PDF presentation using the latex tue/package

Four methods to convert a logo picture into

A pdf transparent file.

First you need a picture in some format. The following ways of converting pictures vary, select the one that fits your needs.

|You want transparency? Method 1 (*): |

|Your logo must be in eps or ps format and must be already transparent. |

|(I think APS ghostcript can convert mostly any picture into eps transparent, I am not sure how though). You also need ghostview (free). |

|Open Ghostview and open your logo file. |

|Under File, select Convert. |

|Make sure the PDFwrite is selected |

|Click Ok, and select a name for your pdf-file. |

|You want pdf transparency? Method 2(*): |

|(Latex (free) and WinEdt (shareware) required. |

|Now there is another way of converting a logo (your logo might not be transparent) |

|from eps or ps to pdf, the advantage is that your logo becomes transparent automatically: Suppose your logo has a name: dolphin and it is located at c:\peter\dolphin.eps |

|(in the following example I added a word to my logo to create a new logo) This is what you need to do: |

|Latex the following file and name it logo.tex |

|\documentclass[12pt]{article} |

|\usepackage{epsfig} |

|\setlength{\textheight}{24.5cm} |

|\newcommand{\logo}{\epsfig{figure=c:/peter/dolphin.eps,width=100pt}}. |

|\begin{document} |

|\pagestyle{empty} |

|\ \vspace{19cm} |

|\begin{tabular}{cc} |

|\hspace{-3cm} $\logo$ & \begin{tabular}{c} |

|{\hspace{-.4cm}\Huge \textbf{ I love Dolphins}} \ \\ \\ \\ |

|\end{tabular} |

|\end{tabular} |

|\end{document} |

| |

|Once you are satisfied with the output, do a dvitopdf under winedt: Done! Your logo is now logo.pdf and it is pdf-transparent!!!!!!!!!! (If this option works for you and you love it, send me an |

|e-mail to Jorge.garcia@csuci.edu, it is my invention) |

|Note: I think you can also achieve the same even if you file is in jpg format, but instead of using {\epsfig{figure=c:/peter/dolphin.eps,width=100pt}} you will |

|Use the corresponding instruction to include pictures in jpg format. |

|You want pdf transparency? Method 3: |

|There is another way of transforming pictures in any format into pdf format, via the following web-site: |

|The only problem with this web-site is that if the picture is not transparent the output is not transparent, it is if the original picture is gif-transparent. |

|You want pdf transparency? Method 4: |

|There is another way of converting a picture in several formats into pdf format: |

|You need to download three pieces of software: Pdf995, PdfEdit995 and Signature995 at the website: |

| you first install them. Now how do you use them? Read this: open |

|a word document, insert you logo (gift-transparent) and resize it until you are satisfied, now you can add words etc, now go to: file and select the option print, select the option pdf995 and |

|click ok this will take you to save your logo into a pdf file! The quality of the picture sometimes is not good. |

Note, gimp (free software) can save any picture into eps format (among many others).


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