P6 PLAN Week Beginning 22/06/20THE FINAL WEEK!Hi P6 – This is it P6 – the final week of home schooling and having to learn from a distance, for now anyway! In school this week we would not be doing very much work as we would be busy tidying up and sorting out our books, files, artwork etc. We would also be doing fun art activities and playing rounders and other games outside. On the last day we would be having a party and watching movies and/or listening to music but unfortunately we cannot do this…….. so, instead I will cut down on the workload dramatically so that you can do more fun things outside and enjoy a more relaxed final week before the summer holidays!P6 PUPILS: I would like to thank you P6 AND congratulate you for all your amazing efforts at learning from home. I am sure that it was very stressful and challenging at times for both you and your parents but you did it! Keeping on top of the workload required dedication and commitment and you would have had to have been very organised in your approach. Working from home would have helped you become more independent with some of your learning and you had to try to follow all my directions and suggestions. This will have been very useful in preparing you for P7 and also Year 8! I have really missed you all and look forward to seeing you after the summer. Stay safe and enjoy some well-deserved time off.P6 PARENTS: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and co-operation during this period of home learning. I appreciate that you would have had to juggle home schooling around your own work and other responsibilities and that it was not easy! Guiding and supporting the learning will have made a huge difference to your child. Thank you also for keeping in regular contact and for sending me emails and attachments of your child’s work. It was lovely to be able to keep in touch and read/see what the children have been doing.MATHSPlease complete the remaining daily Mental Maths activities Pages 70-73!Please use Hit the Button and The Daily Ten to revise times tables and number facts.Catch-up on any outstanding work so that you are up-to-date and ready for new learning late August/Sept!Over the Summer….It would be beneficial to complete the Maths Assessment Books at your leisure as we will be starting the P7 ones in September. Pupils can also complete NHM Pupil sheets, but only if you wish them to do so, it’s not essential. I will be happy for you to keep the Maths NHM textbook and Progress Tests books if you wish to make use of them over the summer but I will need these returned the day your child returns to school, late August.If any parent has decided to withdraw their child from the AQE process, please let me know as soon as you can as I need to start planning for September and it would help me knowing in advance, particularly this year with the additional issues of social distancing etc- thank you. If you have made the decision to withdraw, then please return all textbooks this Wednesday/Thursday - thank you.ENGLISHComplete the remaining Mental English (Days 55-60) Parents to mark – I will scan answers.Please COMPLETE the End of Year reflection sheet, titled What I loved this year! Email me, once completed, thank you.Read! Try to read a little a day! This will help to expand your vocabulary.Over the Summer….You can complete the SPG booklets and the Dictionary skills booklets if you wish, at your leisure. Please return the Focus on Comprehension 3 textbooks this week please. Revise work from Facts to Learn English.47910757493000TWAU - TITANIC WATCH the PowerPoint What was the Titanic?Do the quiz on Slide 14 and decide for yourselves who was to blame for the sinking. Record your thoughts in your TWAU books.WATCH the PowerPoint Finding the Titanic – record a summary of your learning in your TWAU books.DO the interactive TITANIC QUIZ, to test your knowledge!Try the following fun scientific experiments!Tin Foil Boats and Salinity (See Scans)479107529591000Take photos of your experiment and send me them! 276225038100005524503873500 Dear Parents:BOOK RETURNS & COLLECTIONS: Parents, please remember to return books this Wednesday or Thursday from 9am-2pm, including recorder books, library books, English textbooks and any other resources that belong to the school, apart from the ones I’ve specified that you can keep over the summer. I have prepared a summer pack of six tests for the summer and I am returning some of the pupils’ work that was on display in the classroom. I will be in school these two days and look forward to seeing you all then, from a safe distance, of course! It will be nice see you all, face-to-face, even if only briefly.I WISH ALL MY PUPILS AND PARENTS A VERY HAPPY AND ENJOYABLE SUMMER.STAY SAFE,Mrs. Mc ................

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