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AP Psychology Unit X: Personality Practice Exam Corresponding Modules: 55-59Spring Semester 2015 Topic: Personality (5-7%) BacilePRACTICE EXAM MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONSWhat do psychologists mean by the term trait-situation interaction?Situations change traitsSituations create new traitsTraits determine situationsSituations affect how traits are exhibited Daryl is taking a personality test in which he is shown a series of simple scenes. The psychologist that is administering the test, asks Daryl to tell a story regarding each scene. Daryl is taking the: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)Edwards Personal Preference ScheduleThematic Apperception Test (TAT)Rorschach Inkblot TestAccording to Carl Rogers, anxiety and neurotic behavior result from:Learned habits of behaviorChemical imbalances in the brainUnconscious conflicts and desiresReceiving too much unconditional positive regardA mismatch between the real self and the ideal selfWhich of the following is a major criticism of the social-cognitive perspective?It focuses too much on early childhood experiencesIt focuses too little on the inner traits of a personIt provides descriptions but not explanationsIt lacks appropriate assessment techniquesThe behavior of many people has been described in terms of a “spotlight effect.” This means that they:Tend to see themselves as being above average in abilityPerceive that their fate is determined by forces not under their personal controlOverestimate the extent to which other people notice themDo all of the aboveResearch has shown that individuals who are made to feel insecure are subsequently:More critical of othersLess critical of othersMore likely to display a self-serving biasLess likely to display a self-serving biasAccording to Freud, the unconscious contains:Material that can be easily retrievedEverything that we are aware of at any given momentRepressed memories and emotionsThoughts, perceptions and memoriesJames attributes his failing grade in chemistry to an unfair final exam. His attitude exemplifies:Internal locus of controlUnconditional positive regardThe self-serving biasReciprocal determinismProfessor Minton believes that people strive to find meaning in life because they are terrified of their own mortality. Evidently, Professor Minton is a proponent of:Terror-management theoryPsychodynamic theoryThe humanistic perspectiveThe social-cognitive perspectiveThe trait perspectiveBehaviorists are to the external environment as humanists are to _________________:StressPersonal growthHumankindInternal conflicts In explaining why Cole is deceitful and has a tendency to lie, a psychologist who held a strong behavioral view toward personality development would consider Cole's:Environmental factors that might promote lyingSelf-concept and his interactions with othersPrevious learning experiences and history of reinforcementRole models Repressed feelings of anger and hostility Coretta is quiet, pessimistic, anxious, and moody. In terms of the Eysencks' basic personality dimensions she would be classified as:Internal-ImpulsiveUnstable-IntrovertedPassive-AggressiveExternal-DependentA student who is generally quite honest turns in the paper of another student and passes it off as his own. When accused of dishonesty, he says, "nowadays everybody cheats in school, but I'm always honest." This student is using which of the following Freudian defense mechanisms?ProjectionDisplacementCompensationIdentificationPersonality is:The set of personal attitudes that characterize a personAn individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and actingA predictable set of responses to environmental stimuliAn unpredictable set of responses to environmental stimuliWhich of the following perspectives places the greatest emphasis on the unconscious mind?The humanistic perspectiveThe social-cognitive perspectiveThe trait perspectiveThe psychoanalytic perspectiveA major difference between the psychoanalytic and trait perspectives is that:Trait theory defines personality in terms of behavior; psychoanalytic theory defines personality in terms of its underlying dynamicsTrait theory describes behavior but does not attempt to explain itPsychoanalytic theory emphasizes the origins of personality in childhood sexualityAll of the above are differencesAccording to Freud’s theory, personality arises in response to conflicts between:Our unacceptable urges and our tendency to become self-actualizedThe process of identification and the ego’s defense mechanismsThe collective unconscious and our individual desires Our biological impulses and the social restraints against themId is to ego as ________________ is to _________________.Reality principle; pleasure principlePleasure principle; reality principlePleasure principle; moral principleReality principle; moral principleJill has a biting, sarcastic manner. According to Freud, she is:Projecting her anxiety onto othersFixated in the oral stage of developmentFixated in the anal stage of developmentDisplacing her anxiety onto othersAdler asserted that everyone makes efforts to overcome real or imagined inferiorities by developing their abilities in a process he called:The collective unconsciousCompensationArchetypesFixationSublimationSuzy bought a used, high-mileage automobile because it was all she could afford. Attempting to justify her purchase, she raves to her friends about the car's attractiveness, good acceleration, and stereo. According to Freud, Suzy is using the defense mechanism of:Displacement Reaction formationRationalizationProjectionAccording to Freud, defense mechanisms are methods of reducing:AngerFearAnxietyLustTheresa is taking a personality test in which she must describe random dot patterns. What type of test is she most likely taking?An empirically derived testThe MMPI-2A personality inventoryThe MBTIA projective testNeo-Freudians such as Adler and Horney believed that:Freud placed too great an emphasis on the conscious mindFreud placed too great an emphasis on sexual and aggressive instinctsThe years of childhood were more important in the formation of personality than Freud had indicatedFreud’s ideas about the id, ego and superego as personality structures were incorrectThe humanistic perspective on personality:Emphasizes the driving force of unconscious motivations in personalityEmphasizes the growth potential of “healthy” individualsEmphasizes the importance of interaction with the environment in shaping personalityDescribes personality in terms of scores on various personality scalesAndrew’s grandfather, who has lived a rich and productive life, is a spontaneous, loving and self-accepting person. Maslow might say that he:Has an internal locus of controlIs an extravertHas resolved all of the conflicts of the psychosexual stageIs a self-actualizing personThe school psychologist believes that having a positive self-concept is necessary before students can achieve their potential. Evidently, the school psychologist is working within the _______________ perspective.PsychoanalyticTraitHumanisticSocial-cognitiveWhich of the following is a common criticism of the humanistic perspective?Its concepts are vague and subjectiveThe emphasis on the self encourages selfishness in individualsHumanism fails to appreciate the reality of evil in human behaviorAll of the above are common criticismsDr. Gonzalez believes that most students can be classified as “Type A” or “Type B” according to the intensities of their personalities and competitiveness. Evidently, Dr. Gonzalez is working within the ______________ perspective.PsychoanalyticTraitHumanisticSocial-cognitiveThe ________________ classifies people according to Carl Jung’s personality types.MBTIMMPIKeirsey Temperament ScaleTATIsaiah is sober and reserved; Rashid is fun-loving and affectionate. The Eysencks would say that Isaiah ___________ and Rashid ___________.Has an internal locus of control; has an external locus of controlHas an external locus of control; has an internal locus of controlIs an extravert; is an introvertIs an introvert; is an extravertIn studying personality, a trait theorist would most likely:Use a projective testObserve a person in a variety of situationsUse a personality inventoryUse the method of free associationA psychologist at the campus mental health center administered an empirically derived personality test to diagnose an emotionally troubled student. Which test did the psychologist most likely administer?The MMPIThe TATThe RorschachThe Locus of Control ScaleThe Big Five Factors, as defined by McCrae and Costas are:Emotional stability, openness, introversion, social ability, locus of controlNeuroticism, extraversion, openness, emotional stability, sensitivityNeuroticism, gregariousness, extraversion, impulsiveness, conscientiousnessEmotional stability, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousnessEmotional stability, extraversion, openness, locus of control, sensitivity With regards to personality, it appears that: There is little consistency of behavior from one situation to the next and little consistency of traits over the life spanThere is little consistency of behavior from one situation to the next, but significant consistency of traits over the life spanThere is significant consistency of behavior from one situation to the next, but little consistency of traits over the life spanThere is significant consistency of behavior from one situation to the next and significant consistency of traits over the life spanA major criticism of trait theory is that it:Places too great an emphasis on early childhood experiencesOverestimates the consistency of behavior in different situationsUnderestimates the importance of heredity in personality developmentPlaces too great an emphasis on positive traitsIn high school, Britta and Debbie were best friends. They thought they were a lot alike, as did everyone else who knew them. After high school, they went on to very different colleges, careers, and life courses. Now, at their twenty-fifth reunion, they are shocked at how little they have in common. Bandura would suggest that their differences reflect the interactive effects of environment, personality, and behavior, which he refers to as:Reciprocal determinismPersonal controlIdentificationThe self-serving biasAccording to Freud, the energy from life instincts that drives personality is called the:EgoLibidoLife forceErosAccording to Jung, art, religion, myths and drama are important to individual functioning because they:Facilitate conscious developmentAre symbols that appeal to basic archetypesProvide the means for achieving control over a hostile environmentTransmit specific information for solving developmental tasksWhich perspective on personality emphasizes the interaction between the individual and the environment in shaping personality?PsychoanalyticTraitHumanisticSocial-cognitiveFreud believed that personality was typified by:A delicate balance of power among the three personality structuresA lack of struggle among the three personality structures in the healthy individualA lack of struggle among the three personality structures in the unhealthy individualA state of struggle among the three personality structures in which the id gets caught in the middleBecause Ramona identifies with her politically conservative parents, she chose to enroll in a conservative college. After four years in this environment, Ramona's politics have become even more conservative. Which perspective best accounts for the mutual influences of Ramona's upbringing, choice of school, and political viewpoint?PsychoanalyticTraitHumanisticSocial-cognitiveResearch on locus of control indicates that those with an internal locus are _____________ than those with an external locus.More dependentMore intelligentBetter able to cope with stressMore sociableMore depressedWe each have a perception of our own personality traits; this perception strongly influences our behavior. Psychologists call this perception one’s ___________________:Self-evaluationInner conceptSelf-conceptSelf-esteem The _________________ begins with puberty and ends with a mature capacity for love and the realization of full adult sexuality.Latency periodOedipal and Electra conflictsGenital stagePhallic stage ................

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