6136640-1123955098415-112395774065-112395-64135-112395English 9 : First Oral Presentation The time has come for your first presentation! You may present alone or in a group(maximum of 2 per group). Students must talk for a minimum of 2 minutes each. Any presentation less than 1 minute will have to be redone !! Videos do not count for time in your presentation unless you are explaining things in the video.***You must save your presentation on a usb key and have it with you on presentation day!!!***Presentation date?: ___________________________________________________Subjects : For this presentation, you will have to choose one (1) topic from the following five categories : SportBand/MusicianYour presentation must have the following elements :Title pageIntroduction Outline(table of contents)Fun facts/info about your topic(minimum of 3)Origin of the sportDetailed description of the sport ObjectiveRulesEquipmentPositionsDiagram of the field of playFamous players of this sport(minimum of 2)What they contributed to the sport)Advantages/Disadvantages of practicing this sportConclusionRecap of the main points of the presentationFinal thoughts : what you have learned, what is the most important thing to remember, recommendations, etc.Must have pictures related to your presentation on most slidesMust show a short video(no longer than 2 minutes) that is related to your topicYour presentation must have the following elements :Title pageIntroduction Outline(table of contents)Fun facts/info about your topic(minimum of 3)Biography of musician(s)hometownfamilyeducation(if applicable)Musical careerHistory of musical career Accomplishments/awardsMost popular albums/songsHow has this musician/band contributed to the music industry Personal appreciation Favorite song(s) and why Why you think the world needs to hear this music ConclusionRecap of the main points of the presentationFinal thoughts : what you have learned, what is the most important thing to remember, recommendations, etc.Must have pictures related to your presentation on most slidesMust show a short video(no longer than 2 minutes) that is related to your topicTelevision ProgramYourself/FriendYour presentation must have the following elements :Title pageIntroduction Outline(table of contents)Fun facts/info about your topic(minimum of 3)Storyline of the show(what is it about ?)Setting of the showWhere does it take placeWhen does it take placeMain characters of the show and names of actors who play them Describe the personality traits of at least 2 main characters with examples –for instance, if a character is funny, explain what he does that shows he is funnyPersonal appreciationWhy you like itFavorite character and explanation Favorite episode/moment and explanationConclusionRecap of the main points of the presentationFinal thoughts: what you have learned, what is the most important thing to remember, recommendations, etc.Must have pictures related to your presentation on most slidesMust show a short video(no longer than 2 minutes) that is related to your topicYour presentation must have the following elements :Title pageIntroduction Outline(table of contents)Fun facts/info about your topic(minimum of 3)Where you are fromFamily Members with details (age, jobs, etc.)Favorite family trip with detailsInformation about yourselfHobbies/interests with details(minimum of 3)Your likes with details (minimum of 3)Your dislikes with details(minimum of 3)Your strengths with details (minimum of 2)Your weaknesses with details (minimum of 2) Your hopes and dreams for the future with detailsConclusionRecap of the main points of the presentationFinal thoughts: what you have learned, what is the most important thing to remember, recommendations, etc.Must have pictures related to your presentation on most slidesMust show a short video(no longer than 2 minutes) that is related to your topic(if possible)Video GameYour presentation must have the following elements :Title pageIntroduction Outline(table of contents)Fun facts/info about your topic(minimum of 3)Description of the gameType of game and game console used to playObjective of the gameHow to play(storyline, characters, levels, difficulty, etc…..give details !)Setting of the game (if there is one-where and when does it take place ?)History of the game(if applicable-is it a series or standalone game ?)Quality of the visuals/graphics/ special effects, etc.(describe, give examples, etc.)Personal appreciationWhy you like it(reasons with explanation, favorite part, etc.)What could be improved(reasons with explanation, least favorite part, etc.)ConclusionRecap of the main points of the presentationFinal thoughts: what you have learned, what is the most important thing to remember, recommendations, etc.Must have pictures related to your presentation on most slidesMust show a short video(no longer than 2 minutes) that is related to your topic ................

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