GCE Greek SoW Unit 1 and 2 - Xtreme

Edexcel GCE Greek (9GK01)

Units 1 and 2

Scheme of Work for Edexcel Greek AS and A2 examinations

When planning a Greek Scheme of Work, teachers should bear in mind that those inspecting proficiency on Modern Foreign Languages at post-16 are encouraged to concentrate on the extent to which students:

• Demonstrate their understanding of material written in Greek, drawn from a wide range of everyday, topical, technical, business, literary, social and historical sources, and can respond appropriately to it.

• Understand and respond in writing to content used in various contexts, different types of registers and genres.

• Transfer meaning from one language to another effectively, accurately and idiomatically, in translations that show understanding of morphology, register, idiom and nuance.

• Show extensive knowledge of the countries, customs and culture of the people where the language they are learning is used.

• Have detailed knowledge and understanding of the themes and topics they have studied and the issues facing contemporary society.

• Have developed mature and well-informed views on topical or controversial issues, and can present these in a logical, coherent and accurate way in writing.

• Write accurately in a variety of styles appropriate to context, using an increasingly wide range of complex, sophisticated and topic-specific language.

• Demonstrate a high level of grammatical accuracy.

The following Scheme of Work represents just one possible guide for teachers, it is built around the primary bibliography listed in the Greek Specification () and employs a variety of commercial and authentic resources in printed or digital form.

Teaching resource exemplars

The scheme of work contains suggestions for resources that you can use to support your teaching. These are suggestions only of material you may find useful and you are encouraged to use a wide range of resources that suit the needs of your students.

Possible resources including textbooks and online tools are:

Textbooks to draw from selectively:

G. Babiniotis, (et al.) Hellenike Glossa, Athens: Lambrakis Foundation, 1993.

D. Demetra and Marineta Papacheimona, Hellenika tora 2 + 2: dialogues, texts, exercises,grammar, vocabulary, Athens: Nostos, 1992.

St. Vassiliadis, Ellenika Gia Prohorimenous, Idrima Manoli Triandafyllidi, 2008

Anne Farmakides, Modern Greek reader, I: language and civilization, intermediate, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983. [3rd ed.]

Anne Farmakides, Modern Greek reader, II: introduction to literature, intermediate to advanced, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983

Helen Dendrinou Kolias Readings in Modern Greek Literature. For Intermediate and Advanced Students of Modern Greek and Others Interested in Modern Greek Literature but Lacking the Vocabulary to Understand It, Crestwood, NY: Caratzas, 2001.

Philippaki-Warburton, Irene, David Holton, Peter Mackridge, Greek: a Comprehensive Grammar, London: Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd., 1997.

Froso and Kleanthis Arvanitaki, Communicate in Greek 3, Deltos Publishing, 2005

Online Resources

• For grammar and useful information on verb conjugation:

• For vocabulary lists and self- assessment practice, organised thematically:

• A useful site that offers ideas and materials to support the teaching of Greek as a foreign and second language:

• Free software to create a variety of self-assessment, web-based tasks

News Agencies and Newspapers

• Athens News Agency ()

• Eleftherotypia ()

• TO BHMA ()

• TA NEA ()

• Kathimerini ()

• I Simerini ()

• Politis ()

• Fileleftheros()

Culture and Media

• Greek Ministry of Culture ()

• Centre for Neo-Hellenic Studies ()

• ELIA: The Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive ()

• Centre for the Greek language ()

• Greek Film Centre ()

• Digital Archives, Greek Film Center ()

• Greek television on line - ert.gr

• Greek television on line - skai.gr

• Greek National Television Archives ()

• Thessaloniki Film Festival ()

• Greek movies and TV online ()

• Greek movies and TV online ()

Modern Greek Studies

• Greek Language Portal ()

• Dialang ()

• Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) ()

• Greek online encyclopedia: (LivePedia.gr )

• Greek history online: ()

Edexcel Subject Advisors

Edexcel has a team of specialist subject advisors available to help you with implementation of this specification. You can contact them by email or phone.

Language Subject Advisor Service:

Edexcel additional support

• Ask the Expert — puts you in direct email contact with over 200 of our senior subject experts

• Edexcel’s community — these message boards are designed to enable you to access peer-to-peer support from fellow Edexcel teaching and delivery staff in schools and colleges.

Specification information

The Specification Delivery strategy in most MFL courses has usually been to cover the material in two years, over years 12 and 13. It may be the case that the Greek curriculum may be covered over years 11 and 12, so adjustments may be made by the teacher in individual cases.

– To prepare for assessment, it is advisable to work through each topic area carefully and cover all possible sub topics. Irrespective of the different headings, all topics share common themes and teaching may be sequenced so as to cover the overlap. When for example the topic of Youth Culture and Concerns is studied for the AS specification, themes such as life style, education, political beliefs and the environment could be addressed, as they constitute aspects of young people’s interests and world of experience. Moreover, as these schemes of work indicate, it is possible to organise the progression of lessons in a “spiral” form, whereby each new topic presented overlaps with content relating to previously taught themes, resulting, in this way, to useful recycling of vocabulary and structures. In cases where the student profile allows for differentiated instruction and a wider and more in depth coverage of material, cross references could be made to thematic overlaps between the AS and the A2 specification. Where such an overlap is possible, recommendations for cross-curricular teaching are indicated in red.

– It is advisable to allow time for consolidation and review of material. In cases when there may not be adequate teaching periods devoted to the GCE syllabus, an arsenal of online tasks and resources as well as self- assessment exercises might be necessary to ensure full coverage of material.

– There is a variety of commercial textbooks that may be partly suitable for the new specification. As yet, and to the best of our knowledge, a textbook which is targeted at Greek GCE 2009 and includes assignments which are applicable across AS and A2 does not exist. To this purpose, teachers may need to adapt past papers and combine resources in order to enrich classroom materials and enhance learning at this level. Because of the lack of textbooks tailor made to address the requirements of this specification, suggested resources in the individual SOW are mostly restricted to digital materials.

– Familiarisation with the rubrics and the types of questions and responses employed in this specification are necessary for a successful outcome. The new specification varies in format and content to the previous one and close reading of the new syllabus and accompanying sample assessment materials is recommended. Teachers may also attempt to adapt previous examination papers to suit the new format, as the content, largely, remains comparable.

Throughout Term 1 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Using a bilingual dictionary

• Learning and recording vocabulary

• Organising work

• Writing brief descriptions of a variety of items and issues

• Expressing opinions on a variety of issues relating to personal experience and general topics

• Reading for gist

• Taking notes and writing summaries in English and in the target language

• Understanding and interpreting written information

• Structuring an argument or presentation in writing

• Translating into English

Throughout Term 2 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Writing newspaper reports, emails and compiling lists of pro and con arguments on topics

• Structuring a written response

• Checking and correcting written work

• Strategies for extending vocabulary

• Revision of vocabulary

• General revision techniques

Throughout Term 3 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Examination practice

• Past papers

• Revision of tenses

• Recognition of more difficult structures

• Checking students have understood, learned and practised all the grammatical structures laid down in the AS grammar lists.

Exemplar activities given throughout are indicative only and may be used to supplement the tasks suggested within the textbooks and resources selected by the teacher. Teachers should bear in mind the need to ensure that students not only gain knowledge and understanding but also that they develop the ability to evaluate and to express opinions in written form. Activities might include the following: Surveys; debates; reviews; reports; blogs; posters; brochures; grids; letters; emails; essay introductions; essay conclusions; full essays; and dialogues.

Students should be given constant practice in the art of translation, with particular reference to translating from Greek into English.

In addition, students ought to be exposed and to the multiplicity of resources available on the digital landscape. In particular:

• PowerPoint

• email

• podcasts

• online dictionaries

• grammar references

• image searches via search engines such as google.gr

• satellite television

• radio broadcasts

• instant messaging

• MP3

• video

• CD Roms

• animations

• DVDs

|Y12 |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Week |key questions | | | |

|1, 2 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To start bridging the gap |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to give opinions about music and |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |Music and Fashion |between GCSE and AS |fashion. Prompts such as pictures of famous models/ musicians or quotations |in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| | | |from interviews may be used as lead-in devices. |links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| | |To learn, understand and use | |either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | |the vocabulary of music and |What role does fashion/music play in our lives? | |

| | |fashion |Discuss the influences of musicians/rock stars/ models on young people | |

| | | | |

| | |To recycle previously taught |Role models for today’s youth: Politicians? Environmental activists? Rock |=viewlink&cid=35 |

| | |grammar. To introduce new |stars? | |

| | |items : adjectives in –ης | | |

| | |(δημοφιλής), passive verbs in|Discuss and research aspects of the fashion/music industry | |

| | |–ιέμαι (φοριέμαι, | | |

| | |τραγουδιέμαι) |What is the influence of fashion on our notion of “beauty”? | |

| | | | | |

| | |To be able to describe and |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate content.| |

| | |evaluate themes pertaining to|Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple choices,| |

| | |this topic |matching text to titles or people, or answering in Greek. | |

| | | |Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | | | | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To be able to | | |

| | |organise and plan, learn new | | |

| | |vocabulary and use a | | |

| | |dictionary effectively. To | | |

| | |learn how to compile lexical | | |

| | |sets of words belonging to | | |

| | |this thematic category | | |

| | |(either in digital or hard | | |

| | |copy index cards) | | |

|3 , 4 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To learn, understand and use |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to give their views on contemporary |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |Relationships |the vocabulary of |ideas about relationships, be it family or friends. Prompts such as pictures|in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| | |relationships |of famous couples/ family scenes/ extracts from Greek films on A2 syllabus, |links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| | | |may be used as a stimulus. |either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | |To practise present tense of | | |

| | |verbs in Active and Passive |Write a detailed description of different members of family /friends | |

| | |Voice and adjectives and |focusing on physical and character attributes. Evaluate the personality | |

| | |nouns in –ης (e.g. |traits you consider most important. | |

| | |ειλικρινής) | | |

| | | |Ideal friends? What are they like? | |

| | |To be able to describe and | | |

| | |evaluate themes pertaining to|Fitting in: Discuss peer pressure in your circle of friends. How does it | |

| | |this topic |affect you? | |

| | | | | |

| | | |«Δείξε μου το φίλο σου να σου πω ποιος είσαι». What do you think? | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Agony Aunts: Write a letter about a problem with a friend or relative and | |

| | | |then offer advice about resolving another classmate’s problem. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students are asked to write a written response to some of the | |

| | | |questions posed under exemplar activities. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |The institution of marriage/ family: What does it mean nowadays? How has it | |

| | | |changed throughout the years? | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate content.| |

| | | |Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple choices,| |

| | | |matching text to titles or people, or answering in Greek | |

| | | |Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students are asked to describe and comment of famous friendships or | |

| | | |relationships. | |

| | | |Students view and write a response on representations of friendship and | |

| | | |family life in extracts from films such as : Politiki Kouzina, Peppermint, | |

| | | |etc | |

|5,6 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To learn, understand and use |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to give their views on technology |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |Technology |the vocabulary of technology|and the way it has transformed our lives. Attempt a comparison between life |in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| | | |with and life without technology (a kind of “before and after”). Prompts |links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| | |To practise verbs in Active |such as quotations warning about the perils of technology may be used as a |either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | |and Passive Voice, adjectives|stimulus («Η υπερβολική χρήση ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε| |

| | |nouns and pronouns taken from|σοβαρά σωματικά και ψυχολογικά προβλήματα») | |

| | |the prescribed grammar lists | | |

| | | |Discuss and write about the possible future of technology | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To learn how | | |

| | |to revise grammar and to |Create “pros” and “cons” lists to show the advantages and disadvantages of | |

| | |understand verb tables – |technology | |

| | | | |

| | |contents.html |Television and Digital Media: Describe and evaluate their significance | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Does technology present us with any ethical concerns (should there be any | |

| | | |limits, regarding research in new technologies)? | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate | |

| | | |content. Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple| |

| | | |choices, matching text to titles or people, or answering in Greek. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | | | | |

|7 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To learn, understand and use |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to give their views on controversial|Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |Drink, Drugs and Sex |the vocabulary of this |issues such as the legalisation of drugs, the age of consent, the effects of|in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| | |subtopic |addiction and alcohol etc. A useful prompt could come from Shakespeare, |links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| | | |«Μακάρι να κοιμούνταν και να ξυπνούσαν όταν θα είχαν πια ενηλικιωθεί», which|either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | |To practise verbs in Active |hints at the problems often associated with teenage years. | |

| | |and Passive Voice, adjectives| |

| | |nouns and pronouns taken from|Write an email advising a friend about the dangers of drugs/alcohol |=article&sid=7 |

| | |the prescribed grammar lists | | |

| | | |Find someone with the opposite view and debate one of the issues mentioned | |

| | |To be able to describe and |above |(for a variety of articles and comments on issues relating to |

| | |evaluate themes pertaining to|Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate |teenagers) |

| | |this topic |content. Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple| |

| | | |choices, matching text to titles or people, or answering in Greek. | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To learn how |Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | |to revise grammar and to | | |

| | |understand noun and adjective| | |

| | |tables (these can be found at| | |

| | |the back of most TBs for | | |

| | |Advanced Learners) | | |

| | | | | |

|8 |Youth Culture and Concerns | |Revision and Assessment Tasks |Appropriate exercises reviewing vocabulary and grammar covered in |

| | | | |this topic. |

| | | |Short 100 word responses to stimuli such as: |Relevant activities taken from the SAMs and Past Papers from the |

| | | | |old specification |

| | | |«Η ομορφιά δεν είναι θέμα μόδας» | |

| | | |«Οι σύχρονες διασημότητες από τον κόσμο της μόδας και της μουσικής αποτελούν| |

| | | |κακό παράδειγμα για τους νέους» | |

| | | |«Η μουσική ενώνει τον κόσμο» | |

| | | |«Ο θεσμός του γάμου έχει χάσει τη σημασία που είχε παλιά» | |

| | | |«Δείξε μου το φίλο σου να σου πω ποιος είσαι» | |

| | | |«Τεχνολογία: Τα υπέρ και τα κατά» | |

| | | |«Το χάσμα των γενεών: Τι το προκαλεί;» | |

|9, 10 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness |To learn, understand and use | | |

| |- |the vocabulary of sport and |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to give their views on the idea of |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |Sport and Exercise |exercise |sportsmanship, the importance of fitness and a healthy life style. Prompts |in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| | | |such as pictures of famous athletes/ famous quotations or data about health |links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| | |To practise verbs in Active |and young people may be used to stimulate discussion |either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | |and Passive Voice, adjectives| | |

| | |nouns and pronouns taken from|Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate content.| |

| | |the prescribed grammar lists |Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple choices,| |

| | | |matching text to titles or people, or answering in Greek. | |

| | |To be able to describe and |Write an article about a famous Greek sports personality. Describe and | |

| | |evaluate themes pertaining to|evaluate. | |

| | |this topic |List various sport and fitness activities and mention what you like or do | |

| | | |not like about them | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS – to learn how |What is your favourite sport and why? | |

| | |to study vocabulary and |Research/discuss and write on the connection between sport and violence | |

| | |compile lexical sets of words|Research/discuss and write your views on pressure to compete and excel and | |

| | |belonging to this thematic |drug abuse amongst athletes | |

| | |category. |Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | | | | |

|11 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness |To learn and use the | |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |- |vocabulary of food and diet |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to give their views on the idea of |in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| |Food and Diet and Health | |sportsmanship, the importance of fitness and a healthy life style. Prompts |links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| |Issues |To practise verbs in Active |such as pictures of famous athletes/ famous quotations or data about health |either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | |and Passive Voice, adjectives|and young people may be used to stimulate discussion | |

| | |nouns and pronouns taken from|Vegetarianism – for or against? | |

| | |the prescribed grammar lists | | |

| | | |Write an email to a friend giving advice as to how they could improve their |

| | |To be able to describe and |diet and health |es-gia-kali-ygeia |

| | |evaluate themes pertaining to|«Είμαστε ό,τι τρώμε»! Do you agree? | |

| | |this topic |Compile grids listing what is good and what is bad for one’s health | |

| | | |Argue for or against ‘size zero’ models | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS – to learn how |Comment on the relationship between ideas of beauty propagated by the | |

| | |to study vocabulary and |fashion industry and eating disorders | |

| | |compile lexical sets of words|The ban on smoking in public: What do you think? Write a short response. | |

| | |belonging to this thematic |Find a person who has the opposite view and argue against them. | |

| | |category. |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate content.| |

| | | |Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple choices,| |

| | | |matching text to titles or people, or answering in Greek | |

| | | |Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

|12 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness | |Revision and Assessment Tasks |Exercises covering grammar and vocabulary covered in this topic, |

| | | |Short 100 word responses to stimuli such as: |taken from the suggested TBs or created by the teacher. |

| | | | | |

| | | |«Το πνεύμα των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων δεν υπάρχει πια » |Relevant activities taken from the SAMs and Past Papers from the |

| | | |«Οι σημερινοί αθλητές ενδιαφέρονται μόνι για τη νίκη και τα χρήματα» |old specification |

| | | |«Βια και αθλητισμός» | |

| | | |«Το κάπνισμα σκοτώνει» | |

| | | |«Ο σημερινός τρόπος ζωής βλάπτει την υγεία» | |

| | | | | |

|13,14 |The World Around Us: Travel |To learn and use the |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to give their views on the |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |and Tourism - Tourist |vocabulary of Τravel and |importance and nature of travel and how tourism has affected a place they |in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| |Information |Tourism |know. Prompts such as comparing pictures of famous resorts or different |links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| | | |types of holiday destinations as well as extracts from travelogues may be |either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | |To practise verbs in Active |used to stimulate discussion | |

| | |and Passive Voice, adjectives|Cross references to topic 3, in the Topics or Texts Section of Unit 2 (the | |

| | |nouns and pronouns taken from|A2 syllabus) are appropriate: Research and describe Cyprus or an area of | |

| | |the prescribed grammar lists |Greece in terms of Geography, Economy and Culture. Present your work to your| |

| | | |classmates and keep notes when they present their chosen region. | |

| | | | | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS – to learn how |Research and describe your classmates’ favourite tourist destinations. Write| |

| | |to study vocabulary and |a report sharing the information | |

| | |compile lexical sets of words| |For data on Greece and Cyprus |

| | |belonging to this thematic | | |

| | |category. |Write a creative essay about an exciting trip to another country |el.wiki/Κατηγορία:Γεωγραφία_της_Ελλάδας |

| | | | | |

| | |To be able to express future |Research and describe the impact of travel/tourism on the environment? | |

| | |plans and intentions. | | |

| | | |What is your dream destination? Why? | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Offer a written account of the tourist amenities and everything a tourist | |

| | | |should know about the place where you live | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate content.| |

| | | |Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple choices,| |

| | | |matching text to titles or people, or answering in Greek | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

|15,16 |The World Around Us: Transport|To learn and use the |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to offer “disaster scenarios” of |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |and Weather |vocabulary of Tourist |what could possibly go wrong (transport or weather wise). An activity |in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| | |Information, Transport and |whereby they describe a personal experience of a holiday/trip that was |links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| | |Weather |ruined due to a problem with transport or weather may be used to stimulate |either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | | |discussion | |

| | |To practise verbs in Active |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate content.|(Students are directed to read the weather report on line and |

| | |and Passive Voice, adjectives|Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple choices,|answer specific questions relating to today’s forecast or a five |

| | |nouns and pronouns taken from|matching text to titles or people, or answering in Greek |day forecast etc.) |

| | |the prescribed grammar lists |Students translate short passages of approx 120 words each, of relevant | |

| | | |content | |

| | | |Write a letter to a travel agent’s to complain about being misinformed with |(focusing on issues related to transport, safety and passenger |

| | |STUDY SKILLS – to learn how |regard to a holiday package you bought. |rights) |

| | |to study vocabulary and | | |

| | |compile lexical sets of words|“Weather” questions to consider | |

| | |belonging to this thematic | | |

| | |category. |What is the weather like where you live? | |

| | | |Has the weather ever enhanced/ruined an activity? | |

| | |To be able to express future |What is your favourite type of weather? Why? | |

| | |plans and intentions, |Describe a famous natural disaster | |

| | |describe and evaluate aspects| | |

| | |of this sub topic |“Transport” questions to consider | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Air travel: Pros and Cons | |

| | | |What is the impact of the various means of transport on the environment? | |

| | | |What do you do to reduce your carbon foot prints? | |

| | | |Can we have “green transport”? | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|17,18 |The World Around Us: |To learn, understand and use |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to list what they consider “major |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |Environmental Issues – |the vocabulary pertaining to |threats to the environment”. A picture that illustrates an environmental |in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| |Pollution-Recycling |this subtopic |problem or a quotation such as «τον κόσμο τον κληρονομήσαμε απο τα παιδιά |links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| | | |μας» may be used to stimulate the discussion |either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | |To practise verbs in Active |Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | |and Passive Voice, adjectives|Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate content.|

| | |nouns and pronouns taken from|Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple choices,|mid=86 |

| | |the prescribed grammar lists |matching text to titles or people, or answering in English | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Draw up a list of what you consider to be major threats to the environment | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS – to learn how |Think Globally, Act Locally: What ways are there to help? | |

| | |to study vocabulary and |Global warming – what is it and what can we do about it? | |

| | |compile lexical sets |Research and describe a well known environmental disaster or problem in | |

| | |of words belonging to this |Greece or the world | |

| | |thematic category. | | |

| | | |Write an email to an environmental action group suggesting ways in which you| |

| | |To be able to describe and |could contribute to their cause | |

| | |evaluate aspects of this sub | | |

| | |topic and make suggestions | | |

| | |for improvement. |Write a letter to a newspaper about pollution and offering suggestions | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Is recycling worthwhile? Debate with a classmate who holds an opposing view | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Nuclear Power: Pros and Cons | |

|19 |The World Around Us | |Revision and Assessment Tasks |Exercises covering grammar and vocabulary covered in this topic, |

| | | |Short written responses to a variety of stimuli. |taken from the suggested TBs or created by the teacher. |

| | | |Students may be asked to work within a time constraint to write short | |

| | | |responses to prescribed bullets, such as: |Relevant activities taken from the SAMs and Past Papers from the |

| | | |Εθελοντισμός και περιβάλλον |old specification |

| | | |Το μέλλον του πλανήτη είναι ευθύνη όλων μας | |

| | | |10 πράγματα που μπορείς να κάνεις για να βοηθήσεις το περιβάλλον | |

| | | |Οι άστεγοι: Πώς μπορούμε να βοηθήσουμε | |

| | | |Η Πυρηνική Ενέργεια: Υπέρ και Κατά | |

| | | | | |

|20,21 |Education and Employment: |To learn and use the |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to identify the different tiers of |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |Schools in Greece, Higher |vocabulary of Schooling and |education (Δημοτικό, Γυμνάσιο etc) and offer comparisons (if they know of |in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| |Education |Higher Education |any), between the Greek Educational System and the system at home. A picture|links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| | | |of a lesson in a Greek school or slogan/image from a demonstration about the|either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | |To practise verbs in Active |proposed private universities in Greece may be used to stimulate the | |

| | |and Passive Voice, adjectives|discussion. |(about the education system in Greece) |

| | |nouns and pronouns taken from|[pic] | |

| | |the prescribed grammar lists | | |

| | | |Alternatively, a clip from Politiki Kouzina, Peppermint or Hard Goodbyes, |(about the education system in Cyprus) |

| | |To be able to describe and |which shows the protagonists at school, may be used to lead into the topic. | |

| | |evaluate themes pertaining to|Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate content.|Most TBs for advanced learners offer a variety of texts and tasks |

| | |this topic |Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple choices,|on the topic |

| | | |matching text to titles or people, or answering in Greek | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS – to learn how |Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | |to study vocabulary and |Compare the education systems in Greece, Cyprus and the UK. Draw up a grid | |

| | |compile lexical sets of words|showing what in your view are the advantages and disadvantages of each | |

| | |belonging to this thematic |Identify the positive and negative aspects of your school experience so far | |

| | |category. |Suggest ideas for improving facilities and the quality of teaching and | |

| | | |learning in your school. | |

| | | |School uniform – write a blog for or against and then debate with a | |

| | | |classmate who has taken the opposite view | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Describe what you see as the ideal school day, giving reasons | |

| | | | | |

|22,23 |Education and Employment: |To learn and use the |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to talk about their plans after they|Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |After School, University |vocabulary of Higher |leave school. Attempt a brief comparison between choosing work over |in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| | |Education and Life after |university and draw up lists and useful vocabulary on the board. |links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| | |School |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate content.|either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | | |Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple choices,| |

| | |To practise verbs in Active |matching text to titles or people, or answering in Greek. |(About Universities in Greece) |

| | |and Passive Voice, adjectives|Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | |nouns and pronouns taken from|Write an account of your plans for when you leave school. Is it worth going | |

| | |the prescribed grammar lists |to university? Give reasons for or against and then take issue with a | |

| | | |classmate with an opposing view |(on career guidance) |

| | |To be able to describe and | | |

| | |evaluate themes pertaining to|Do you believe that all university education should be free? What do you |Most TBs for advanced learners offer a wealth of material on the |

| | |this topic |think about private universities? |topic |

| | | | | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS – to learn how |National service is compulsory in Greece. What do you think about it? | |

| | |to study vocabulary and | | |

| | |compile lexical sets of words| | |

| | |belonging to this thematic | | |

| | |category. | | |

|24,25 |Education and Employment: | |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to mention aspects of the ideal job.|Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources|

| |The World of Work |To learn and use the |Draw up lists and useful vocabulary on the board. Alternatively, attempt a |in order to practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative |

| | |vocabulary of |brief survey of the types of jobs or internships students have had so far. |links that lend themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, |

| | |The World of Work |Draw up lists of advantages and disadvantages pertaining to their work |either adapting the texts or the tasks or both: |

| | | |experience | |

| | |To practise verbs in Active |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate content.|

| | |and Passive Voice, adjectives|Responses may be indicated by ticking boxes, choosing from multiple choices,| |

| | |nouns and pronouns taken from|matching text to titles or people, or answering in Greek | |

| | |the prescribed grammar lists |Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | | |Research and describe the challenges faced by students in Greek speaking |Most TBs for advanced learners offer a wealth of material on the |

| | |To be able to describe and |countries and in the UK, regarding employment |topic |

| | |evaluate themes pertaining to|Research and describe the problem of unemployment and poverty | |

| | |this topic |List various kinds of work/career and jot down the advantages and | |

| | | |disadvantages of each. | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS – to learn how | | |

| | |to study vocabulary and |How does one prepare for the world of work? Write a column offering advice | |

| | |compile lexical sets of words|to your classmates about what needs to be done to ensure good results | |

| | |belonging to this thematic | | |

| | |category. |Write out your CV | |

|26 |Education and Employment | |Revision and Assessment Tasks |Exercises covering grammar and vocabulary covered in this topic, |

| | | |Short written responses to a variety of stimuli. |taken from the suggested TBs or created by the teacher. |

| | | |Students may be asked to work within a time constraint to write short | |

| | | |responses to prescribed bullets, such as: |Relevant activities taken from the SAMs and Past Papers from the |

| | | |Δωρεάν παιδεία για όλους |old specification |

| | | |Το ιδανικό σχολείο δεν έχει κανόνες | |

| | | |Το «σχολείο της ζωής» είναι πιο σημαντικό από το πανεπιστήμιο | |

| | | |Το ιδανικό επάγγελμα | |

| | | |Στρατιωτική Θητεία: Τα Υπερ και τα Κατά | |

| | | |Η ανεργία σήμερα | |

|Remaining time to be used for additional examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, working through past papers, and the AS examinations. |

Edexcel Scheme of Work for GCE Greek A2 (Year 13) – based on two terms (26 weeks), with the remaining time to be used for examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, and the A2 examinations.

Throughout Term 1 of Year 13, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Revision of structures and vocabulary learned at AS

• Further development of grammar, syntax and lexis at an advanced level

• Selection of topics for presentation and research in Unit 2

• Ongoing development of the skills of analysis and argument

• Practice in writing discursive and creative essays

• Practice in translating from and to the target language, with special emphasis on the latter

• Continuing to build up a bank of useful phrases and idioms

• Development of topics for research and written response in Unit 4

• Further practice in writing discursive and creative essays

• Further practice in translating from and to the target language, with special emphasis on the latter

Throughout Term 2 of Year 13, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Examination practice

• Past papers

• Opportunity for Research into the topics or texts chosen

• Opportunity for practice in critical responses to the topics or texts of Section C

• Further developing and enhancing of all skills, ensuring that the grammatical structures laid down in the A2 grammar lists have been understood, learned and practised

Throughout Term 3 of Year 13, teachers should work with students to ensure that they are prepared in all aspects of the specification.

Exemplar activities given throughout are indicative only and may be used to supplement the tasks and content existing within the textbooks and resources selected by the teacher. Teachers should bear in mind the need to ensure that students not only gain knowledge and understanding but also that they develop the ability to evaluate and to express opinions in written form. Activities might include the following: Surveys; debates; reviews; reports; blogs; posters; brochures; grids; letters; emails; essay introductions; essay conclusions; full essays; and dialogues.

Students should be given constant practice in the art of translation, with particular reference to translating from English into Greek.

It is envisaged that the selected Topics and Texts will be taught over 6-7 weeks each, to ensure adequate, in depth coverage of the material and provide opportunity for practice and development of the skills of synthesis and analysis. Provided that the profile of students, the structure of timetable and the class time allow it, it may be appropriate to pre-teach some of the material in SECTION C by highlighting the thematic overlap between the 7 topic areas and the texts and topics from Section C. Teachers and students may choose their preferred two topics/texts out of the six prescribed and adjust the sequence accordingly.

|Y13 |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Week |key questions | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SECTIONS A B and C | | | |

|1,2,3 |Customs, |To learn, understand and use|Brainstorm the topic by asking students to offer experiences and views |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources in order to|

| |Traditions, Beliefs|vocabulary related to this |relating to aspects of what constitutes “Greekness”. Pictures of various |practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative links that lend |

| |and Religions: |topic. |ceremonies or celebrations may be used as a prompt. Alternatively, attempt|themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, either adapting the texts or the|

| | | |to solicit views in order to draw up a list of cultural specifics that |tasks or both: |

| |Customs, |To use and practise the |define reality in today’s Greek speaking societies. Although stereotypes | |

| |Celebrations, |prescribed grammar as it |may be mentioned, they may be used to stimulate discussion | |

| |Holidays |appears in the primary texts|Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate |(Customs in Cyprus) |

| | |studied for this topic |content. Responses will be indicated by answering in Greek | |

| | | |Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To further |Describe your experience of a Greek cultural practice (festival, ceremony,|(Customs and Celebrations in Greece) |

| | |enhance research skills – |meal, encounter) with special reference to attitudes, eating and | |

| | |to compile and learn lexical|celebrating habits and beliefs, where appropriate. Share your narrative by|Selected extracts from: |

| | |sets of vocabulary |presenting it in class and answer any questions your classmates may have |Ευαγγελία Ραφτοπούλου – Γεωργαντζή, «Ελληνικά έθιμα και γιορτές», Neohel, |

| | |pertaining to the topic |Draw up lists of important celebrations and festivals in Greek speaking |2005 |

| | | |societies. Research and describe their distinguishing characteristics. | |

| | | |If appropriate, link to the Culture sub topic of Topic 3 (Cyprus or a |Γιώργου Καρούζη, «Σύγχρονη Γεωγραφία της Κύπρου,» Τόμος 2, Σέλας, 1998 |

| | | |region of Greece) under Topics and Texts for Section C in Unit 2 | |

| | | |If appropriate, link to the “Daily Life” sub topic of Topic 1 (The History|Ρένα Μπρισίμη- Μαράκη, «Ενας αιώνας Ελλάδα», Καστανιώτης, 2000 |

| | | |of Greece 1960-1974), in Section C of Unit 2. Research, describe and | |

| | | |comment on the distinguishing characteristics of life in Greece, during |Most TBs for advanced learners offer a wealth of material on the topic |

| | | |the 60s- early 70s. | |

| | | |Ιf appropriate, pre-teach and assign viewing activities that focus on the | |

| | | |cultural elements of selected films («Τα δελφινάκια του Αμβρακικού», | |

| | | |«Δύσκολοι Αποχαιρετισμοί», «Πολίτικη Κουζίνα», «Ένα τραγούδι δεν φτάνει», | |

| | | |« Peppermint»). Some of these viewing assignments could be combined with | |

| | | |research relating to Topic 1 (The History of Greece) in attempting to | |

| | | |foreshadow the historical framework, the economy and culture of the | |

| | | |60s-early 70s. | |

| | | |Research and describe comparisons between customs and traditions | |

| | | |pertaining to certain landmark practices (birthdays, weddings, | |

| | | |christenings, family celebrations) in Greek speaking societies and the UK | |

| | | |Research, describe and compare prevalent superstitions in Greece, Cyprus | |

| | | |and UK | |

|4, 5 |Customs, |To learn, understand and use|Brainstorm the topic by asking students to contribute their views of how |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources in order to|

| |Traditions, Beliefs|vocabulary relating to this |certain hot topics such as abortion, inter racial relationships, minority |practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Indicative links that lend |

| |and Religions: |topic. |rights, the role of the church etc, are being dealt with or perceived in |themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, either adapting the texts or the|

| | | |Greece. |tasks or both: |

| |Beliefs and |To use and practise the |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate | |

| |Religions |prescribed grammar as it |content. Responses will be indicated by answering in Greek | |

| | |appears in the primary texts|Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | |studied for this topic |Write a short response on the following issues: | |

| | | |Abortion |Most TBs for advanced learners offer a wealth of material and related |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To further |Discrimination based on class, race, gender |activities on the topic |

| | |enhance research skills – |Keeping your Faith in today’s world. | |

| | |to compile and learn lexical|Equal rights: What does it mean? | |

| | |sets of vocabulary | | |

| | |pertaining to the topic |Do parents/society treat men and women differently? Bullet-point your | |

| | | |experience, develop an argument and share them with a classmate | |

| | | |If appropriate, link to The Role of the Church in Cyprus during 1925-1960.| |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on the relationship between the Church, the| |

| | | |Colonial Authorities and the Greek Cypriots during the period studied. | |

|6, 7, |National and |To learn, understand and use| Brainstorm the topic by asking students to offer opinions about what they|Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources in order to|

| |International |vocabulary related to this |consider significant in the National and International Scene. Put a list |practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Material may also be drawn from the|

| |Events: past, |topic |of these events on the board. Ask students to fill in any details they |digital media recommended in the suggested links, under Online Resources, which|

| |present and future | |know about these events. If necessary, narrow the focus to Greece or |appear in the opening pages of this document. Indicative links that lend |

| | |To learn, describe and |Cyprus or a special period (i.e. the 60s) in order to lead in to the |themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, either adapting the texts or the|

| |This topic could be|comment on the content |overlap with Section C. |tasks or both: |

| |taught alongside |included within the |Visual prompts that may act as stimuli could come from film scenes that | |

| |Topics 1, 2 and |framework of the prescribed |address the political or social coordinates of the period; Peppermint, A | |

| |partially 4 of the |and chosen Topics of Section|song is not Enough, A touch of Spice address the political situation in | |

| |Topics or Texts |C, Unit 2, which overlap |the 60s and early 70s, among others. Hard Goodbyes addresses the Americans| |

| |Section of Unit 2 |with the topic of National |landing on the Moon. | |

| | |and International Events |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate |The Primary bibliography recommended for Topics 1, 2 and 3 of Section C, Unit |

| | | |content. Responses will be indicated by answering in Greek. The text could|2, could also serve as source texts for vocabulary and grammar practice |

| | | |be a film review of one of the prescribed films, which could serve as |activities. |

| | |To use and practise the |Reading Comprehension text, Translation Text and bibliographical source | |

| | |prescribed grammar as it |for research on Topics 1 and 4. | |

| | |appears in the primary texts|Students translate short passages of relevant content | |

| | |studied for this topic |Research and present an important event that took place in Greece in 60s | |

| | | |or in Cyprus from 1925-1960. Research and describe an important | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To further |personality from the above mentioned periods in Greece or Cyprus. | |

| | |enhance research skills and|Research and Present an important national or international event of the | |

| | |skills of synthesis and |recent years and comment on its importance | |

| | |analysis; to compile and |War and Peace: Research and describe past and contemporary Wars or | |

| | |learn lexical sets of |embattled situations. Material may be drawn from the Historical Framework | |

| | |vocabulary pertaining to the|of Topic 2 (History of Cyprus), in Section C, of Topics or Texts. Source | |

| | |topic |texts could also serve as Reading Comprehension or Translation material. | |

|8 |National and |See above |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources in order to|

| |International | |content. Responses will be indicated by answering in Greek. The text could|practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Material may also be drawn from the|

| |Events: past, | |be an article about the European Union or a visual stimulus such as map of|digital media recommended in the suggested links, under Online Resources, which|

| |present and future | |Europe. The same texts could serve as material for Translation. |appear in the opening pages of this document. Indicative links that lend |

| |The European Union | |The European Union: Research and describe the significance of membership |themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, either adapting the texts or the|

| | | |for Greece or Cyprus. |tasks or both: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|9, 10 |National and | |Students read and answer questions on a “model” text of appropriate |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources in order to|

| |International |See above |content. Responses will be indicated by answering in Greek. The text could|practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Material may also be drawn from the|

| |Events: past, | |be an article about terrorism, violence in demonstrations, a personal |digital media recommended in the suggested links, under Online Resources, which|

| |present and future | |account of being a foreigner in Greece, encounters with foreign workers in|appear in the opening pages of this document. Indicative links that lend |

| |Political Violence | |Greece etc, or a visual stimulus of a photograph about an act of terrorism|themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, either adapting the texts or the|

| |and Terrorism | |or political violence. The same texts could serve as material for |tasks or both: |

| | | |Translation. | |

| |Migration and | |Political Violence and Terrorism: Research and Comment on a specific | |

| |Racism | |example taken from recent or past history. |

| | | |Foreigners in Greece: Research and describe the phenomenon of Migration |a-mia-sinopsi/ |

| | | |What are the benefits of a multicultural society? | |

| | | |Racism in Greece: is it a problem, why? | |

| | | |Design an anti-racism poster | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |(Useful bibliography and data on Migration) |

|11,12 | |To learn and use the |Brainstorm the topic by asking students to nominate their favourite |Students are directed to various digital texts and online resources in order to|

| |Literature, Art and|vocabulary of literature, |representative of this category and say what they know about them. Draw |practise vocabulary relating to this theme. Material may also be drawn from the|

| |Music: Famous |art and music |lists on the board, highlighting useful vocabulary for describing the |digital media recommended in the suggested links, under Online Resources, which|

| |People | |famous personality and the nature of the artistic product. If appropriate,|appear in the opening pages of this document. The various digital media listed |

| | |To use and practise the |refer to the poet Cavafy, the writer Ioannou or one of the directors whose|offer a wealth of material on various artists, including biographical |

| | |prescribed grammar as it |films are recommended in the syllabus, in order to lead in to the overlap |information, interviews and reviews of their work. Indicative links that lend |

| | |appears in the primary texts|with Section C. |themselves to the theme and may be adopted by, either adapting the texts or the|

| | |studied for this topic | |tasks or both: |

| | | |Research and write about a famous author, poet, playwright, composer, | |

| | | |singer, painter. Why do you like/not like their work? |For an index of online music magazines: |

| | | | | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To develop |Write about a work of Greek literature which you have read – why did you | |

| | |strategies for reading |enjoy/dislike it? |For Information on theatre: |

| | |literary texts and skills of| | |

| | |synthesis and analysis |Compare and contrast the characters within the work. |For Information on Art, Museums and Exhibitions: |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss the author’s style. What did you like/dislike about it? | |

| | | | |For Information on Films and Directors: |

| | | |Consider the cultural and historical background to some of the works of | |

| | | |literature and cinematography recommended in the A2 syllabus. How does | |

| | | |this background inform the work? | |

| | | | | |

| | | |What does the work teach us? | |

| | | | |For digital film archives: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SECTION C |To learn, understand and use| |Students are directed to the primary sources recommended in the specification |

|13,14 |TOPICS OR TEXTS |the vocabulary of the |TOPIC 1 |(p 61) and various digital texts and online resources in order to research |

| | |primary texts prescribed in | |material that informs the content of their chosen topic. Material may also be |

| |Topic 1: The |this section. |Research, describe and comment on the Historical Framework of the period |drawn from the digital media recommended in the suggested links, under Online |

| |History of Greece | |1960-1967. Pay particular attention to the main political developments and|Resources, which appear in the opening pages of this document. Indicative |

| | |To use and practise the |the protagonists of the period |links that provide information and analysis on themes and issues contained |

| |OR |prescribed grammar as it |Single out the event and personality that you consider more important in |within the framework of these topics are: |

| | |appears in the primary texts|the period that you have studied | |

| |Topic 2: History of|studied for this topic or as|Research, describe and comment on the nature of the Greek Monarchy, its |TOPIC 1 |

| |Cyprus |is required for purposes of |role and influence during the political developments of the period and the| |

| | |writing accurate and fluent |relationship between the Monarchy and the political figures of the time |Material may be drawn from: |

| |OR |critical responses to the | |pp 170-216 of Rena Brisimi’s book, Ένας Αιώνας Ελλάδα |

| | |material. | |the prescribed films, Πολίτικη Κουζίνα, Ένα Τραγούδι δεν φτάνει, Peppermint |

| |Topic 3: | | |Χριστίνα Μαυροκέφαλου, Π. Μαυροκέφαλος & Δ. Βαλεριανός (2008). Νεότερη και |

| |Cyprus or a Region |STUDY SKILLS - To develop | |Σύγχρονη Ιστορία Γ΄ Γυμνασίου, Ελληνοεκδοτική |

| |of Greece |strategies for reading and | | |

| | |understanding authentic | |Greek history online: |

| | |material pertaining to the | | |

| | |prescribed topics; to |TOPIC 2 |TOPIC 2 |

| | |develop skills of synthesis,| |Material may be drawn from: |

| | |comparison and analysis; to |Research, describe and comment on the Historical Framework of the period | |

| | |promote independent research|1925-1960. Pay particular attention to the main political developments and|Ιστορία της Κύπρου, Μεσαιωνική- Νεότερη, Υπουργείο Παιδείας, 1992 |

| | | |the protagonists of the period |Παντελίδου, Χατζηκωστή, Σαββίδου, Κατσώνη, Ιστορία της Κύπρου, |

| | | |Describe and comment on the events and protests that highlight Cypriot |Μεσαιωνική-Νεότερη, ΥΑΠ, Λευκωσία, 2006 |

| | | |people’s opposition to British Rule and the Colonial policies | |

| | | |Describe and comment on a political event and personality of the period |TOPIC 3 |

| | | |studied, that you consider significant and influential | |

| | | |Describe and comment on the position and participation of Cyprus in WWII |Comprehensive data on Greece, at a glance: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |TOPIC 3 |Information on Greece, with links to the regions prescribed: |

| | | | | |

| | | |Research and describe the climate, terrain, natural resources and | |

| | | |distinguishing geographical features (γεωφυσικά χαρακτηριστικά) of Cyprus | |

| | | |or your chosen region of Greece. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |On the geography, culture and economy of Macedonia: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |On the geography, culture and economy of Crete: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |On the geography, culture and economy of Peloponnese: |

| | | | | |

| | | | |On the geography, culture and economy of Epirus: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |On the geography, culture and economy of Cyprus: |

| | | | |LivePedia.gr  |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|15,16 |Topic 1: The | | | |

| |History of Greece |See above |TOPIC 1 | |

| | | | | |

| |OR | | | |

| |Topic 2: History of| |Research, describe and comment on the Historical Framework of the period | |

| |Cyprus | |1967-1974. Pay particular attention to the main political developments and| |

| | | |the protagonists of the period | |

| |OR | |Single out the event and personality that you consider more important in | |

| |Topic 3: | |the period that you have studied | |

| |Cyprus or a Region | |Research, describe and comment on the events that led up to the 1967 coup.| |

| |of Greece | |Research, describe and comment on the opposition to the regime | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on the events that led up to the fall of | |

| | | |the Junta | |

| | | |Comment on the relations between the Greek State and USA during the period| |

| | | |Describe and comment on the influence of USA on developments in the Greek | |

| | | |political scene | |

| | | | | |

| | | |TOPIC 2 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on the demands for Enossis. Pay particular | |

| | | |attention to political developments that transpired as a result of the | |

| | | |desire for Enossis; identify and the individuals that drove this movement | |

| | | |and comment on their role. | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on the activities of the EOKA campaigns | |

| | | |and their protagonists | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on the events leading up to the declaration| |

| | | |of Independence | |

| | | | | |

| | | |TOPIC 3 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on aspects of the Economy of Cyprus or your| |

| | | |selected area of Greece (Industry, Commerce Agriculture, Tourism etc). | |

| | | |Account for the reasons that influence, positively or negatively, the | |

| | | |development of the Economy | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Establish the connection between the material learned during weeks 13,14 | |

| | | |(climate and distinguishing geographical features) and the nature of | |

| | | |economic development and Tourism in particular. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on the connection between climate, terrain,| |

| | | |and economic profile on the one hand and lifestyle and career choices for | |

| | | |the population in the area you have studied | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on the impact of economic development and | |

| | | |Tourism on the environment and the ecosystem of the area you have studied | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|17,18 |Topic 1: The |See above |TOPIC 1 | |

| |History of Greece | | | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on aspects of the economy during the period| |

| |OR | |1960-1974. Focus on policies towards emigration and employment | |

| |Topic 2: History of| |Research, describe and comment on artistic production and the cultural | |

| |Cyprus | |profile of the period. Focus on a particular representative of the arts | |

| | | |that you consider influential with regard to defining the culture scene of| |

| |OR | |the decade | |

| |Topic 3: | |Research and comment on the political and social coordinates of artistic | |

| |Cyprus or a Region | |endeavour, be it hi culture or low culture, during the period you have | |

| |of Greece | |studied | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on aspects of daily life (entertainment, | |

| | | |consumerism, social trends) during the period you have studied | |

| | | | | |

| | | |TOPIC 2 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on the role of the Church during the period| |

| | | |you have studied and its relationship with the colonial government; focus | |

| | | |on the influence of the Church on political developments or on aspects of | |

| | | |life on the island | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on the Educational policies and laws during| |

| | | |the period you have studied | |

| | | | | |

| | | |TOPIC 3 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Research, describe and comment on aspects of Architecture, Culture and | |

| | | |Civilisation of Cyprus or your selected area of Greece. Account for the | |

| | | |reasons that influence, positively or negatively, the preservation and | |

| | | |promotion of Culture and Cultural Events | |

| | | |Establish the connection between the material learned during weeks 13-16 | |

| | | |and the development of a specific architecture/ cultural | |

| | | |profile/festivals/cuisine in the area that you have studied | |

|19,20 |REVIEW OF TOPICS 1 | | | |

| |or 2 or 3 | |Assessment tasks: | |

| | | |Topics 1 and 2 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Produce time lines of the historical developments of the period | |

| | | |Draw personality portraits of various protagonists of the period and make | |

| | | |comparisons focusing on their contribution and influence | |

| | | |Describe and Comment on political developments that were marked by | |

| | | |violence and disruption | |

| | | |Describe and Comment on economic policies and their impact on the | |

| | | |population during the period you have studied | |

| | | |Describe and comment on what you consider major achievements and their | |

| | | |impact on the people of Greece or Cyprus, during the period studied | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|20,21 |TOPICS AND TEXTS 4,|To learn, understand and use|TOPIC 4: CHILDHOOD AND SOCIETY IN GREEK CINEMA | |

| |5, 6 |the vocabulary of the |Describe the aspects that you found most enjoyable or impressive in the |Students are directed to the primary sources recommended in the specification |

| | |primary texts prescribed in |films that you watched. Comment on the aspects you did not like |(p 61) and various digital texts and online resources in order to research |

| |TOPIC 4: Childhood |this section. |Single out a protagonist from each film you have watched and comment on |material that informs the content of their chosen topic. Material may also be |

| |and Society in | |their portrayal, their significance for the plot development, the choices |drawn from the digital media recommended in the suggested links, under Online |

| |Greek Cinema |To use and practise the |they have to make and their relationship with other characters in the film|Resources, which appear in the opening pages of this document. Indicative |

| | |prescribed grammar as it |Describe, comment and compare the ways various family units are |links that provide information and analysis on themes and issues contained |

| |or |appears in the primary |represented in the films you have studied |within the framework of these topics are: |

| | |texts, in sources studied | | |

| |TΕΧΤ 5: Cavafy, |for this topic or as is |TOPIC 5: C.P. CAVAFY |TOPIC 4 |

| |Poems |required for purposes of | | |

| | |writing accurate and fluent |Close reading of 5 poems each week. Depending on their grouping, these |Material may be drawn from |

| |or |critical responses to the |poems could be discussed in terms of the following assignments and | |

| | |material. |rubrics: | which offers and data on Greek |

| |ΤΕΧΤ 6: | | |filmography and directors |

| |Ioannou, Η μόνη |STUDY SKILLS - To develop | |The Greek Film Centre (gfc.gr) which has summaries of all films and which|

| |κληρονομιά |strategies for reading and |Describe the aspects that you enjoyed the most in the 10 poems that you |may serve as points of departure for comprehension and translation exercises |

| | |understanding authentic |have studied. | |

| | |material pertaining to the |Research, describe and comment on the historical and social framework | which offers information and reviews on |

| | |prescribed topics; to |around the characters or the subject matter of the poems. Explain how this|Πολίτικη Κουζίνα |

| | |develop skills of synthesis,|affects the protagonists or their choices | |

| | |comparison and analysis; to |How important is knowledge of history, in order to understand the poems? | which has an interview with the |

| | |promote independent research|How does Cavafy employ historical themes? |director of Peppermint |

| | | |Describe and comment on the notions of instability and changeability in | |

| | | |the poems you have studied. How are the protagonists affected by the turns| which has information on Ένα τραγούδι|

| | | |and twists of fate? |δεν φτάνει |

| | | |Losers or Heroes? How do Cavafy’s protagonists deal with the challenges in| |

| | | |life? What are the lessons that emerge when they encounter obstacles or | which has information on Δύσκολοι |

| | | |come face to face with an unpleasant realisation/ development? |Αποχαιρετισμοί: Ο μπαμπάς μου |

| | | |Describe and comment on the portrayal of political leaders or public | |

| | | |figures of importance, in the poems you have studied | which has an |

| | | | |interview with Dinos Demopoulos |

| | | | | |

| | | |TOPIC 6: Yorgos Ioannou, Η μόνη κληρονομιά |Extracts from the films, which may be used as prompts from discussion may be |

| | | |Close reading of selected short stories each week. Depending on their |found online at: |

| | | |grouping, these stories could be discussed in terms of the following | |

| | | |assignments and rubrics: |TOPIC 5 |

| | | | | |

| | | |Describe the aspects that you liked the most in the short stories that you|Material may be drawn from the archives of official web site for C.P.Cavafy, |

| | | |have read. Comment on the aspects you did not like |which also offers a wealth of useful links that shed light on the poet and his |

| | | |Single out a main character from each of the 5 stories you have read and |work |

| | | |comment on their portrayal, the challenges they may face and the way they| |

| | | |relate to others in society | |

| | | |Describe and comment on the view of adolescence in the stories you have | |

| | | |read |TOPIC 6 |

| | | |Describe and comment on the historical and political coordinates of the | |

| | | |stories and their impact on the lives of the characters in the stories you|Material may be drawn from: |

| | | |have read | |

| | | |Describe and comment on the view of human nature contained in the stories |Γιώργος Ιωάννου : ένας οδηγός για την ανάγνωση του έργου του / Άρης Α. |

| | | |you have read |Δρουκόπουλος, Αθήνα, 1993, ISBN: 000279668 |

| | | |Describe and comment on the social conventions and values and their | |

| | | |significance or influence on the protagonists, in the stories that you |Germanacos, N.C. 1973: An interview with three Greek prose writers (May 1972): |

| | | |have read |Stratis Tsirkas, Thanassis Valtinos, George Ioannou, Boundary 2, ½: 266-313 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Robinson, Christopher: Fragmentation in lie and art. In Cambridge Papers in MG,|

| | | | |no. 9 2001 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Με τον ρυθμό της ψυχής - Αφιέρωμα στον Γιώργο Ιωάννου, Kέδρος 2006, |

| | | | |ISBN: 960-04-2757-7 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |, a blog which lists a variety of secondary |

| | | | |sources which discuss Ioannou and his work |

| | | | | |

| | | | | an audio file |

| | | | |with Yorgos Ioannou reading from his short story Ομίχλη |

| | | | | |

| | | | | a critical review of |

| | | | |his work |


| |5, 6 | |Research, describe and comment on the historical framework of the films | |

| | | |you have studied. Comment on the ways history and politics affect the | |

| |TOPIC 4: Childhood | |lives and choices of the young protagonists and their families | |

| |and Society in | |Describe and comment on the distinguishing features of the social | |

| |Greek Cinema | |environment around the young protagonists and their families. Highlight | |

| | | |the aspects that you found most important (taboos, conventions, trends, | |

| |or | |beliefs, values) and how these influenced the characters in the films and | |

| | | |their development | |

| |TΕΧΤ 5: | |Compare the various social conventions, values and prevalent beliefs in | |

| | | |three films you have watched | |

| |C.P.Cavafy, Poems | | | |

| | | | | |

| |or | |TOPIC 5: C.P. CAVAFY | |

| | | | | |

| |ΤΕΧΤ 6: | |Close reading of 5 poems each week. Depending on their grouping, these | |

| |Ioannou, Η μόνη | |poems could be discussed in terms of the following assignments and | |

| |κληρονομιά | |rubrics: | |

| | | |Describe and comment on the values and world view that emerge in the poems| |

| | | |you have studied | |

| | | | | |

| | | |How is love presented in the poems? How does the portrayal of love fit | |

| | | |into Cavafy’s wider presentation of instability and transience of feelings| |

| | | |and values? | |

| | | |What are the morals that emerge in the poems you have studied? | |

| | | |How is religion and religious beliefs portrayed in the poems you have | |

| | | |studied? How does this representation fit into Cavafy’s worldview? | |

| | | |Describe and comment on Cavafy’s portrayal of the idea of beauty | |

| | | | | |

| | | |TOPIC 6: Yorgos Ioannou, Η μόνη κληρονομιά | |

| | | |Close reading of selected short stories each week. Depending on their | |

| | | |grouping, these stories could be discussed in terms of the following | |

| | | |assignments and rubrics: | |

| | | |Describe, compare and comment on the theme of loss in the stories you have| |

| | | |read | |

| | | |“Love and Happiness are always elusive in Ioannou’s stories.” Comment with| |

| | | |supporting examples from the stories you have read | |

| | | |“A sense of place”: Describe and comment on the representation and | |

| | | |significance of place(rooms, streets, neighbourhoods, towns) in the | |

| | | |stories you have read | |

| | | |“Ioannou’s stories are a commentary on the waywardness of human nature”. | |

| | | |Discuss with close reference to the stories you have read | |

| | | | | |


| |5, 6 | | | |

| | | |Describe and comment on various devices and features that you found | |

| |TOPIC 4: Childhood | |impressive in the films you have studied. Explain how, if at all, these | |

| |and Society in | |contributed to your enjoyment of the film. Examples of such devices and | |

| |Greek Cinema | |features are: Design and Costume, photography, location, acting skills, | |

| | | |music, pace, type of ending etc | |

| |or | |How convincing do you find the portrayal of characters and events? What | |

| | | |are the features that contribute or take away from a sense of realism? | |

| |TΕΧΤ 5: | |If you could add or change something in the films you watched, what would | |

| |C.P.Cavafy, Poems | |that be and why? | |

| | | | | |

| |or | |TOPIC 5: C.P. CAVAFY | |

| | | | | |

| |ΤΕΧΤ 6: Ioannou, Η | |Close reading of 5 poems each week. Depending on their grouping, these | |

| |μόνη κληρονομιά | |poems could be discussed in terms of the following assignments and | |

| | | |rubrics: | |

| | | |How does the “personal” meet the “political” in the poems you have | |

| | | |studied? | |

| | | |Describe and comment on Cavafy’s poetic technique (structure, language, | |

| | | |imagery, rhythm, rhyme) | |

| | | |Describe and comment on Cavafy’s use of irony | |

| | | |Describe and comment on Cavafy’s choice of location and place, in the | |

| | | |poems you have studied | |

| | | |Describe and comment on the importance of Art and creative imagination in | |

| | | |Cavafy’s poems | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |TOPIC 6: Yorgos Ioannou, Η μόνη κληρονομιά | |

| | | |Close reading of selected short stories each week. Depending on their | |

| | | |grouping, these stories could be discussed in terms of the following | |

| | | |assignments and rubrics: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |«Τα διηγήματα του Ιωάννου διακρίνονται από μια εξομολογητική διάθεση που | |

| | | |τα κάνει να μοιάζουν αυτοβιογραφικά». Comment and provide suitable | |

| | | |examples from the stories you have read | |

| | | | | |

| | | |«Οι ήρωες του Ιωάννου συνεχώς εξομολογούνται και αυτοαναλύονται». Comment| |

| | | |and provide suitable examples from the stories you have read | |

| | | |«Στα διηγήματα του Ιωάννου δεν υπάρχει πλοκή, υπάρχουν μόνο χαρακτήρες». | |

| | | |Comment and provide supporting examples from the stories you have read | |

| | | |Describe and comment on what you find most interesting about Ioannou’s | |

| | | |technique | |

| | | |Describe and comment on the way the stories end | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|26,27 |REVIEW OF TOPICS 4 | |Assessment tasks | |

| |or 5 or 6 | | | |

| | | |Practise from past papers, where applicable | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Topic 4 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write short blurbs for each of the movies you have watched. Collaborate | |

| | | |with your fellow students to perform peer reviews of each others’ work | |

| | | |Compile lists of quotations that best represent the characters or pivotal | |

| | | |moments in the plot of the films you have watched | |

| | | |Compare and comment on defining moments in the protagonists’ childhood in | |

| | | |the films you have watched | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Topic 5 | |

| | | |Identify the prevalent values in Cavafy’s poetry and find supporting | |

| | | |quotations from the poems | |

| | | |Describe and comment on the historical periods Cavafy seems to favour | |

| | | |Identify and comment on the distinguishing features of Cavafy’s heroes | |

| | | |Write short responses to the following bullets: | |

| | | |Love | |

| | | |Art | |

| | | |Memory | |

| | | |Beauty | |

| | | |Irony | |

| | | |Topic 5 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Identify the patterns in Ioannou’s stories, in relation to atmosphere, | |

| | | |characterisation and ending | |

| | | |Describe and comment on the historical framework of the stories | |

| | | |Describe and comment on the apparent pessimism that permeates the stories | |

| | | |Write short responses to the following: | |

| | | |Loneliness | |

| | | |Saints and Sinners | |

| | | |Death | |

| | | |Love and Desire | |

| | | |Failure | |

| | | |Friendship | |

|Remaining time to be used for additional examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, working through past papers, any AS retakes, and the A2 examinations. |


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