Beedie Luminaries Scholarship Program 2019/2020 Program ...

Beedie Luminaries Scholarship Program 2019/2020 Program Guidelines


The Beedie Luminaries Scholarship Program gives promising BC students the opportunity to advance their education, achieve their dreams and inspire others.

The program supports resilient students facing financial adversity who have the academic readiness and desire to create positive change in their lives. Scholarship recipients join a strong, diverse, wellconnected support network of Beedie Luminaries students and future program alumni, as well as community leaders and mentors.


In its 2020 program year, the Beedie Luminaries Foundation will support 105 scholarships for the following:

$10,000 CAD per year for a bachelor degree program, tenable for up to four years of funding; OR $7,500 CAD per year for a diploma or a trades program, tenable for up to two years of funding.

In addition to the financial support, the Beedie Luminaries Foundation offers student support, including:

- Invitations to Beedie Luminaries events; - Invitation to join Beedie Luminaries digital community group; - "Stay on Track" student support; - Access to mentors; and - Paid summer internship opportunities.


An eligible 2019/20 applicant must:

Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident for at least three years; Be a full-time resident of British Columbia; Be in their final year of high school, entering into full-time studies in a first bachelor

degree, first diploma, or first trades program at one of the eligible public post-secondary institutions listed below*; Be ineligible for the BC Tuition Waiver Program (for former youth in care); Have a minimum cumulative average of 75% (or equivalent) for grade 11 and available grade 12 marks based on Universities Canada's Calculation of Average Policy**; and Have faced financial adversity.

*Eligible post-secondary institutions:

British Columbia Institute of Technology Camosun College Capilano University Coast Mountain College College of New Caledonia College of the Rockies Douglas College Emily Carr University of Art and Design Justice Institute of British Columbia Kwantlen Polytechnic University Langara College Nicola Valley Institute of Technology North Island College

Northern Lights College Okanagan College Royal Roads University Selkirk College Simon Fraser University Thompson Rivers University University of British Columbia (all campuses) University of Northern British Columbia University of the Fraser Valley University of Victoria Vancouver Community College Vancouver Island University

**Universities Canada's Calculation of Average Policy

Universities Canada's policy on calculation of average has been developed in consultation with university and college admissions and financial aid officers from across the country. It is Universities Canada's policy to calculate the academic average of applicants so that it reflects an academically well-rounded individual, while recognizing the differences in the programs of studies. For this purpose, the most recent, followed by the highest available grades in the following categories will be considered: Language, Social Sciences, Mathematics and Sciences. Six courses are chosen for each applicant, with no more than 2 in each category. If there are not enough available courses, the calculation of academic average may be based on 5 or 4 courses.


There are no restrictions on the program of study or discipline. Program must be of a minimum of 2 years in duration.


Depending on the curriculum, an applied bachelor program may be considered either as a university-level program or a college-level program;

Students must commence their post-secondary studies in September 2020; Students must be enrolled in full-time studies at one of the eligible institutions listed in the

"Eligibility" section of this document; The scholarship may be withdrawn if the student fails to make appropriate academic progress

(according to the individual school's criteria), fails to obtain sufficient grades to pass a year or complete a program, withdraws from full-time attendance at the selected institution, or commits a crime; Employees of Beedie and their dependents are not eligible to apply; and A Beedie Luminaries Scholarship cannot be held concurrently with any other financial awards that total more than $2,500 per year.

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Scholarship Partners Canada, a division of Universities Canada, administers the scholarship program on behalf of the Beedie Luminaries Foundation. Universities Canada's mandate is to facilitate the development of public policy on higher education and to encourage cooperation among universities and governments, industries, communities, and institutions in other countries.

Universities Canada is associated with leading firms in nearly every sector of the economy through its provision of scholarship services and management of more than 120 different scholarships programs on behalf of corporations, government agencies and private foundations throughout North America. For additional information, please visit

Beedie Luminaries retains the right to change and/or end the sponsorship of the scholarship plan without notice.


The Beedie Luminaries selection of scholarship recipients is made by experts from the community and educational institutions in British Columbia. The selection process will be conducted in three phases:

Phase 1: Each application is read and scored by two experts on the Beedie Luminaries Reader Panel and Beedie Luminaries Selection Committee.

Phase 2: The Beedie Luminaries Selection Committee will meet to select shortlisted candidates for interviews.

Phase 3: The Beedie Luminaries Foundation will conduct interviews* to determine award recipients.

Once the selection process is complete, decisions are irrevocable.

*Applicants must make themselves available for interviews in late April 2020. Only the finalists will be invited to an interview.

Evaluation criteria:

Demonstration of financial adversity; Clarity of the applicant's educational goals, focused commitment and academic

readiness, according to BC's new curriculum set of core competencies; Applicants' proven work ethic, grit and resilience in the face of adversity; Responses to short-answer questions on the application form; Community and home contributions and/or extracurricular activities; Quality and relevance of the reference letters; and A brief personal video file.

All applicants will be notified of the results of the selection process, once available.

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Successful applicants will receive confirmation of their scholarship in May. Recipients will be required to complete the online scholarship acceptance process and forward proof of registration from the educational institution they will be attending.

It is the responsibility of the recipient to keep Scholarship Partners Canada informed of any changes to their contact information through the online portal.

Please note, the names, videos and photographs of successful applicants may be used in promotional initiatives for the Beedie Luminaries Foundation.


Proof of registration must be submitted to Scholarship Partners Canada upon acceptance of the award in the student portal on or prior to the deadline date of August 28th, 2020 to activate the payment. Payments for this program will be made as follows: Scholarship Partners Canada will forward payment of the tuition portion of the scholarship

($5,000 for a bachelor degree program and $3,750 for a diploma or trades program) to the institution on behalf of the Beedie Luminaries Foundation. The institution will be instructed by Scholarship Partners Canada to apply the payment to all tuition-related expenses and to credit any unused funds directly to the student. The tuition payment will be paid out once at the beginning of the fall term. Scholarship Partners Canada will forward payment of the stipend portion of the scholarship ($5,000 for a bachelor degree program and $3,750 for a diploma or trades program) directly to the recipient on behalf of the Beedie Luminaries Foundation. The stipend payment will be paid out once at the beginning of the fall term. Scholarship payment(s) will only be issued upon completion of the scholarship acceptance process and the submission of all required supporting documentation by Scholarship Partners Canada.

It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure that payment of tuition fees is made within the defined time frame set by the educational institution regardless of the timing of the scholarship payment.

Payment by the institution to the student will be made in accordance with the normal practice of the educational institution.

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1. Submit an online application by visiting

2. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all supporting documents have been received and accepted. This can be done through the online portal.

3. An application with all supporting documentation must be submitted electronically to Scholarship Partners Canada no later than the application deadline of January 20, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. PST.

4. Applicants will be notified by email once their application has been received and processed by Scholarship Partners Canada. To ensure that all supporting documents have been received and accepted, visit to review your scholarship application information.

5. All communications regarding the Beedie Luminaries Scholarship will be done online via the student portal and via email.


As part of this application, the supporting documentation described below is required. If any of these documents are not received and accepted, your application will be considered incomplete and will not be evaluated. Supporting documents must be received by Scholarship Partners Canada on or before January 20, 2020 at 9 a.m. PST. 1. Transcripts

Please provide an official transcript of your grade 11 marks and any available grade 12 marks. A transcript will only be considered acceptable if it is presented on the official paper of the institution AND it bears the appropriate signature(s) and/or seal of the institution. Home school grades will only be accepted if they have been validated through a recognized, independent evaluation process.

Transcripts are to be uploaded to the online application portal. Scholarship Partners Canada reserves the right to request an original copy of an uploaded transcript at any time in order to verify its authenticity.

2. Two Letters of Reference Academic One letter of reference must come from a past or present teacher, school counsellor or administrator who knows the applicant and is familiar with their academic history, and who is not related to the applicant.

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