Swavesey Village College

Top 5 tip INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET s for successful French revision! Tenses, tenses, tenses! I know these can be boring, but they are extremely important in all 4 exams. At Foundation Tier, you need to understand and use the present, past and future. At Higher Tier, you need to have a strong command of these tenses as well as higher level structures. Bored of completing textbook activities? Try: Revision This can be extremely hard to practice at home but is often one of the most difficult papers, but the following websites can get you listening to French at home and practicing the key skills needed. you have Netflix, how about changing the audio to French and watching a show you are familiar with (with or without subtitles)? You are sure to pick up some key words!For short news, music, current affairs and GCSE topic related clips, have a look at the following sites: Spend 20 minutes, two times per week on what works for you - listen, transcribe what you hear, make notes of vocab, verbs or useful structures and then use them in your written/spoken work too. NEWS/CURRENT AFFAIRSSlow French – Podcasts about different topics Training – French songs with interactive gap filling activities with different levels of difficulty. Browse songs by Genre and click ‘Play’TIER: FOUNDATION/HIGHER, 90 words & 150 words!This paper can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. For both tiers, you need to learn a bank of phrases that you can use in the writing paper regardless of the topic. Your teacher has a booklet which can help you practice for the writing – just ask! There are some specimen materials on the AQA website which may help you revise. INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET The translation aspect! This can seem daunting, therefore we need to practice it a lot to improve. A lot of the difficulties arise with tensesso see Tip #1 for advice on tenses. The next problem is regarding vocabulary – in order to combat this, frequent vocabulary practice will help. Starting to do this now, means less stress during exam time. See also the key structures lists below.Have a go at revising vocabulary on the following websites: Next up, high frequency words! These are words that come up repeatedly on all 4 papers. AQA have a list of these words they expect you to know, this is also on Quizlet. If you are expected to know it, they’ll put it on theexam. Read through the list – rate words from 1-5 on how well you know them. Can you translate? Use in a sentence? Give synonyms? Pick two words a day and try to learn them in different contexts – one in the school context and one in the environment context. Revision Materials: Grammar and Translation workbook Revision Cards / Post-it Notes Colourful Pens A3 sheets/ flashcards with answers to potential conversation questionsGCSE toolkit Mind-Maps – all the key vocabulary for each module! Recommended Revision Techniques: Struggling to revise? Not sure what works best for you? See the following websites for ideas on how to revise! I have included some pictures of revision techniques that might work for you. Experiment to see what works best! INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET ................

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