |different questions (page 29 exs. 7, 8) |prosodic features of the English |

| | | |language |


|Spotlight on the world |The Olympics |• Identify sports from the photos (page 32 | |

| | |ex. 1) |• Interest in studying in depth |

| | |• Read a text and respond to comprehension |universal themes such as the Olympic |

| | |questions on it (page 32 exs. 2, 3) |Games |

| | |• Locate cities on a map that are mentioned | |

| | |in the text (page 32 ex. 4) | |

Cross-curricular themes

|Moral and Civil Education |• Reflection on ideal behaviour to participate in activities in the realm of sports as an individual as well as in |

| |a group |

|Health Education |• Observation of beneficial physical activities for people’s psychological and physical equilibrium |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 3 Test, evaluation RB and on CD |• Progress Check 3, Workbook page 24 |

| | | | |

|SB page 29 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities, TG pages T27, T31 |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 110 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–134 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 135 |

| |• Workbook pages 19–23 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 29 |

| |• Optional activity, TG page T27 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 4: Around the world


• Employ vocabulary related to weather, countries and nationalities.

• Practise grammatical features such as the present continuous.

• Produce oral and written texts such as email messages.

• Practise pronunciation of the -ing (/IN/) ending.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences in relation to animals and their natural environment.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |Present continuous |• Construct verb forms with -ing using | |

| | |information in a table and complete | |

| | |several sentences and two texts (pages | |

| | |40–41 exs. 1–5) |• Interest in knowing more about the |

|Hold telephone conversations | |• Order words to make questions; respond |formal knowledge of the language being |

| | |to them using visual cues (page 41 exs. 7,|studied |

| | |8) | |

| | |Reading | |

| | |• Identify the sender’s country of origin | |

| | |in an email | |

| | |(page 43 ex. 1) |• Appreciation of formal correction in |

|Ask for and give information in|Friends via cybernetic |• Distinguish between sentences that are |language learning |

|order to buy something in an |correspondence |true and false; correct the latter | |

|establishment | |(page 43 ex. 2) | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |• Correct errors included in a text (page | |

| | |43 ex. 3) |• Interest in improving one’s own |

| |Spelling review |• Write an email responding to Erica with |production of written texts in English |

| | |the help of a writing guide (page 43 ex. | |

| | |4) | |

| | |Listening | |

| | |• Identify from a listening what each | |

| | |character has bought (page 42 ex. 5) |• Attention to the recorded offered in |

| |Buying things in a shop |• Understand specific information to |the course |

| | |choose the correct prices | |

| | |(page 42 ex. 6) | |


|Vocabulary |The weather |• Listen and repeat lexical items (page 37 | |

| | |ex. 1) | |

| | |• Write sentences about the weather in |• Desire to participate in |

| | |different cities; practise them in pairs |communicative exchanges with |

| | |(page 37 exs. 2, 3) |classmates |

| |Countries and nationalities |• Complete a table using lexis from the photo| |

|Word check | |story (page 39 ex. 4) | |

| | |• Locate countries that corresponding to | |

| | |various nationalities on a map (page 39 ex. |• Interest in practising English |

| | |5) |vocabulary |

| |Colloquial expressions |• Identify and translate various expressions | |

| | |from the story (page 38 ex. 3) | |

| | |• Complete and practise a dialogue after | |

|Real English | |listening to the recorded version (page 42 |• Desire to progress in the use of |

| | |exs. 1, 2) |every day expressions common amongst |

| |Commonplace expressions |• Construct a dialogue from visual cues; act |young Anglo Saxons |

|Everyday English | |out in pairs (page 42 exs. 3, 4) | |


|Pronunciation |The ending –ing (/IN/) |• Listen and practise pronunciation of the |• Desire to know about phonological |

| | |-ing form (page 41 ex. 6) |aspects of the English language |


|Spotlight on the world |Animals and habitat |• Respond to a questionnaire; check answers | |

| | |in the listening (page 44 |• Interest in observing nature from |

| | |exs. 1, 2) |different areas of the planet |

| | |• Locate places mentioned in the | |

| | |questionnaire on a map (page 44 ex. 3) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Environmental Education |• Learning facts about different animal species as a first step towards respecting their natural environment |

|Consumer Education |• Observation of own conventions in commercial transactions |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 4 Test, evaluation in RB and on CD |• Progress Check 4, Workbook page 30 |

| | | | |

|SB page 37 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities, TG pages T37, T38, T39, T40, T41 |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 112 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–134 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 135 |

| |• Workbook pages 25–29 |

| |• Activities in RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 41 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 5: My town


• Use vocabulary related to buildings in cities, as well as prepositions of place.

• Practise the verb forms there is / there are and the imperative.

• Produce oral and written texts such as descriptions of urban areas.

• Practise word stress.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences on the use of different means of transport.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |there’s / there are |• Study a verb table to contrast forms with | |

| | |those of own language (page 48 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Construct affirmative and negative | |

| | |sentences with the verb forms being studied |• Desire to know more about the |

| | |(page 48 exs. 2–5) |formal structure of the foreign |

|Give directions to arrive at a | |• Complete questions and short answers; |language |

|place | |practise with similar sentences about a | |

| | |street in our city (page 49 exs. 6, 7) | |

| | |• Complete sentences with the imperative | |

| | |using the verbs given and visual cues (page | |

| | |49 ex. 8) |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |Reading |in the learning of a second language |

| | |• Find global and specific information in a | |

| |The imperative |text in order to identify places in a city | |

| | |and respond to comprehension questions (page | |

|Describe towns and cities | |51 exs. 1, 2) | |

| | |Writing |• Interest in reading as a way to |

| |Computer games |• Complete sentences with the prepositions |expand one’s knowledge on topics of |

| | |provided (page 51 ex. 3) |general interest |

| | |• Describe the ideal city with he help of a | |

| | |writing guide (page 31 ex. 5) | |

| | |Listening | |

| |and and but |• Understand the necessary information from a| |

| | |listening to locate different buildings |• Desire to improve one’s own written|

| | |(page 50 ex. 6) |production in English |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Signs | | |


|Vocabulary |Places in a city |• Match words and pictures; listen to them | |

| | |and practise their pronunciation (page 45 | |

| | |exs. 1, 2) |• Desire to extend useful vocabulary |

| | |• Construct sentences from information in a |for moving about in urban areas |

| | |table | |

| |Prepositions of place |(page 45 ex. 3) | |

|Word check | |• Complete sentences using prepositions |• Interest in getting to know English|

| | |provided; translate them in notebook |lexis and commonplace expressions |

| | |(page 47 exs. 5, 6) | |

| | |• Identify and translate different | |

|Real English | |expressions from the photo story (page 46 ex.| |

| |Colloquial expressions |3) | |

| | |• Apply the criteria given o distinguish | |

| | |different expressions (page 46 ex. 4) |• Desire to develop cooperative |

| | |• Understand global and specific information |learning in the classroom |

| | |in a dialogue to complete a text and locate a| |

|Everyday English |Commonplace expressions |building on a street plan | |

| | |(page 50 exs. 1, 2) | |

| | |• Construct a dialogue and practise it in | |

| | |pairs | |

| | |(page 50 exs. 3–5) | |


|Pronunciation |Word stress |• Classify different words according to |• Interest in knowing about prosodic |

| | |syllable stress (page 49 |features in English |

| | |exs. 9, 10) | |


|Spotlight on the world |Means of transport |• Identify means of transport in the photos | |

| | |(page 52 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Predict if different sentences related to | |

| | |the text are true or false; check if guesses | |

| | |are true or false by reading and listening to|• Interest in knowing more about |

| | |the text (page 52 exs. 2, 3) |issues that affect society |

| | |• Locate cities on the map that are mentioned| |

| | |in the text (page 52 ex. 4) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Road safety Education |• Reflection on the use of different means of transport and their impact on the environment |

|Moral and Civil Education |• Observation of appropriate social conventions when we move around in urban areas |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 5 Test, evaluation in RB and on CD |• Progress Check 5, Workbook page 36 |

| | | | |

|SB page 45 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities, TG pages T47, T49 |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 114 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–134 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 135 |

| |• Workbook pages 31–35 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 49 |

| |• Optional activity, TG page T47 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 6: Food and health


• Use vocabulary related to food and drink, and plural nouns.

• Apply aspects of grammar such as countable and uncountable nouns, some y any and indefinite pronouns.

• Produce oral and written texts such as descriptions of food habits.

• Practise sentence stress.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences in relation to topics such as food.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |Countable and uncountable nouns |• Complete a table and several sentences from| |

| | |information on nouns (page 56 | |

| |some and any |exs. 1–3) |• Desire to know about the formal |

| | |• Choose the correct item to complete each |structure of the English language |

| | |sentence from information in the table (page | |

|Make invitations | |56 exs. 4, 5) | |

| | |• Complete a paragraph from items provided | |

| | |(page 57 |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |ex. 6) |in language learning |

| | |• Carry out communicative exchange in pairs | |

| | |(page 57 ex. 7) | |

| |Indefinite pronouns |• Complete sentences with indefinite pronouns| |

| | |based on different examples (page 57 exs. 9, |• Interest in reading as way to |

|Ask for and give information | |10) |access realities in other countries |

|about food habits |Review the grammatical aspects |Reading | |

| |in the text |• Understand global and specific information | |

| | |to respond to comprehension questions (page | |

| | |59 exs. 1, 2) |• Desire to improve one’s own |

| | |• Locate the country of origin of the |production in English |

| | |character in the text on the map (page 59 ex.| |

| |Suggestions and invitations |3) | |

| | |Writing | |

| | |• Correct grammatical errors in a text (page |• Interest in knowing more about the |

| | |59 ex. 4) |English language |

| | |• Write a text with the help of a writing | |

| | |guide (page 59 ex. 5) | |

| | |Listening | |

| | |• Understand global and specific information | |

| | |in a listening (page 58 exs. 6, 7) | |


|Vocabulary |Food and drink |• Listen and practise the words in this | |

| | |activity | |

| | |(page 53 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Classify food according to the proposed | |

| | |criteria (page 53 |• Desire to expand vocabulary on |

| | |ex. 2) |areas of our day-to-day life |

| | |• Carry out a communicative exchange in pairs| |

| | |on this section’s theme (page 53 ex. 3) | |

| | |• Construct the plural nouns taken from the | |

|Word check |Rules for forming plural nouns |story (page 55 ex. 5) | |

| | |• Identify the rules of formation which apply|• Interest in getting to know common |

| | |to different nouns |lexis and expressions in the language|

| | |(page 55 ex. 6) |being studied |

| | |• Identify and translate different | |

| | |expressions in the photo story (page 54 ex. | |

| | |4) | |

|Real English |Colloquial expressions |• Understand information in a table and | |

| | |identify future structures; practise the | |

| |Commonplace expressions |conversation (page 58 exs. 2, 3) | |

|Everyday English | |• Construct and practise a dialogue (page 58 | |

| | |exs. 4, 5) | |


|Pronunciation |Sentence stress |• Identify the stressed elements in each |• Desire to become familiar with |

| | |sentence from a listening (page 57 ex. 8) |phonic aspects of English |


|Spotlight on the world |Fast food |• Complete text with words provided (page 60 | |

| | |ex. 1) | |

| | |• Find specific information in a text to |• Interest in comparing one’s own |

| | |identify the correct sentences (page 60 ex. |habits with those shown in the |

| | |2) |material in the unit |

| | |• Respond to questions about one’s own food | |

| | |habits (page 60 ex. 3) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Health education |• Reflection on the usefulness of acquiring or not acquiring certain food habits associated with the today’s |

| |culture in the West |

|Education for Peace |• Closer contact with aspects of geographically distant cultures in order to foment understanding and proximity at |

| |other levels |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 6 test, evaluation in RB and on CD |• Progress Check 6, Workbook page 42 |

|SB page 53 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities, TG pages T53, T54, T55, T56, T57, T59 |

| |• Grammar section, SB pages 116 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–134 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 135 |

| |• Workbook pages 37–41 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section page 53 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 7: School days


• Use vocabulary related to school subjects and ordinal numbers.

• Practise aspects of grammar such as the past simple of be and there was / there were.

• Produce oral and written texts such as emails.

• Practise weak forms /w@z/, /w@(r)/.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences in relation to Secondary institutions.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |be: past simple |• Construct sentences from information in a | |

| | |table; put them into the negative form (pages| |

| | |68 exs. 1–3) | |

| | |• Complete a text, various interrogative |• Interest in knowing about |

| | |sentences and short answers with past verb |structural aspects of the English |

| | |forms (page 68 ex. 4; page 69 ex. 5) |language |

|Talk about the past | |• Construct affirmative sentences, questions | |

| | |and short answers with the correct verb | |

| |there was / |forms; formulate corresponding rule of use | |

| |there were |(page 69 | |

| | |exs. 7–10) |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |Reading |when learning a foreign language |

| | |• Find general and specific information and | |

| | |complete a table (page 71 exs. 1, 2) | |

| |British schools |• Locate a mentioned city on a map (page 71 | |

|Ask for and give information | |ex. 3) | |

|about life at school | |Writing |• Interest in improving one’s own |

| | |• Identify the theme of each paragraph (page |production of texts written in |

| | |71 ex. 4) |English |

| | |• Add correct sentences to each paragraph | |

| |Organising paragraphs in texts |(page 71 ex. 5) | |

| | |• Write an email message with the help of a | |

| | |writing guide (page 71 ex. 6) |• Attention to the material that is |

| | |Listening |offered in the Student’s Book |

| | |• Understand specific information to | |

| | |distinguish between sentences that are true | |

| | |and false; correct the latter (page 70 | |

| |Events in the recent past |exs. 6, 7) | |


|Vocabulary |School subjects |• Identify school subjects in written form | |

| | |and in a recording; listen and practise their| |

| | |names | |

| | |(page 65 exs. 1, 2) | |

| | |• Carry out communicative exchanges in pairs |• Interest in practising English |

| | |on the theme (page 65 ex. 3) |vocabulary in the most immediate |

| | |• Illustrate each person’s timetable and |context for students |

| | |write about it (page 65 ex. 4) | |

| | |• Complete a table with items from the story;| |

| | |listen and practise ordinal numbers (page 67 | |

|Word check |Ordinal numbers |exs. 4, 5) | |

| | |• Respond to questions related to the order |• Desire to progress in the use of |

| | |of different classes (page 67 ex. 6) |expressions used by young Anglo |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions |Saxons |

| | |from the story (page 66 ex. 3) | |

| | |• Understand information from the listening | |

| | |to respond to comprehension questions (page | |

|Real English |Colloquial expressions |70 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Read, practise and translate expressions |• Desire to develop co-operative |

| | |from a dialogue; practise this dialogue |learning |

|Everyday English |Commonplace expressions |(page 70 ex. 2, 3) | |

| | |• Write a dialogue with words provided; | |

| | |practise in a pairwork exchange (page 70 exs.| |

| | |4, 5) | |


|Pronunciation |Weak forms /w@z/, /w@(r)/ |• Listen and practise the pronunciation of |• Desire to know about English |

| | |weak forms (page 69 ex. 6) |phonetics |


|Spotlight on the world |British Secondary Education |• Respond to a questionnaire; check the |• Interest in establishing a cultural|

| |institutions |answers in the listening (page 72 |comparison on questions within the |

| | |exs. 1, 2) |realm of our experience |

| | |• Respond to questions about one’s own | |

| | |institution (page 72 ex. 3) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Moral and Civil Education |• Observation of other countries’ conventions in relation to youth training activities |

|Health Education |• Reflection on the importance of including physical exercise in the school curriculum |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 7 test, evaluation in RB and on CD |• Progress Check 7, Workbook page 48 |

|SB page 65 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities, TG pages T66, T68 |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 118 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–134 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 135 |

| |• Workbook pages 43–47 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 69 |

| |• Optional activities, TG pages T65, T66 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 8: In the past


• Use vocabulary related to parts of the house and dates.

• Apply aspects of grammar such as the past simple affirmative (regular and irregular verbs).

• Produce oral and written texts such as the description of an ancient civilisation.

• Reflect on key moments in the history of civilisations.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |Past simple affirmative (regular|• Complete sentences based on information | |

| |verbs) |from a table (page 76 exs. 1, 2, 4) |• Interest in knowing about the |

| | |• Write the past forms of various verbs (page|formal structure of the language |

| | |76 |being studied |

|Gain access to a public place, | |ex. 3) | |

|e.g. a museum | |• Complete a paragraph with past verb forms | |

| | |(page 77 ex. 5) |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |• Match different verb forms; construct |in the learning of English |

| |Past simple affirmative |sentences with them included in them (page 77| |

| |(irregular verbs) | | |

| | |exs. 8, 9) | |

| |Egyptian celebrations |Reading |• Desire to approach reading to |

|Ask and give information about | |• Identify global information to relate texts|access contents of general interest |

|elements of culture | |to images (page 79 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Find specific information to respond to | |

| | |comprehension questions (page 79 ex. 2) | |

| | |Writing |• Interest in improving one’s own |

| | |• Order different elements to construct |production of texts in English |

| |Adjective + noun construction |sentences (page 79 ex. 3) | |

| | |• Write a text with the help of a writing | |

| | |scheme | |

| | |(page 79 ex. 4) |• Attention to the recorded material |

| | |Listening |offered in the course |

| |Cultural visits |• Understand global and specific information | |

| | |to identify a problem and respond to | |

| | |comprehension questions (page 78 exs. 6, 7) | |


|Vocabulary |Parts of the house |• Locate characters and respond to | |

| | |comprehension questions, after listening to | |

| | |and repeating various words. (page 73 exs. |• Interest in practising new English |

| | |1–3) |vocabulary |

|Word check |Dates |• Listen to and practise various dates; | |

| | |identify different years; Write the dates in | |

| | |words; listen to and repeat them (page 75 |• Desire to participate in |

| | |exs. 5–8) |communicative exchanges with |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions |classmates |

|Real English | |from the photo story (page 75 ex. 4) | |

| |Colloquial expressions |• Complete a dialogue with words provided: | |

| | |check the answers and practise the dialogue |• Desire to progress in the use of |

|Everyday English |Commonplace expressions |(page 78 exs. 1–4) |commonplace expressions used by young|

| | |• Construct a dialogue with the help of a |Anglo Saxons |

| | |poster: act it out in pairs (page 78 exs. 4, | |

| | |5) | |


|Pronunciation |Past simple word endings |• Listen to and identify different ways to |• Interest in distinguishing nuances |

| | |pronounce the same grammatical element |in the pronunciation of English |

| | |(page 77 exs. 6, 7) | |


|Spotlight on the world |Ancient civilisations |• Respond to a questionnaire; check the | |

| | |answers (page 80 exs. 1, 2) |• Interest in finding out about facts|

| | |• Locate places on a map that are mentioned |about ancient cultures |

| | |in the text (page 80 ex. 3) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Education for Peace |• Interest in concerning ourselves with our past as a basis for building a peaceful future |

|Consumer Education |• Observation of social conventions to gain access to public places in exchange for money |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? Section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 8 test, evaluation in RB and on CD |• Progress Check 8, Workbook page 54 |

|SB page 73 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities, TG pages T73, T74, T75, T77 |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 120 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–134 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 135 |

| |• Workbook pages 49–53 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 77 |

| |• Optional activity, TG page T76 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 9: Holidays


• Use vocabulary related to items of clothing and adjectives.

• Apply aspects of grammar such as going to and must/mustn’t.

• Produce oral and written texts such as a description of holiday plans.

• Practise sentence rhythm.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences in relation to unusual places in other countries.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| | |Grammar | |

| | |• Complete and construct sentences based on | |

| | |information in a verb table (page 84 exs. | |

| |Structures |1–4) |• Interest in practising aspects of |

| |going to |• Construct sentences about plans in the near|form of the English language |

| | |future (page 84 ex. 5; page 85 ex. 6) | |

|Make suggestions | |• Carry out a communicative exchange in pairs| |

| | |about plans (page 85 ex. 7) | |

| | |• Express positive and negative rules based |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |on information in a table (page 85 exs. 9, |in language learning |

| | |10) | |

| | |Reading | |

| | |• Scan for information to order different | |

|Express rules | |plans (page 87 ex. 1) |• Desire to access interesting |

| |must/mustn’t |• Respond to specific comprehension questions|contents through reading texts in |

| | | |English |

| | |(page 87 ex. 2) | |

| | |• Locate various places on a map (page 87 ex.| |

| |Holidays |3) | |

| | |Writing |• Interest in improving one’s own |

|Talk about summer holiday plans| |• Complete a text with sequencing words (page|written production in English |

| | |87 ex. 4) | |

| | |• Write a text about one’s own holiday plans | |

| | |(page 87 ex. 5) | |

| | |Listening |• Attention to the material in the |

| | |• Understand global and specific information |course, specifically to the recorded |

| |Sequencing words |to identify different places and choose the |texts |

| | |correct answers (page 86 exs. 6, 7) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Plans for free-time | | |


|Vocabulary |Items of clothing |• Listen and repeat various words then | |

| | |identify them in the picture (page 81 exs. | |

| | |1, 2) | |

| | |• Construct sentences about the picture; |• Interest in practising everyday |

| | |carry out communicative exchanges in pairs |vocabulary in English |

| | |(page 81 exs. 4, 5) | |

| | |• Describe classmates’ clothing (page 81 | |

| | |ex. 5) | |

| | |• Find opposites of various adjectives in the|• Desire to progress in the use of |

|Word check |Adjectives |story (page 83 ex. 3) |expressions used by young Anglo |

| | |• Match adjectives to their opposites (page |Saxons |

| | |83 ex. 6) | |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions | |

| | |from the story (page 82 ex. 4) | |

|Real English |Colloquial expressions |• Listen to a conversation in order to |• Desire to get involved in |

| | |respond to general comprehension questions |cooperative learning through |

| |Commonplace expressions |(page 86 ex. 1) |exchanges with classmates |

|Everyday English | |• Practise and translate expressions from the| |

| | |dialogue | |

| | |(page 86 ex. 2) | |

| | |• After reading a model, construct a dialogue| |

| | |with the help of a writing scheme; act it out| |

| | |in pairs (page 86 exs. 3–5) | |


|Pronunciation |Sentence rhythm |• Read and practise a poem focusing on |• Interest in improving pronunciation|

| | |sentence rhythm (page 85 ex. 8) |in English |


|Spotlight on the world |Unusual hotels |• Read and match various texts to their | |

| | |corresponding illustrations (page 88 | |

| | |ex. 1) |• Interest in discovering unusual |

| | |• Locate the countries mentioned on a map |things about other countries |

| | |(page 88 ex. 2) | |

| | |• Respond to specific comprehension questions| |

| | |about the text (page 88 | |

| | |ex. 3) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Consumer Education |• Observation of objects that young people can buy; concentrating on the utilitarian, not consumerist, side of such|

| |acquisitions |

|Health Education |• Observation of holiday plans as something beneficial for people’s psychological and also physical well-being |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit?, section|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 9 test, evaluation in RB and on CD |• Progress Check 9, Workbook page 60 |

|SB page 81 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities, TG pages T81, T83, T87 |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 122 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–134 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 135 |

| |• Workbook pages 55–59 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 85 |

| |• Optional activities, TG pages T81, T85 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

E.S.O - Second Course


I COMMUNICATIVE ABILITIES (developed in all the didactic units)

1. Successive anticipation of ideas while listening or reading.

2. Identification of the genre of different types of texts: letters, narratives etc.

3. Distinction between relevant information according to the task that has been set.

4. Interaction with interlocutors in a semi-controlled and free fashion.

5. Relation of stories in oral or written form.

6. Initiative to read autonomously.

7. Use of both oral and written model texts to produce personalised texts.

8. Revision of draft written versions before editing the definitive text.

III SOCIOCULTURAL ASPECTS (developed in all the didactic units)

1. Identification and interpretation of semiotic elements (gestures, intonation etc.) used by foreign language speakers.

2. Comparison between cultural and social elements in the language transmitted by speakers from different countries.

3. Development of intercultural abilities in the use of the foreign language.

4. Identification of socio-cultural aspects to be employed with native speakers of the foreign language and speakers from other parts.

5. Familiarity with register and varieties in the foreign language.

6. Interest in knowing about cultural information of a historical, geographical and literary nature, etc.

7. Respect towards speakers of the foreign language, overcoming stereotypical views.

8. Appreciation of the foreign language as a means of international communication.


E.S.O 2nd course

Oxford Spotlight 2

Unit 1: Friends


• Use vocabulary related to activities and sports.

• Work on aspects of grammar such as the present simple, question words, adverbs of frequency and object pronouns.

• Produce oral and written texts such as descriptions of close friends.

• Practise word stress.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences in relation to Australasian countries.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |Present simple |• Complete sentences with information from a | |

| | |verb a table; convert them into the negative | |

| | |form (page 12 exs. 1–3) |• Desire to know about the formal |

| | |• Order parts of a sentence to make correct |structure of the English language |

| | |sentences (page 12 ex. 4) | |

| | |• Write an email using appropriate verb forms| |

|Talk about likes and dislikes | |(page 13 ex. 5) | |

| | |• Translate question words; use them to |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |complete sentences; practise them in pairs |in language learning |

| | |(page 13 exs. 6–8) | |

| |Question words |• Complete a table and construct various | |

| | |sentences using adverbs provided (page 13 | |

| | |exs. 9, 10) |• Interest in reading as a source to |

|Describe friends | |• Identify similarities and differences |access new contents |

| | |between subject and object pronouns (page 13 | |

| |Adverbs of frequency |ex. 11) | |

| | |Reading | |

| | |• Understand global and specific information |• Desire to improve one’s own written|

| |Object pronouns |in a written text (page 15 exs. 1, 2) |production in the foreign language |

| | |Writing | |

| | |• Construct sentences with the correct | |

| | |punctuation (page 15 exs. 3, 4) | |

| |Close friends |• Write a text with the help of a writing |• Interest in working on the |

| | |guide (page 15 ex. 5) |comprehension of the English language|

| | |Listening | |

| | |• Understand global and specific information | |

| |Capital letters and punctuation |in a listening (page 14 exs. 6, 7) | |

| |marks | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Football teams | | |


|Vocabulary |Activities at the weekend |• Match words and pictures; check the answers| |

| | |by listening to a text (page 9 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Identify the activities of each character; | |

| | |complete a table with the frequency of these |• Desire to extend everyday |

| | |activities (page 9 |vocabulary of the language being |

| |Sporting disciplines |exs. 2, 3) |studied |

| | |• Identify and classify sporting activities | |

| | |according to the concordant verbs; carry out | |

|Word check | |a communicative exchange on the theme (page |• Interest in getting to know English|

| | |11 exs. 4–6) |lexis and commonplace expressions |

| | |• Complete a dialogue identifying various | |

| |Colloquial expressions |words in the listening; practise and | |

| | |translate the expressions in the text and the|• Desire to carry out cooperative |

| | |completed dialogue (page 14 exs. 1–3) |learning in the classroom |

|Real English | |• Construct and practise a dialogue in pairs | |

| | |(page 14 exs. 4, 5) | |

| |Commonplace expressions | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Everyday English | | | |


|Pronunciation |Word stress |• Practise the pronunciation of various words|• Interest in knowing about phonetic |

| | |paying attention to syllable stress (page 13 |aspects of the English language |

| | |ex. 12) | |


|Spotlight on the world |Australia |• Understand global information to match text| |

| | |and images, and specific information to | |

| | |respond to comprehension questions (page 16 |• Interest in knowing about the |

| | |exs. 1, 2) |reality of geographically distant |

| | |• Locate the cities mentioned in the text |countries |

| | |(page 16 ex. 3) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Education for Peace |• Knowledge of geographical, social and cultural aspects of countries which appear exotic to us because they are |

| |far away. |

|Health Education |• Reflection on leisure habits and hobbies which can be beneficial for people’s well being. |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• Introduction unit, |• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 1 test, evaluation in RB and on CD |• Progress Check 1, Workbook page 12 |

|SB pages 4–8 | | | |

|• Diagnostic test, evaluation | | | |

|in RB and on CD | | | |

|• What’s in this unit? section,| | | |

|SB page 9 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Grammar section, SB pages 106 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–135 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 136 |

| |• Workbook pages 7–11 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section SB page 12 |

| |• Optional activities, TG |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Abbreviation key: SB Student’s Book TG Teacher’s Guide RB Resource Book

Unit 2: Music


• Use vocabulary related to musicians, musical instruments and items of clothing

• Apply aspects of grammar such as the present continuous, present continuous with future meaning and can/can’t.

• Produce oral and written texts such as descriptive emails.

• Distinguish the sounds /i/, /I/.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences of music and dance in different countries.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |Present continuous |• Complete a table, postcard and various | |

| | |sentences with verbs; make the sentences | |

| | |negative (page 20 exs. 1–3, 5) |• Interest in knowing about the |

| | |• Construct questions and affirmative and |formal structure of the language |

| | |negative (page 20 ex. 4) |being studied |

|Describe people | |• Construct questions and answers with the | |

| | |help of various notes (page 21 ex. 6) | |

| |Present continuous with future |• Analyse a table to identify formal | |

| |meaning |differences (page 21 ex. 9) |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |• Construct sentences about the pictures; |in learning a language |

| |can/can’t |carry out a communicative exchange in pairs | |

|Ask for and give information | |(page 21 ex. 10) | |

|about musicians we like | |Reading | |

| | |• Identify the group in the photo; complete a|• Desire to approach reading as a way|

| | |fact file about them 23 exs. 1, 2) |to access contents of interest to |

| | |Writing |young people |

| | |• Analyse English sentence order; construct | |

| |My favourite pop group |sentences that show this order (page 23 exs. | |

| | |3, 4) | |

| | |• Write an email to a friend about a pop |• Interest in improving the |

| |Word order in sentences |group based on the information in the fact |production of texts in English |

| | |file (page 23 ex. 5) | |

| | |Listening | |

| | |• Understand global and specific information | |

| | |to respond to comprehension questions (page |• Attention to the recorded material |

| | |22 exs. 6, 7) |offered in the course |

| | | | |

| |Suggestions for free time | | |


|Vocabulary |Musicians and musical |• Match vocabulary and pictures; construct | |

| |instruments |sentences from words provided (page 17 exs. | |

| | |1, 2) | |

| | |• Identify the instruments in the listening |• Interest in practising English |

| | |(page 17 ex. 3) |vocabulary |

| | |• Describe the clothing of various | |

|Word check |Clothes |characters; carry out communicative exchanges| |

| | |in pairs (page 19 ex. 4) | |

| | |• Carry out a communicative exchange in pairs|• Desire to improve in the use of |

| | |based on the topic (page 19 ex. 5) |expressions typical of young Anglo |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions |Saxons |

| | |from the story (page 18 ex. 3) | |

| |Colloquial expressions |• Find a character in the illustration (page | |

|Real English | |22 ex. 1) | |

| |Commonplace expressions |• Practise and translate various expressions;|• Desire to participate in |

| | |practise reading the dialogue (page 22 exs. |communicative exchanges with |

|Everyday English | |2, 3) |classmates |

| | |• Construct a dialogue and practise it in | |

| | |pairs | |

| | |(page 22 exs. 4, 5) | |


|Pronunciation |The sounds /i/, /I/ |• Distinguish in practice the sounds under |• Interest in knowing about the |

| | |study (page 21 exs. 7, 8) |phonetic elements of English |


|Spotlight on the world |Music and dance |• Match each text with the musical style it | |

| | |describes (page 24 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Identify different types of music and dance|• Interest in discovering cultural |

| | |in the listening (page 24 ex. 2) |displays characteristic of different |

| | |• Locate the countries mentioned in the text |parts of the world |

| | |on the map (page 24 ex. 3) | |

| | |• Carry out a communicative exchange on the | |

| | |topic (page 24 ex. 4) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Consumer Education |• Observation of young people’s habits in concerns such as clothing |

|Education for Peace |• Knowledge of cultural aspects of countries very different from one’s own, e.g. music and dance, which can bring |

| |together the people who live there |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 2 test, evaluation in RB and on CD |• Progress Check 2, Workbook page 18 |

|SB page 17 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 108 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–135 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 136 |

| |• Workbook pages 13–17 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 21 |

| |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 3: Television


• Use vocabulary related to television programmes as well as adjectives

• Work on comparative and superlative adjectives.

• Produce oral and written texts such as descriptions of television programmes.

• Practise the pronunciation of the weak vowel /@/.

• Raise socio-cultural awareness on issues such as the cinema industry.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |Comparative adjectives |• Study informative tables to put various | |

| | |adjectives into the comparative form and | |

| | |complete sentences (page 28 |• Desire to know more about the |

| | |exs. 1–5) |formal structure of the foreign |

| |Superlative adjectives |• Complete and construct sentences with |language |

| | |adjectives in the superlative form from rules| |

|Express opinions | |on form (page 29 exs. 7–11) | |

| | |• Make and respond to questions with the | |

| | |element being studied (page 29 ex. 12) |• Interest in reading as a way to |

| | |Reading |expand one’s knowledge on familiar |

| |Television programmes |• Identify global and specific information in|themes |

| | |order to express an opinion and respond to | |

| | |comprehension questions (page 31 exs. 1, 2) | |

|Ask for and give information on| |Writing | |

|our favourite television | |• Construct sentences uniting clauses from a |• Desire to improve our production of|

|programmes |The conjunction because |rule of use (page 31 ex. 4) |texts in English |

| | |• Write a text about our favourite television| |

| | |programme with the help of a writing guide | |

| | |(page 31 ex. 5) | |

| | |Listening |• Interest in participating in |

| | |• Understand information in the listening to |cooperative learning through spoken |

| | |respond to comprehension questions and |interaction with classmates |

| | |complete sentences with the words provided | |

| |Likes and preferences |(page 30 | |

| | |exs. 6, 7) | |


|Vocabulary |TV programmes |• Identify TV programmes in a listening; | |

| | |think of other examples of these (page 25 | |

| | |exs. 1–3) | |

| | |• Carry out communicative exchanges in pairs | |

| | |about the topic (page 25 ex. 4) |• Desire to expand vocabulary and |

| |Adjectives |• Find in the story the opposites of the |acquire lexical strategies to enrich |

|Word check | |adjectives provided (page 27 ex. 4) |expression |

| | |• Match adjectives and opposites; translate | |

| | |them into own language (page 27 | |

| | |ex. 5) | |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions | |

| | |from the photo story (page 26ex. 3) |• Interest in becoming familiar with |

| | |• Identify global information to complete a |frequently used English lexis and |

|Real English |Colloquial expressions |dialogue with items provided |expressions |

| | |(page 30 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Listen, repeat and translate the | |

|Everyday English |Commonplace expressions |expressions from the dialogue; practise | |

| | |reading the latter (page 30 exs. 2, 3) | |

| | |• Construct and practise a dialogue (page 30 | |

| | |exs. 4, 5) | |


|Pronunciation |The weak vowel /@/ |• Listen and practise vocabulary focusing on |• Interest in knowing about sounds |

| | |the sound in question |which do not exist in one’s own |

| | |(page 28 ex. 6) |language |


|Spotlight on the world |Things about cinema |• Understand global and specific information | |

| | |in order to carry out the set tasks (page 32 | |

| | |exs. 1–3) |• Interest in knowing about aspects |

| | |• Locate the cities mentioned in the text on |referring to the themes of general |

| | |the map (page 32 ex. 4) |interest |

| | |• Carry out a communicative exchange in pairs| |

| | |on the topic of this section (page 32 exs.5),| |

Cross-cultural themes

|Consumer Education |• Reflection on the cinema industry, such as consumerism and the economical excesses produced in this sphere |

|Moral and Civil Education |• Observation of what is offered in the media, in order to be critical and sensible in one’s use of it. |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 3 test, evaluation in RB and on CD |• Progress Check 3, Workbook page 24 |

|SB page 29 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 110 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–135 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 136 |

| |• Workbook pages 19–23 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 28 |

| |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 4: People in the past


• Use vocabulary related to professions and places of work.

• Practise aspects of grammar such as the past simple and could/couldn’t.

• Produce oral and written texts such as biographies.

• Practise the pronunciation of the past tense ending -ed.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences of places of interest in cities.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |Past simple affirmative |• Complete a table with verbs and various | |

| |(regular verbs) |sentences (page 40 exs. 1, 2) | |

| |Past simple affirmative |• Match the infinitive and past form of | |

| |(irregular verbs) |various verbs; complete sentences using |• Interest in moving forward in the |

| | |these verbs (page 40 |formal knowledge of the language being |

| | |exs. 5, 6) |studied |

| | |• Construct sentences and complete a text | |

|Talk about free time and | |changing the verb tense (page 41 exs. 7, | |

|weekend routines | |8) | |

| |could/couldn’t |• Construct sentences and questions about | |

| | |famous characters by analysing a table | |

| | |(page 41 exs. 9–11) |• Appreciation of formal correction in |

| | |• Carry out a communicative exchange in |language learning |

| | |pairs about each one’s biography (page 41 | |

| | |ex. 12) | |

| | |Reading | |

| | |• Identify requested facts in a text about| |

| |World-famous characters: William|the character (page 43 ex. 1) | |

| |Shakespeare |Writing |• Interest in improving one’s production|

| | |• Write complete sentences from |of texts in English |

| |Use notes to write a text |biographical notes (page 43 ex. 2) | |

| | |• Write a brief biography about a famous | |

| | |painter (page 43 ex. 3) | |

| | |Listening | |

| | |• Understand global and specific | |

| | |information in order to respond to |• Attention to the recorded material |

| | |comprehension questions (page 42 |provided in the course |

| | |exs. 6, 7) | |


|Vocabulary |Professions |• Listen and practise the names of | |

| | |professions; identify one of them and respond| |

| | |to questions about the professions of famous | |

| | |characters (page 37 exs. 1–3) |• Desire to participate in |

| | |• Identify various work places in the story; |communicative exchanges with |

|Word check |Work places |match them with the corresponding professions|classmates |

| | |(page 39 exs. 5, 6) | |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions | |

| | |from the story (page 38 ex. 3) |• Interest in practising useful |

| | |• Complete a dialogue with the words |English vocabulary |

|Real English |Colloquial expressions |provided; listen to expressions and translate| |

| | |them; practise reading the dialogue (page 42 | |

| |Commonplace expressions |exs. 1–3) |• Desire to progress one’s use of |

|Everyday English | |• Construct a dialogue with the help of cues |everyday expressions typical of Anglo|

| | |and a writing guide; act it out in pairs |Saxon young people. |

| | |(page 42 exs. 4, 5) | |


|Pronunciation |Past tense endings: /d/, /t/, |• Classify the different pronunciation of |• Desire to know about the phonetic |

| |/Id/ |past tense endings being studied |aspects of English |

| | |(page 40 exs. 3, 4) | |


|Spotlight on the world |Museums: Madame Tussaud |• Identify specific information to respond to| |

| | |comprehension questions (page 44 exs. 1–3) |• Interest in finding out about |

| | |• Locate the cities mentioned in the text on |places of interest in the City of |

| | |the map (page 44 ex. 4) |London |

Cross-cultural themes

|Moral and Civil Education |• Observation of different professional options that are open to students |

|Education for Peace |• Detailed study on characters that have entered to form part of world heritage, e.g. William Shakespeare |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? Section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 4 test, evaluation in RB and on CD |• Progress Check 4, Workbook page 30 |

|SB page 37 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 112 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–135 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 136 |

| |• Workbook pages 25–29 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 41 |

| |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 5: Incredible journeys


• Use vocabulary related to means of transport, as well as travel-related vocabulary.

• Practise the negative and question forms of the past simple, and prepositions of movement.

• Produce oral and written texts such as a narrative of a trip or journey.

• Practise the pronunciation of the sounds /b/ and /v/.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences on the use of different means of transport.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |past simple negative and |• Study a verb table to complete various | |

| |interrogative |sentences, a text and a conversation (page 48| |

| | |exs. 1–3; page 49 | |

| | |ex. 5) |• Desire to know about the formal |

|Give directions on how to get | |• Construct sentences putting words in the |structure of the English language |

|to a place | |right order (page 48 exs. 2–5) | |

| | |• Translate various prepositions and use them| |

| | |to complete sentences (page 49 exs. 8, 9) | |

| |Prepositions of movement |Reading |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |• Find global and specific information in a |in the learning process |

| |Organising a trip |text to respond to comprehension questions | |

| | |(page 51 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Locate cities mentioned in the text on the | |

|Ask and give information about | |map (page 51 ex. 2) |• Interest in reading as a way to |

|travelling on different means | |Writing |expand one’s knowledge on topics of |

|of transport | |• Rewrite a paragraph using sequencing words |general interest |

| |Sequencing events |(page 51 ex. 3) | |

| | |• Complete a table of activities in | |

| | |preparation for writing a narrative (page 51 | |

| | |exs. 4, 5) |• Desire to improve written |

| | |Listening |production in English |

| | |• Understand the necessary information in the| |

| | |listening to complete two fact files (page 50| |

| | |exs. 6, 7) | |

| |Signs |• Locate various cities on the map (page 50 | |

| | |ex. 8) | |


|Vocabulary |Means of transport |• Match words and pictures; identify | |

| | |different means of transport and complete | |

| | |fact files on the topic (page 45 |• Desire to expand travel-related |

| | |exs. 1–3) |vocabulary useful for getting about |

| | |• Carry out a communicative exchange in pairs|in different surroundings |

| | |on the topic of this section (page 45 ex. 4) | |

| | |• Complete a summary of the photo story using| |

| | |the lexis provided (page 47 ex. 4) |• Interest in becoming familiar with |

| |Travel-related vocabulary |• Identify and translate various expressions |common English lexis and expressions |

|Word check | |from the photo story (page 46 ex. 3) | |

| | |• Understand global and specific information | |

| | |in the dialogue to identify true and false | |

|Real English |Colloquial expressions |sentences (page 50 ex. 1) |• Desire to develop cooperative |

| | |• Listen, practise and translate different |learning with classmates |

| |Commonplace expressions |expressions; practise reading the dialogue | |

|Everyday English | |(page 50 exs. 1–3) | |

| | |• Construct a dialogue and practise it in | |

| | |pairs | |

| | |(page 50 exs. 4, 5) | |


|Pronunciation |The sounds /b/, /v/ |• Distinguish the sounds being studied; |• Interest in reproducing sounds that|

| | |practise them in a tongue twister (page 49 |do not exist in our own language |

| | |exs. 6, 7) | |


|Spotlight on the world |Explorers |• Associate the texts with their | |

| | |corresponding explorers (page 52 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Find specific information to respond to |• Interest in studying in depth |

| | |comprehension questions (page 52 ex. 2) |diverse historical facts |

Cross-cultural themes

|Education for Peace |• Appreciation of the legacy left to humankind of diverse historical events before our time |

|Road traffic safety |• Reflection on the use of different means of transport, attending to, amongst other issues, its environmental |

| |impact |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 5 test, evaluation in the RB and on the|• Progress Check 5, Workbook page 36 |

| | |CD | |

|SB page 45 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 114 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–135 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 136 |

| |• Workbook pages 31–35 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 49 |

| |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 6: Mystery


• Use vocabulary related to objects in the home and parts of the house.

• Apply aspects of grammar such as the past continuous.

• Produce oral and written texts such as short narratives.

• Practise the weak verb forms /w@z/, /w@(r)/.

• Raise socio-cultural awareness in relation to unexplainable facts.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |Past continuous |• Complete and construct various sentences | |

| | |based on information in a table (page 56 exs.| |

| | |1–3) |• Desire to know about the formal |

| | |• Construct correct sentences based on a |structure of the English language |

| | |picture | |

| | |(page 56 ex. 4) | |

| | |• Complete a text conjugating the verbs | |

| | |provided (page 57 ex. 5) |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |• Construct questions and short answers based|in language learning |

| | |on a picture and different times of the day | |

|Ask and give permission to do | |(page 57 exs. 6, 7) | |

|things | |• Carry out communicative exchanges in pairs | |

| | |using the correct verb forms (page 57 ex. 8) |• Interest in reading as a source of |

| | |Reading |information on unusual experiences |

| | |• Understand global and specific information | |

| | |to respond to comprehension questions (page | |

| | |59 ex. 1) | |

| |Strange experiences |Writing |• Desire to improve one’s own |

| | |• Construct joining sentences uniting the |production in English |

| | |correct prepositions (page 59 ex. 2) | |

| | |• Write a short narrative with the help of an| |

| |The conjunction so |illustration and a writing guide (page 59 ex.| |

| | |3) | |

| | |Listening | |

| | |• Understand global and specific information |• Interest in studying the English |

| | |in a listening in order to respond to |language in depth |

| | |questions and correct mistakes (page 58 exs. | |

| | |6, 7) | |


|Vocabulary |Objects in the house |• Listen and practise various words; identify| |

| | |those that appear in the picture (page 53 | |

| | |exs. 1, 2) | |

| | |• Carry out a communicative exchange in pairs| |

| | |in order to situate objects in the classroom |• Desire to expand practical |

| | |(page 53 ex. 3) |vocabulary for everyday life |

| | |• Match words and pictures; identify the | |

|Word check |Parts of the house |missing words in the story (page 55 ex. 4) | |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions | |

| | |from the photo story (page 54 ex. 3) |• Interest in becoming familiar with |

| | |• Complete a dialogue from a listening; |common lexis and expressions of the |

|Real English |Colloquial expressions |practise and translate various expressions; |language being studied |

| | |practise reading the dialogue (page 58 exs. | |

| |Commonplace expressions |1–3) | |

|Everyday English | |• Construct and practise the dialogue (page | |

| | |58 exs. 4, 5) | |


|Pronunciation |Weak forms /w@z/, /w@(r)/ |• Listen, practise and identify the weak |• Desire to become familiar with |

| | |forms in various sentences (page 57 |phonic aspects of English |

| | |ex. 9) | |


|Spotlight on the world |The Bermuda Triangle |• Find global and specific information to | |

| | |respond to comprehension questions (page 60 |• Interest in finding out interesting|

| | |exs. 1, 3) |facts which remain unexplained from a|

| | |• Locate the place mentioned in the text on |scientific point of view |

| | |the map (page 60 ex. 2) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Moral and Civil Education |• Reflection on the norms of living together between different family members, e.g. when it is appropriate to ask |

| |permission to do something |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 6 test, evaluation in the RB and on the|• Progress Check 6, Workbook page 42 |

| | |CD | |

|SB page 53 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Grammar section, SB pages 116 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–135 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 136 |

| |• Workbook pages 37–41 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section page 57 |

| |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 7: Our world


• Use vocabulary related to nature.

• Practise countable and uncountable nouns, some and any, how much / how many and should/shouldn’t.

• Produce oral and written texts such as publicity brochures.

• Practise English pronunciation.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences in relation to the mountain peaks around the world.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |Countable and uncountable nouns |• Classify nouns according to criteria | |

| | |provided; correct error to construct correct | |

| |some and any |sentences (pages 68 exs. 1–4) | |

| | |• Complete noun table according to rules of | |

| | |use (page 68 ex. 6) |• Interest in knowing about the |

| | |• Complete a dialogue using the correct |structure of the English language |

|Make suggestions | |indefinites (page 68 ex. 7) | |

| | |• Complete questions based on rules of use; | |

| |How much / |check the answers by listening to a text | |

| |How many …? |(page 69 exs. 8–10) | |

| | |• Make suggestions based on information in a |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |table (page 69 exs. 11, 12) |when learning a foreign language |

| |should/shouldn’t |Reading | |

| | |• Find general and specific information in | |

| | |order to respond to comprehension questions | |

|Ask for and give advice | |(page 71 exs. 1, 2) | |

| | |• Locate the mountains mentioned on the map |• Interest in improving one’s own |

| | |(page 71 ex. 3) |production of written texts in |

| | |Writing |English |

| | |• Prepare notes on a place to prepare a | |

| | |tourist brochure about it (page 71 | |

| | |ex. 4) | |

| | |• Write a tourist brochure with help of some | |

| |Preparation prior to writing a |notes and a writing guide | |

| |text |(page 71 ex. 5) |• Attention to the material which is |

| | |Listening |offered in the Student’s Book |

| | |• Understand global and specific information | |

| | |in a listening (page 70 exs. 6, 7) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Advice | | |


|Vocabulary |The natural world |• Match pictures and words; check and | |

| | |practise the answers in the listening (page | |

| | |65 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Complete descriptions using the words |• Interest in learning lexis about |

| | |provided (page 65 ex. 2) |the natural world |

| | |• Complete a table with words from the story;| |

|Word check |Nature in the wild |work in pairs to expand the lexical set (page| |

| | |67 exs. 4, 5) | |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions |• Desire to progress in the use of |

| | |from the story (page 66 ex. 3) |expressions typical of young Anglo |

| | |• Complete a dialogue with words provided |Saxons |

|Real English |Colloquial expressions |(page 70 | |

| | |ex. 1) | |

| |Commonplace expressions |• Read, practise and translate expressions in| |

|Everyday English | |a dialogue; practise this dialogue |• Desire to develop cooperative |

| | |(page 70 exs. 2, 3) |learning |

| | |• Write a dialogue using word prompts; | |

| | |practise it in a pairwork exchange (page 70 | |

| | |exs. 4, 5) | |


|Pronunciation |Intonation |• Listen and practise various sentences |• Desire to know about English |

| | |paying attention to intonation (page 68 ex. |intonation |

| | |5) | |


|Spotlight on the world |The highest mountain in the |• Respond to global comprehension questions |• Interest in getting to know about |

| |world |about a text (page 72 ex. 1) |fascinating themes such as ascents to|

| | |• Locate places mentioned in the text on the |the highest points on the planet |

| | |map (page 72 ex. 2) | |

| | |• Complete various sentences with word | |

| | |prompts (page 72 | |

| | |ex. 3) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Environmental Education |• Reflection on aspects of the natural world around us and our duty to contribute to its conservation |

|Moral and Civil Education |• Reflection on the value of ordinary effort, in every day life as well as in great historical feats |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 7 test, evaluation in the RB and on the|• Progress Check 7, Workbook page 48 |

| | |CD | |

|SB page 65 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 118 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–135 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 136 |

| |• Workbook pages 43–47 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 69 |

| |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 8: Going out


• Use vocabulary related to places of interest and food and drink.

• Work on these structures: going to and must/mustn’t.

• Produce oral and written texts such as congratulatory emails.

• Make a reflection on the free-time habits of young people.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| |Structures |Grammar | |

| |going to + time expressions |• Complete a verb table; match expressions | |

| | |and pictures on the basis of this information| |

| | |(page 76 exs. 1, 2) | |

| | |• Complete sentences in the negative form |• Interest in getting to know the |

| | |(page 76 ex. 3) |formal structure of the English |

| | |• Order future expressions (page 76 ex. 4) |language |

| | |• Construct questions and answers; complete a| |

| | |conversation (page 77 | |

|Ask for food and drink in a | |exs. 5, 6) | |

|public place | |• Analyse structures provided; complete | |

| | |sentences based on this information (page 77 |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| |must/mustn’t |exs. 7, 8) |in language learning |

| | |Reading | |

| | |• Identify global and specific information in| |

| | |order to respond to comprehension questions | |

| |Birthday parties |(page 79 exs. 1, 2) | |

| | |Writing |• Interest in improving one’s own |

| | |• Substitute nouns for pronouns (page 79 ex. |production in of texts in English |

| |Use of pronouns |3) | |

| | |• Write a congratulatory email with the help | |

| | |of a writing guide (page 79 ex. 4) | |

| | |Listening | |

| |Orders |• Understand global and specific information |• Attention to the written and |

| | |in order to identify the missing product and |recorded material provided in the |

| | |fill out an order form (page 78 exs. 6, 7) |course |


|Vocabulary |Places to visit |• Match words and pictures; listen and | |

| | |practise the answers (page 73 exs. 1–3) | |

| | |• Construct sentences with the facts from a | |

| | |table (page 73 ex. 2) |• Interest in expanding vocabulary in|

| | |• Carry out an communicative exchange in |the English language |

| | |pairs on the places in the pictures (page 73 | |

| | |ex. 3) | |

| | |• Add terms from the story to a vocabulary | |

| | |table; (page 75 exs. 4, 5) |• Desire to participate in |

|Word check |Food and drink |• Classify countable and uncountable nouns |communicative exchanges with |

| | |(page 75 ex. 6) |classmates |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions | |

| | |from the photo story (page 74 ex. 3) | |

| | |• Complete a dialogue with the words | |

| | |provided; check the answers and practise the |• Interest in progressing in the use |

|Real English | |dialogue (page 78 exs. 1–3) |of expressions typical of young Anglo|

| | |• Construct a dialogue with the help of the |Saxons |

| |Colloquial expressions |menu from a café; act it out in pairs (page | |

|Everyday English | |78 exs. 4, 5) | |

| |Commonplace expressions | | |


|Pronunciation |Contractions |• Listen and identify the element under study|• Interest in identifying elements of|

| | |(page 77 ex. 9) |form through pronunciation |


|Spotlight on the world |Parties related with food |• Match texts to photos (page 80 ex. 1) | |

| | |• Locate the places mentioned in the text in |• Desire to know about interesting |

| | |the map (page 80 ex. 2) |cultural aspects of various countries|

| | |• Identify the party described in each | |

| | |sentence (page 80 ex. 3) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Health Education |• Reflection on young people’s free time habits and leisure activities |

|Moral and Civil Education |• Observation of social conventions to ask for things in places frequented by young people |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section |• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 8 test, evaluation in the RB and on the|• Progress Check 8, Workbook page 54 |

|SB page 73 | |CD | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 120 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–135 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 136 |

| |• Workbook pages 49–53 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 77 |

| |• Optional activity, TG page T76 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

Unit 9: The future


• Use vocabulary related to the world of computers.

• Apply aspects of grammar such as will and first conditional.

• Produce oral and written texts such as advertisements

• Practise the sentence stress and rhythm.

• Raise awareness of socio-cultural differences about our astral environment, the Solar System.

• Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.




| |Concepts |Procedures |Attitudes |

| | |Grammar | |

| | |• Complete and construct future predictions | |

| | |based on information in a table (page 84 exs.| |

| |Structures |1–3) |• Interest in practising aspects of |

| |will |• Carry out communicative exchanges in pairs |form in English |

|Make future predictions | |about the future (page 84 | |

| | |exs. 4, 5) | |

| | |• Complete an interview with the verb form |• Appreciation of formal correction |

| | |being studied (page 85 ex. 6) |in language learning |

| | |• Construct and complete conditional | |

|Buy tickets to go to a show | |sentences based on the norms of use (page 85 | |

| | |exs. 8–11) |• Desire to access interesting |

| |The first conditional |Reading |contents by reading texts in English |

| | |• Find global information to assign a title | |

|Write an advertisement | |to each paragraph (page 87 ex. 1) | |

| |Houses and cities in the future |• Identify specific information to correct |• Interest in improving one’s own |

| | |various sentences (page 87 ex. 2) |production of written texts in |

| | |Writing |English |

| | |• Associate each sentence to one of the | |

| | |paragraphs in the text (page 87 ex. 3) | |

| |Dividing a text into paragraphs |• Write an advertisement about a space colony|• Attention to the material provided |

| | |(page 87 ex. 4) |in the course, more specifically from|

| | |Listening |the recorded texts |

| | |• Understand global and specific information | |

| | |in order to identify a type of film and | |

| |At the cinema |choose the correct answers | |

| | |(page 86 exs. 5, 6) | |


|Vocabulary |Computers |• After matching words and pictures, listen | |

| | |and practise the answers | |

| | |(page 81 exs. 1, 2) | |

|Word check |Computer technology |• Find verbs corresponding to the nouns |• Interest in practising everyday |

| | |provided in the story (page 83 ex. 4) |vocabulary in English |

| | |• Match various verbs and their direct | |

| | |complement; translate the resulting | |

| | |structures (page 83 ex. 5) |• Desire to progress in the use of |

| | |• Identify and translate various expressions |expressions typical of young Anglo |

| | |from the story (page 82 ex. 3) |Saxons |

| | |• Listen to a conversation in order to | |

|Real English |Colloquial expressions |respond to general comprehension questions; | |

| | |practise reading it |• Desire to get involved in |

| |Commonplace expressions |(page 86 exs. 1, 2) |cooperative learning through |

|Everyday English | |• After reading a model, construct a dialogue|exchanges with classmates |

| | |with the help of a writing scheme; and act it| |

| | |out in pairs (page 86 exs. 3, 4) | |


|Pronunciation |Stress and rhythm |• Practise various sentences paying attention|• Interest in improving English |

| | |to stress and rhythm (page 85 ex. 7) |pronunciation |


|Spotlight on the world |The Solar System |• Complete a text with adjectives provided | |

| | |(page 88 |• Interest in discovering things of |

| | |ex. 1) |great interest about our astral |

| | |• Respond to specific comprehension questions|environment |

| | |about the text (page 88 | |

| | |ex. 2) | |

Cross-cultural themes

|Moral and Civil Education |• Reflection on the position of our planet in the cosmos in order to acquire a sense of proportion about the human |

| |dimension |

|Consumer Education |• Conscience of what things cost, so that young people realise what costs are incurred in outings in their leisure |

| |time |

Evaluation activities

|Initial evaluation |Formative evaluation |Accumulative evaluation |Self-evaluation |

|• What’s in this unit? section,|• Student evaluation form, TG |• Unit 9 test, evaluation in the RB and on the|• Progress Check 9, Workbook page 60 |

| | |CD | |

|SB page 81 | | | |

Attending to diversity

|Consolidation activities |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Grammar section, SB page 122 |

| |• Irregular verbs section, SB page 128 |

| |• Word Bank section, SB pages 129–135 |

| |• Expression Bank section, SB page 136 |

| |• Workbook pages 55–59 |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |

|Extension activities |• Try this! section, SB page 85 |

| |• Optional activities TG |

| |• Activities in the RB |

| |• Activities on the MultiROM |


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