Provisional Identification Interview Questions — Grades K–3

Provisional Identification and Placement Procedures During Periods of Extended School Closures Sample Questions Suggested for Student InterviewsGrades K-3Grades K-3 Low Level Questions LINK Excel.Sheet.12 "C:\\Users\\hsx\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\INetCache\\Content.Outlook\\XQBHI8PV\\Copy of Provisional Identification Placement Question Bank.xlsx" " K-3 Low-Level question !R5C1:R36C1" \a \f 5 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Do you have a pet? What is your pet's name?Do you have any siblings (brother and sisters)? How many?Do you like school?Do you like to play outside?How are you today? How old are you?Name 3 things that you see in the room.Tell me what you like to do for fun.Visual support is key! Show a picture and ask questions such as: What is this? What color is the bird?What animals do you like?What are some of your favorite games?What can you see out of your window?What color is this? (show colors on a piece of paper)What do you like about your house?What do you like to do on a hot day?What do you like to eat?What do you study in school?What is your favorite animal?What is your favorite color? Why is it your favorite color?What is your favorite food?What is your favorite toy?What is your favorite TV show?What is your most favorite place in your house?What is your name?What time do you usually go to bed? When do you usually wake up in the morning?When is your birthday? Where are you from?Where do you live?Who do you live with?Who is in your family?Grades K-3 Moderate Level Questions LINK Excel.Sheet.12 "C:\\Users\\hsx\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\INetCache\\Content.Outlook\\XQBHI8PV\\Copy of Provisional Identification Placement Question Bank.xlsx" "K-3 Mid-Level question!R2C1:R42C1" \a \f 5 \h \* MERGEFORMAT [Assuming the child is living in a new place] How is where you're living now different from where you lived before?Can you tell me about your family?Can you tell me how to play your favorite game?Describe an object that has your favorite color in it.Describe something in the room (using an example from the previous answers). Do you prefer to be outdoors or inside? Why?Do you think eating fruits or vegetables is healthier? Why?How do you help out at home? What are your chores?How do you help around your house?Provide a visual. Ask questions about what's happening in the picture and extend to the student. For example, what is this girl doing? What do you like to do? Show some pictures of activities. The student must say several sentences using the picture cues. Tell me about a favorite game you like to play.Tell me about a holiday that you like.Tell me about your family.Tell me about your favorite time of the year.Tell me one of your favorite stories. Who is in the story? What happens in the story?What are some chores you do at home?What are the rules in your favorite game?What did you do yesterday?What do you do after school when you get home?What do you do on your birthday? What do you do when you get home from school?What do you do when you wake up?What do you like about spring?What do you like to do at home? What do you like to do for fun?What do you like to do with your family?What do you look forward to learning about and doing in your new school?What is a holiday you celebrate? What special things do you do?What is your favorite animal? Why is this your favorite animal?What is your favorite hobby/activity/game? Why?What is your favorite weather? Why is that your favorite weather?What makes you happy?What would you do if you fell down and hurt your knee? What would you like to be when you grow up? Why?What would you want to do on your next birthday? Why is it important to stay home right now?Would you rather ride a bicycle or rollerskate/blade? Why?Your best friend is crying-what would you do?Grades K-3 High Level QuestionsHow are cats different from dogs? Which ones do you like most? Please, explain why.How is summer different from winter? Which one do you like most? Please, explain why.Tell me your favorite story and why it is your favorite?Tell me what you liked most about your old school? Explain why.Describe a job you think is helpful in the community and why.Describe your favorite holiday.Do you think students should have recess two times a day? Why or why not? Pretend you are telling the principal your idea.How can you help someone feel better when they are feeling sad?How can you show friendship to others?Why do you like living in the United States?How is (where you lived before) similar to or different from (name of current district)?If you could do something special, what would you do? Why?If you could have a pet, what type would it be? Why?If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?Please describe someone you admire. Why is that person admirable? What qualities do you want to emulate?Provide a visual. Give a few words in a word bank. Ask the student to describe the picture in detail. Spring is here. How do the trees change in spring?Teacher- models telling a story about something (going to the park, school, games, etc....) Then asks the student to tell a complete story about something like that. (Conversation between questions can help teacher determine a topic)Tell me about a time when you solved a problem. What was the problem and how did you solve it?Tell me about your favorite animal you have learned about in science this year. Tell me about your favorite story (book, movie, etc.). What do you like about it?Tell me about your previous school. What did your day look like?Tell me something interesting about your neighborhood.Tell me the steps involved in brushing your teeth! What activity is the best to do when staying home? Give 2-3 reasons why you think that.Who is your hero and what makes that person special?Why is it important to help at home? ................

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