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Google Classroom: Teachers

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The Google Classroom Screen

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The Classroom Menu

Classroom menu

Create or join a class Google apps

Account settings

More class options


Class gradebook Class files

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Classroom Fundamentals

Sign In to Google Classroom: Navigate to Classroom. in a browser window. Click Go to Classroom, then enter your Google account email address and click Next. Enter your Google account password and click Next.

View and Modify Classroom Settings: Click the Menu button and select Settings. From here you can adjust the Google Classroom settings, modify your profile, manage account settings, and adjust notifications for email, comments, and classwork.

Helpful Tips

Use Google Chrome: Classroom is optimized for use in the Chrome browser. To get the best experience and utilize browser plug-ins, this is your browser of choice.

Create Classes for Activities: You can create classes for activities outside of just the physical classes you teach. Things like bonus assignments, clubs and organizations, and study groups can all utilize Google Classroom for collaboration.

Utilize the Mobile App: Available for both iOS and Android, the Classroom app lets you stay connected any time. App-specific features include digital annotations, push notifications, and the ability to quickly record video instructions.

Use Consistent Naming Conventions: Before you start naming classes and assignments, establish a method for keeping names consistent and organizing work in a logical manner. For example, label classes with the term or year, and assign a number value to assignments.

Use Browser Functions to Locate Students or Work: Use browser shortcuts to quickly locate what you're looking for. Press Ctrl + F on a PC or Cmd + F on a Mac to open the Find search field. Type the student or assignment you're trying to locate on the page.

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Classes: Display your active classes in the card format on the Google Classroom home page.

Calendar: Track assignments, questions, and events in class calendars. For each class, you and your students can view work in a calendar view.

To-do: See an overview of assignments and questions across all your classes on the To-do page. You can filter by class to view only the work for a specific class.

Active Classes: Below To-do in the Teaching section, you see each of your active classes listed in the menu. Quickly jump to a class from here.

Archived Classes: View all the classes you are done teaching and have archived. Restore or delete these classes from here.

Settings: Allows you to modify your profile, manage your account settings, and adjust notifications for email, comments, and classwork. The settings here are Classroom-wide settings that affect all the classes you teach.

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The Class Screen

Classroom menu

Assignments Gradebook

Class activity

Student list

Class code

Upcoming assignments

Update class graphic

Post to the Stream

Recent activity

Manage the Classroom

Create a Class: On the Google Classroom homepage, click the + button and select Create class. Fill in the class information, then click Create.

Apply a Class Theme: On the class Stream page, click Select theme. Choose a theme category, choose a theme, then click Select class theme.

Share a Class Code: View it on the class Stream page. Or, click the Settings button, then on the Class settings page, click the Class code list arrow, and select Display. Any student with this code can join the class.

Send an Email Invitation: Click the People tab, then click the Invite students button. Type the name of the student you want to add to the class, then click Invite.

Remove Students from a Class: On the People page, select the check box for the student(s) you want to remove. Click the Actions list arrow, select Remove, then click Remove.

Invite an Additional Teacher: From the People page, click the Invite teachers button. Type the name of the teacher you want to add to the class, then click Invite.

Modify Class Settings: Click the Settings button, modify the class settings, and click Save.

Delete a Class: On the Google Classroom homepage, click the More button for the class you want to delete, select Archive, then click Archive. Click the Menu button and select Archived Classes. Click the class' More button, select Delete, then click Delete.


Create an Assignment, Quiz, Question, or Material: Click the Classwork page, click the Create button, and select the type of classwork you want to create. Fill in the details, then click the button at the bottom-right of the dialog box.

Grade an Assignment or Quiz: Click the Grades tab and fill in the student grades for an assignment. Click the assignment's More button in the column heading, select Return all, and click Return.

Grade a Question: You can grade from the Grades page, or, on the Classwork page, click the question you want to grade and click View Question. Click a student's name to view their response and leave a comment. If necessary, click Close to return to the summary view. Click in the grade field for the student you want to grade and type in a grade. Click Return, then click Return again.


Post an Announcement: On the Stream page, click in the Share something with your class field. Type your announcement and click Post.

Email Students: Click the People tab, then select the students you want to email. Click the Actions button and select Email. Populate the email and click Send.

Invite Guardians: Click the People tab, then click Invite Guardians next to a student's name. Enter the guardian(s') email and click Invite. Click Add class to turn on email summaries or No thanks to keep them off.

Email Guardians: Click the People tab, then click the Email All Guardians button. Populate the email and click Send.

Time Savers

Assign Work to Specific Students:

When creating an assignment, click the All Students button. Select only specific students to differentiate assignments or vary group work.

Schedule an Assignment:

Create your assignments up-front and schedule them to be posted on a specified date. In the Assignment dialog box, click the Assign button's list arrow and select Schedule.

Use Assignments in Multiple Classes:

Create an assignment once and post it to multiple classes. In the Assignment dialog box, click the Class button and select the classes to which you want to post the assignment.

Reuse Assignments:

If there's an assignment you've already posted, either in this class or a different one, reuse it. On the Classwork page, click the Create button and select Reuse post.

Organize Work Using Topics:

Group related work into topics to keep classwork organized. In the Assignment dialog box, click the Topic list arrow and select Create topic.

Send Links to Assignments:

Refer students to an assignment by sending a direct link to it. On the Classwork page, click the assignment's More button and select Copy link.

Save Unique Copies of Assignment:

Ensure students don't overwrite your document by creating a copy for each student. After selecting a file in the Assignment dialog box, click the Students can view file list arrow and select Make a copy for each student.

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