Miss Douglas' Class Website

Unit 3 – Probability - PRACTICE TEST 1. You have five events: A, B, C, D and E. The P(A) = 0.4, the P(B) = 0.2. C, D and E have equal probability. What is the probability of each event? 2. You online shop for make-up. The last 6 times you placed an order you tried to buy mascara and it was out of stock four times. You are placing an order right now, what is the odds that the mascara will be out of stock? 3. You have been playing a card game during class. Miss Douglas has won 18 times out of 20. A student has been playing and has won 10 out 15 games. Miss Douglas is now going to play this student. a) Determine the odds of Miss Douglas winning using her stats.b) Determine the odds of Miss Douglas winning using the student’s stats. 4. You are making a password using the letters A-M and the numbers 2-9. The password has to be 6 characters long and must begin with 3 letters then be followed by 3 numbers. The letters must be capital and can NOT repeat. The numbers can repeat. a) How many total outcomes are possible?b) How many outcomes are possible if the number(s) must be even?c) Determine the probability, as a percent, that a randomly generated password will contain only even numbers? 5. Is the following mutually exclusive? Explain: Picking a card from a standard deck of cards and picking up a red card or a spade. 6. You are playing a board game. You must roll two six-sided dice, numbered A to F. You can move if you roll doubles of the same letter (event A) or at least one vowel (event B). a) Fill in the outcome table to represent all possible sums and draw a venn diagram to represent the outcomesABCDEFABCDEFb) Are the events mutually exclusive? Why or why not? c) Determine the probability of rolling doubles. d) Determine the probability of rolling a vowel e) Determine the probability of rolling a doubles or rolling a vowel7. The probability that you will do you will watch TV tonight is 0.77. The probability that you will read a book tonight is 0.28. The probability that you will do neither is 0.20. a) Create a Venn Diagram of the situation and fill in all missing values. b) Determine the probability that you will only watch TV tonight. c) Determine the probability that you will only read tonight. d) Determine the probability that you will watch TV and read tonight.e) Determine the probability that you will at do at least one of the activities tonight. 8. You are playing multiplication war. Each player flips a card from their deck and you multiply the numbers. If the number is greater than 50 you get a point, if it is less than 50 your partner gets a point. Are the events independent or not? Explain. 9. You have 20 identical white socks and 14 identical black socks all separated in a drawer. You pick one sock out at a time. You do not replace the sock into the drawer after you pick the first sock.a) Determine the probability of selecting one of each colour. b) Determine the probability of selecting two white socks.c) Determine the probability of selecting two black socks.d) Determine the probability of selecting at least one white sock.10. You draw cards from a deck of cards one at a time. What is the probability of the two cards you draw to be a red card and a club? You do not replace the card into the deck for the second draw.11. You are flipping a coin and drawing a card from a deck of cards. What is the probability of flipping a heads then drawing a red card? 498764387928004985914709390024938127680200 ................

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