New Employee Scavenger Hunt - Children's Choice

New Employee On-Site Scavenger Hunt

Print Name: _______________________________

Welcome to our team! We have developed this as a fun way to get to know the space you will be working in and the people you will be working with. Please use the children and the staff to help you complete this scavenger hunt.

1. Find the Time Sheet book, put your name in it, and “clock in.”

2. Call the office and say you’re beginning the scavenger hunt.

3. What is your site director’s cell phone number? ________________

4. The President of Kids Council is ______________________ and his/her favorite thing to have for snack is __________________________.

5. The Associate Director is _________________________ and his/her favorite thing about this job is ______________________________________________________________________.

6. Another staff member named ______________________’s favorite field trip to take with kids is ________________________________________________________________________.

7. Another staff member named ____________________’s favorite activity to do with the kids is ____________________________________________________________________________.

8. Find the ‘Proper Hand Washing’ signs, how many seconds are recommended? __________

9. Find the activity calendar. What is happening next Wednesday? ______________________

10. Where are the dry snack items located? _________________

11. What is the phone number for poison control? _________________

12. Where are the adults-only craft supplies like glitter? _______________

13. How many adults does it take to properly set up the EZ Up canopies? ________________

14. What is the 2nd rule posted in the cafeteria? __________________

15. What color is the copy of the accident report that the parent receives? _________________

16. Where are the charging units for the walkie talkies? ____________________

17. What was the date of the last fire drill? ______________________

18. How many staff work on Wednesday afternoon? __________

19. What two pieces of information on the kids’ registration form does law require? ________________________________________________________________________

20. Who are the first & last children/families in the family file box? _________________& _____________

21. Where is the bleach and water spray bottle for disinfecting the tables? ________________

22. Where is the mop water cleaning solution? _________________

23. How many did we plan for to eat snack today? ________________

24. Where is the backpack with first aid supplies that goes on all field trips? _______________

25. What color clothes pin do children put by their names when they go outside? _____________

26. What is the third step of the discipline policy? ______________________________________

27. Where is the SACERS book? __________________________

28. Call Mike or Chelsea at home & let them know you’ve finished doing the scavenger hunt.

Thank you, we hope this was fun, informative and helpful!

Employee Statement:

❑ I know and understand the fire evacuation and disaster plans.

❑ I am familiar with SACERS and can locate a copy on site.

❑ I have read and understand my work schedule.

Signed ____________________________________________ Date __________________

Please attach to your first time sheet!

New Employee Staff Guidelines Scavenger Hunt

Print Name:_______________________________

Welcome to our team! We have developed this as a fun way to become familiar with Children’s Choice philosophy and policy. Please take an hour and a half to read through the Staff Guidelines and complete this form before your first shift with the children.

1. One of the goals of the Children’s Choice program is: _______________________________________.

2. The role of the adult working in this program is to be a ______________________ of the ___________________ development of children through healthy interactions.

3. The vision of Children’s Choice is to see healthier ________________, healthier ________________, and a healthier __________________.

4. Who is at the top of our organizational structure? ______________________________

5. What is the foundation at the bottom of our organizational structure? _________________________

6. What are 3 examples of clothing that would be prohibited by the dress code?

a. _________________________ b. ________________________ c. ______________________

7. What are some of your options under step 2 of the discipline policy? ____________________________


8. Who is required to have First Aid and CPR training at each site? _______________________________

9. When are you required to wash your hands?

a. ____________________________ b. ____________________________

b. ____________________________ c. ____________________________

d. ____________________________

10. What is the minimum number of fire drills that each site is required to conduct each month? _______

11. When APS is closed due to snow, Children’s Choice is ____________________.

12. When you administer medication to a child you must provide a written record of:

a. ______________________ b. ______________________ c. ____________________ & d.____________________________

13. If a child becomes missing and cannot be located after ______ minutes, ________________ must first be notified by ____________________.

14. What are the second and last field trip procedures: _______________________________________


15. Our special needs policy states that we will make __________________ ____________________ to provide fully inclusive school-age care for any child with special needs.

16. How can parents find out about financial assistance? ______________________________________

17. What does “Employment at Will” mean? _________________________________________________

18. What types of harassment are prohibited? _______________________________________________

19. How many paid holidays do you receive in your second and subsequent years of employment? ______

20. How many hours of training are you required to receive each year? ________

Employee Statement:

❑ I have received, read, and understand the Staff Guidelines.

❑ I know and understand the Children’s Choice discipline policy.

❑ I know and understand the fire evacuation and disaster plans.

Signed ____________________________________________ Date __________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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