Create your Own Jolly Roger - Appalachian State University

Create your Own Jolly Roger

Your Mission: Imagine you are a pirate living hundreds of years ago. What would your Jolly Roger look like? What would the images tell others about you?


➢ Create your jolly roger using whatever media you choose: painting, collage, computer generated, etc.

➢ It must be at least 8 ½ x 11 inches.

➢ You must have at least 3 different images on your flag.

➢ You should include a written explanation of each image and why it was chosen. You are trying to answer the question: What does this image say about me as a pirate?

➢ After completing your Jolly Roger, go online to and check out one other pirate’s jolly roger. Be prepared to share a little about that pirate in class.

Name of Pirate: _________________

Description of Flag: ______________________________________________________________________

One interesting fact: ______________________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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