GCSE grade descriptors to assist with determining grades

GCSE grade descriptors to assist with determining grades



Table of Contents

GCSE Grade Descriptors ................................................................................................................................ 4 GCSE Ancient Languages ......................................................................................................................... 5 GCSE Art and Design ................................................................................................................................... 7 GCSE Astronomy.............................................................................................................................................9 GCSE Business................................................................................................................................................ 12 GCSE Citizenship Studies ........................................................................................................................ 15 GCSE Classical Civilisation....................................................................................................................... 17 GCSE Computer Science ......................................................................................................................... 19 GCSE Dance ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 GCSE Design Technology....................................................................................................................... 23 GCSE Drama ................................................................................................................................................... 26 GCSE Economics.......................................................................................................................................... 28 GCSE Electronics.......................................................................................................................................... 30 GCSE Engineering ...................................................................................................................................... 32 GCSE English Language ......................................................................................................................... 35 GCSE English Literature .......................................................................................................................... 38 GCSE Film Studies ....................................................................................................................................... 41 GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition.......................................................................................... 44 GCSE Geography ......................................................................................................................................... 47 GCSE Geology ................................................................................................................................................49 GCSE History (Ancient).............................................................................................................................. 51 GCSE History................................................................................................................................................... 54 GCSE Mathematics..................................................................................................................................... 56 GCSE Media Studies .................................................................................................................................. 59 GCSE Modern Foreign Languages - Listening.......................................................................... 63 GCSE Modern Foreign Languages ? Reading ........................................................................... 65 GCSE Modern Foreign Languages ? Writing............................................................................. 67 GCSE Music ..................................................................................................................................................... 69 GCSE Physical Education ........................................................................................................................ 71 GCSE Psychology......................................................................................................................................... 73

GCSE Religious Studies............................................................................................................................ 76 GCSE Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Combined Science)........................78 GCSE Sociology.............................................................................................................................................. 81 GCSE Statistics .............................................................................................................................................. 83 Project: Level 1 Foundation ................................................................................................................... 86 Project: Level 2 Higher ............................................................................................................................. 87 Project: Level 3 Extended .......................................................................................................................88

GCSE Grade Descriptors

These grade descriptors have been produced to underpin centre's holistic grading judgements and apply only to the summer 2021 series. Each awarding organisation has created grading exemplification for each specification. These materials will be made available by each awarding organisation by 19th April.

GCSE Ancient Languages

Grade Descriptors To achieve grade 9, students' evidence will show that they have

9 securely met all the statements within the grade 8 descriptor, with stronger performance in most or all aspects of the grade 8 statements.

To achieve grade 8, candidates will be able to:

? complete a range of linguistic tasks, including translation and comprehension, with a consistently high degree of accuracy

? demonstrate accurate knowledge and understanding of diverse


aspects of literature and/or sources

? analyse a range of literary or other evidence with perception and precision

? critically evaluate and respond convincingly to literary or other evidence with reason and sensitivity

To achieve grade 7, students' evidence will show that they have securely met all the statements within the grade 6 descriptor, with 7 stronger performance in most or all aspects of the grade 6 statements. However, their evidence does not meet the minimum requirements of most of the grade 8 statements.

To achieve grade 6, candidates will be able to:

? complete a range of linguistic tasks, including translation and comprehension, with a good degree of accuracy. Occasional errors.


? demonstrate accurate knowledge and understanding of some

aspects of literature and/or sources

? analyse literary or other evidence with inconsistently developed perception and precision.

? evaluate literary or other evidence in a reasoned and clear manner

To achieve grade 5, candidates will be able to:

? complete a range of linguistic tasks, including translation and comprehension, with reasonable accuracy

? demonstrate mostly accurate knowledge and understanding of


some aspects of literature and/or sources

? analyse literary or other evidence with occasional perception and precision

? evaluate literary or other evidence in a mostly reasoned and clear manner

To achieve grade 4, candidates will be able to:

? complete a range of linguistic tasks, including translation and

comprehension, with mostly reasonable accuracy. Errors are



? demonstrate some accurate knowledge and understanding of

some aspects of literature and/or sources

? engage in some analysis of literary or other evidence

? some evaluation of literary or other evidence. Some judgements are explicit.

Characteristics that differentiate a grade 3 from a grade 4:


? errors impede the overall completion of the task.

? responses are almost entirely descriptive.

To achieve grade 2, candidates will be able to:

? complete some linguistic tasks, including translation and


comprehension, with limited accuracy

? demonstrate limited knowledge and understanding of some

aspects of literature and/or sources

? make basic comments on literary or other evidence

To achieve a grade 1, students' evidence will show that they have demonstrated engagement with sufficient content, achieved some credit across elements of the specification content and achieved credit in some assessment objectives. Where the evidence for a student does not support this, the student should be graded unclassified (U).

GCSE Art and Design

Grade Descriptors

To achieve grade 9, students' evidence will show that they have 9 securely met all the statements within the grade 8 descriptor, with

stronger performance in most or all aspects of the grade 8 statements.

To achieve grade 8, candidates will be able to:

? demonstrate independent critical investigation and in-depth

understanding of sources to develop ideas convincingly

? effectively apply a wide range of creative and technical skills,


experimentation and innovation to develop and refine work

? record and use perceptive insights and observations with well-

considered influences on ideas

? demonstrate advanced use of visual language, technique, media

and contexts to realise personal ideas

To achieve grade 7, students' evidence will show that they have

securely met all the statements within the grade 6 descriptor, with

7 stronger performance in most or all aspects of the grade 6 statements. However, their evidence does not meet the minimum requirements of

most of the grade 8 statements.

To achieve grade 6, candidates will be able to:

? demonstrate coherent critical investigation and sound

understanding of sources to develop ideas thoroughly

? consistently apply a range of creative and technical skills,


experimentation and innovation to develop and refine work

? record and use considered insights and observations to purposely

influence ideas

demonstrate purposeful use of visual language, technique, media and

contexts to realise personal ideas

To achieve grade 5, candidates will be able to:

? demonstrate competent critical investigation and understanding

of sources to develop ideas coherently

? apply a range of creative and technical skills and some


experimentation and innovation to develop and refine work

? record and use clear observations to influence ideas

? demonstrate competent use of visual language, technique, media

and contexts to realise personal ideas

To achieve grade 4, candidates will be able to:


? demonstrate adequate critical investigation and understanding of

sources to develop ideas clearly

? apply a range of creative and technical skills and generally appropriate experimentation and innovation to develop and refine work

? record and use appropriate observations to influence ideas ? demonstrate adequate use of visual language, technique, media

and contexts to realise personal ideas

Characteristics that differentiate a grade 3 from a grade 4:

? shows some critical investigation and understanding rather than

adequate critical investigation and understanding of sources


? demonstrates application of simple creative and technical skills,

uneven experimentation and tentative innovation and refinement,

rather than application of a range of creative and technical skills

and generally appropriate experimentation and innovation to

develop and refine work

To achieve grade 2, candidates will be able to:

? demonstrate limited critical investigation and understanding of sources to develop ideas simply

? apply basic creative and technical skills with limited


experimentation and innovation

? record and use simple observations to inform ideas

? demonstrate basic use of visual language, technique, media or

contexts to realise ideas

To achieve a grade 1, students' evidence will show that they have demonstrated engagement with sufficient content, achieved some credit across elements of the specification content and achieved credit in some assessment objectives. Where the evidence for a student does not support this, the student should be graded unclassified (U).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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