Agenda 2 Minutes 2022.09.12 Draft with Attachments 4 Treas Rpt Med Lk ...



Minutes 2022.09.12 Draft with Attachments


Treas Rpt Med Lk 2022 09


Agmt for Professional Services






Council 10_22 rental ordinance


Medicine Lake


French Regional Park Master Plan Resolution of Support_Example


City of Medicine Lake

City Council Meeting Agenda October 3, 2022

6:00 PM - Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of agenda for October 3, 2022 meeting

Acknowledgment of Minutes from September 12, 2022 City Council Meetings: Clerk Therese Polum

Open Forum

Hennepin County Sheriff

Presentation of Plaque to Tom Schrader

Department Reports

? Fire Department:

Chief Rich Halvorsen

? Public Works Superintendent:

Chris Klar

? Bassett Creek Watershed Commissioner: Clint Carlson

? Planning Commissioner:

Jesse Swanson

? Treasurers' Report:

Gary Englert

o Proposed motion to approve the year 2023 preliminary budget in the amount of


o Lift Station Construction payment

o Met Council 2020 I&I grant

o Republic billing for The Park Apartment properties

Officer Reports

? Councilmember Chris Heim o SEH Agreement for Professional Services Dated October 1, 2022 o Lift Station ? Temporary variance request to BCWMC Rule 4.8 ? Mitigation requirements for 81 cy of fill below the FEMA regulatory floodplain elevation

? Councilmember Jo Meyer ? Councilmember Ron Tomczik ? Councilmember Connie Shaffer

o 1340 SS Dr. o Proposed Rental Ordinance draft ? Mayor Scott Marks

New Business

? French Regional Park Master Plan (Draft Master Plan file is separate file, not included in council packet due to large file size). o Proposed Resolution

? Proposed Election Clerk Resolution ? Met Council 2022 System Standards

City of Medicine Lake

10609 South Shore Drive ? Medicine Lake, Minnesota 55441 ? (763) 542-9701 ? (763) 746-0142 fax

September 12, 2022 City of Medicine Lake Council Minutes

Present: Mayor Scott Marks; Councilors Jo Meyer, Chris Heim, Ron Tomczik, Connie Shaffer; City Clerk Therese Polum, BCWMC Commissioner Clint Carlson, Planning Commissioner Jesse Swanson Council and Staff Absent: Treasurer Gary Englert present via phone call for his report, Fire Chief Rich Halvorson Other attendees: Hennepin County Sergeant Nelson, Susan Wiese, Shaun Kennedy, Fire lieutenant Zappa, and attendees for the public hearing

Mayor Marks called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Minutes and Agenda ? Motion to approve the agenda forwarded by Councilmember Marks and seconded by

Councilmember Meyer. Councilmembers Mayor Marks, Meyer, Tomczik, Shaffer and Heim in favor. Motion passed. ? Motion to approve the August 1, 2022 city council minutes forwarded by Councilmember Marks and seconded by Councilmember Meyer. Councilmembers Mayor Marks, Meyer, Tomczik, Shaffer and Heim in favor. Motion passed.

Open Forum ? No report

Hennepin County Sheriff ? Sergeant Nelson ? Reported Sergeant Nelson and another officer will be liaison for our City moving forward

Insurance Report ? Les Young ? Reported update on city insurance policy ? Reported restricted insurance cap is in place, 250K aggregate per occurrence, 50K per induvial and

50K limit for employee dishonesty ? Recommends the city continue to do not waive the monetary limits

Motion that the City of Medicine Lake does not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minn. Stat. 466.04 forwarded by Mayor Marks and seconded by Councilmember Meyer. Councilmembers Mayor Marks, Meyer, Tomczik, Shaffer and Heim in favor. Motion passed.

Public Hearing ? Consider Amendments to Ordinance 126 Governing the Licensure and Regulation or Rental Housing in the City of Medicine Lake, MN


Mayor Marks introduced the topic and Councilor Shaffer provided an update on the rental ordinance history and summarized the proposed changes to the current ordinance. Proposed changes are: definition of rental dwelling, minimum of 180 consecutive days, and financial obligations as written in the proposed ordinance.

Mayor Marks opened the public hearing at 6:16pm ? Les Young, 155P, disagrees with the change in the definition of rental dwelling. The proposed change would make the city more restrictive than the State of Minnesota homesteading rules and also more restrictive than the City of Plymouth and seems to negatively affect two long time citizens of Medicine Lake. He provided handouts. ? Janet Carlson, 202P disagrees with the changes to Ordinance 126. She is against the change in definition of rental dwelling and the 180 minimum day requirement. The proposed ordinance would not allow her elderly parents to reside in the home they own next door, and would not allow others to reside and `house sit" in her home while they take winter "snowbird" vacations. She provided a written statement. ? Therese Polum, 155P, disagrees with the change in the definition of rental dwelling and the 180 minimum day requirement. She anticipated the minimum day would be more along the lines of 30-60 days. ? Jessie Swanson, 189P, disagrees with the change in the definition of rental dwelling and the 180 minimum day requirement. He wants his mother to be able to live in his home in the future. ? Grant Carlson, 204P, disagrees with the change in the definition of rental dwelling and the 180 minimum day requirement. He also disagrees with not using the term short term rental. He encourages the city to look at others options to address this issue. He provided his views from his perspective as a landlord across three states. ? Shaun Kennedy, 215P, is wondering how ownership is determined and how this affects his children from staying in his house ? Mary Anne Young, 155P, is against short term rentals. She provided examples from their experience renting out home next door to their house and some of the issue they had over the many years. ? Clint Carlson, 202P, is against the proposed changes and provided and handout with his thoughts. He would like the council to further study the topic.

Mayor Marks closed the public hearing at 6:39pm

The Council and attendees continued to discuss the details of the proposed ordinance ? Les Young provided his interpretation of the survey results ? Shaun Kenney spoke to where the proposed ordinance is unclear and where it contradicts itself and he is also wondering where owner occupancy is defined. He also spoke to his interpretation of the survey results. While he understands the intent the language is not correct for the intent. ? Hennepin County Sheriff Sergeant Nelson was present for this and was asked by council if he uses information (`list') provided from other cities to determine who is living in a place, he stated he does not know of any `list' and has not used a list provided by a city. The Sheriff's department uses tax records and other methods to determine who lives in a residence. ? Councilmembers are wondering if this does not allow 30-day extensions. This is not the intent. ? Council is wondering if they want to rent out their house for 30 days while they are in Florida do they need a rental license? and yes they would. ? Council is wondering if they have a relative stay in their house for some time period while they are in Florida, does this preclude that? ? Council is wondering what hardship is created by the 180-day requirement



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