A PLEA for PRAYER – May 7, 2011 - No. 100 - OPC

[Pages:4]A PLEA for PRAYER ? May 7, 2011 - No. 100

We would appreciate updates on the location of our military because of continued unit movements.

Note: This list and plea will be updated and expanded as God gives information and grace. While this prayer plea is posted on the Internet, every effort is made to keep information appropriately private and with minimum information on mission, units and location. All requests, news and update information should be sent to the editor at: Coie.1@

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). Let us come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever (Isaiah 32:17).

The request continues. Please pray for our OPC men and women, sons and daughters who are in harm's way, about to be in harm's way, and who support those in harm's way. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16b). Pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17).

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. (Psalm 91:1-6)

Prayer focus: Marine Corporal Ian M. Muller, Killed in Action ? Corporal Ian M. Muller, USMC, of Danville, Vermont, while "walking point" for his platoon was killed in action on March 11, 2011. Cpl. Muller was deployed to Afghanistan as a member of the 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, from Camp Lejeune NC, while supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Ian, 22 years old, had deployed in January having joined the Corps in December 2007, and was promoted to Corporal on 1 June 2010. Ian, the third oldest of his family, is also survived by five brothers and a sister all of whom were mostly home schooled: Ryan, Dylan, Benjamin, Quinton and twins, Reuben and Madeleine.

His pastor provides this note: "Ian Muller, covenant child of Clif and Susanne Muller, members of Covenant OPC in Barre, Vermont, was killed in action as the result of an IED explosion in Helmand province, Afghanistan. Services were held in Danville on March 19th, with the text [most appropriately] from Psalm 91, and Pastor Carl Durham preached to a large gathering of community, family and friends, including the Governor and Vermont Congressional delegation [and some senior military officers]. Pray for Ian's five brothers and one sister and parents, who are trusting God with this severe providence. They also request prayer for the family of his Staff Sgt. James Malachowski, who was killed in action on 3/20. These two deaths have hit hard in the platoon and the Mullers are ministering to the Marines in the field as they continue to be in contact and send support boxes to the troops." There is a fund established for the purpose. You may send memorial contributions, payable to "Ian Muller Memorial Fund" directed to

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Passumpsic Savings Bank, P.O. Box 38, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819. The family will use this fund to support the 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines Regiment who Ian deployed with in January 2011. It will also be used to support the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines Regiment who will be deploying later this month. Ian has many friends who will be attached to this unit.

His former pastor, Steve Doe, notes "there is a tremendous display of honor toward Ian and his family by the State of Vermont both in the papers and on TV. The family made a wonderful statement of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ." We also understand a veterans' motorcycle group acted to protect the funeral procession.

A Marine Corporal who had served with Ian attests "He was my mentor as a senior Marine and had my back every time I needed him." His father testifies that he was a "smart, strong young individual" and joined the Corps "because it was the hardest to get into" and "saw them as the toughest, smallest and most elite." His oldest brother Ryan said "I can't imagine him as anything else" adding that "Ian played soccer at Danville (High) and loved sports, snowboarding and skiing. He always approached things with certain aggressiveness." About his serving "on the point" [lead Marine on an advance] his dad said "He mentioned that most of the other guys were married and had a kid, and he didn't, so he wanted to be on point for that reason, and he thought he was the best man for it." These warriors are a special gift from our always gracious God given to preserve our liberty, allowing us to worship our Maker and sleep in our beds in peace. It is clear that Ian served with all of his might to preserve our freedom!

One son of an OPC member was killed some five years ago in Iraq, and at least five members, one three separate times, have been wounded, to date. We will never forget!

Please pray that God will shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Pray that they will fear only God and not man and be of a good courage. Pray that they will be bold as a lion and that the wicked will flee. (Prov. 28:1)

Pray that as we battle forces both foreign and domestic in our long war, that our nation in its affliction depends upon, and pleads with, our God to make a way of escape and that in doing so, God will restore us as a nation to His righteousness and that we will continue to be blessed by and under his protection.

Continue to pray that we will recognize the true nature of the enemy. Be not weary in hoping, praying and waiting to see the salvation of our great God whose new mercies come every morning! Pray that the Gospel may continue to have free course. Pray that the culture of death will be defeated and that our nation will stand united and will endure in the defense of freedom. Please continue to pray for the spouses, children, parents and siblings of our warriors. Pray for the families of the fallen, pray for the wounded and the one captured that they may all endure and come to rest and trust in Christ. May they defend our nation's liberties as guaranteed by our Constitution with stalwart hearts and minds.

May we be "animated to pray by the certain hope of obtaining our requests." Calvin

We have lives precious to us in harm's way: Aaron, Andrew (two), Bradley, Brett, Chris, Curt, Doug, Douglas, Gabriel, Isaac, Jeremy, Jim, John (three), Michael, Nathan, Nicolas, Noah, Paul, Rachel, Robert, Scott, Stephen (two), and Zach. Praise God that Aaron, Ben and Gareth have returned safely. New deployments shown in bold.

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? [4/2/11] From Pastor John - Thank you for your service in this. FYI Cpl. Chris Bonebrake is no longer in the OPC. He and his fianc?e have become members of another church. He should probably be removed from your list.

? From Pastor Doug - Keep up the good work. We are proud to report that on Saturday, March 26, 2011, Master Gunnery Sergeant Douglas R. Thurston retired from the United States Marine Corps after 30 years and 16 days of faithful diligent service to his country. Well done, Doug. You are a testimony to your faithful God and Savior and a credit to your country and the Marine Corps. [Master Guns ? Thank you for your many years of service to keep us free!]

? From Elder Tom - Please add Airman Holly S. to the list of those serving. Thank you for your faithful presentation of prayer requests.

? Chaplain James A. Zozzaro has resigned his commission in the New Jersey National Guard after some 10 years of service to us effective in December 2010. He has been regarded by many as a superior chaplain and we will miss his service. Jim, thank you so much for your faithful service and may our God continue to bless your service both in the pastorate and to our OPC Committee on Chaplains and Military Personnel!

? 04/4/11 ? From Pastor Steve - Two updates for the listing of those serving: Laura P. has now been commissioned as an ensign in the USN and is heading for her schooling. John W. is being deployed to Korea for a year. [Steve then alerted us to the death of Cpl. Ian M. Muller USMC.]

? The revision of DADT presents difficulties for many Christians, both those serving in line positions and those serving as chaplains. Therefore we urge you to pray: 1. For all who serve in our military who name the name of Christ, 2. For all Christian chaplains who serve not only the military but also their churches under creedal statements of faith and belief, 3. That the implementation of this legislation will be just and righteous, 4. That the heretofore high moral standards of our military will not be severely denigrated by those of good moral character leaving this godly calling, 5. That the Committee and Commission will have wisdom in order to protect those who serve. Please pray for a special committee of the PRJCCMP as they formulate additional protections for our chaplains. 6. That our military, serving in one of the last bastions of the defense of freedom, will not be diminished or perish, 7. That this trial will not also in time descend on the pulpits of our land.

? Please continue to pray for one of our warriors who need much prayer for strength to continue in the fight and for true peace of God in his heart. Finally, please continue to pray for a number of our Marines and soldiers probably engaged in current offensives in one of our theaters of operation. Pray that God will keep and preserve them!

Chaplains' Reports: With all of our military might, the greatest weapon we have in the long war against Islamic terrorists is the Sword of the Spirit utilized in the proclamation of the Gospel and empowered by the sovereign Lord of evangelism. The church wields this weapon best when the expectant prayers of His people accompany it. Pray the Lord of the harvest for the success of the Gospel

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and for more laborers for the harvest, specifically for more chaplains. Plead for a corps of reformed chaplains sufficient to fill every available opening and sufficient to minister to all of our own deployed warriors. Great petitions to Him bring!

CH Jack Unangst Jr., VA Medical Center, Prescott, AZ (Presbytery of New York and New England) Most of my VA Veteran Congregation members are in-house personnel dealing with addictions. So they are mandated various classes dominated by therapists who are trained in relativistic humanism. Spirituality is defined as any "higher power" (projected religious selfconsciousness) that works for you. Man, the center of the universe, has within himself all the latent tools for rehabilitation - he just needs the proper training in using these tools. It is into that "therapeutic" world that I come with the Gospel, as an ambassador of the Living/Reigning Jesus Christ of Scripture--reproving the wisdom of this world, preaching Christ crucified - the power of God, the wisdom of God. PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that the Holy Spirit would command this Gospel light to shine in "therapeutic" darkness, revealing the light of the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ. E-Mail: jack.unangst@med.

Chaplain Candidate Blake Law, RTS Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC (Presbytery of the Southeast) God has mightily answered our prayers for regular employment! He has exceeded our prayers by providing a full-time internship with a PCA congregation in Mooresville, NC. The new position allows me to keep a regular seminary schedule, work with the church, take my weekends with the Army Guard, and actually get to spend evenings with my family. PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for my wife and 3 small children as they get accustomed to new surroundings and the church. Pray for my studies, and for the fine Soldiers I have had the privilege to get to know. E-Mail: blake.law@us.army.mil

Pray that President Barack H. Obama, will guide us as a nation in righteousness that is according to God's Word, and that he will be just, ruling in the fear of God (II Sam 23:3b). Pray for those who lead our warriors, from those in the cabinet to the NCO in the field, particularly for all those who name the Name of Christ.

Pray for those who serve us, that their courage, strength and wisdom will not waver or fail, that their actions will be swift, victorious and bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1), that God will grant them safety and bring them home to their families. Pray for their wives and families, that as they are without their loved ones, they may endure and support them. Pray that we will minister to the families in the stead of those who serve. Pray for their testimony to the lost. Please pray both publicly and privately.

Pray that our chaplains will be bold in the ministry of the Word ? that precious Word that not only tells how we can have life eternal, but also instructs how we are to live! Pray for all our members who serve, that the light of the gospel will burn brightly in their lives.

In His hands,

Robert M. Coie, for the OPC Committee on Chaplains and Military Personnel

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