In keeping with the Galena Park ISD’s reputation for providing outstanding music education, Cunningham Middle School is maintaining a high quality band program. The purpose of this handbook is to inform students, parents, and the community of the activities and policies of the CMS Bands. Please read this handbook, save it for future reference, and return the appropriate pages as soon as possible.

Parent Volunteers: Carpooling for extra rehearsals, chaperoning, helping with Fund Raisers, and providing refreshments are ways that parents can help. If you can volunteer, please let us know. Our bands cannot participate in many activities without your help. Show your support by joining the Wildcat Band Boosters on Thursday, August 30, at 6:00 pm in the CMS Band Hall.

Insurance: Parents are encouraged to check their homeowner’s policy. Band instruments may automatically be covered while they are at school, or extra coverage may be needed. There is a company that offers special coverage for musical instruments at a very low cost. Information and forms are available from the band director.

Eligibility: Each band member must meet the grade and conduct requirements of the school district in order to perform, and the requirements of the UIL in order to compete. Please complete the UIL Oath and return it to the band director as soon as possible.

Uniforms: The CMS Band uniform for football games, pep rallies, and Field Trips consists of a Band Polo-Style Shirt, black pants, black socks, and black shoes. The shirts are cotton/poly polo style with an embroidered CMS Wildcat Band logo, and are ordered in quantity. This shirt may also be worn to school in place of the school uniform shirt on Fridays and designated “Spirit Days”. Order Forms and $20.00 cash or money order payment is due Friday, September 21st.

Uniforms for Concerts will be white tuxedo shirts and bow ties/vests. (The bow ties/vests will be provided by the school.) Students will provide their own black pants, black socks, and black shoes. Staff from Al’s Formalwear will be on campus to measure students for the correct size during class. Order Forms and $15.00 payment is due Friday, September 21st.


Absences: If a band member cannot attend any before-or-after-school rehearsal or performance, a written excuse must be received by the band director as far in advance as possible. This is to insure that parts are covered and balanced. A calendar of performances for the year is attached to this handbook so that adequate notice of events is given. Unexcused absences from Performances will lower a student’s chair and/or grade.

Band Fees: Due Friday, September 21st

7th Grade-$35.00

Polo Shirt-$20

Tuxedo Shirt-$15


Band Fees: Due Friday, September 21st

8th Grade-$10.00

Foundations Book-$9


Hopefully the students’ uniforms still fit from the previous year. However, if a student needs new size please look at the prices for the 7th grade to order new.

Instrument Maintenance Fee is $75.00 per year for Double Reeds, French Horn, Baritone, Tuba, and Percussion.

Section Rehearsals: Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band members are required to attend a sectional once a week in order to receive help on All-Region, Solo, Ensemble, and Contest materials. Absences will be excused only with written notice from a parent in advance of the absence. Unexcused absences from Sectional Rehearsals will lower a student’s chair and/or grade.

Conduct: The honor of representing the Cunningham Band in a public performance is reserved for those who earn it by exemplary behavior on a daily basis. All Galena Park ISD, CMS campus and classroom rules apply at all times and in all places. Band members are to familiarize themselves with the GPISD District Guidelines regarding student responsibilities, as well as the CMS Band Discipline Consequences on the next page. Excessive ‘Conduct Cuts’ may disqualify a student from participation in band events. Students are expected to be on their best behavior at all times, wherever the band may go. You represent the band, your school, and yourselves—be sure to leave a positive impression!

Grades: Band grades are based on the following:

Playing tests—announced and unannounced on Region Etudes, scales, rudiments, band

music, exercises from books, ‘Checklist Exercises’ etc.

Practice cards (the Weekly ‘Paw’)—turned in weekly, signed by a parent

Written work—in class or homework

Participation—in class rehearsals, after school Sectionals, and performances.

‘Conduct Cuts’ lower a student’s Participation Grade, and therefore lowers their Overall Average.

Private Lessons are available from highly qualified Professional Musicians who come to Cunningham during Band Classes. While not required, Private Lessons are highly encouraged as they will enhance musical skills, abilities, and enjoyment, and greatly increase the likelihood of College Scholarships. See the attached Private Lesson Information sheet, and return the Private Lesson Registration Form as soon as possible.






1. Be in your designated area when the tardy bell rings.

2. Bring ALL supplies to class everyday.

3. Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat.

4. Be attentive and follow directions.

5. No gum, candy, or drinks are allowed in the band room.

6. No swearing, rude gestures, or put downs allowed.

7. Keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself.

8. Keep hands and feet off the music stands.

9. Handle only your own instrument.

Conduct Cuts (per nine weeks)

1-4 = Warnings (3 in one class period qualifies as ‘severe’, and is grounds for Office


5 = Teacher Detention (30 minutes after school, after parent notification)

6-8 = Warnings

9 = Long Detention (3:45-5:00, after parent notification)

11 = Office Visit

Restroom passes count as ‘Conduct Cuts’ and can add up to Detention.

Students unable to participate in class (unless excused) will be assigned a Composer Report to be completed during class in order to avoid a failing grade for that day. Excuses include illness or instrument in repair shop with a note from a parent. Repairs should be brought to a Band Director first. We may be able to fix it free of charge.

Learning to play a musical instrument requires discipline and responsibility. We want to work with you to help your child develop these very important goals. Please feel free to check with us frequently about your child’s progress in Band.

bburchard@ 832-386-4504

canderson@. 832-386-4505



Students involved in extracurricular activities are expected to exhibit the highest standard of conduct. Galena Park Independent School District views participation in extracurricular activities as a privilege not a right. Any student who violates the Student Code of Conduct is also subject to the District’s Standards for Extracurricular Activities discipline and/or regular school district disciplinary action. This includes any misconduct, regardless of time or location, that would reflect negatively upon GPISD in an extracurricular activity. Students who violate the Student Code of Conduct which results in AEP assignment may result in probation, temporary removal, or permanent removal from extracurricular activities.

Disciplinary measures taken may include special assignments, additional services, or extended time as determined by the sponsor or principal.

Probation and/or dismissal from extracurricular activities will be the consequence for infractions involving alcohol, smoking, drugs, use of profanity, violence, and other serious offenses when the sponsor/principal believes the integrity and credibility of the organization has been jeopardized by the student’s action. Probation may be assigned when the student fails to comply with rules and regulations of the extracurricular activity. (Probation is defined as: A trial period in which a student is permitted to prove the desire to be a productive member of the organization).

A student may be dismissed from extracurricular activities upon any major infraction, or during a probationary period. Prior to being dismissed from extracurricular activities, the student and parent will be notified of the reasons for the action. The student or his/her parents/guardians will be afforded the opportunity of a hearing with the sponsor and the principal. The complaint process will be explained at that time. The student will not be eligible for any individual or team recognition or awards that occur after the date of dismissal.

All students who participate in extracurricular activities, under the provisions of the Texas Education Code, must maintain a passing grade in all courses attempted. The probation time for academic ineligibility is currently three weeks and is established under the Texas Education Code.

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ______________________________________ DATE___________

STUDENT SIGNATURE ___________________________________________________ DATE___________


I understand and consent to the responsibilities outlined in the District Student Code of Conduct. I also understand and agree that my child shall be held accountable for the behavior and consequences outlined in the Standards for District Extracurricular Activities at school, and at school sponsored or school district activities. This shall include, but not be limited to school sponsored as well as school related travel or activity, regardless of time or location.

Students who represent the district by wearing uniforms of the district shall be responsible for conducting themselves as outlined by the Standards for District Extracurricular Activities during the entire time they are wearing such uniform. Reports of violations shall be subject to the principal/sponsors review and be made within twenty-four hours of the alleged offense or first school day. Subsequent action or non-action will be based on the principal’s decision and shall be final.

Students involved in extracurricular activities are expected to exhibit the highest standard of conduct. Galena Park Independent School District views participation in extracurricular activities as a privilege, not a right. I understand that any student who violates the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action. This includes any misconduct, regardless of time or location that reflects upon GPISD in an extracurricular activity. Students involved in major disciplinary infractions, (i.e. including, but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, use of profanity, and violent behavior) will be removed temporarily or permanently from extracurricular activities.

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _____________________________________ DATE__________

STUDENT SIGNATURE ________________________________________________ DATE __________

This form shall be returned to the designated sponsor and verified by the principal. Signatures must be obtained before any students may participate in extracurricular activities.

2 STUDENT’S NAME ________________________________________________



PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ___________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name _______________________________________________

Are You A GPISD Employee? Circle yes or no

Home phone ______________________ work phone ____________________

Email address ______________________________________________________

Please check all that apply:

_______ I would like to join the Wildcat Band Boosters Club.

________ I am willing to serve on the Booster Club Executive Board

________ I am willing to serve on the following Committees:

( ) Concession Stand

( ) Chaperone

( ) Fund-Raising

( ) Refreshments

________ Help Chaperone the 8th Grade ‘Pizza-Perform’ Night at the GPISD Stadium on Friday, October 26, 2018!

________ Work the Concession Stand at the High School Marching Contests at the GPISD Stadium on Saturdays, October 6, 20, & 27; morning and/or afternoon shifts.


Band Handbook




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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