GCE Russian SoW Units 1, 2, 3 and 4

Edexcel GCE Russian

Units 1,2,3 and 4

Scheme of Work for Edexcel Russian AS and A2 examinations

When planning a Russian Scheme of Work, teachers should bear in mind that it is good practice in Modern Foreign Languages at post-16 to encourage students to develop their ability to:

• Demonstrate their understanding of material written in the foreign language, drawn from a wide range of everyday, topical, technical, business, literary, social and historical sources, and respond appropriately to it.

• Understand language spoken at speed on radio, television, cassette or film, by native speakers or others on a variety of themes and in a range of styles.

• Translate or interpret from one language to another effectively, accurately and idiomatically.

• Speak the language accurately, confidently and fluently, and react spontaneously to complex questions and unfamiliar language.

• Speak with good pronunciation and intonation and use different registers appropriate to the context of the discussion or dialogue.

• Engage readily in conversation, discussion or debate, and present, develop or sustain a logical argument in the foreign language, while taking account of the views of others.

• Show extensive knowledge of the countries, customs and culture of the people whose language they are learning.

• Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of the themes and topics they have studied and the issues facing contemporary society.

• Present mature and well-informed views on topical or controversial issues in a logical, coherent and accurate way in speech or writing.

• Write accurately in a variety of styles appropriate to context, using an increasingly wide range of complex, sophisticated and topic-specific language.

• Demonstrate a high level of grammatical accuracy.

, p.18.

The following Scheme of Work represents just one possible guide for teachers and it is based around the following materials (see List of Resources at the end for further suggestions):

Navigator, Bramcote Press, 2009

Tranzit. A Bridge to Advanced Russian Language Studies, Bramcote Press

Kompas. An Advanced Russian Course for Schools and Colleges, Bramcote Press

Ruslan, Book 3 ()


Edexcel Scheme of Work for GCE Russian AS (Year 12) – based on two terms (26 weeks), with the remaining time to be used for examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, and the AS examinations.

Throughout Term 1 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Using a bilingual dictionary

• Learning and recording vocabulary

• Organising work

• Writing a brief description

• Expressing opinions

• Reading for gist

• Pronunciation

• Taking notes in English and in Russian when listening

• Writing summaries in English and in Russian

• Speaking from notes

• Understanding and interpreting statistics

• Pronunciation of more difficult sounds

• Structuring a debate

• Adapting a text

• Translating into English

• Structuring an oral presentation

Throughout Term 2 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Writing a newspaper report or email

• Structuring a written response

• Checking and correcting written work

• Strategies for extending vocabulary

• Revision of vocabulary

• General revision techniques

• Continued pronunciation and spelling practice

Throughout Term 3 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Examination practice

• Past papers

• Revision of tenses

• Recognition of more difficult structures

• Checking students have understood, learned and practised all the grammatical structures laid down in the AS grammar lists.

Exemplar activities given throughout are indicative only. Teachers should bear in mind the need to ensure that students not only gain knowledge and understanding but also that they develop the ability to evaluate and to express opinions in spoken and written form. Activities might include the following: Surveys; debates; reviews; reports; blogs; posters; brochures; grids; letters; emails; essay introductions; essay conclusions; full essays; dialogues.

|Y12 |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Week |key questions | | | |

|1 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read a text about modern music |Navigator, Unit 1 - LEVEL 1 |

| |Music |music | |1.01 – R/W/S/L |

| | | |Complete AS-type reading activities |‘All’ – grammar presentation – 1.01 |

| | |To start bridging the gap between GCSE| |Present tense revision – Navigator PowerPoint |

| | |and AS |Complete AS-type listening practice |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | | |Kometa 3 |

| | |To start to use a bilingual dictionary|Complete grammar exercises |Music and fashion folder, Oral topics for discussion folder |

| | | | | |

| | |To start developing AS reading, |Write AS-type account of visit to | |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills|music concert | |

| | | | | |

| | |To revise the construction for ‘all’ |Debate tastes in music | |

| | | | | |

| | |To revise present tense verbs | | |

| | | | | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To be able to organise | | |

| | |and plan, learn new vocabulary and use| | |

| | |a dictionary effectively | | |

|2 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To learn and use vocabulary to discuss|Read a text about drugs education |Navigator, Unit 1 - LEVEL 1 |

| |Drugs |youth concerns (drugs) |exhibition |1.02 – R/W/S |

| | | | |Past tense revision – Navigator PowerPoint |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |speaking and writing skills | |Kometa 3 |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises |Youth culture and concerns/Drinks, drugs & sex folder, Oral topics for discussion |

| | |To revise past tense | |folder |

| | | |Write AS-type letter to organisers of | |

| | | |exhibition | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate drugs issues in students’ home | |

| | | |town | |

|3 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with |Navigator, Unit 1 - LEVEL 1 |

| |Relationships |relationships |parent-children relationship issues |1.03 – R/W/S/L |

| | | | |Future tense revision – Navigator PowerPoint |

| | |To practise future tense verbs |Complete AS-type reading activities |1.04 – R/S |

| | | | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type listening practice |Kometa 3 |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |Relationships folder, Oral topics for discussion folder |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises |Transit Unit 5 |

| | |To practise exemplar AS speaking test | |listening tasks |

| | |card |Write relationships web-site postings |ex. 5.3A |

| | | | |Advanced reading |

| | |Study skills: AS speaking test |Debate problems in parent-children |«Россия сегодня» |

| | |technique: Part A |relationships |«Двенадцатилетний бизнесмен» and accompanying exercises |

| | | | | |

| | | |Consider exemplar speaking test card | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss technique for Part A of | |

| | | |speaking test | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Practise answering Part A-type | |

| | | |questions | |

|4 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness - |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with diet and |Navigator, Unit 2 – LEVEL 1 |

| |Diet and alternative medicine |diet and alternative medicines |alternative medicines |2.01 – R/L/S/W |

| | | | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |New edition of Kometa 3 (from 2010) |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |Health and fitness folder, Oral topics for discussion folder |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening practice |Ruslan, 3, lesson 4 |

| | |To revise accusative case (and | | |

| | |introduce animate accusative) |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To learn how to revise |Write ‘newspaper article’ / discursive| |

| | |grammar and to understand verb tables |essay on modern diet and alternative | |

| | | |medicines | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate diet and alternative medicines | |

|5 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness - |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with sport and |Navigator, Unit 2 – LEVEL 1 |

| |Sport and exercise |sport and exercise |exercise |2.02 – R/W/L/S |

| | | | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |Kometa 3 |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |Sport and exercise folder, Oral topics for discussion folder |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening practice |Ruslan, 3, lesson 4 |

| | |To revise dative case | | |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To learn tips for | | |

| | |listening tasks |Write biography of a famous sports | |

| | | |person | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate active and passive | |

| | | |participation in sport | |

|6 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness - |To learn and use vocabulary to discuss|Read texts dealing with smoking |Navigator, Unit 2 – LEVEL 1 |

| |Smoking |smoking | |2.04 – R/W/S |

| | | |Complete AS-type reading activities |Aspects worksheets 1 & 2, Navigator, Unit 2 |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, | |2.09 – R/S |

| | |speaking and writing skills |Complete grammar exercises |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | | |Kometa 3 |

| | |To revise verbal aspects |Debate reasons for smoking |Health issues folder, Oral topics for discussion folder |

| | | | |Ruslan, 3, lesson 1 |

| | |To practise exemplar AS speaking test |Write discursive essay on banning | |

| | |card |smoking in public places | |

| | | | | |

| | |Study skills: AS speaking test |Consider exemplar speaking test card | |

| | |technique: Part A | | |

| | | |Revise technique for Part A of | |

| | | |speaking test | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Practise answering Part A-type | |

| | | |questions | |

|7 |The World Around Us: Travel and Tourism |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with travel and |Navigator, Unit 3 - LEVEL 1 |

| |– Travel and tourist problems |travel and tourism |tourist problems |3.01 – L |

| | | | |3.02 – R/W/S/L |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |Verbs of motion – Navigator Unit 3 worksheets |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening practice |Kometa 3 |

| | |To revise verbs of motion | |World around us/Tourism, environment,travel folder, Turism v Rossii discursive essay,|

| | | |Complete grammar exercises |Oral topics for discussion folder |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To develop good reading| |Ruslan, 3, lesson 3 |

| | |skills |Write an account of a difficult | |

| | | |holiday trip | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate how to be a ‘good tourist’ | |

|8 |The World Around Us: Travel and Tourism |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with travel to the |Navigator, Unit 3 - LEVEL 1 |

| |– Travel to exotic destinations and |travel to exotic destinations and |Arctic and ecotourism |3.03 – R/W/S |

| |ecotourism |ecotourism | |3.04 – R/W/S |

| | | |Complete AS-type reading activities |Conditional + ‘if’ – Navigator Unit 4 PowerPoint |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |speaking and writing skills |Complete grammar exercises |New edition of Kometa 3 (from 2010) |

| | | | |Grammar folder – Conditional and IF |

| | |To revise the conditional with ‘if’ |Write an essay on trips to exotic |Ruslan, 3, lesson 6 |

| | | |destinations being the future of | |

| | |To revise genitive case |tourism and an ecotourist’s blog | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate the merits of developing the | |

| | | |Arctic as a holiday destination and | |

| | | |ecotourism | |

|9 |Education and Employment: |To learn and use the vocabulary of job|Read text dealing with job |Navigator, Unit 4 - LEVEL 1 |

| |Job applications |applications |applications |4.01 – R/W |

| | | | |4.02 – R/W/L |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |Declension of numerals A – Navigator Unit 4 worksheets |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities |Kometa 3 |

| | |To revise numbers | |Education and employment/World of work folder |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises |Ruslan, 3, lesson 3 |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To learn tips for the | | |

| | |writing task |Debate qualities needed by job | |

| | | |applicants | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write letter applying for a job | |

|10 |Education and Employment: |To learn and use the vocabulary of the|Read texts dealing with Russian |Navigator, Unit 4 - LEVEL 1 |

| |Russian schools |(Russian) school system |schools |4.03 – R/W/S/L |

| | | | |4.04 – R/W |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |Kometa 3 |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities |Education and employment/Schools and higher education/education policy folders |

| | |To revise the instrumental case | |Ruslan, 3, lesson 4 |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate differences between UK and | |

| | | |Russian schools systems | |

|11 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To learn and use the vocabulary of the|Read text dealing with blogs and the |Navigator, Unit 1 – LEVEL 2 |

| |Internet |internet |internet |1.06 – R/W/S/L |

| | | | |Relative pronoun – Navigator PowerPoint |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |Kometa 3 |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities |Grammar folder |

| | |To learn the relative pronoun который | | |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate merits of blogs and the | |

| | | |internet | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write a famous person’s blog and/or a | |

| | | |discursive-type essay about | |

| | | |technological gadgets | |

|12 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with what young |Navigator, Unit 1 – LEVEL 2 |

| |what young Russians think |youth concerns |Russians think |1.07 – R/W/S/L |

| | | | |Indirect statement – Navigator PowerPoint |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |Kometa 3 |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities |Grammar folder, Youth culture and concerns/Relationships folder |

| | |To learn indirect statements | |Ruslan, 3, lesson 8 |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate what young English people are | |

| | | |concerned about – conduct a survey | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write up the results of the survey | |

|13 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To learn and use the vocabulary to |Read text dealing with alcohol abuse |Navigator, Unit 1 – LEVEL 2 |

| |alcohol abuse |discuss alcohol abuse | |1.08 – R/W/S/L |

| | | |Complete AS-type reading activities |свой – Navigator PowerPoint, Unit 1 |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills|Complete AS-type listening activities |Kometa 3 |

| | | | |Youth culture and concerns/Drinks and drugs folder |

| | |To learn свой |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate the problem of alcohol abuse | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write a discursive-type essay on | |

| | | |alcohol abuse | |

|14 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness - |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with fitness |Navigator, Unit 2 – LEVEL 2 |

| |going to a gym |fitness training |training |2.03 – R/L/S/W |

| | | | |Negatives – Navigator PowerPoint |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |New edition of Kometa 3 (from 2010) |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities |Lifestyle, health and fitness /Sport and exercise folder |

| | |To practise using negatives | |Ruslan, 3, lesson 1 |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate the merits of going to a gym | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write a creative-type dialogue and/or | |

| | | |discursive-type essay on fitness | |

| | | |training and gyms | |

|15 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness - |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with alternatives to|Navigator, Unit 2 – LEVEL 2 |

| |alternatives to going to a gym |alternative ways of staying fit |fitness training (dance and |2.05 – R/W/S |

| | | |windsurfing) |2.06 – L |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, | | |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills|Complete AS-type reading activities | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate the merits of alternatives to | |

| | | |going to a gym | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write a discursive-type essay on | |

| | | |fitness training and gyms | |

|16 |The World Around Us: Environmental |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with snowboarding |Navigator, Unit 3 - LEVEL 2 |

| |Issues |ecological issues |and its ecological impact |3.05 – R/W/S/L |

| | | | |Comparatives - Navigator PowerPoint |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |Kometa 3 |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities |The world around us/Pollution and recycling folder |

| | |To practise the use of comparatives | |Ruslan, 3, lesson 7 |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate the ecological impact of | |

| | | |leisure activities | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write a discursive-type letter to a | |

| | | |Russian MP about environmental | |

| | | |protection | |

|17 |The World Around Us: tourism and travel |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with tours and |Navigator, Unit 3 - LEVEL 2 |

| |agencies |tours and travel agencies |travel agencies |3.06 – R/W/S/L (including short forms) |

| | | | |3.07 – L |

| | |To practise the use of superlatives |Complete AS-type reading activities |Superlatives - Navigator PowerPoint |

| | | | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type listening activities |Kometa 3 |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |World around us/tourist info, travel and transport folder |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises |Ruslan, 3, lesson 10 |

| | |To introduce short form adjectives | | |

| | | |Write a tour guide for a trip around | |

| | | |the ‘Golden Ring’ | |

|18 |Education and Employment: |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with youth |Navigator, Unit 4 - LEVEL 2 |

| |youth unemployment |youth employment and unemployment |unemployment |4.05 – R/W/L |

| | | | |Millionaire numbers - Navigator PowerPoint |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |Declension of numbers B – Navigator worksheet |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities |Kometa 3 |

| | |To revise numbers | |Education and employment/the world of work folder |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises |Ruslan, 3, lesson 1 |

|19 |Education and Employment: |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with school-related |Navigator, Unit 4 - LEVEL 2 |

| |Stress at school |school, examinations and related |stress |4.06 – R/W |

| | |stress | |4.07 – L |

| | | |Complete AS-type reading activities |Чтобы - Navigator PowerPoint |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills|Complete AS-type listening activities |Kometa 3 |

| | | | |Education and employment/School and higher education folder, Grammar folder |

| | |To revise чтобы |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate stress at school | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write a letter to a Russian student | |

| | | |with advice on dealing with stress | |

|20 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with celebrities |Navigator, Unit 1 - LEVEL 3 |

| |wealthy celebrities |celebrities | |1.09 – S |

| | | |Complete AS-type reading activities | |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, | | |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills|Debate the advantages and | |

| | | |disadvantages of (celebrity) wealth | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write a rich celebrity’s diary for a | |

| | | |week | |

|21 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with teenage |Navigator, Unit 1 - LEVEL 3 |

| |teenage problems |teenage problems / teenage pregnancies|problems / teenage pregnancies |1.10 – R/S/L |

| | | | |1.11 – R/W/S/L |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |Kometa 3 |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities |Youth culture/Relationships folder |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate issue of teenage pregnancies. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write a letter to a Russian youth | |

| | | |organisation discussing how best to | |

| | | |address teenage problems | |

|22 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To revise and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with Facebook, the |Navigator, Unit 1 - LEVEL 3 |

| |technology |technology |internet, i-phones |1.12 – L |

| | | | |1.13 – R/W |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |1.17 – S |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities |Kometa 3 |

| | |To practise speaking test Parts A & B | |Oral topics folder |

| | | |Debate issue of technology | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To learn tips for the | | |

| | |speaking task – factual questions, |Practise speaking test with exemplar | |

| | |personal opinions and further |card on pop music | |

| | |discussion on the chosen topic are | | |

| | | |Write a letter to a Russian teacher | |

| | | |who has written to a magazine | |

| | | |bemoaning his pupils’ love of | |

| | | |technology | |

|23 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |To revise and use vocabulary to |Read text dealing with drug abuse |Navigator, Unit 1 - LEVEL 3 |

| |drug abuse |discuss drug abuse | |1.14 – R/L |

| | | |Complete AS-type reading activities |Short forms - Navigator PowerPoint |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills|Complete grammar exercises |Kometa 3 |

| | | | |Youth culture and concerns/Drinks and drugs folder |

| | |To practise short forms |Complete AS-type listening activities |Ruslan, 3, lesson 9 |

|24 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness - |To revise and use vocabulary to |Read text dealing with alcohol abuse |Navigator, Unit 2 - LEVEL 3 |

| |alcohol abuse |discuss alcohol abuse | |2.12 – R/W/S/L |

| | | |Complete AS-type reading activities |2.09 – S |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, | |2.10 – S |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills|Complete AS-type listening activities |2.11 – S |

| | | | |2.13 – S |

| | |To practise speaking test Parts A & B |Debate merits of complete abstinence |2.16 – S |

| | | |from alcohol. |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | | |Kometa 3 |

| | | |Practise speaking test with exemplar |Youth culture and concerns/Drinks and drugs folder |

| | | |cards on diet, smoking, stress, | |

| | | |vegetarianism, mobile phones | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write a letter to a Russian friend | |

| | | |about problems with alcohol | |

|25 |The World Around Us - ecology and |To revise and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with unpredictable |Navigator, Unit 3 - LEVEL 3 |

| |climate change |ecology and climate change |extreme weather, climate change and |3.09 – R/W/S |

| | | |global warming |3.10 – R/W/S/L |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, | |3.11 – W/S/L |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills|Complete AS-type reading activities |3.12-3.15 – L |

| | | | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities |Kometa 3 |

| | | | |World around us/Pollution and recycling folder |

| | | |Debate issues of climate change and | |

| | | |man’s influence on it | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write discursive-style essay on | |

| | | |climate change / global warming | |

|26 |Education and Employment – types of |To revise and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with fee-paying |Navigator, Unit 4 - LEVEL 3 |

| |education, studying abroad and job |education and training |education and studying abroad |4.08 – R/W |

| |interviews | | |4.10 – L |

| | |To continue developing AS reading, |Complete AS-type reading activities |4.12 – L |

| | |listening, speaking and writing skills| |4.09 – R/S |

| | | |Complete AS-type listening activities |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |To practise speaking test Parts A & B | |Kometa 3 |

| | | |Practise speaking test with exemplar |Education and employment folder |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To learn revision tips |cards on job vacancy | |

| | |– making a timetable, revising topic | | |

| | |content, revising grammar, structures |Write discursive-style essay on | |

| | |and vocabulary |education at home and abroad | |

|Remaining time to be used for additional examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, working through past papers, and the AS examinations. |

Edexcel Scheme of Work for GCE Russian A2 (Year 13) – based on two terms (26 weeks), with the remaining time to be used for examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, and the A2 examinations.

Throughout Term 1 of Year 13, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Revision of structures and vocabulary learned at AS

• Further development of grammar, syntax and lexis at an advanced level

• Selection and development of topics for presentation in Unit 3 and for research in Unit 4

• Ongoing development of the skills of analysis and argument

• Practice in writing discursive and creative essays

• Practice in translating from and to the target language, with special emphasis on the latter

• Continuing to build up a bank of useful phrases and idioms

Throughout Term 2 of Year 13, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Examination practice

• Past papers

• Further developing and enhancing of all skills, ensuring that the grammatical structures laid down in the A2 grammar lists have been understood, learned and practised

Throughout Term 3 of Year 13, teachers should work with students to ensure that they are prepared in all aspects of the specification.

Exemplar activities given throughout are indicative only. Teachers should bear in mind the need to ensure that students not only gain knowledge and understanding but also that they develop the ability to evaluate and to express opinions in spoken and written form. Activities might include the following: Surveys; debates; reviews; reports; blogs; posters; brochures; grids; letters; emails; essay introductions; essay conclusions; full essays; dialogues. Students should be given constant practice in the art of translation, with particular reference to translating from English into Russian.

|Y13 |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Week |key questions | | | |

|1 |Youth Culture and Concerns – music, |To revise and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with music, |Navigator, Unit 1 - LEVEL 4 |

| |fashion, technology |youth culture and concerns |fashion, technology |1.18 – R/W/L |

| | | | |1.19 – R/W |

| | |To revise and practise tenses and |Begin developing translation into |Grammar worksheets, Navigator, Unit 1 |

| | |endings |Russian skills |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | | | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To develop A2 reading, |Debate music, fashion, technology. |Kometa 3 |

| | |speaking, translation and research | |Youth culture and concerns folder |

| | |skills |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To develop the skills |Write an A2 creative-type essay with | |

| | |needed to write a creative-type essay |picture stimulus | |

| | |with picture stimulus | | |

| | | |Begin study for research-based essay | |

| | | |(RBE) | |

|2 |Youth Culture and Concerns – graffiti |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with graffiti and |Navigator, Unit 1 - LEVEL 4 |

| |and prison |legal sanctions against anti-social |prison |1.16 – R/W |

| | |behaviour | |1.21 – R/S/W |

| | | |Continue developing translation into |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |To revise and practise the relative |Russian skills |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |pronoun который | |Kometa 3 |

| | | |Debate prison as an appropriate |Youth culture and concerns folder |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |punishment for anti-social behaviour. | |

| | |speaking, translation and research | | |

| | |skills |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To develop the skills |Write an A2 creative-type ‘newspaper | |

| | |needed to write a creative-type |article’ on merits of punishment by | |

| | |‘newspaper article’ |imprisonment | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE) | |

|3 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness - |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with bird ‘flu |Navigator, Unit 2 - LEVEL 4 |

| |past health scares: bird ‘flu |health scares | |2.18 – R/W |

| | | |Continue developing translation into |Grammar worksheets, Navigator, Unit 2 |

| | |To revise and practise aspects and |Russian skills |Ruslan, 3, lesson 1 |

| | |negatives | |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | | |Debate attitudes of the media to | |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |health scares | |

| | |speaking, translation and research | | |

| | |skills |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To develop the skills |Write an A2 creative-type ‘what | |

| | |needed to write a creative-type ‘what |happens next’ essay on health scare | |

| | |happens next’ essay |theme | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE) | |

|4 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness - |To learn and use vocabulary to discuss|Read texts dealing with AIDS and |Navigator, Unit 2 - LEVEL 4 |

| |present health issues |AIDS and tobacco addiction |tobacco addiction |2.17 – R/W/S |

| | | | |2.19 – R/S |

| | |To revise and practise indirect |Continue developing translation into |2.20 – R/S/W |

| | |statements; to learn and use indirect |Russian skills |Indirect statements/questions - Navigator PowerPoints |

| | |questions | |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | | |Debate public attitudes to AIDS and |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |tobacco addiction |Kometa 3 |

| | |speaking, translation and research | |Life style, health and fitness folder |

| | |skills |Complete grammar exercises |Ruslan, 3, lesson 8 |

| | | | | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To develop the skills |Write an A2 discursive-type essay on | |

| | |needed to write a discursive essay |the state’s role in public health | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE) | |

|5 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs and |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with euthanasia |Navigator, Unit 5 level 4 |

| |Religions: Euthanasia |euthanasia | |5.2 – R/S/W |

| | | |Continue developing translation into |Revise passive; passive with –ся - Navigator PowerPoint 5.3; grammar exercise 5.4 |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Russian skills |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |research skills |Debate public attitudes to euthanasia |Kometa 3 |

| | | | |Prazdniki folder, Customs, traditions and beliefs folder (Kometa 3 new edition) |

| | |To use and practise the passive |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 discursive-type essay on | |

| | | |the case for and against euthanasia | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities to| |

| | | |develop essay writing skills | |

|6 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs and |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with religion in |Navigator, Unit 5 level 4 |

| |Religions: Religion in Russia |religion |Russia |5.1 – R/L/S/W |

| | | | |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |Kometa 3 |

| | |research skills | |Customs, traditions and beliefs folder (Kometa 3 new edition) |

| | | |Debate public attitudes to religion | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 creative-type ‘newspaper | |

| | | |article’ or an A2 essay of preferred | |

| | | |type on religion (in Russia) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities to| |

| | | |develop essay writing skills | |

|7 |The World Around Us – Traditional |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with traditional |Navigator, Unit 3 level 4 |

| |tourism and ecotourism |(eco)tourism |tourism and ecotourism |3.16 – R/S/L/W |

| | | | |3.18 – R |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |3.19 – R/S/W |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |Verbs of motion; compound verbs of motion – Navigator PowerPoints; exercises - 3.26 |

| | |research skills | |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | | |Debate public attitudes to |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |To practise verbs of motion and learn |(eco)tourism |Kometa 3 |

| | |and use compound verbs of motion | |The world around us/Tourist info, travel and transport folder |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 creative-type essay with | |

| | | |picture stimulus or an A2 essay of | |

| | | |preferred type on (eco)tourism | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities to| |

| | | |develop essay writing skills | |

|8 |The World Around Us - Ecology |To revise and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with everyday |Navigator, Unit 3 level 4 |

| | |ecology |ecology |3.17 – R/S/L/W |

| | | | |Short forms, comparatives and superlatives - Short forms - Navigator PowerPoints |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |Kometa 3 |

| | |research skills | |The world around us/pollution and recycling folder |

| | | |Debate public attitudes to ecology |Ruslan, 3, lesson 7, 9, 10 |

| | |To revise and use short forms, | |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |comparatives and superlatives |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 creative-type ‘what | |

| | | |happens next’ essay or an A2 essay of | |

| | | |preferred type on ecology | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities to| |

| | | |develop essay writing skills | |

|9 |National and International Events – |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with international |Navigator, Unit 6 level 4 |

| |International relations |international relations |relations |6.1 – R/S/W |

| | | | |6.4 – R/S/W |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |6.6 – R/W |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |6.7 – R/S/W |

| | |research skills | |Revise ordinal numerals; cardinals - Declension of numerals B – Navigator Unit 4 |

| | | |Debate international relations / |worksheet |

| | |To revise and use ordinal and cardinal|relations with Russia |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |numbers | |Kometa 3 (new edition from 2010) |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises |National and international events folder |

| | | | |Ruslan, 3, lesson 3 |

| | | |Write an A2 creative-type ‘newspaper |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | | |article’ or an A2 essay of preferred | |

| | | |type on relations with Russia | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities to| |

| | | |develop essay writing skills | |

|10 |National and International Events – |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with modern Russia |Navigator, Unit 6 level 4 |

| |modern Russia |modern Russian society | |6.2 – R/S/W |

| | | |Continue developing translation into |6.3 – R/S/W (and compound conjunctions) |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Russian skills |6.5 – R/S/W |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and | |6.8 – R/S/W |

| | |research skills |Debate modern Russia, with emphasis on|Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | | |complex question types | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To develop awareness of| | |

| | |speaking test complex question types |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | |To revise and use compound |Write an A2 creative-type ‘newspaper | |

| | |conjunctions |article’ or an A2 essay of preferred | |

| | | |type on modern Russia | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities to| |

| | | |develop essay writing skills | |

|11 |Education and Employment – life of a |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with modern student|Navigator, Unit 4 level 4 |

| |modern student and examinations |modern student life |life and modern (Russian) examination |4.15 – R/S/W |

| | | |system |4.16 – R/S/W |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, | |Conditional + ‘if’ – Navigator Unit 4 PowerPoint + 4.18 |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Continue developing translation into |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |research skills |Russian skills |Kometa 3 |

| | | | |Education and employment/education policy and student issues folder |

| | |To revise the conditional and ‘if’ |Debate university education and merits|Ruslan, 3, lesson 6 |

| | |clauses |of free/fee-paying university |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | | |education and examinations | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 discursive essay on | |

| | | |free/fee-paying university education | |

| | | |or A2 creative-type essay with picture| |

| | | |stimulus on examinations | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities to| |

| | | |develop essay writing skills | |

|12 |Literature and the Arts - music |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with (modern) music |Navigator, Unit 7 level 4 |

| | |(literature, art and) music | |7.1 – R/S/W |

| | | |Continue developing translation into |7.2 – R/W |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Russian skills |Gerunds – 7.6 (+ PowerPoint) |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and | |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |research skills |Debate merits of different types of |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | |examinations |Kometa 3 |

| | |To learn and use gerunds | |Art folder |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises |Ruslan, 3, lesson 2, lesson 4 |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 creative-type ‘what | |

| | | |happens next’ essay or an A2 essay of | |

| | | |preferred type on music theme | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for essay writing practice | |

|13 |Literature and the Arts – literature, |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with literature, |Navigator, Unit 7 level 4 |

| |performing arts and art |literature, performing arts and art |performing arts and art |7.3 – R/S/W |

| | | | |7.4 – R/S/W |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |7.5 – R/S/W |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |research skills | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | |Debate different types of artistic |Kometa 3 |

| | | |expression |Art folder |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 discursive essay or an A2 | |

| | | |essay of preferred type on the | |

| | | |importance of the arts in the modern | |

| | | |world | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for essay writing practice | |

|14 |Youth Culture and Concerns - |To revise and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with music and |Navigator, Unit 1 level 5 |

| |technology and music |technology and music |technology |1.22 – R/W |

| | | | |1.23 – R/S/W |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |Negatives – Navigator PowerPoint |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |research skills | |Kometa 3 (+ new edition from 2010) |

| | | |Debate technology in modern life |Youth Culture and concerns folder |

| | |To revise and use negatives | |Ruslan, 3, lesson 1 |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 creative-type essay with | |

| | | |picture stimulus or an A2 essay of | |

| | | |preferred type on technology/music | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for essay writing practice | |

|15 |Youth Culture and Concerns – modern |To learn and use vocabulary to discuss|Read texts dealing with national |Navigator, Unit 1 level 5 |

| |life for young Russians – national |aspects of modern life for young |service and homeless children in |1.24 – R/L/W |

| |service and homeless children |Russians |Russia |1.25 – R/L/W |

| | | | |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |Kometa 3 (+ new edition from 2010) |

| | |research skills | |Youth Culture and concerns folder |

| | | |Debate national service and | |

| | | |homelessness | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 creative-type ‘what | |

| | | |happens next’ essay or an A2 essay of | |

| | | |preferred type on homelessness | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for essay writing practice | |

|16 |Lifestyle: Health and Fitness - |To revise and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with fitness and |Navigator, Unit 2 level 5 |

| |fitness and fair trade |keeping fit and learn and use the |fair trade |2.21 - R/S/W |

| | |vocabulary of fair trade | |2.22 - R/S/W |

| | | |Continue developing translation into |Indirect statements/questions - Navigator PowerPoints |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Russian skills |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |translation, writing and research | | |

| | |skills |Debate keeping fit and fair trade | |

| | | | | |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To consolidate skills |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | |needed for the speaking test | | |

| | | |Write an A2 discursive essay or an A2 | |

| | |To revise and practise indirect |essay of preferred type on fair trade | |

| | |statements and questions | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for essay writing practice | |

|17 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs and |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with equal rights |Navigator, Unit 5 level 5 |

| |Religions - equal rights and abortion |equal rights and abortion |and abortion |5.5 - S |

| | | | |5.9 - L |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |5.8 - R/S/W |

| | |translation, writing and research |Russian skills |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |skills | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | |Debate equal rights and abortion |Kometa 3 new edition from 2010 |

| | |STUDY SKILLS - To consolidate skills | |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs and Religions folder |

| | |needed for the speaking test |Write an A2 discursive essay or an A2 | |

| | | |essay of preferred type on equal | |

| | | |rights and/or abortion | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Begin consideration of speaking test | |

| | | |‘issue’ | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for controlled conditions essay | |

| | | |writing practice | |

|18 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs and |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with cloning |Navigator, Unit 5 level 5 |

| |Religions - cloning |cloning | |5.6 - S |

| | | |Continue developing translation into |5.7 - R/S/W |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Russian skills |Revise passive; passive with –ся - Navigator PowerPoint 5.3; grammar exercise 5.4 |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and | |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |research skills |Debate cloning |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | | |Kometa 3 new edition from 2010 |

| | |To revise and practise the passive |Complete grammar exercises |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs and Religions folder |

| | | | |Ruslan, 3, lesson 2 |

| | | |Write an A2 creative-type ‘newspaper | |

| | | |article’ or an A2 essay of preferred | |

| | | |type on cloning | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue consideration of speaking | |

| | | |test ‘issue’ | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for controlled conditions essay | |

| | | |writing practice | |

|19 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs and |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with Russian |Navigator, Unit 5 level 5 |

| |Religions - the Russian Orthodox Church|religion and the state |Orthodox Church and the modern Russian|5.10 - R/S/L/W |

| |and the modern Russian state | |state |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, | | |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Continue developing translation into | |

| | |research skills |Russian skills | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate religion and the state | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 creative-type essay with | |

| | | |picture stimulus or an A2 essay of | |

| | | |preferred type on religious theme | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue consideration of speaking | |

| | | |test ‘issue’ | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for controlled conditions essay | |

| | | |writing practice | |

|20 |The World Around Us – Weather and |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with weather and |Navigator, Unit 3 level 5 |

| |climate change |weather and climate change |climate change |3.20 – R/L/W |

| | | | |3.21 – R/S/W |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |3.22 – R/W |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |Comparatives and Superlatives - Navigator PowerPoints |

| | |research skills | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | |Debate climate change |Kometa 3 |

| | |To learn and practise short form | |Grammar folder |

| | |comparatives and superlatives |Complete grammar exercises |Ruslan, 3, lesson 7 & 10 |

| | | | |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | | |Write an A2 creative-type ‘what | |

| | | |happens next’ essay or an A2 essay of | |

| | | |preferred type on weather /climate | |

| | | |change theme | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue consideration of speaking | |

| | | |test ‘issue’ | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for controlled conditions essay | |

| | | |writing practice | |

|21 |The World Around Us – Ecology and the |To learn and use the vocabulary of the|Read texts dealing with the nuclear |Navigator, Unit 3 level 5 |

| |nuclear and oil industries |nuclear and oil industries |and oil industries |3.23 – R/L/S/W |

| | | | |3.24 – R/W |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |3.27 – R/W |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |research skills | | |

| | | |Debate nuclear power and alternatives | |

| | | |to oil | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 essay of preferred type on| |

| | | |energy theme | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue consideration of speaking | |

| | | |test ‘issue’ | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for controlled conditions essay | |

| | | |writing practice | |

|22 |Education and Employment – independent |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with independent |Navigator, Unit 4 level 5 |

| |and state education |different types of schools |and state education |4.17 – R/S/W |

| | | | |4.18 - W |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |research skills | |Kometa 3 |

| | | |Debate different types of education |Education and employment/education policy folder |

| | |To revise and use ‘if’ phrases; revise| | |

| | |and use subjunctive and чтобы |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 essay of preferred type on| |

| | | |education theme | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue consideration of speaking | |

| | | |test ‘issue’ | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for controlled conditions essay | |

| | | |writing practice | |

|23 |Current National and International |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with Russia and |Navigator, Unit 6 level 5 |

| |Events: Russia and international |international relations |international relations |6.9 – L |

| |relations | | |6.11 – R/S/W |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |6.13 – R/S/W |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |Collective numerals – Navigator PowerPoint; exercises – 6.10 |

| | |research skills | | |

| | | |Debate modern Russia and its | |

| | |To use and practise collective |relationship with other states | |

| | |numerals | | |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 discursive essay or an A2 | |

| | | |essay of preferred type on | |

| | | |international relations (and Russia) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Practise skills for presentation of | |

| | | |speaking test ‘issue’ | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for controlled conditions essay | |

| | | |writing practice | |

|24 |Current National and International |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read text dealing with international |Navigator, Unit 6 level 5 |

| |Events: human rights and the United |international human rights |human rights and the UN |6.12 – R/S/W |

| |nations | | |Ordinal numerals – exercises in 6.10 |

| | |To continue developing A2 reading, |Continue developing translation into |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | |speaking, translation, writing and |Russian skills |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |research skills | |Ruslan, 3, lesson 1 |

| | | |Debate human rights and the role of | |

| | |To revise and use ordinal numerals |the UN in the modern world | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write an A2 essay of preferred type on| |

| | | |international human rights and/or the | |

| | | |UN | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Practise skills for subsequent | |

| | | |‘issues’ of speaking test | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Continue study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering opportunities | |

| | | |for controlled conditions essay | |

| | | |writing practice | |

|25 |Literature, Art and Music – famous |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with lives of |Navigator, Unit 7 level 5 |

| |authors |literature |famous authors |7.7 – R/S/W |

| | | | |7.12 – R/S/W |

| | |To learn and use participles |Continue developing translation into |7.13 – R/S/W |

| | | |Russian skills |Participles – exercises in 7.7 |

| | |To consolidate A2 reading, speaking, | |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | |translation, writing and research |Debate literature in the modern world |Kometa 3 new edition from 2010 |

| | |skills | |Extension classes folder |

| | | |Complete grammar exercises |Ruslan, 3, lesson 1, lesson 3, lesson 5, lesson 6 |

| | | | |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | | |Write an A2 essay of preferred type on| |

| | | |literature/reading | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Practise skills for subsequent | |

| | | |‘issues’ of speaking test | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Finalise study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering final | |

| | | |opportunities for controlled | |

| | | |conditions essay writing practice | |

|26 |Literature, Art and Music – music and |To learn and use the vocabulary of |Read texts dealing with music and |Navigator, Unit 7 level 5 |

| |cinema |music and cinema |cinema |7.8 – R/S/W |

| | | | |7.11 – R/W |

| | |To consolidate A2 reading, speaking, |Continue developing translation into |7.9 – R/S/W |

| | |translation, writing and research |Russian skills |7.10 – R/W |

| | |skills | |Research resources for chosen RBE topic |

| | | |Debate music and cinema in the modern |resources4russian.co.uk |

| | | |world |Kometa 3 |

| | | | |Media and advertising folder |

| | | |Write an A2 essay of preferred type on| |

| | | |music/cinema | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Practise skills for subsequent | |

| | | |‘issues’ of speaking test | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Complete study for research-based | |

| | | |essay (RBE), offering ‘mock’ for | |

| | | |controlled conditions essay writing | |

| | | |practice | |

|Remaining time to be used for additional examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, working through past papers, any AS retakes, and the A2 examinations. |


Edexcel GCE Russian Specification September 2007 for first examination 2009 (AS) and 2010 (A2) -


Oral Training Guide -

Research- based Essay Guide - (Generic)210909.doc

Getting Started - (see especially Bridging the Gap – written for German, but useful to Russian teachers as well)

Navigator - A course for GCE AS and A2 level Russian, Bramcote Press ()

Tranzit. A Bridge to Advanced Russian Language Studies, Bramcote Press ()

Kompas. An Advanced Russian Course for Schools and Colleges, Bramcote Press ()

Ruslan, Book 3 ()


BBC website - especially

Students should be given the opportunity to use resources such as:

• interactive whiteboards

• PowerPoint

• email

• podcasts

• online dictionaries

• grammar references

• image searches via search engines such as google.ru

• satellite television

• radio broadcasts

• instant messaging

• MP3

• video


• Animations

• DVDs.

Students will find the following websites useful:











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We hope you find this useful.


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