A comparison of 3 programmes for producing

A comparison of 4 programmes for producing

“Images with Music Presentations”


|Minimum system |Windows XP plus current |Windows 95 |Windows XP plus Windows Media Player 10 |Windows 95 |

|requirements |Windows Media Player |Macromedia Shock/Flash player (free) |DirectX 9 graphics support or later | |

| | | |Intel P3 700MHz processor or equiv. | |

|Cost |Free download from Microsoft |$29 (£16) |Free download from Microsoft |$70 (£37) |

|Where from |Download from: |Free trial (2 hours) from: |Free download from: |Free trial (2 weeks) from: |

| | | |

| |tes/moviemaker2.mspx |sw/content/photojam |hotography/photostory/default.mspx |products/proshowgold |

| | |Purchase license is also obtained from this site.| |Purchase license and also view sample proshows |

| | | | |here. |

|Ease of use |Easy |Very easy |Easy |Quite easy, but there are many more options |

|Importing still images |The contents of whole folders can be imported, |If all the photos you need are in one folder, |Click ‘Import Pictures’ to select the required |An integrated photo browser allows you to select |

| |once the folder is opened and the individual |Photojam 4 can automatically import them all at |folders of images |individual photos easily. |

| |images are selected. |once in a few seconds. | | |

|Inserting images |Select, drag and drop into a timeline. Or use |Whole folder automatically dropped into a |Insert individual images or hold down “Control’ |Select, drag and drop into a timeline |

| |“Automovie” |timeline |to select multiple images. | |

| |option and the whole collection | | | |

| |will be dropped into the timeline. | | | |

|Adding/deleting images |Very easy |Very easy |Very easy |Very easy |

|and changing their order | | | | |

|Removing black borders |No |No |You have the option of having images |Yes |

| | | |automatically cropped to remove black borders. | |

| | | |You can control the resizing for each individual | |

| | | |photo, or just have all images automatically | |

| | | |resized. | |

|Panning and Zooming |Possible to a limited extent |No |Motion and movement is easily achieved on photos |Yes |

|effects | | |by customising the start and end positions on | |

| | | |each image, together with the duration of the | |

| | | |pan/zoom. | |

|Adding other special |28 different effects can be applied to photos |7 different effects/tints |10 different effects, plus the ability to rotate |Countless different options. |

|effects |and/or video eg. sepia tone | |images and correct colour levels/red-eye. | |

|Adding transitions |Very easy (choice of 60) |Very easy (choice of 12) |Very easy (choice of 48, plus control over the |Very easy (choice of 280) |

| | | |duration of the transition effect) | |

|Adding titles/credits etc|Very easy (choice of 45 animations for titles and|Very easy (but a limited choice of 5 animations) |Very easy to add image titles, with control over |Very professional effects, but they take longer |

| |credits) | |the font size/colour and location of the text. |to understand. |

|Adding Music |Easy (Import, drag and drop from any downloaded |Even easier! But the music must be in MP3 form. |Your own music can be imported in WMA, WAV or MP3|Drag and drop. Seems to accept tracks in Real |

| |music in MP3 or Windows Media Audio from your |Select from 100 automatic tracks that come with |format. Or avoid copyright issues by using |Player form, but not MP3 music unfortunately! |

| |computer straight down onto the audio timeline in|Photojam 4, or import you own MP3 music. |Photostory3 to create and customise your own | |

| |MM2) | |individual music, from several different genre | |

| | | |options. | |

|Adding video clips |Possible, if the video clip is in an acceptable |Not possible. Photojam is for stills only. |Not possible. Photostory 3 has been designed by |Possible. See instructions. |

| |digital form eg. Window Media Player | |Microsoft specifically for use with still images | |

| | | |(2004) | |

|Add voice-over |Yes |No |Yes |Yes |

|Save to PC |Yes |Yes (but not trial version) |Yes. It saves in its original form and also in a |Yes (but not trial version) |

| | | |WMA final form for playback on other computers | |

| | | |(with XP etc) | |

|Burn CD/DVD |Yes |Yes ( “ ) |Yes. Transfers to memory stick/CD. |Yes ( “ ) |

| | | |An on-line plug-in ($19.99) is required for | |

| | | |recording to DVD | |

|Load to Web |Yes |Yes ( “ ) |Not automatically |Yes ( “ ) |

|Send by e-mail |Yes |Yes ( “ ) |Yes |Yes ( “ ) |

|Send to a mobile phone |No |No |Yes, if to a smart phone with WMP10 |No |

|Time needed to understand|Three hours (estimate) |Half an hour (estimate). This is the easiest of |One hour (estimate). The programme is virtually |Four hours for the basics, but much longer to |

|the programme | |all the programmes. |in “self-teach” form. |learn everything that this refined programme is |

| | | | |capable of. |

|Other details |One click options can create an instant movie |Choice of 60 “frames” for the images, plus drag |The programme leads you through five stages when |Gold Award winning software (Digital Photography |

| |with old effects, sepia, tints etc. |on, resizable animations plus eight special |creating each Photostory: |2004). |

| | |effects possible. |1. Import and arrange your pictures |Special effects possible eg. adding motion to |

| | |This programme can be easily |2. Add a title to your pictures |individual slides ~ pan, zoom, rotate. |

| | |“looped” so that a presentation plays over and |3. Narrate pictures / Customise motion | |

| | |over eg. for an open evening display |4. Add background music | |

| | | |5. Save your story | |

|Support |Many useful support sheets are on-line under |On-line support plus queries answered via contact|On-line support and examples from the Photostory |On-line support plus queries answered via contact|

| |Windows Movie Maker2 |e-mail at: |3 website, plus links to help-sheets appear |e-mail at |

| | | |throughout each of the 5 stages in creating a | |

| | | |photostory | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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