Geologic Timeline – Reference Table HW

|Geologic Timeline – Reference Table HW |Geologic Timeline – Reference Table HW |

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|[pic] |[pic] |

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|List these 3 geologic eras from oldest to youngest: |List these 3 geologic eras from oldest to youngest: |

|Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Paleozoic |Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Paleozoic |

| | |

|List the 3 periods that make up the Mesozoic era, in order from oldest to |List the 3 periods that make up the Mesozoic era, in order from oldest to youngest. |

|youngest. | |

| |Which period is older – Devonian or Silurian? |

|Which period is older – Devonian or Silurian? | |

| |How long did the Jurassic period last? |

|How long did the Jurassic period last? | |

| |How long ago did the Precambrian era end and the Phanerozoic era begin? |

|How long ago did the Precambrian era end and the Phanerozoic era begin? | |

| |Approximately how old are the oldest known rocks? |

|Approximately how old are the oldest known rocks? | |

| |In which period did the earliest insects appear? |

|In which period did the earliest insects appear? |What is the time range of the period in the previous question? (Ex. ___ million yrs |

|What is the time range of the period in the previous question? (Ex. ___ million |to ___ million yrs) |

|yrs to ___ million yrs) | |

| |In which period did the earliest birds appear? |

|In which period did the earliest birds appear? |What is the time range of the period in the previous question? |

|What is the time range of the period in the previous question? | |

| |Which developed first – grasses or dinosaurs? |

|Which developed first – grasses or dinosaurs? | |

| |What geologic period are we currently in? |

|What geologic period are we currently in? | |

| |What is the age range of trilobites? |

|What is the age range of trilobites? | |

| |Name 2 species of trilobite. |

|Name 2 species of trilobite. | |

| |What is the age range of ammonoids? |

|What is the age range of ammonoids? | |

| |What is the age range of all dinosaurs? |

|What is the age range of all dinosaurs? | |

| |What is a Coelophysis? |

|What is a Coelophysis? | |

| |Approximately when did Pangea begin to break up? |

|Approximately when did Pangea begin to break up? | |

| |When did the Adirondack Mountains begin to form? |

|When did the Adirondack Mountains begin to form? | |

| |Around 458 million years ago, what hemisphere contained most of the Earth’s landmass?|

|Around 458 million years ago, what hemisphere contained most of the Earth’s | |

|landmass? |During which time period were glaciers (aka “continental ice”) most recently active |

| |in New York State? |

|During which time period were glaciers (aka “continental ice”) most recently | |

|active in New York State? | |


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