Third Sunday of Advent

Christmas Day


The Future

Kneel before the manger scene and think about what the very first Christmas meant for the future of the world. Ask the Prince of Peace for peace in the world and an end to terrorism.

Signs of the Messiah

What signs do you see that the Messiah is coming among us, e.g. the poor being helped, the sick being comforted, etc. What sign of the Messiah will you bring on Christmas day?

The Word Incarnate

The Son of God came among us fully God and fully man. How is Jesus like us? Put away your shortcomings and rejoice in the fullness of life that comes in Jesus.

Peace Tree

On Christmas Day, add the symbols of peace: dove, rainbow, lamb, butterfly, star, cross, shared loaf, open hand, two clasped hands, peace symbol and sun. Pray for peace.


Scripture Readings Isaiah 52:7-10 Hebrews 1:1-6 John 1:1-18

Theme: Christ is born!


The day we were promised, the day we have been preparing for and have been expecting, is finally here. We rejoice as we remember how our Savior entered the world as a tiny, innocent baby. He is Emmanuel, God with us. For people all over the world, the birth of Jesus means salvation for all. Rejoice that our Savior has come! He is our gift to us.


• What will you do during this Christmas Season to reflect in your heart, as Mary did, on God’s gift

of the Savior?

• What would you say to Jesus as you stand before the Nativity scene in your church?


Look at the stained glass window thus far. Cut, color, and place Jesus in the stained glass window.

Why is Jesus central to the Nativity scene?


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