Brentwood Baptist Leadership

The Person of the Son of GodSummary: The Son of God is the Second Person of the Trinity, equal with the Father and Holy Spirit. In the incarnation, he took on human nature and became the God-man, one person with two natures.Key Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians 1:15-20; 1 Timothy 3:16; Titus 2:13; 1 John 4:1-3Case Study: You have a Muslim co-worker who claims that Jesus was incredibly important as a prophet, but certainly is not the Son of God. What would you say to them about who Jesus Christ is?Understanding this Doctrine-The Son of God is the Second Person of the Trinity, eternally existing together with the Father and Holy Spirit in the one Godhead.Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man in one person, and will be so forever.-Eternally generated=begotten of the Father.-The Father grants him his sonship life, or person-of-the-Son.-Hypostatic Union=The joining together (the union) of the two natures in the one person (Gk. hypostasis), Jesus Christ.Chalcedonian Creed3 heresies concerning Jesus Christ…Docetism=Denied the humanity of the Son in the incarnation.Arianism=Denied the deity of the Son.Apollinarianism=Denied the full humanity of the incarnate Son.Biblical SupportEvidence for Jesus’ divinity-His divine titles demonstrate that Jesus is God.-He is the Son of God (Mark 1:9-11; John 3:16)-He is Lord (Acts 2:36)-Read John 8:58!!-The divine references support his deity.-Titus 2:13; 2 Peter 1:1-His nature is divine.-Radiance of the glory of God and exact imprint of his nature (Heb 1:3; Phil 2:6)-“I and the Father are one” John 10:30-“Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” John 14:8-9-He exhibits divine attributes such as omnipresence, omniscience, and authority.-Matthew 28:20; Matthew 26:20-25, 30-35; Matthew 28:18Evidence for Jesus’ humanity-Jesus was born like any other human being (Luke 2:1-7)-He grew and matured like others (Luke 2:40, 51-52)-Christ had normal physical needs such as food, drink, rest, and sleep.-He expressed common human emotions like love, wonder, joy, compassion, and anger.-He enjoyed the kind of relationships that are that are characteristic of human beings.-Jesus had a human body…he grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.-John 4:6 tells us that he grew weary.-He learned how to eat, talk, read, and write, and how to be obedient to his parents.-Jesus was so fully human that even those who lived and worked with him for thirty years, even those brothers who grew up in his own household, did not realize that he was anything more than another very good human being.-John 21:7, 20-Luke 8:1-2-John 11:1-41-He suffered and died like any human being (John 19:34)Enacting this Doctrine-What’s at stake in this doctrine? OUR SALVATION!-Only he as the fully divine Son could pay the infinite penalty for sin.Q.) Why is it important to know that Christ was fully man, and fully God? ................

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