E:\kiersey web assignment


David Keirsey has been studying type since 1956 and in Please Understand Me II, 1998, he outlines some additional thinking about MBTI and the 16 types. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter available via the internet is a short form version of the MBTI. Please keep in mind that not only is this a shortened version of the full MBTI 126 question instrument, but the entire Jungian type model is just one theory—one possible framework of how we differ. As with any other model, it is accurate in some respects but woefully lacking in others. However, it is a useful model that has stood the test of time so your first task is to “eat the fish and spit out the bones” and derive whatever insights the model has to offer about yourself and others.

1. Visit the site on the internet: and complete the instrument.

2. Print out your Keirsey temperament sorter results

3. Print out and read your type description as well as other temperament descriptions to verify your results and learn about other types of people for comparison. For example, if you are an ESTJ—a “Supervisor”, you would read descriptions of this temperament as well as other “Guardian” types to determine if another temperament is more descriptive of you. Also read some of the opposite temperaments, such as INFP (“Healer”), to validate your temperament score.

4. Print out whatever additional materials about personality: character and temperament that you might find interesting: .

❖ Complete the following assignment to be attached along with those of your other team members as an appendix to your Ad Campaign Plans Book: Develop one paragraph summarizing what you learned about type that relates to insights about yourself and significant others in your life (e.g., close family and friends) as a result of this exercise. Compose a second paragraph about something that you have learned regarding your communications and work style that you want others in your campaign group to be aware of in order for you to function at your best. Be sure to compare notes on this when you meet with your group. As a reminder the following is part of your advertising campaign assignment:

…Please note that in your early meetings it is expected that you will discuss individual member roles in the group as well as how you may present your best work a la MBTI personality type. Be sure to note these discussions and the outcome in your meeting logs.

Be sure to complete this group aspect of the MBTI assignment when you meet with your team.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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