The Soundtrack of

The Soundtrack of OthelloEnglish 10Ms. DonovanThe Soundtrack of OthelloFor this assignment, you are required to put yourself in the role of music director for the movie version of Othello. You will create and design the CD jacket insert as well as choose the songs. Please choose 5 songs that you feel would be used in the sound track for your version of the film. You will also write an explanation for each song that you choose, (minimum two paragraphs in length) discussing how it fits for your film. Each song should represent a different form of literary analysis.Part IBrainstorming… Brainstorm AT LEAST five scenes/events from the play that stand out to you… Why did you choose these scenes? With what do you relate/connect?Part IIListen to some songs. Keep in mind you are going to choose at least FIVE. I will provide you with a list of websites where we can access and listen to songs. Select five. It does not just have to be the lyrics that make you choose these songs… Part IIIPrint the lyrics. Be sure to include the artist/band and album. Annotate each NEATLY!Part IVWrite about each song. You must be clear about the connection between the song and the play.Part VCreate cover art for your CD.Part VIPresent your soundtrack to the class.Part VII – There is no part seven. Tee hee hee..Part I – Brainstorming…. What are some of the events that really stand out to you from the play? Think in terms of the most dramatic, the most surprising, the most shocking etc. Be sure to choose AT LEAST five….What SCENE or EVENT STAND OUT to YOU? (include act and scene)WHAT ABOUT THIS SCENE STANDS OUT? WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS SCENT?Part II Select your SongsGo to or You may also bring in your own songs ON A CD or on your IPOD. You may listen to these songs ON THE COMPUTER or YOU MAY USE YOUR IPODS!!! Search a title or an artist. Mr. Yacullo has earphones, or you can plug in your own earphones. Listen to some songs. Jot down some songs you think you might like to use. Narrow it down to FIVE choices. Tentative Selections: For each song, write about what you like about it, why you might choose it, if it would work for this project, etc. You should choose at least seven – ten songs/selections. Use the following prompts as an example for each.Song 1 – Title/Artist What do you like about this song? Why might you choose it? Would it work for this project? Song 2 – Title/Artist What do you like about this song? Why might you choose it? Would it work for this project? Song 3 – Title/Artist What do you like about this song? Why might you choose it? Would it work for this project? Song 4 – Title/Artist What do you like about this song? Why might you choose it? Would it work for this project? Song 5 – Title/Artist What do you like about this song? Why might you choose it? Would it work for this project? Song 6 – Title/Artist What do you like about this song? Why might you choose it? Would it work for this project? Song 7 – Title/Artist What do you like about this song? Why might you choose it? Would it work for this project? Song 8– Title/Artist What do you like about this song? Why might you choose it? Would it work for this project? Song 9 – Title/Artist What do you like about this song? Why might you choose it? Would it work for this project? Song 10 – Title/Artist What do you like about this song? Why might you choose it? Would it work for this project? Part III and IV Print Up the Lyrics and Write About the SongsBe sure to include the artist/band and album on which it is found. For EACH song you will need to write a critical analysis regarding why you chose it. You will need to analyze each song and answer the following:Why did you choose this song? What specifically do you find important about the song?How is it representative of the scene?Why do you like this song?Choose at least THREE specific lines, images, or ideas from each song and explain its relation to the play.While you do not really need to follow the questions exactly, your response to EACH song should be AT LEAST two to three paragraphs.Part V Create Cover Art for your CDEither using material we have in class or by creating something on the computer, design a cover for your “CD”.Part VI PresentationsYou are going to present at least three songs to the class. I’d like you to play the song, either from a CD or your IPOD. You’ll briefly introduce the song/songs and why you chose them.For an “A” project:Liner notes:The writing is strong, formal, free of errors and shows an excellent understanding of the mechanics of writing.The analysis shows strong evidence of thought and care in tying the texts to the songs. The analysis is also thorough, considering many aspects of both the song and the text being represented.There is evidence of careful thought in song selection Quotes are used from the song and/or the book, and all quotes are introduced and analyzed properly.Lyrics are provided for all songs, and they are properly referenced.CD cover:The CD cover shows excellent care and consideration to both the contents of the CD as well as the book that it is representing. ?The CD cover is highly reflective of the time and consideration put into its creation.For a “B” project:Liner notes:The writing is generally free of errors and shows good understanding of the mechanics of writing.The analysis shows evidence of thought in tying the text to the songs.The analysis is also thorough, considering several aspects of both the song and the text being represented.There is evidence of thought in song selectionQuotes are used from the song and/or the book, and all quotes are generally introduced and analyzed properly.Lyrics are provided for all songs, and they are referenced.CD cover:The CD cover shows good care and consideration to both the contents of the CD as well as the book that it is representing.The CD cover is reflective of the time and consideration put into its creation.For a “C” project:Liner notes:The writing has some errors and shows general understanding of the mechanics of writing.The analysis shows some evidence of thought and care in tying the text to the songs. There is some evidence of analysis and consideration of several aspects of both the song There is evidence of some thought in song selection. Some quotes are used from the song and/or the book, and quotes may or may not be introduced and analyzed properly.Lyrics are provided for all songs, but some may not have been properly referenced.CD cover:The CD cover shows minimal care and consideration to both the contents of the CD as well as the book that it is representing.The CD cover evidences minimal time and consideration put into its creation.For a “D” project:Liner notes:The writing has many errors and shows little understanding of the mechanics of writing.The analysis shows little evidence of thought and care in tying the text to the songs. There is minimal evidence of analysis and consideration of either the song or the chapter being represented.There is little evidence of thought in song selectionQuotes are not used.Lyrics may or may not be provided for all songs, but have not been properly referenced.CD cover:The CD cover shows no care or consideration to the contents of the CD or the book that it is representing.The CD cover shows no evidence of time and consideration put into its creation.Othello Soundtrack ProjectStudent Name: _______________________________________Class Period4321WritingThe writing is strong, formal, free of errors and shows understanding of mechanics of writing.The writing isgenerally free oferrors and showsgood understandingof the mechanics of writing.The writing hassome errors andshows a generalunderstanding ofthe mechanics ofwriting.The writing hasmany errors andshows littleunderstanding ofthe mechanics ofwriting.AnalysisAnalysis showsstrong evidence ofthought and care in tying the scenes to the songs.The analysis shows good evidence ofthought in tying thescenes to thesongs.The analysisshows someevidence ofthought in tyingthe scenes tothe songs.The analysis shows little evidence ofthought in tying thechapters to thesongs.ThoughtThere is evidenceof careful thoughtin song selection.There is evidence of good thought insong selection.There is someevidence ofthought in songselection.There is littleevidence of thought in song selection.QuotationsQuotes are usedfrom the songand/or the play,and all quotes arethoroughlyintroduced, cited,and analyzedproperly.Quotes are usedfrom the songand/or the play,and all quotes aregenerallyintroduced, cited,and analyzedproperly.Some quotes areused from thesong and/or theplay, and somequotes are notintroduced, cited,and analyzedproperly.No quotes are used from the song and/or the play, and no quotes aregenerallyintroduced, cited,and analyzedproperly.CD CoverThe CD cover showsexcellent care andconsideration tothe book that it is representing. The cover is highlyreflective of thetime and care thatwas put into itscreation.The CD cover showsgood care andconsideration tothe book that it is representing. The cover is reflective of the time and carethat was put into its creation.The CD cover showssome care andconsideration tothe book that itis representing.The cover isreflective of sometime and care thatwas put into itscreation.The CD cover shows little care andconsideration tothebook that it isrepresenting. Thecover is notreflective of timeand care put into its creation.SCORE: ______________________Comments: ................

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