MEMORANDUM - University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of ...

The Pitt Alumni Association is pleased to announce that it is once again seeking applications for two graduate student awards; the Pitt Alumni Association Graduate Scholarship and the Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Minno Graduate Student Resource Award.

The Pitt Alumni Association Graduate Scholarship is a $5,000 tuition scholarship and the Minno Student Resource Award is a $1,500 award. Both awards will be applied directly to the recipient’s tuition account for fall ’14. These scholarships are a one time, merit based award open to both continuing students and those just entering graduate study in any of the University’s schools or colleges. Additionally, in order to be eligible to receive this scholarship, the student must have received his/her undergraduate degree from the University of Pittsburgh.

Students who meet the below stated requirements should submit an application form by January 13, 2014 to Mary Derkach, Office of Student Affairs, Pitt Public Health. Only 3 applicants from each school can be selected and forwarded to the Alumni Association selection committee.

Further guidelines for the Graduate scholarship are as follows:

◆ Minimum GPA of 3.5 (undergraduate & graduate);

◆ Statement of personal and professional goals not to exceed 300 words;

◆ Three references including name, title and contact information, with at least one from your current academic department; (Note: only names etc of references are required, and not letters of reference.

ω Resume (not to exceed two pages);

ω Transcript of undergraduate work and any graduate courses to date

(if applicable).

Please feel free to make additional copies of the application as necessary. All applications and supporting material must be returned to Mary Derkach, Pitt Public Health Office of Student Affairs, no later than January 13, 2014.

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 412-624-3004.




Local Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Permanent Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Local/Cell Phone Number ________________________________________________________

Email Address _________________________________________________________________

Grade Point Average in last two years of undergraduate program

Graduate School or Program where you are currently enrolled

(Please circle one) MASTER’S DOCTORATE OTHER

Expected Date of Graduation

Award: Both awards will be applied directly to the recipient’s tuition account for the fall 2014. Those students receiving full tuition awards or stipends from other sources are not eligible.

Purpose: To help provide support for those graduate students who, though deserving, may not meet the criteria required for other awards.

Selection Criteria: 1. Minimum 3.5 GPA;

2. Statement of personal and professional goals not to exceed 300 words;

3. Three references including name, title and contact information, with at least one from your current academic department;

4. Resume (not to exceed two pages);

5. Undergraduate transcripts;

6. Graduate transcripts (if applicable).

Eligibility: This award is restricted to continuing or entering graduate students at the Master’s or Doctorate level who have earned their undergraduate degree at the University of Pittsburgh. The applicant must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent U.S. resident.

Deadline: All applications and supporting materials must be returned to Mary Derkach, Pitt Public Health Student Affairs, no later than January 13, 2014.


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