National Pintung University of Science and Technology (NPUST)

National Pintung University of Science and Technology (NPUST)

Guidelines for Awarding Scholarships to Excellent Foreign Students

Amended in the 67th Administration Meeting on June 5, 2003

1. Purpose:

In order to attract outstanding foreign students to study at NPUST, and assist those students to study without any difficulties in life, the guidelines are promulgated to encourage outstanding foreign students studying at NPUST to successfully complete their studies and then return to their countries to make contributions.

2. Awarded targets:

Except those who extend their study beyond the specified period, all foreign students studying at NPUST or applying for enrollment at NPUST are qualified as awarded targets.

3. The number of awarded students and awarded items:

The number of students awarded by specific projects and the awarded items shall be in accordance with the recruitment procedures established for that year.

The number of foreign students not awarded by any specific project shall be limited to thirty every semester.

1. Undergraduates

A. Awarded all the tuition and miscellaneous fees

B. Free lodging in student dormitories

3.2 Graduate students

A. Awarded all the tuition and miscellaneous fees and credit fees (Students will receive subsidies of the actual credits taken every semester. The maximum credits subsidized every semester are twelve.)

B. Monthly scholarship for every student is awarded based on the recruitment procedures established for that year

C. Free lodging in student dormitories

The awarded items for new students shall be decided by the Committee for Admission of Foreign Students while those for currently enrolled students shall be reviewed and passed by the Scholarship Review Committee, and finally approved by the President.

4. Scholarship eligibility requirements:

1. Students with foreign nationality

2. New foreign students are required to apply for scholarships while applying for admission to NPUST.

3. Currently enrolled foreign students applying for scholarship are required to submit a copy of transcript of the previous semester showing an average of 75 points or more for undergraduates and 80 points or more for graduate students. In addition, the grade of conduct has to reach 80 points or more.

5. Deadline for Application:

1. For new foreign students: The application for scholarship shall be submitted along with the application for admission to NPUST on or before April 30 every year.

2. For currently enrolled foreign students: The deadline for application is from July 20 to August 5 every year.

6. Required documents:

1. For new foreign students: Please refer to the recruitment procedures established by NPUST.

6.2 For currently enrolled foreign students:

A. A copy of the transcript for the last academic year

B. Letter of recommendation written by a class mentor or academic adviser

7. Application procedures and notices:

7.1 New foreign students are required to send their applications for scholarships to

the Office of Academic Affairs when applying for admission to NPUST.

Applicants will be notified the final result by May 31 every year.

2. After the applications, submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs by currently enrolled students, has been reviewed by the Scholarships Review Committee and then approved by the President, applicants will be notified of the result by August 20 every year.

8. Sources of Funding

NPUST allocates every semester parts of its income from the collection of tuition and miscellaneous fees, subsiding from the Ministry of Education, funding from its university foundation or other related resources as scholarship to subsidize foreign students for their study.

9. These guidelines become effective after the approval of the Administrator Meeting and the authorization of the President.

These guidelines are adopted in Chinese, which shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the Chinese original.


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