





Georgia Professional Standards Commission

Job Openings, Certification Rules

Alternate Paths to Teaching

GACE testing information

GACE codes and passing scores

Paying for college

Alternative to EDUC3100


You are either a student enrolled in the B.S. in Mathematical Sciences in the Secondary Education (grades 6- 12) Certification track OR seeking to return for post-baccalaureate (i.e. you already have your B.S. in a Mathematics area) certification that will allow you to teach in grades 6-12 in Georgia. Presently the AASU Department of Mathematics does not participate in the MAT (a master’s level program) that allows post-baccalaureate students to earn initial certification to teach in Georgia grades 6-12. Please consult the AASU catalog regarding the Masters in Curriculum and Instruction if you already hold a teaching certificate and wish to do advanced work. Due to teacher shortages in this area those already possessing a B.S. in the field of Mathematics might be able to secure a non-renewable (provisional) license to teach while completing the needed post-baccalaureate program that will earn them certification (consult Professional Standards Commission (PSC), in Atlanta (1-800-736-4322 or 1-800-869-7775) or visit the website at or .) Both groups must eventually fill out all the paperwork contained herein. The latter group will also need to request transcript evaluations prior to admittance at AASU and fill out that associated paperwork. Students must be admitted as a candidate (fill out the first portion of the paperwork) and at a later date into their program of study (about 1 semester after attending AASU) and then do paperwork for Internship II (student teaching). When admitted to candidacy the student will be awarded a CoE card that comes from Kathy Driggers (the admissions officer in the College of Education). There are 2 certification exams (GACE basic I and GACE skills II). It is our understanding that if a student has either: SAT composite score of verbal and math must equal 1000 or more OR ACT composite score of English and math must equal 43 or more that this suffices for GACE basic I.



WILL INCUR A $250.00

INTERNSHIP (student teaching) FEE.




Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Teacher Certification –

to be filled out around junior year or in semster2 of your postbac

FOR OFFICER USE ONLY. Do not write in this space.

Admitted ________________ Date ________________ Card No. __________________


(Miss, Mrs., Ms., Mr.) (Full legal name)

Other Names Used: ____________________________________________________

Student ID ____________________________ Date of Birth _____________________

Campus enrolled: ____AASU _____Brunswick _____Camden _____Liberty Center _____Savannah State

Mailing Address:

Number and Street

City State Zip

Permanent Address (if different from mailing address):

Number and Street

City State Zip

Home Telephone No. ___________________ Work/Cell/Other Telephone No._______________

E-mail Address _________________________________________________________________

I have reviewed this application and affirm that all criteria have been met for Admission to Candidacy for the BS in Mathematics with Teacher Certification.

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________

(Department Head) (Date)


Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Teacher Certification

DEPARTMENT APPROVAL CHECKLIST (to be filled out jointly by the student and faculty advisor)

It is very important that the following items meet the criteria as outlined in the catalog.

You may use this form as a coversheet.

Teacher Candidate (i.e. student) ______________________ Date ___________________

AASU Student ID ___907-_____________________________

Application Approved by: __________________________________________________________

Department Representative Signature

|The following items MUST be checked by the department: |

| | |

| |Student has a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better (non-rounded) or 3.0 for postbacs |

| |Student GPA Listed Here _________ |

| | |

| |Satisfactory completion of EDUC 2110, EDUC 2120 and EDUC 2130 or equivalent grad level courses w/ “C” (or “B”) or better |

| |EDUC 2100 (grade) __________ EDUC 2120 (grade) _____________ EDUC 2130 (grade) ______ |

| | |

| |Satisfactory completion of EDUC 3100 w/ “C” or better and Live Text Account activated |

| |EDUC 3100 (grade) ______________ LiveText Account Activated (date) ________________ |

| |( Alternative to EDUC3100) |

| | |

| |Completion of Basic Skills Assessment requirement (check applicable method): |

| |Praxis I (no scores accepted after 3/7/07) ________ GACE ________ Exemption: SAT ____ ACT ___ |

| |GRE _________ Other (circle one) (CBEST, CLAST, FTCE _____) |

| | |

| |Candidate Disposition Assessments,i.e. letters of recommendation (two required) |

| |Additional requirements of the department: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Post Baccalaureate

Teacher Certification Program for teaching in Georgia schools grades 6-12

Transcript Evaluation for Postbacs

January 2009

Thank you for your interest in the Post Baccalaureate Teacher Certification program. This program is designed for individuals who hold a baccalaureate or higher degree from an accredited college or university in the field of Mathematics or an allied field but who are not licensed to teach. The successful completion of all program requirements will result in a clear, renewable certificate. A non-renewable (NR) teaching certificate is a separate process and may be made through the Professional Standards Commission (PSC), in Atlanta (1-800-736-4322 or 1-800-869-7775) or visit the website at or . Some applicants elect to work in the Georgia schools classroom concurrently while earning their teacher certification from AASU. By having a Transcript Evaluation you are allowing personnel at AASU to examine your transcripts of completed coursework and to prepare a program of study (list of requirements) which must be completed in order to be recommended for a clear, renewable teaching certificate. Official transcripts must be provided as you complete your application to the School of Graduate Studies () . If official transcripts have been sent to the University Admissions Office or to the Graduate Office, students must request that a photocopy of the original be sent over to Graduate Studies and then to the Department of Mathematics. When official copies are received and the program of study is developed it is valid for three years from the date of preparation. This process is usually finalized with a face-to-face meeting with a faculty member in Mathematics. Any requirements implemented by the Professional Standards Commission (PSC) during the completion of the program of study must also be met before a recommendation for a clear, renewable certificate will be made.

Minimum Admission Criteria

Admission criteria for the graduate post baccalaureate program include:

(1) an earned baccalaureate degree or advanced degree from a regionally-accredited institution of higher education in a Mathematics field;

(2) cumulative GPA of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale for all college coursework attempted thus far.

Once admitted, all students must establish and maintain a 3.0 GPA for all post baccalaureate graduate level course work which applies to their teaching license.

Admission to Candidacy

Admission to Candidacy must be completed by the end of your first semester of enrollment. Applications for Admission to Candidacy are available from the Department of Mathematics office (see paperwork above). Please be sure to obtain a list of those requirements as early as possible. Meet with your advisor 2-3 weeks prior to the deadline to turn in your application. Admission requirements are outlined in the AASU catalog.

_ Passing GACE Basic Skills Assessment is a requirement for Admission to Candidacy. Students earning qualifying scores on the SAT, GRE, or ACT may be exempt from this requirement. SAT – minimum require score – 1000 with no minimum Verbal score or Math score required. The composite score is obtained by adding the Verbal and Math scores - both sections must be taken. ACT – minimum required score – 43 with no English score or Math score required. The composite score is obtained by adding the English and Math scores – both sections must be taken. GRE – minimum required score – 1030 with no minimum Verbal Score or Quantitative score required. The composite score is obtained by adding the Verbal and Quantitative scores – both sections must be taken. You can get your scores from the ETS website.

After satisfactory completion of the admission requirements, you are ready to complete and submit your Application for Admission to Candidacy.

Admission to AASU

Courses taken to satisfy the graduate post baccalaureate program requirements are available on the main campus at Armstrong Atlantic State University. Some classes may also be offered at the Liberty Center, the Brunswick Center, and Savannah State University. Admission to AASU is required before enrollment in the program. The Graduate Studies Admissions Office is located in Victor Hall on the AASU campus.

Processing Time

Please allow a minimum of five weeks for the evaluation process to occur after all the required documents have been submitted. Completed programs of study will be emailed to the applicant along with information about contacting your advisor to finalize the program and sign documents and to discuss your schedule for the upcoming semester.

Post-Baccalaureate Certification Programs

Mathematics Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Option

Graduate Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Program. The Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Preparation Program has been approved in select-degree fields for those holding a baccalaureate degree or higher degree from a regionally accredited institute of higher education but not yet eligible for a license to teach in the state of Georgia. Successful completion of all program requirements will result in recommendation for a renewable certificate. Admission requirements for the graduate post-baccalaureate teacher certification program include an earned baccalaureate degree or advanced degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher and admission to the School of Graduate Studies. All students admitted to the program must establish and maintain a 3.0 grade point average for all graduate post-baccalaureate course work that applies to teaching licensure. In planning programs of study, transcripts for graduate post-baccalaureate students will be reviewed to determine the status of credits and proficiency in content areas. It is highly recommended that students participating in the graduate post-baccalaureate program apply for Admission to Candidacy in the department of Mathematics before the end of the first semester of enrollment, and required before completion of the second semester.

Admission to Candidacy for the certification program in the Department of Mathematics. Students wishing to pursue teacher education leading to certification must apply for Admission to Candidacy for department certification programs in the Department of Mathematics. Application materials are available in the department office and can be found on the department website at at the TeachCert link. The standards of the Department of Mathematics are aligned with the standards of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission for certification and include a criminal background check. Also incorporated into the standards are essential functions for teaching and a code of ethics and expected behavior for students in the program.

General Admission to Candidacy Requirements – usually completed in the junior year or semester2 of postbac:

1. Evidence of completed requirements for a baccalaureate degree or an advanced degree from a regionally-accredited institution

2. Passing Score on GACE Basic Skills Assessment examination or satisfactory ACT or SAT scores.

3. Notarized consent form for criminal background check

4. Signed Internship Fee notification form

5. Signed Program of Study

6. Disposition Assessment - indication of desirable attitude, character, and teaching potential

Post-Baccalaureate Certification Programs – Program of Study

Post-Baccalaureate Certification Programs

Mathematics Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Option

Graduate Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Program. The Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Preparation Program has been approved in select-degree fields for those holding a baccalaureate degree or higher degree from a regionally accredited institute of higher education but not yet eligible for a license to teach in the state of Georgia. Successful completion of all program requirements will result in recommendation for a renewable certificate. Admission requirements for the graduate post-baccalaureate teacher certification program include an earned baccalaureate degree or advanced degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher and admission to the School of Graduate Studies. All students admitted to the program must establish and maintain a 3.0 grade point average for all graduate post-baccalaureate course work that applies to teaching licensure. In planning programs of study, transcripts for graduate post-baccalaureate students will be reviewed to determine the status of credits and proficiency in content areas. It is highly recommended that students participating in the graduate post-baccalaureate program apply for Admission to Candidacy in the department of Mathematics before the end of the first semester of enrollment, and required before completion of the second semester.

Admission to Candidacy for the certification program in the Department of Mathematics. Students wishing to pursue teacher education leading to certification must apply for Admission to Candidacy for department certification programs in the Department of Mathematics. Application materials are available in the department office and can be found on the department website at at the TeachCert link. The standards of the Department of Mathematics are aligned with the standards of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission for certification and include a criminal background check. Also incorporated into the standards are essential functions for teaching and a code of ethics and expected behavior for students in the program.

General Admission to Candidacy Requirements:

1. Evidence of completed requirements for a baccalaureate degree or an advanced degree from a regionally-accredited institution

2. Passing Score on GACE Basic Skills Assessment examination or satisfactory ACT or SAT scores.

3. Notarized consent form for criminal background check

4. Signed Internship Fee notification form

5. Signed Program of Study

6. Disposition Assessment - indication of desirable attitude, character, and teaching potential

Post-Baccalaureate Mathematics Certification Program

(see click on Teachcert for application details)

Department of Mathematics

I. Admission Standards

1. A baccalaureate degree from a regionally-accredited institution

2. A 2.5 overall grade point average on all undergraduate work

3. Signed permission for criminal background check

4. Passing scores on GACE Basic Skills Assessment examination or satisfactory ACT or SAT scores

5. Signed Internship Fee form

6. Successful rating on Disposition Assessment

II. Standards of Progression and Completion

1. A program of study must be maintained for each certification student. The program of study, signed by the student, advisor, and program coordinator must be forwarded to the Office of Graduate Studies. All requirements for the certification must be completed within five years.

2. If any change in the approved program of study is required, an amended program of study, signed by the student and the advisor, must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies.

3. A minimum overall grade point average of 3.0 or better must be earned for the certificate to be awarded on the graduate level.

4. A passing score on GACE Content Area examinations is required for certification by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

III. Program of Study

A. Required Courses - Secondary Certification (20 credits)

EDUC 6000 Professional Orientation to Teaching…............................…..................... 3

EDUC 6100 Technology Applications for Teachers…..................................... 2

EDUC 6200 Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment……................................................. 3

EDUC 6300 Educating Students with Disabilities in the General Classroom……. 3

MGSE 6400 Classroom Management…………………................................................. 3

MGSE 6750 Graduate Internship…………………................................................…… 3

MATH5412 Content Methods-Mathematics..................................................... 3

**Completed baccalaureate in certifiable content area required or evidence of 18 hours of study in upper level Mathematics content courses (may be at the undergraduate level) to cover all areas stipulated by the Professional Standards Commission:

Content Area Knowledge:

Arithmetic and Basic Algebra __________aasu math1111

Geometry _______aasu math3360

Trigonometry _______aasu math1113

Analytic Geometry _______aasu math1161

Functions and their Graphs_______aasu math1111

Calculus _______aasu math1161, math2072, math2073

Probability and Statistics _______aasu math2200 or aasu math3211

Discrete Mathematics _______aasu math3460 or aasu math5911

Linear Algebra _______aasu math2160

Computer Science _______aasu csci1301

Mathematical Reasoning and Modeling ______aasu math3932_

Problems, Proofs, Models _______aasu math3000

Post-Baccalaureate Certification Programs

Armstrong Atlantic State University

Program of Study


Secondary Education-Mathematics

Student:______________________________________ AASU - ID#: 907________________

Last First Middle

Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________

Street City State Zip

Telephone Number(s): Home:______________________Work:________________________

|Course |Course Title |Hours |Term |Grade |

|Required Professional Education Courses- 5 semester hours |

|*EDUC 6000 |Professional Orientation to Teaching |3 | | |

|*EDUC 6100 |Technology Applications for Teachers |2 | | |

|Admission to Candidacy in Department of Mathematics |

|Specialized Secondary Education Courses - 9 semester hours |

|+EDUC 6200 |Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment |3 | | |

|+EDUC 6300 |Students with Disabilities |3 | | |

|±MGSE 6400 |Classroom Management |3 | | |

|Specialized Content courses- 3 semester hours |

|MATH5412 |Content Methods |3 | | |

|Internship— 3 semester hours |

|+MGSE 6750 |Internship |3 | | |

| | |Total 20 semester hours |

|Additional pre-requisite content courses required for certification by the state include: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

*Admission to Armstrong Atlantic State University Graduate School is required.

+Admission to Candidacy in the Department of Mathematics is required.

---See PSC stipulated courses for specific field of certification

GACE Basic Skills Assessment examination or satisfactory SAT or ACT is required for Admission to


GACE Content Area examination is required for certification purposes.

Approved: ___________________________________ ______________

Student Date

___________________________________ ______________



(Department Name)

Internship II (Student Teaching)


Graduate Internship Application

DIRECTIONS FOR RETURNING FORMS AND MATERIALS—for participating in student teaching (internship2) in senior or last postbac semester

Arrange application packet as instructed below and return it to your Major Department Office no later than the *due date.

When you register for the appropriate Internship course, you will be assessed a $250 Internship Fee through the Registrar’s Office. Please confirm with your academic advisor that you are registering for the appropriate internship course.

**Applications and forms WILL NOT be accepted if incomplete or late!**

1. Handwrite the name of your College of Education Department in the space at the top of this form.

2. Sign and Date the Internship Placement Policy Acknowledgment (INT – 1)

3. Complete and Sign INT-2 (Data Sheet)

4. Complete INT-3 – Field Experience History

5. Complete INT-4 – Current Course Enrollment

6. Sign INT-5 - Affirmation

7. Complete and Sign INT-6 – Background Check Consent Form

(If a teacher candidate is currently employed by a public school system INT-7 will be accepted in lieu of INT-6.)

8. Complete and Sign INT 8 – Internship II Preference Form (This form should only be completed if you are requesting a placement. Do not request a placement if you are a post-bac candidate or an M.A.T. candidate and you plan to intern in your own classroom for which you are the teacher of record.)

9. Complete INT 9 – LiveText Disposition Request Data Form

10. Photocopy of signed Program of Study (POS) you have been following during your coursework at AASU. Please make sure your program of study is UP-TO-DATE and signed by your academic advisor. If course substitutions have been made in your program of study, documentation must accompany your application.

11. Transcript(s): ALL teacher candidates must submit an up-to-date AASU transcript with their application. (This does not have to be an “Official” transcript – it may be printed from S.H.I.P.) If you have taken any course(s) at other institutions that do not appear on your AASU transcript, you MUST submit an official transcript to the Registrar’s Office at AASU in order to receive credit. If you are an Alternative Preparation student, you must also include transcripts from all other colleges and/or universities you have attended.

12. Disposition Assessments: All teacher candidates need to request LiveText disposition assessments from two AASU faculty members with whom you have completed coursework on your current Program of Study. Instructions for requesting the disposition assessments are attached. (See Also Step 8 above.)

13. Graduate Post-Bac and/or M.A.T. Interns who are employed by a school district must submit Form INT-7 signed by the principal of their school. This form must be submitted as soon as possible and all Teacher of Record Graduate Intern positions must be approved by the appropriate department head. The form must be taken to your principal and he/she is to return it to the Office of Field Experiences, Clinical Practice and Partnerships or you may attach the signed form to your application packet.

This letter will be accepted in lieu of the Background Check Consent Form (INT-6).

14. Any appeals regarding admission to Internship II/Graduate Internship must be addressed to the appropriate department head and attached to the front of your application. Requests for courtesy internship placements outside the service area must also be approved by the appropriate department head. If requesting a courtesy placement, please use form INT-10.


Applications for Fall Internship are due March 21st (If March 21st falls on a weekend, they are due the next Monday.)

Applications for Spring Internship are due October 31st (If Oct. 31st falls on a weekend, applications are due the next Monday.)


Armstrong Atlantic State University

College of Education

Internship Placement Policy

The College of Education places its teacher candidates in Internship II and Graduate Internships exclusively in SACS accredited schools.

Any Teacher of Record who wishes to complete the Graduate Internship in the teacher’s assigned classroom must have written approval from the principal of the school as well as his/her department head. Graduate Internships will only be permitted in P-12 public schools or SACS accredited private schools. The specific grade level/content being taught must also be approved by the teacher candidate’s department head. A Graduate Internship will be approved only if it is to be conducted within a classroom that supports the applicant’s Program of Study. The program of study is designed to lead to certification in a specific area.

Note: All Early Childhood Education internships (Internship II/Student Teaching and Graduate Internship) must be completed in a self-contained P-5 classroom.

Applicants are given the option of completing a preference form for placements, but stating a preference on the form does not guarantee that the preference will be accommodated. Placements are arranged by the Office of Field Experiences, Clinical Practice and Partnerships in conjunction with the local school systems and principals and in compliance with the College of Education policies and procedures governing such placements.

If an applicant is requesting a courtesy placement outside AASU’s service area, the Courtesy Placement Request form must be submitted to his/her department head no later than October 1, 2008 to be considered for a spring 2009 placement. Along with the completed request form, the applicant must also submit a detailed letter addressed to his/her department head explaining the need for the courtesy placement.

The due date for the Application to Internship II/Graduate Internship is October 31, 2008. All application packets must be submitted as a complete file on or before that date. (Note: This includes the two completed disposition assessments. You may print them and attach them to your application.)

Applicants are no longer required to submit a check in the amount of $250 for the Internship Fee. This fee will now be assessed by the Registrar’s Office when you register for the appropriate internship course.

I, _____________________________________, acknowledge receipt of the College of Education’s policy regarding Internship II and Graduate Internship placements.

________________________________________ _____________________

Signature Date


Internship II/Graduate Internship Data Sheet

College of Education – Armstrong Atlantic State University

|My program is based upon (Check One): |Please circle either A or B |

|______ Undergraduate degree at AASU (4750) |A. I need a placement coordinated for my internship. |

| |(Complete Form INT-6 and 8) |

|______ Undergraduate Post-Bac program at AASU | |

|______ Graduate Post-Bac program at AASU (6750) |B. I am currently employed by a SACS accredited school as the teacher of |

| |record (i.e. Lead Teacher) of a classroom in the field in which I am |

| |seeking certification; therefore, I am requesting to complete my Graduate |

| |Internship in that classroom. (See Form INT-7) |

|______ M.A.T. degree at AASU (6750) | |

|______ Joint program with SSU | |

|Name: |DOB: |

| Last First MI | (DD/MM/YYYY) |

|Preferred Name: Mr. Ms. Mrs. (Circle One) |

| First Last |

| |

|Local (Mailing) Address: |

| (Street) (City) |

|(Zip code) |

| | |

|Student ID: 907 - | |

| | |

|Telephone with Area Code: | |

| (Home) (Alternate) | |

| | |

|E-Mail Address: | |

| | |

|Semester requested for Internship II/Graduate Internship: (Circle One) Fall Spring 20______ | |

|Current GPA at Time of Application: _____________ | |

Teaching Field Major: Middle Grades majors must list and specify primary and secondary concentrations.

P-12 and 7-12, please specify subject area.

( ) PK-5

( ) Middle Grades Concentration Areas ________________________________________

( ) P-12 OR ( ) 6-12 Subject Area _____________________________________________


Date of Admission to Candidacy in College of Education Department: _____________________________

Special accommodations (disability) documentation:

Colleges/Universities Attended:

Education Honors/Awards/Organizations:

Teacher Related Experience: (Church school, scouts, YMCA, YWCA, teacher aide, etc.)

Please use the space below to list all schools which your children attend or where immediate family members (i.e. spouse, parents, siblings) are employed. Note: You will not be allowed a placement in a school in which your children attend or your immediate family members work. By signing this form, you indicate your understanding of this policy. It is your responsibility to let the Office of Field Experiences, Clinical Practice and Partnerships know of any placement you receive that violates this policy.


I understand that this application will be forwarded to the school system where an internship placement is sought. I certify that the information given in this application is correct. The information supplied does not guarantee me a placement in a particular school or school system.

Signature _________________________________________ Date __________________


Field Experience History

Name ____________________________________________

Please list ALL field experience placements during your time at AASU. (A field experience is defined as an off-campus experience assigned as a component of a course on your Program of Study.)

|Course No./ Title |Semester |Field Experience/ |Grade |Subject Taught |Supervising Teacher |

| |Completed |Clinical Practice Site |Level | | |

| | |(P-12 School) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


Current Course Enrollment Information

Please list ALL courses (AASU classes as well as classes at other institutions) you are taking the semester prior to Internship. If you are applying for a fall internship, please list all spring courses as well as summer courses. If you are applying for a spring internship, please list your fall courses.

NAME ID#: 907 -


______ ______

Please Note: If you are taking classes at an institution other than AASU, you must submit a grade report or transcript to the Registrar’s Office as well as the Office of Field Experiences, Clinical Practice and Partnerships before your internship begins. You will not be allowed to begin Internship II/Graduate Internship until we have proof that you have satisfactorily completed all required courses.



Armstrong Atlantic State University requires that all teacher education graduates and certification candidates: (1) submit proof of completion of the GACE Content Assessment or PRAXIS II (if taken before March 5, 2007) as a graduation requirement. The Georgia Professional Standards Commission (PSC) requires that all teacher candidates have passed the GACE Content Assessment or PRAXIS II (if taken prior to March 5, 2007) to be recommended for certification; the Georgia PSC also requires proof of technology competency to be recommended for certification and (2) that prospective AASU graduates submit to the Registrar a completed Application for Graduation at least two semesters before graduation.

Interns requiring placement will not be permitted to teach in a school in which their children are enrolled or immediate family members (i.e. spouse, parent, sibling) are employed.

I certify that I am aware of these responsibilities and requirements, and I realize that failure to file the necessary paperwork may result in a delay in acceptance to Internship II/Graduate Internship, graduation or certification. Passing scores for all sections of the GACE Basic Skills Assessment or a composite score of at least 526 on PRAXIS I (if taken prior to March 5, 2007) must be filed with the appropriate department before I will be accepted into Internship II/Graduate Internship. I also certify that I have read and do understand the section concerning Internship II/Graduate Internship in the current Armstrong Atlantic State University Catalog and believe that I have satisfied all requirements.

I understand that I may not be admitted to Internship II/Graduate Internship until proof of the following is documented in the appropriate department.

▪ Admission to Candidacy

▪ Completion of all coursework at the required level

▪ Positive candidate disposition assessments (Submitted in LiveText)

▪ Passing scores for all sections of the GACE Basic Skills Assessment or a composite score of at least 526 on PRAXIS I

NAME PRINTED ___________________________________ ID# 907 -

SIGNATURE ___________________________________ DATE




|Office Use Only: |Form INT-7 |

|Dept. Approval? Yes No | |

|Dept. Head: ____________________________ | |

|Signature: ____________________________ | |

|[pic] |Office of Field Experiences, Clinical Practice |

| |and Partnerships |

| |College of Education |

| |Armstrong Atlantic State University |

| |11935 Abercorn Street |

| |Savannah, Georgia 31419-1997 |

| |912.344.2757 |

Dear Principal,

Please complete and return this form to Laura Caputo in the Office of Field Experiences, Clinical Practice and Partnerships if you approve and recommend the individual listed below for an internship while employed at your school.

You may fax the form to my attention at 912.344.3436.

By signing this form, you also certify that a clear background check has been received for this employee by your school system. Also, please list the name of a qualified teacher or administrator you have selected to serve as a mentor for the intern. The mentor must be a current teacher or administer who holds a clear renewable certificate in the field in which the intern is teaching.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this request, please call me at 912.344.3160. Your cooperation is appreciated.


Laura W. Caputo, Director

Office of Field Experiences, Clinical Practice and Partnerships

Please print clearly.

Prospective Intern




Principal’s Printed Name

Principal’s Signature Date

**For Independent Schools Only**

Is your school’s curriculum aligned with the GA Performance Standards?

______ Yes ______ No

What kind of Accreditation does your school hold? _________________________________________

A Part of the University System of Georgia. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.

Form INT-8

Internship II Preference Form

Note: This form in no way guarantees that you will receive a placement in one of the three schools listed below. Placements are made by taking several factors into consideration and in collaboration with the various school districts. Our office will use this form and these requests as a guide for coordinating your placements with the appropriate school system. Candidates are not allowed to arrange their own placements. Please do not contact any schools to request a placement for your internship.

|Name: | |

|Local Address: | |

| | |

|Phone Number: | |

|Alt. (Cell) Phone Number: | |

|AASU Student ID: |907- |

| | |

|Preferred School District: | |

|School Preferences: | |

| School 1st Choice | |

| School 2nd Choice | |

| School 3rd Choice | |

| | |

|Grade Level 1st Choice | |

|Grade Level 2nd Choice | |

|Grade Level 3rd Choice | |

| | |

|For Non ECE Majors | |

|Content/Subject: 1st Choice | |

|Content/Subject: 2nd Choice | |

I, _________________________________, understand that this form will be used for informational purposes by the Office of Field Experiences, Clinical Practice and Partnerships and in no way guarantees that I will receive a placement in any of the schools or grade levels listed above.

_______________________________ _ ____ _______________________

Signature Date

Form INT - 9

LiveText Disposition Request Data Form

Instructions: Please use this form to communicate to your department which Dispositions you would like used as a part of your Internship II/Graduate Internship Application. Please note that all dispositions must be received by the professors no later than the application due date. Do not wait until the due date to request the Disposition Assessment from your instructors.

Candidate’s Name ________________________________________________

AASU ID # 907-_____________________________________________

LiveText Username ________________________________________________

E-Mail Address ________________________________________________

Phone ______________________ ________________________

Home Cell/Alternate

Disposition Request #1

Faculty Member Name ________________________________________________

Class taught by faculty member:

Semester(s) you were a student of the faculty member:

Date Disposition Request was sent for review: __________________________________

Disposition Request #2

Faculty Member Name ________________________________________________

Class taught by faculty member:

Semester(s) you were a student of the faculty member:

Date Disposition Request was sent for review: __________________________________


Form INT - 10

Courtesy Placement Request Form

Instructions: Complete this form with all of the requested information. Once completed submit it to your College of Education Academic Advisor for approval. Along with this form, a formal letter addressed to your department must be submitted detailing the reasons for your request. If approved, your Academic Advisor will then submit the request to your department chair for his/her approval.

DEADLINES: If you are requesting a courtesy placement for a Spring Internship, your request is due to your academic advisor no later than October 1st. If you are requesting a courtesy placement for a Fall Internship, your request is due to your academic advisor no later than March 1st.

This form is only submitted if you are requesting a placement for your internship outside AASU’s service area.

Date Submitted ________________________________________________

Candidate’s Name ________________________________________________

AASU ID# 907 - ___________________________________________

E-Mail Address ________________________________________________

Phone ______________________ ________________________

Home Cell/Alternate

Mailing Address ________________________________________________

Street Address

_____________________ _________ ____________

City State Zip Code

When are you planning to complete your internship? ________________ (Semester) ________ (Year)

Program of Study & Concentration Information:

Circle One: ECE P-12 Middle Grades Secondary

Circle One: Circle all that apply: (Should be at least two for Middle Grades)

Undergrad Math

Post Bac Science

Graduate Social Studies


Language Arts


P-12 Art

P-12 Music

P-12 Spanish

P-12 Special Education

P-12 Health & PE

Continued on the Back

Geographical Area Requested: ______________________________________________________

County City State

Requested Institution (University/College) to Supervise Placement:


Institution Name

Contact Name & Phone Number (If Known)


Street Address

_________________________________________________ ________________________

City State Zip Code Phone Number with Area Code


Do Not Write in the Space Below

Office Use Only

Form Received on ____________________________ by _____________________________________.

Approved by Candidate’s Academic Advisor

_________________________________________ __________________________

Signature Date


Printed Name

Approved by (Department Head)

_________________________________________ __________________________

Signature Date


Printed Name

Received by FECPP:



______________________ ______________________________________

Date University Contacted Contact Name and Phone Number

_______________________________ ______________________________________

Date Placement Accepted by University Cooperating P-12 School Assigned


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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