The Golden Rain Foundation provides an enhanced quality of life for our active adult community of Seal Beach Leisure World



Monday, October 3, 2022 10:00 a.m., Conference Room B/Via Zoom

To view the live Physical Property Committee meeting: ? Go to ? The tab will be active at 12:45 pm on the day of the meeting ? The live streaming uses YouTube Live and terminates at the close of the meeting

1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Chairs Announcements

a. Introduction of Guests and Staff Marsha Gerber, GRF President Jessica Sedgwick, Executive Director Mark Weaver, Facilities Director Kevin Black, Physical Property Manager Tia Makakaufaki, Recording Secretary

b. Introduction of Committee Members c. Rules of Order d. Chair's Comments

4. Shareholder Comments (Limited to 3 minutes per person)

5. Approval of Minutes a. Minutes of Regular Meeting, September 7, 2022

6. Correspondence

7. Staff Reports a. Facilities Director b. Physical Property Manager

8. Subcommittees Report 9. Unfinished Business ? Project Report

a. Administration Building Access Upgrade b. Speed Cushions c. Roadway improvement from North Gate to St. Andrews d. Reduce 1.8ac Trash Bin Cost e. Pickle Ball Fencing f. Acoustics Loop in Clubhouse 3 room 7

g. Music at Pool h. Bocce Ball Shade Cover i. Clubhouse One ? Woodshop j. Clubhouse Two Phase Two - Glass/Paint/Lighting k. Storm Drain Screen Project - Update l. Trust Street Repairs - Update m. Safety Improvements @ Golden Rain / St. Andrews ? Stantec Report n. Charging Stations ? Update o. Traffic Control ? Add Three 25 MPH Signs after Gates ? Update p. Water Conservation at Pool ? Water Cover Cost q. Aquatic Center Shade Structure -Update r. RV Park lighting and Security s. Prevent Golf Course Water from reaching Golden Rain gutters t. Amphitheater Rear Door Ramp

10. New Business

a. Alternate Propane source for Admin Building generator

b. Saint Andrews Median Plant Maintenance for Visibility

c. Clubhouse One Kitchen Flooring

d. Zinsco Electric Panel on Trust Property

11. Governing Documents a. 60-5504-1, Insurance Requirement ? Contractors ? Increase Insurance Liability

12. Future Agenda Items a. South Saint Andrews to Single Lanes b. Clubhouse One Main Room Remodel c. Clubhouse Two Woodshop Remodel d. Clubhouse Three TVs - in some rooms e. Faux Ivy on Channel Fence f. Building Five Renovation g. Identify Salon / Spa - Potential Location h. Committee Charter update i. Energy Independence and Emergency Preparedness j. After Main Gate Traffic Circulation (tabled for July 2023)

13. President's Comments 14. Next Meeting

November 2, 2022 in Conference Room B/Via Zoom at 1:00 p.m. 15. Adjournment

Budget Variance Report - August 2022

Community Facilities - CC ## 670, and 679

For Cost Center 670 (Physical Properties Department) there is a favorable variance of $ 69,857 through the month of August 2022. The major variance is due to the following:

CC GL Code Account Description



670 6142000 Workers Comp

670 6143000 Group Insurance-Med

670 6144000 401-K match 670 6211000 Continued Education 670 6215000 Mileage

670 6410015 Computer Supplies 6435100 Bank Service Fee

670 5380700 Permit Income

Total Explained Variances

Variance Explanation

17,077 Favorable- open inspector position, and new employee brought on at lower scale for position

4,692 Favorable- open position for a portion of the year and cost less than projected

29,759 Favorable- Cost less than projected due to employee waving insurance

3,962 Favorable- participation less than expected 1,421 Favorable- education scheduled later in the year (1,871) Un-favorable- Shared cost with cc740 for board approved

benefit, their portion unused

(2,195) Un-favorable- Desk computer unplanned replacement 1,881 Favorable-POA system not in operation 10,986 Favorable- Permit activity greater than expected

65,712 of $ 69,857

For Cost Center 679 (Community Facilities) there is a favorable variance of $30,830 through the month of August 2022. The major variance is due to the following:

CC GL Code Account Description

Variance Explanation

679 6420100 Electricity

679 6424100 Trash 679 6472000 Equipment Repair & Maint.

679 6473000 Hazardous Waste Disposal 679 6475600 Landscape Maint-Extras

679 6475605 Landscape Maint. Trees

679 6476000 Sewer Maintenance 679 6476500 Street Maintenance 679 6477210 Pest Control 679 6731000 Property & Liability Insurance

(3,958) Un-favorable- Cost of electric increase/Use greater than expected

(9,953) Un-favorable- 1.8 acres greater use than expected

(6,988) Un-favorable- unexpected repairs to Gas pump, Marquee and Traffic Light

(3,756) Un-favorable-E waste greater than expected 8,007 Favorable-Less repairs than expected ADRC looking at

replacements for next quarter 8,007 Favorable-Landscape contractor included tree trimming in

scope at no cost 8,115 Favorable-Less repairs than expected

13,043 Favorable-Bills from last month not logged

3,246 Favorable-Gopher control suspended at mini farm

12,481 Favorable-Actual cost less than budgeted

Total Explained Variances

28,244 of $ 30,830


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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