Father Reading Every Day – One father and his son, reading ...

Space Themed Lockdown Activities…After breakfast and settling in, start the day with some exercise. There is a fantastic Cosmic Kids Yoga episode that will work brilliantly with today’s theme – Mike and Mutnik on the Moon! and WritingBegin the day’s learning with the ‘A History of Space Exploration’ ppt. Children could make notes/mind map the things that interest them most here. The PPT has lots of hyperlinks to cool videos on YouTube – just click the picture and watch in awe…Reading Comprehension – series of retrieval questions for children to complete based on the PPT slides. Could do this in pairs or competitively to see who can collect all the correct answers first.When this is done, show the children NASA’s Exoplanet Travel Bureau - It would be ace if children had tablets here to explore the different planets of their choice individually. If not, this works well on the IWB!Writing - Children will then have a go at writing a short story of their visit to an ExoPlanet of their choice. You could also focus on description here and write a detailed setting description based on what they have seen.Children should also be given the colouring sheet for their chosen planet with opportunity here to complete these (just click the Color It! button when on the ExoPlanet Travel Bureau to download for FREE!ComputingIntroduce the children to the Hubble Telescope by showing them this video of some of the best images Hubble has captured - are going to create a presentation to celebrate the Hubble Telescopes 30th birthday () using whatever media they see fit. The following websites make for a great starting point… points if they can link in Hubble’s replacement, the James Webb Space Telescope these presentations with the group, encouraging confident, clear speaking and explanations.PEChildren should be given the opportunity to select some of the exercises from the European Space Agency Train Like an Astronaut Programme - - Download the PE Missions!DT/ScienceIntroduce the Science Museum Group ‘Rocket Mice’ activity (). Children to be given a template and on this they will design and create their own rocket. We will then have a competition to see whose flies the furthest. Discuss why this might be (weight of rocket, strength of launch, angle of launch, etc) using the discussions/extensions.ArtChildren to be given black card and a range of paints to create galaxy images in the style of the Hubble Telescope images we looked at earlier (print off a selection of images to support children’s imagination or display these on IWB - use Twinkl’s Space Themed Printing Picture as a starting point with younger children - of the DayDiscuss learning from the day. What can children remember? What have they enjoyed the most? Create minibooks together which children can fill in, diary style, with their learning and opinions of the day.Additional Activities courtesy of TwinklDesign a Rocket - Your Own Planet - System Code Breaker - Things I Would Take in My Rocket - Crossword - History of Space Exploration Comprehension QuestionsRetrieval QuestionsWho designed the V2 rocket?What animal was the first to travel into space?On what date did the first monkey travel into space?What was the name of the first animal to orbit Earth?O what space mission did Laika the dog travel?What was the name of the first spacecraft to reach the moon?Why is Yuri Gagarin famous?How long did Yuri Gagarin spend in space?What honour did Valentina Tereshkova receive?How many failed attempts did Russia have at a survivable landing on the Moon?On what date did Surveyor 1 achieve NASA’s first soft-landing on the Moon?Name the first two people to walk on the Moon.What was the name of the first spacecraft to successfully enter Martian orbit?For how long did the Mars 3 probe survive on the surface of Mars?Which spacecraft took the first ever clear picture of the surface of Mars?What was the name of Britain’s first astronaut?How much did Akiyama Toyohiro’s employer pay for him to visit MIR?On what date did the ISS receive its first long-term residents?How much does a ticket to ride SpaceShipTwo cost?On what date did Tim Peake arrive at the ISS?In what year are NASA hoping to land on the Moon again?How far is Mars from Earth?Discussion QuestionsDo you think it was right to send animals into space before sending humans? Why?How do you think Yuri Gagarin felt as he orbited Earth? Explain fully.Whose first soft-landing on the Moon do you find most impressive? Russia’s or America’s? Why?Fully explain what you think Neil Armstrong meant when he said, “that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”How do you think Russian scientists felt when their Mars 3 spacecraft failed after only 20 seconds on Mars? Explain fully.Do you think astronauts and cosmonauts were happy to have a journalist pay for a place on the MIR spacecraft? Why?Do you think you might be able to one day visit space as a tourist? Explain your answer.Why do you think Tim Peake’s collaboration with schools was a really important event?Do you think we will return to the Moon by 2024? Explain your opinion.What challenges do you think might be faced by a crewed flight to Mars? Try to explain your thoughts in detail and with clarity. ................

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