Georgia DBHDD Relias: Mental Health Recovery Oriented ...

# Course Name

Georgia DBHDD - Relias: Mental Health Recovery-Oriented Course Catalog

Course Description

# of Hours

Learning Objective

Accred'g Target Body Audience

Recovery, Wellness and Resiliency

R1 A Biopsychosocial Substance abuse is a growing problem in the United States, resulting 1 Define the bio-psychosocial model of ANCC,

All staff-SE

Model of

in the deaths of nearly 100,000 Americans each year. Based on





content from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well the

Recognize the bio-psychosocial risk ASWB,


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

factors of addiction

NAADAC, CSU service,

(SAMHSA), this course provides you an overview of the bio-

Describe two treatment approaches NBCC

CST, Core

psychosocial model of addiction. This approach emphasizes the

for addiction

providers ,

interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors that

ACT, and

contribute to addiction. Written by Maggie W. Tapp, LCSW, the

Mobile Crisis

material in this training covers basic information about the various


types of drugs that individuals may use and walks you through the

stages of addiction. An in-depth look at risk factors and treatment

options offers both new and seasoned clinicians critical information

needed to identify who may be at risk for addiction, as well as

detailed guidelines for how you can assist consumers to engage in

the recovery process. The blend of interactive exercises and detailed

examples help make the instructive information in this course a

building block to applying these key competencies in your own


R2 Barriers to

This course reviews the various factors that can become barriers to 1.75 Identify the barriers that deter racial APA,

All staff-SE


a person's recovery. It addresses the impact of stigma (including

and ethnic minorities from accessing ASWB,


professional stigma and internalized stigma) and discrimination. It



examines the problems experienced by individuals and families in

Identify the components of stigma NBCC,

CSU service,

accessing services. It identifies ways in which medical insurance,

Identify the factors that contribute to USPRA- CST, Core

both private and public, can impede the recovery journey.

professional stigma


providers ,

Suggestions for ways in which the learner can become involved in

ACT, and

combating these barriers are included. **Audio/Video Required

Mobile Crisis


R3 Cognitive

This course discusses the development and the principles of

1 Demonstrate proficiency in the basic ANCC,



cognitive behavioral therapy and explains the application of CBT to

principles of CBT




client who present with various issues including addiction,

Explain the application of CBT to



depression, anxiety, adjustment issues and personality disorders.

patients who present with various NBCC




Summarize the development of CBT



Georgia DBHDD - Relias: Mental Health Recovery-Oriented Course Catalog

# Course Name

Course Description

# of Hours

Learning Objective

Accred'g Target Body Audience

R4 Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders are

1.75 Describe approaches for the


All staff-SE

prevalent in the United States and present special challenges to

assessment of co-occurring substance APA,


treatment providers. Failure to treat both types of disorders often

use and mental health



leads to poorer treatment engagement, early termination, and

disorders.Identify strategies for

NAADAC, CSU service,

negative health outcomes. The information provided in this course

formulating integrated treatment


CST, Core

can help you avoid those negative outcomes by increasing your

plans and relapse-prevention plans. USPRA- providers,

awareness of the relationship between co-occurring substance use

Explain the different models for


ACT, and

and mental health disorders. You will learn about some of the most

providing effective treatment of Co-

Mobile Crisis

common substance use and mental health disorders in the United

Occurring Disorders.


States, along with techniques for effective assessment of and

treatment planning for consumers with Co-Occurring Disorders. You

will also learn about different treatment models as well as the

importance of relapse-prevention planning. This course, which

combines interactive exercises and detailed case studies to enhance

your learning, is appropriate for beginning clinicians and for those

seeking an overview of current developments in integrated

treatments for Co-Occurring Disorders. Armed with this knowledge

about current strategies for assessment and treatment, you will be

able to provide high-quality, integrated care for your consumers

who have Co-Occurring Disorders.

R5 Coordinating

People with severe persistent mental illness frequently have, or are 2.75 Describe three of the most common APA,

All staff-SE

Primary Care

at risk for, coexisting medical illnesses. This can present a challenge

medical problems among adults,



Needs of People to successful treatment, because the stress of physical illness can

including symptoms and signs


with SMI

negatively impact the benefits gained by successful mental health

indicating that medical treatment is NBCC,

CSU service,

management. This training is designed to teach you about the



importance of the link between mental health and physical health,

Identify at least one key strategy for CPRP


as well as the importance of coordinating the primary care needs of

engaging consumers in practicing

ACT, and

your consumers to facilitate overall wellness. It will provide you with

habits that can maintain optimal

Mobile Crisis

the information you need to assess consumers for risk of serious



medical problems and assist consumers receiving medical care to

Describe the characteristics of

achieve optimal health. In this course, you will learn about some of

effective psycho-educational

the most common medical problems affecting adults, including


diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, pulmonary disease, and

obesity. You'll learn about risk factors for these illnesses as well as

why, when, and how to link consumers who have these problems

(or are at risk for developing them) with primary health care

providers. The course will improve your knowledge and skills in

performing assessment, psycho-education, treatment planning, and

documentation. You'll also learn about important issues regarding

liability and risk management when coordinating the primary care

Georgia DBHDD - Relias: Mental Health Recovery-Oriented Course Catalog

# Course Name

Course Description

# of Hours

Learning Objective

Accred'g Target Body Audience

needs of your consumers. This training is appropriate for mental health professionals working in a behavioral health atmosphere that provide outpatient therapy and case management services for people with severe persistent mental illness. This training will incorporate interactive exercises and detailed case vignettes to reinforce your learning.

R6 Diagnosing Substance Use Issues in Older Adults

Since varying levels of substance use problems demand different

1.75 Identify the risk factors, signs, and ANCC,

All staff-SE

diagnostic criteria, diagnosing substance use issues in older adults

symptoms for substance use



can amount to a complex task. In this course you will learn a

problems in older adults.Select the ASWB,


comprehensive way to diagnose substance use problems in older

most appropriate diagnostic

NAADAC, CSU service,

adults. Interactive exercises, examples of screenings, and detailed

screening tool or assessment


CST, Core

assessment techniques will afford you the opportunity to practice

method.Differentiate central aspects

providers ,

the new information you acquire from this training. After concluding

of comorbid, physical, and psychiatric

ACT, and

this course, you will possess a broader understanding of how to


Mobile Crisis

diagnose substance use problems, including ones with comorbid


disorders, differential and dual diagnoses, in older adults.

R7 Dual Diagnosis Working with individuals who have dual diagnoses presents a

1.25 Define substance abuse and its


All staff-SE

unique challenge to the staff who serves them. These consumers




are often under-diagnosed and therefore don't receive


comprehensive care because clinicians may focus treatment on

Describe the role of the brains


CSU service,

either their psychiatric or addictive concerns rather than adopting

"reward pathway" in dual diagnosis

CST, Core

an integrated approach that identifies both as primary disorders.

providers ,

This course gives you in-depth information about best practices in

Identify best practices in assessment,

ACT, and

assessment, behavioral health interventions, and the pharmacology

behavior intervention strategies, and

Mobile Crisis

related to dual diagnosis. By incorporating this information in your

medication management to use with


work with those you care for, you will be well-prepared to use

individuals who are dually diagnosed

empirically-validated approaches while working at the intersection

of addiction and psychiatric issues.

R8 Epidemiology of Since 2001, there have been over 1.65 million deployments in

1.5 Describe the prevalence of Trauma ANCC,

Optional for

PTSD in Military support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi

and PTSD as well as factors that


all Staff


Freedom (OIF) with approximately 33,000 service members

contribute to the development of


Not required

wounded in action and 4,700 total deaths). Service Members have

PTSD. Recognize types of trauma


faced unprecedented multiple deployments with potential repeated

exposure and emotional reactions for NBCC

exposure to life-threatening or traumatic situations. To ensure

OIF/OEF Veterans. Identify validated

successful post-deployment reintegration and to promote optimal

assessment tools for PTSD

health and functioning, it is imperative that mental health providers

improve or update their competence in assessing, diagnosing and

treating Post- traumatic Stress Disorder and other comorbid

conditions experienced by Service Members and Veterans.Using a

Georgia DBHDD - Relias: Mental Health Recovery-Oriented Course Catalog

# Course Name

Course Description

# of Hours

Learning Objective

Accred'g Target Body Audience

blend of experiential exercises and self study, you will learn the historical roots and lifetime prevalence of trauma, defining trauma and the common reactions to it, criteria for PTSD and its risk factors along with the particular challenges of OEF and OIF service members in terms of combat stressors. You will also learn about sexual trauma as well as other types of combat-related experiences. The assessment of PTSD and common comorbid problems stemming from it are covered along with treatment options and barriers to treatment. This course is relevant to all clinicians working with service personnel. Jenna Ermold, Ph.D. is the author of this course. She is a clinical psychologist who currently works for the Center for Deployment Psychology where she develops online training materials for behavioral health clinicians to improve competency in working with military members and their families. Previously, Dr. Ermold served as a subject matter expert for the Army Behavioral Health Technology Office of Madigan Army Medical Center at Fort Lewis, Washington where she was responsible for the development and delivery of assessment content and program evaluation to be used interactively on the web portal. Dr. Ermold has served as Deployment Behavioral Health Psychologist at the Center for Deployment Psychology (Malcolm Grow Medical Center, Andrews Air Force Base) where she provided clinical care, training and supervision. She received her BA from Middlebury College, her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of

Vermont and completed her clinical internship at Malcolm Grown Medical Center, Andrews AFB.

R9 Evidence Based As a mental health professional, you know the call to use Evidence- 1.25 Identify different development


Optional for


Based Practices (EPBs) in your work environment is becoming more

methods for Evidence-Based


all Staff

and more insistent. This course will help you understand how EBPs

Practices (EBPs). Describe the pros ASWB,

are developed, as well as the potential positives and negatives of

and cons of using EBPs, including


EBPs that you need to keep in mind as you consider using them.

specific concerns about EBP


You'll also find out the various ways EBPs are being employed

identification and dissemination.

already. Ultimately, your completion of the interactive activities in

Provide examples of EPBs currently in

this course will make you more prepared and confident as you


consider using EBPs in your own setting.

Georgia DBHDD - Relias: Mental Health Recovery-Oriented Course Catalog

# Course Name

Course Description

# of Hours

Learning Objective

Accred'g Target Body Audience

R10 Fundamentals of With the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, thousands of service 1.5 Differentiate symptoms, severity


Optional for

Traumatic Brain members, civilian contractors, and even reporters have sustained

levels, and types of TBI from


all Staff


Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) due to Improvised Explosive Devices

disorders with similar


(IEDs) and other blasts. So what is a TBI exactly and what effects



does it have on individuals, their families, and the mental health


providers who serve them? Based on content from the Center for

Identify the most appropriate

Deployment Psychology, this training will provide you with an

neuropsychological assessments and

introduction to the mechanisms, signs, symptoms, severity levels,

treatment options

and prevalence and incidence rates of TBI in both civilian and

for individuals with TBI.

military populations. You will review the most up-to-date

recommendations for assessing, managing, and treating this

Summarize care coordination

multifaceted head injury. In addition, you will learn about the

strategies and available resources for

overlap between TBI and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),

individuals with TBI.

including the importance of care coordination strategies and

resources available to these individuals. Using a blend of didactic

information and experiential exercises based on a case study, by the

end of this course you will have the tools you need to apply these

concepts with the clients you serve. This course is intended for any

mental health provider interested in gaining competency in working

with individuals (military or civilian) who have sustained a TBI.

R11 Goals, Values and This course reviews the goals of psychosocial rehabilitation as a

Guiding Principles recovery-oriented practice. PSR practice focuses on enhancing the

of Psychosocial quality of life and community participation of persons with


psychiatric disabilities. The values and principles, although sharing

much in common with other humanistic traditions, describe a way

of being and working with consumers that is unique to PSR practice.

1.5 Identify the 12 principles which guide APA,

All staff-SE

service delivery and program





Identify the five values of PSR


CSU service,



Identify the three goals of


providers ,

psychosocial rehabilitation (PSR)

ACT, and


Mobile Crisis


Georgia DBHDD - Relias: Mental Health Recovery-Oriented Course Catalog

# Course Name

Course Description

# of Hours

Learning Objective

Accred'g Target Body Audience

R12 Incorporating

Alcohol use disorders are a primary health condition that interacts

1.5 Identify the benefits of treating


All staff-SE


with and complicates many other health problems and psychiatric

alcohol use disorders in a medical



Pharmacotherapi disorders. Unfortunately, only a small number of people with

setting.Determine which type of



es Into Medical alcohol use disorders receive appropriate treatment for substance

alcohol pharmacotherapy is most

NAADAC, CSU service,


abuse issues. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has

appropriate for a given individual


CST, Core

approved four medications to treat alcohol use disorders, making

based on her/his medical background

providers ,

treatment in primary care and other general medical settings a

and lifestyle choices.Conduct

ACT, and

viable alternative to specialty care. This course will give you valuable

screenings and brief interventions to

Mobile Crisis

information about these medications as well as a number of

treat individuals who have alcohol


medications used off-label, empowering those you serve and

use disorders.

increasing the likelihood of their recovery. Through interactive

lessons and descriptive examples, you will learn about how these

medications work and review recommended guidelines for

treatment of alcohol use disorders. The target audience for this

course is prescribers, although it will be informative for anyone who

wants to better understand medication assisted treatment (e.g.,

addiction professionals, consumers, families, and mental health

providers). As you proceed through the course, keep in mind

several key facts:? Alcoholism is a real and serious health

condition.? Alcoholism is identifiable and treatable in routine

medical care settings.? Treatment is essential and recovery is very

real - not a remote possibility.? Medications are increasingly

available and effective in the right circumstances.

Georgia DBHDD - Relias: Mental Health Recovery-Oriented Course Catalog

# Course Name

Course Description

# of Hours

Learning Objective

Accred'g Target Body Audience

R13 Illness

Very often, psychologists focus only on the presenting problem with 1.5 Explain the evidence-based approach ANCC,

Management and a patient while not addressing any of the individual's other needs.

to illness management, including


Recovery: EBP

For instance, a therapist may be working with an individual who is

both the underlying principles and ASWB,

depressed and also has diabetes, but focus only on the person's

goals. Describe the four core


depression. Or the individual may present with panic attacks while

evidence-based components of

also being morbidly obese. Focusing only on the individual's

illness management. Apply

emotional issues while eliding these other problems does not

motivational, psycho-educational,

address the individual as a whole and can impede his or her overall

and cognitive behavioral approaches.

recovery process. In this course, you will learn about core values

underlying the evidence-based practice of Illness Management and

Recovery (IMR), including how to apply not only your existing skills

but also the approach's teaching principles to better help your

consumers with severe mental illness manage and recover from

their illnesses. This course provides an overview of Illness

Management and Recovery evidence-based practices, and is

intended for psychologists who have limited knowledge of Illness

Management and Recovery. Through the use of interactive exercises

and detailed vignettes, the course will give you the information and

techniques you need to make IMR an effective part of your

therapeutic toolbox.

All staff-SE providers, ICM/CM, CSU service, CST, Core providers , ACT, and Mobile Crisis team

R14 Integrated

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Treatment for Co- (SAMHSA) and its Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) have


developed six Evidence- Based Practice Implementation Resource

Disorders :EBP Kits to encourage the use of evidence-based practices in mental

Part 1

health. This course is based on information contained in these kits.

1.25 Identify the six stages of treatment ANCC,

All staff-SE

for co-occurring disorders. Develop a APA,


substance abuse treatment plan for ASWB,


clients based on their stage of change NAADAC, CSU service,

and individual goals. Describe the NBCC,

CST, Core

motivational interviewing techniques USPRA- providers ,

for engaging clients in treatment.


ACT, and

Mobile Crisis


R15 Integrated

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Treatment for Co- (SAMHSA) and its Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) have


developed six Evidence-Based Practice Implementation Resource

Disorders :EBP Kits to encourage the use of evidence-based practices in mental

Part 2

health. This course is based on information contained in these kits.

1 Utilize substance abuse counseling ANCC,

All staff-SE

techniques with clients including



action plans and cognitive and



behavioral interventions. Describe NAADAC, CSU service,

effective relapse prevention


CST, Core

strategies. Explain self help, group USPRA- providers,

treatment, and family treatment


ACT, and


Mobile Crisis


Georgia DBHDD - Relias: Mental Health Recovery-Oriented Course Catalog

# Course Name

Course Description

# of Hours

Learning Objective

Accred'g Target Body Audience

R16 Military Cultural Currently, well over 2 million people are serving in the Active or

1.25 Discuss demographic characteristics ANCC,

Optional for


Selected Reserve components of the United States military, around

of service members.


all staff

the country and around the world. With over 1.64 million


deployments since 2001 and a continued presence in Iraq,

Explain the military rank structure


Afghanistan and other areas of conflict, the need for quality,

and organization and distinguish the NBCC

culturally competent care for service members and their families

primary mission and core values of

has never been greater. In this course you will acquire knowledge

each branch of service.

regarding military culture so that you can understand,

Summarize general and deployment

communicate, and effectively interact with service members and

related military terms along with the

their families. Having basic knowledge regarding the values,

differences and similarities between

structure, policies, and expectations of the military can promote a

Active and Reserve components.

stronger patient-provider alliance and help develop skills to provide

more effective clinical care. This course teaches you military rank

structure, the branches of service along with their missions and core

values, active versus reserve status components, demographic

characteristics and general and deployment related terms. You will

utilize a blend of experiential exercises and self-study to give you

the tools you need to implement this knowledge. This course is

appropriate for all clinicians working with this population.

Instructor Bio Blurb

R17 Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing (MI) is increasingly viewed as the most

1.75 Explain the principles and skills of MI. ANCC,

All staff-SE

important development in the counseling field in the last 30 years,

Describe how the Trans-theoretical APA,


and yet many people in helping professions do not know the core

Model of Change relates to the



principles of MI or understand how to apply them in practice. In this

practice of MI.

NAADAC, CSU service,

course, you will learn about the motivational interviewing approach

Identify strategies for dealing with NBCC,

CST, Core

to helping people change and see the crucial importance of

peoples ambivalence toward change USPRA- providers ,

matching interventions to individuals' stages of change in order to

in counseling.


ACT, and

improve the likelihood of success. In addition to examining the

Mobile Crisis

principles of MI, you will learn specific skills and techniques that will


support the primary goals of MI, which include establishing rapport,

eliciting change talk, and establishing commitment language. You

will also learn about the recent empirical research supporting the

effectiveness of MI. Anyone in a helping profession will benefit from

this course, whether it is used to learn about MI for the first time or

to reinforce your knowledge of MI's important principles. The

course uses a blend of instructive information and interactive

exercises to keep you going (or start you moving) in the right



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