Math Pentath

Math Pentathlon School/Club - Example A

Sample Parent Letter - (page 1 of 2)

Dear Parents,

Our School is proud to offer the National Mathematics Pentathlon Program for interested Kindergarten through 7th grade students. Our Math Pentathlon Club meets starting from .

• Kinder and 1st grade group will meet in Room 100

• 2nd and 3rd grade group will meet in the Media Center

• 4th and 5th grade group will meet in Room 117

• 6th and 7th grade group will meet in Room 120

Through the use of the Math Pentathlon Games, logical, computational and spatial reasoning are developed in a highly motivational format designed for students within a broad range of ability levels. These games use a wide variety of physical models to provide enjoyable practice of active problem-solving skills. Adults find the games fun and challenging as well!

To become involved in this exciting program, please complete and return the attached registration form to your child’s teacher beginning . To provide the best quality experience possible for our students, we limit the enrollment for Math Pentathlon to students for each grade level. Priority enrollment will be given to students who were active members of last year’s Pentathlon group and students whose parents are available and willing to be volunteers during our weekly sessions.

After the registrations are received and processed, an email will be sent confirming your child’s participation for the year. When you receive this email, you will be able to make your payment online through our school PTA website or send a check to your child’s teacher. The club fee for this exciting learning opportunity will be $ per student. This fee will be used to purchase team t-shirts and snacks for the club.

Because of our limited enrollment, it is ESSENTIAL that we have a committed attitude from your child for participation in the program and from parents who are available and interested in learning the games and assisting the students during each weekly session. We need 1-2 parents who can attend our weekly sessions and assist each group. If you would like more information on how you can volunteer, please contact at

Please understand that this after-school academic club is an enrichment activity where students are expected to be cooperative and respectful.

Math Pentathlon School/Club Club - Example A

Student Application (page 2 of 2)

Student Name _____________________________________________

Grade ________ Teacher _______________________________

Participated in Math Pentathlon last year? _________

Attended National Math Pentathlon Academic Tournament last year? ________

Spring Math Pentathlon Academic Tournaments will be:

Kinder & 1st grade – month, day and year

2nd & 3rd grade – month, day and year

4th & 5th grade – month, day and year

6th & 7th grade – month, day and year

Will attend tournament ____ Likely to attend ______ Will NOT attend _____

Parent Name ____________________________________________

Parent Email __________________________________________

Parent Phone _______________________

Does your child want a new t-shirt for this year? _____ T-shirt size ______

____ Yes, my child wants to participate in the Math Pentathlon Club

____ Yes, I am available to assist during the weekly sessions as a parent

volunteer (younger siblings are not allowed)

I understand that by participating in the Math Pentathlon Club, I am committing to attend Math Pentathlon each Thursday afternoon, staying focused and attentive during the games, and learning to be an awesome problem solver.

_______________________ _____________________________

Student Signature Parent Signature

Please return this Registration Form to your child’s teacher beginning Monday, September 12th. Upon acceptance of registration, you will receive an email with information about paying the $25.00 club fee on our school PTA website or by check.


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