Human Genetic Traits and Disorders

Human Genetic Traits and Disorder Websites My Disease is ________________

You are the new genetic counselors at a hospital. You are responsible for educating the public and patients on genetic disorders. You will find important information about your job and a specific genetic disorder and then create a website to educate the public about this genetic disease.

You need to answer the following questions in your website:

Genetic Counselor

1. What is a Genetic Counselor—Qualifications, Education, Job details

Medical Information

2. What are the basics of your disease?

3. How does a person inherit this genetic disorder? Is it dominant or recessive? Is it genetic or chromosomal?

4. If this disease is genetic--what are the possible genotypes of the parents? If the disease is a chromosomal abnormality, describe the abnormality.

5. How prevalent is the disease in the population (include statistics)?

6. What are the chances of a person with this disease passing the disease to their offspring (include possible scenarios)?

7. How is the disease diagnosed?

8. What are the physical symptoms of the disease?

9. What is the life expectancy of someone with the disease?

10. How can the disease be treated?

Personal Information

11. What is everyday life like? What is the quality of life?

12. What limitations does the person have?

13. What are some organizations that can help a family cope with a child's disorder (web links)

14. How possible is it that a cure will be found?

Helpful websites:

Genetic Disorders Library

NY Online Access to Health

Genetic and Rare Conditions Site

Free sites to create websites, blogs, etc.

, , , sites.

**Remember all information and pictures must be cited. Any direct quotes must have a citation after it, otherwise a list of citations can be used for the entire project (this means to paraphrase as much as possible!!!) All pictures must include a citation next to it.

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Layout (x5) |The Web site has an |The Web pages have an |The Web pages have a |The Web pages are |

| |exceptionally attractive |attractive and usable |usable layout, but may |cluttered looking or |

| |and usable layout. It is |layout. It is easy to |appear busy or boring. It |confusing. It is often |

|_______/20 pts |easy to locate all |locate all important |is easy to locate most of |difficult to locate |

| |important elements. White |elements. |the important elements. |important elements. |

| |space, graphic elements | | | |

| |and/or alignment are used | | | |

| |effectively to organize | | | |

| |material. | | | |

|Copyright (x5) |Fair use guidelines are |Fair use guidelines are |Fair use guidelines are |Borrowed materials are not|

| |followed with clear, |followed with clear, |followed with clear, |properly documented OR |

| |easy-to-locate and |easy-to-locate and |easy-to-locate and |material was borrowed |

| |accurate citations for all|accurate citations for |accurate citations for |without permission from a |

|_______/20 pts |borrowed material. No |almost all borrowed |most borrowed material. No|site that requires |

| |material is included from |material. No material is |material is included from |permission |

| |Web sites that state that |included from Web sites |Web sites that state that | |

| |permission is required |that state that permission|permission is required | |

| |unless permission has been|is required unless |unless permission has been| |

| |obtained. |permission has been |obtained. | |

| | |obtained. | | |

|Spelling and Grammar (x5) |There are no errors in |There are 1-3 errors in |There are 4-5 errors in |There are more than 5 |

| |spelling, punctuation or |spelling, punctuation or |spelling, punctuation or |errors in spelling, |

|_______/20 pts |grammar in the final draft|grammar in the final draft|grammar in the final draft|punctuation or grammar in |

| |of the Web site. |of the Web site. |of the Web site. |the final draft of the Web|

| | | | |site. |

|Interest (x10) |The author has made an |The author has tried to |The author has put lots of|The author has provided |

| |exceptional attempt to |make the content of this |information in the Web |only the minimum amount of|

| |make the content of this |Web site interesting to |site but there is little |information and has not |

|______/40 pts |Web site interesting to |the people for whom it is |evidence that the person |transformed the |

| |the people for whom it is |intended. |tried to present the |information to make it |

| |intended. | |information in an |more interesting to the |

| | | |interesting way. |audience (e.g., has only |

| | | | |provided a list of links |

| | | | |to the content of others).|

|Total: __________/160 points Website address: |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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