Butler class notes

AP Human Geography ColwellUnit VII - Cities & Urban Land UseKey Terms The Service Sector Statistical Regions big box retailer central business district economic base global city high-tech corridor market areaoffice park v. industrial parkprimate cityrange v. thresholdrank-size ruleshopping mallstrip mall primary statistical area (PSA) combined statistical area (CSA) core-based statistical area (CBSA) metropolitan statistical area (MSA) micropolitan statistical area (?SA)Urban Geography - Spatial Inequality blight blockbusting disamenity v. amenity favela gentrification informal sector informal settlement inner city public housing racial steering redlining restrictive covenant speculation squatter settlement underclass urban renewal white flight business service v. consumer service v. public serviceUrban Geography - Miscellany annexation boomburg conurbation density gradient exurb gateway citymegacitymetacity megalopolis municipalneighborhoodNIMBYplanned communityreverse commuterevitalizationurban v. suburbanurbanizationzoning ordinanceUrban Geography - Sustainability brownfield greenbelt housing bubble smart growth sprawltransit-oriented developmenturban heat islandwalkability Urban Hierarchy hamlet ? village ? town ? city ? metropolisModels & Concepts Bid Rent Theory William AlonsoCentral Pace Theory Walter ChristallerConcentric Zone Model Ernest BurgessSector Model Homer HoytMultiple Nuclei Model Edward Ullman & Chauncey HarrisEdge Cities Joel GarreauGalactic City Model a.k.a. Peripheral Model Chauncey HarrisLatin American City Model Ernest Griffin & Larry FordSub-Saharan African City Model Harm de BligPrimate City w/ Rank-Size Rule Mark JeffersonEpochs of Urban Transportation John BorchertThe Great Inversion Alan EhrenhaltNew Urbanism Calthorpe, Duany, Plater-Zyberk, et al.Unit Outline according to the College Board (?) with topics added for enrichment or rearranged in preparation for subsequent units (?) The Origin and Influences of Urbanization ? Site and Situation Factors ? Catalysts for Urbanization Cities Across the World ? Evolving Megacities ? Challenges of Decentralization Cities and Globalization ? Hierarchy of World Cities ? Global Connections ? Chicago: Local Needs v. Global Aspirations The Size and Distribution of Cities ? Primate Cities ? Rank-Size Rule ? Central Place Theory The Internal Structure of Cities ? United States Models ? Latin American Model ? Southeast Asian Model ? African Model Density and Land Use ? Variations of Urban Character by Population Density Infrastructure ? Local Environment and Politics ? Impact on Spatial Patterns and Socioeconomic Development Urban Sustainability ? Sustainability Initiatives ? Zoning Practices ? Critique of Sustainable Design Urban DataChallenges of Urban Change ? Political Fragmentation ? Ongoing Concerns: Exclusion, Crime, Amenities, et al.Challenges of Urban Sustainability ? Growth Boundaries ? Ongoing Concerns: Waste Management, Sprawl, Climate Change, Energy Use, et al. ................

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