Y11 GERMAN GCSE REVISION PROGRAMME 2013LESSONTOPICSGetting Started - Before you start this revision programme for the Listening & Reading Exams get yourself some cards/postcards to make a set of revision cards. For each mini-topic prepare a card with the topic heading on it e.g. Numbers. List on the cards the key vocabulary you will need to learn for the Listening & Reading Exams. Keep revising this vocabulary over the next few weeks – don’t leave it till the last minute! When revising don’t forget to also use your file notes alongside the revision guide.Lesson 1Back To Basics – Revision Guide pp 6-9 The Alphabet p7 – check you recognise the question “Wie shreibt man das?” / “Wie buchstabiert man das?“(How do you spell that?). Practise spelling your full name, street, town, school name.Greetings – study the list of Greetings and Exclamations p8. Make a revision card with the 10 most important phrases.Useful Phrases p8 – study the list of phrases and make a revision card.Connecting Words p9 – study the list of connectives and make a revision card with the 10 most important words.Numbers p6– Make sure you know 1 – 100 really well. Also how to say 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. Practise giving your telephone number and these numbers and prices: 74.61.21 / 86. 54.72 / 10 Euros 50 / 15 Euros 99 / 90 Euros 80 / 100 / 250 / 500 / 775 / 1000. Study the sections Boost Your Memory and Maximise Your Marks p7. Make a revision card.Do the Test Yourself and Stretch Yourself exercises at the bottom of p7 and p9. Check your answers p89. Check out the section Boost Your Memory p9.Lesson 2Calendar & Time – Revision Guide pp 6, 7, 48, 8, 4Days, Months & Dates p6 - study the sections Days Months and Seasons and Maximise Your Marks. Make a revision card.Learn: heute – today / gestern – yesterday / morgen–tomorrow.Telling the Time p7 - study the list of phrases and make a revision card focusing on the most important words. Check out the Maximise Your Marks and Boost Your Memory sections. Do the Test Yourself and Stretch Yourself exercises p7. Check your answers p89.Events & Celebrations p48 – study the section Celebrations, Events and Holidays. Make a revision card.Question Words p8 – study the section Question Words and learn all the words.Exam Advice p4 - study all of p4. Make a revision card of the main tips and strategies.Lesson 3Weather, Town, Environment & Global Issues – Revision Guide pp 74, 75, 22, 23, 72, 73, 76, 77Weather p74& 75- study the sections The Weather Today, The Weather Yesterday, The Weather Tomorrow and The Weather Forecast. Make a revision card focusing on the most important words/phrases.Town p22 & 23 – study the sections Your Local Area and Discussing Where You Live. Make a revision card.Lesson 4Environment p72 & 73 - study all of pp72 &73. Do the sections Test Yourself, Stretch Yourself and Maximise Your Marks. Check your answers p94. Make a revision card focusing on the key vocabulary.Global Issues p76 & 77 – study sections Endangered Species, World Issues, Solutions and Useful Verbs. Make a revision card focusing on the key vocabulary. Do the sections Maximise Your Marks, Test Yourself and Stretch Yourself. Check your answer p94. Make a revision card focusing on the key vocabulary.Lesson 5Relationships & Personality – Revision Guide pp10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17Family Members & Pets p10 – study the lists of vocabulary in the sections Talking About Yourself, Family Members and Pets. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words.Study the section My, Your, His & Her p11. Do the Test Yourself & Stretch Yourself sections. Check your answers p89.Describing Appearance p12 & 13 – study the sections Describing Appearance, Intensifiers, The Comparative and The Superlative. Do the sections Test Yourself and Stretch Yourself. Check your answers p89. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words.Personality p14 & 15 – study the sections Describing Personality, Your Ideal Partner and Relationship Problems. Do the Test Yourself & Stretch Yourself sections at the bottom of p15. Check your answers p90.Future Plans p17 – study the section Discussing Future Plans and Discussing Marriage. Make a revision card on the most important key words.Lesson 6Holidays, Travel, Getting Around, Accommodation & Coping With Problems – Revision Guide pp60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69Holiday Destinations p60 & 61 – study the sections Countries, Nationalities and Holiday Destinations. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words. Do the Test Yourself section and check your answers p93.Travel and Getting Around p62 & 63 – study the sections Directions, Transport, Travelling Verbs & Describing a Recent Journey. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words. Study the section Maximise Your Marks and do the section Test Yourself. Check your answers p93Lesson 7Accommodation and Problems p64 & 65 – study the sections Holiday Accommodation, Facilities and Problems on Holiday. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words. Do the Test Yourself section p 65 Qs 1&2. Check answers p93.Holiday Activities p66 & 67 – study the sections Activities, My Last Holiday and My Ideal Holiday. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words.Lesson 8House & Home, Daily Routine and Social Issues – Revision Guide pp18, 19, 20, 21, 78, 79House and Home p18 & 19 – study the sections Describing Where You Live, My Home and Boost Your Memory. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words. Do the Test Yourself section and check your answers p90.Daily Routine p20 & 21 – study the 9 verbs at the end of the Reflexive Verbs section as well as the section Discussing Daily Routine. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words.Social Issues p78 & 79 – study the sections Issues In Society, Family Pressures, Stress and Supporting the Community. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words. Learn. Do the section Test Yourself and check your answers p94.Lesson 9Part-Time Work, Pocket Money, Jobs and Work Experience & Future Employment Plans – Revision Guide pp32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37Part-Time Work & Pocket Money - p32 & 33 –study the sections Part-time Jobs, Opinions About Part-time Jobs and Pocket Money. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words. Check out the Maximise Your Marks section. Do the Test Yourself and Stretch Yourself sections and check your answers p91.Jobs and Work Experience p35 –study the sections Work Experience and Jobs. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words. Future Study and Career Plans p36 & 37 – study the sections Future Career Plans, Modern Work Life and Characteristics. Check out the Maximise Your Marks section. Study the section Applying For A Job and make a revision card focusing on the most important key words. Do the Test Yourself and Stretch Yourself sections p37. Check answers p93.Lesson 10Shopping, Fashion, Food & Drink, Health and Fitness, Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs - Revision Guide pp44, 45, 46, 47, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57Shopping p46 & 47 – study the sections Shops, Shopping Vocabulary, More Question Words and Build your Skills. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words. Clothes and Fashion p44 & 45 – study the section Clothes and Accessories, Talking About Clothes, Your Look and Fashion Opinions. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words. Food & Drink p52 & 53 – study the sections Food, Drink, Build Your Skills: Quantities and Eating and Drinking Habits. Check out the Boost Your Memory and Maximise Your Marks sections. Make a revision card focusing on the most important key words. Do the Test Yourself and Stretch Yourself sections and check your answers p92.WHAT TO DO NEXT! GOOD LUCK!Congratulations on successfully completing your German Revision Programme! You will now need to use your revision cards to continue to revise and memorise all the important vocabulary you will need for the Listening and Reading Exams. Here are some TOP TIPS to help you:Revise in short bursts, focusing on 1 topic at a time. Tick words off as you learn them and feel more confident and ticking words off as you learn them and feel more confident. Highlight for further revision the vocabulary you are still struggling with and come back to it at another time.Get someone to test you regularly, perhaps once a day, on one topic at a time.Say the words aloud, write them out, record them and keep listening to them.Keep going through your class file as well as your revision cards.Do the past papers available on MOODLE and mark your answers. Keep tracking your scores to see if you are making progress. Make a note of which topics are causing you problems and go back to your revision guide and revision cards. ................

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