GRADE 6 GEOGRAPHY: TERM 4 - Brackeham Primary …



Contents Population ............................................................................................................................ 2

Population distribution and population density in South Africa .........................................2 Activity 1 .......................................................................................................................3

Population distribution in South Africa (distribution map) .................................................3 Activity 2 .......................................................................................................................4 Activity 3 .......................................................................................................................5

Average population density for each province (reading graphs) ......................................6 Activity 4 .......................................................................................................................7

Why people live where they do in South Africa? ..............................................................7 Activity 5 .......................................................................................................................7

Different reasons for the location of settlements ..............................................................7 Rural and urban areas......................................................................................................9

Activity 6 .....................................................................................................................10 How do urban settlements develop and grow? ..............................................................10

Activity 7 .....................................................................................................................11 Activity 8 .....................................................................................................................12 People around the world ................................................................................................13 Activity 9 .....................................................................................................................13 The influence of climate, water and mineral resources on global settlement .................14 Activity 10 ...................................................................................................................15 Major cities and their population sizes............................................................................16 Activity 11 ...................................................................................................................16 Case study of a major city: Lagos, Nigeria .....................................................................17

GM 2017




It is estimated that just over 50 million people live in South Africa.

Population: This is a word for a total number of people who live in an area. Estimated: This means `about' or `approximately'

Population distribution and population density in South Africa

1. The 50 million people living in South Africa are spread out, or distributed, across the whole of the country.

2. Some parts of the country have more people living in them than other parts. This means that the population distribution of South Africa is uneven.

3. We use the term `population density' to describe the number of people who live in an area, and how closely they live to each other to fit into this area.

4. There are a number of reasons why more people would choose to live in one area when they could also stay in another area.

5. There are positive and negative factors that affect the population density of an area. These factors are:

Positive factors encouraging settlement

A regular water supply Goof farming land

Nice, moderate climate (not too hot or too cold)

Flat, open land to build on Available raw materials, e.g. wood, iron

Good communication and transport systems

Plenty of jobs available

Negative factors discouraging settlement

A dry climate with poor rainfall Poor soil

Extreme heat or cold

Steep areas and/or thick forests Few raw materials

Poor communication and transport systems

Very little work available

6. Areas can be densely populated or sparsely populated. When your class stepped into the small circle, you were densely populated in that area!

GM 2017

3 7. Areas such as cities, where the climate is good and many resources are available, are

usually densely populated. Mountainous areas, deserts and very cold areas where there are few or no resources are usually sparsely populated.

Densely populated: An area where a lot of people live, such as a city. Often people live very close to each other. Sparsely populated: An area where very few people live, such as the countryside. People and groups of people live very spread out and not close to each other.

Which of these two images is the sparsely populated area, and which is the densely Populated area?

Activity 1

a) Think about the area where you live. Do you live in a densely populated area or a sparsely populated area? Why do you describe your area in this way?

b) Look at the table on page 1 again. Which of these factors do you think influenced why people live in your area?

c) Are there any other reasons, not mentioned in the table, that explain why people live in your area?

Population distribution in South Africa (distribution map)

A population distribution map shows how an area's population is spread across that area. The map below shows the population distribution in South Africa. The darker the shaded area, the more densely populated that area is. The lighter shaded areas show the more sparsely populated areas in South Africa. GM 2017


Activity 2

Study the population distribution map of South Africa and then answer the following questions in your workbook:

a) Describe the population distribution in South Africa. Is it evenly distributed or unevenly distributed? How do you know this?

b) Which provinces are the most densely populated? c) Study a physical map of South Africa in an atlas. Point to the areas where there are

mountains, rivers and deserts. Now, use this physical map, the population distribution map and the table on page 1 to complete the following table:

Densely populated area Sparsely populated area

Name of area/place in South Three reasons why people have chosen


to/not to live there







d) Do you think that the distribution of people in South Africa has always been the same as this map shows? Give reasons for your answer.

GM 2017


Activity 3

Find information on the graphs that show population information for South Africa. (Individual work) Study the bar graph and the pie chart and then answer these questions: 1. Write a list of all nine provinces, arranging them in order from the most populated to the

least populated. The province with the highest population must come first, and the province with the lowest population last. 2. Study the pie chart carefully. a) What percentage of South Africans live in KZN? b) What percentage of the South African population lives in the Northern Cape? c) What percentage of the total population lives in the province where you live? Is this

higher or lower than you expected? Why do you say this? 3. In your province, do you think most people live in rural or urban areas? Why do you say


GM 2017


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